Bible verses about "reliability" | Coverdale

Psalms 1:1-6

1 O blessed is ye man, yt goeth not in the councell of ye vngodly: yt abydeth not in the waye off synners, & sytteth not in ye seate of the scornefull. 2 But delyteth in the lawe of ye LORDE, & exercyseth himself in his lawe both daye and night. 3 Soch a ma is like a tre plated by ye watersyde, yt brigeth forth his frute in due season. His leeues shal not fall off, ad loke what soeuer he doth, it shal prospere. 4 As for the vngodly, it is not so with them: but they are like the dust, which ye wynde scatereth awaye from of the grounde. 5 Therfore the vngodly shall not be able to stonde in the iudgmet, nether the synners in the congregacion off the rightuous. 6 For the LORDE aloweth ye waye of the rightuous, but the waye of the vngodly shal perishe.

Colossians 3:23

23 What so euer ye do, do it hertely, euen as vnto the LORDE and not vnto men.

1 Thessalonians 2:13

13 For this cause thanke we God without ceassynge, because that wha ye receaued of vs the worde of the preachinge of God, ye receaued it not as ye worde of men, but (eue as it is of a trueth) the worde of God, which worketh in you that beleue.

2 Timothy 3:17

17 that a man off God maye be perfecte, and prepared vnto all good workes.

2 Peter 1:20-21

20 And this shal ye knowe first, that no prophecie in the scripture is done of eny priuate interpretacion. 21 For the prophecie was neuer broughte by the wyll of man, but the holy men of God spake, as they were moued of ye holy goost.

1 Corinthians 4:2-4

2 Now is there no more requyred of the stewardes, then, that they be founde faithfull. 3 It is but a small thinge vnto me, that I shulde be iudged of you, or of mans daye, nether iudge I myne awne selfe. 4 I knowe noughte by my selfe, yet am I not therby iustified. It is the LORDE that iudgeth me.

Hebrews 4:12

12 For ye worde of God is quycke, and mightie in operacion, and sharper the eny two edged swerde, and entreth thorow, euen to the deuydinge of the soule & the sprete, and of ye ioyntes & the mary, and is a iudger of the thoughtes & intetes of the hert,

Luke 16:10

10 He that is faithfull in the least, is faithfull also in moch: and he that is vnrighteous in the least, is vnrighteous also in moch.

2 Timothy 3:16

16 For all scripture geue by inspiracion of God, is profitable to teach, to improue, to amende, and to instructe in righteousnes,

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