Bible verses about "foolishness" | Coverdale

Mark 7:20-22

20 And he sayde: The thinge that goeth out of the man, 21 that defyleth the man. For from within out of the hert of man proceade euell thoughtes, aduoutrye, whordome, murthur, 22 theft, coueteousnes, wickednes, disceate, vnclennes, a wicked eye, blasphemy, pryde, foolishnes.

Luke 16:13

13 No seruaunt can serue two masters: for either he shal hate the one, and loue ye other: or els he shal leane to the one, and despyse the other. Ye can not serue God and Mammon.

Romans 14:1

1 Him that is weake in the faith, receaue vnto you, and trouble not the consciences.

Galatians 6:7-8

7 Be not disceaued, God wil not be mocked. For what soeuer a man soweth, that shal he reape. 8 He that soweth vpon the flesh, shal of the flesh reape destruccion: But he that soweth vpon ye sprete, shal of the sprete reape life euerlastinge.

Romans 12:17-21

17 Recompese vnto no man euell for euell. Prouyde honestie afore hade towarde euery ma. 18 Yf it be possible (as moch as in you is) haue peace with all men. 19 Dearly beloued, auenge not youre selues, but geue rowme vnto the wrath off God. For it is wrytte: Vengeaunce is myne, and I wil rewarde, sayeth ye LORDE. 20 Therfore yf thine enemye hunger, fede him: Yf he thyrst, geue him drinke. For in so doinge thou shalt heape coales of fyre vpo his heade. 21 Be not ouercome with euell, but ouercome thou euell with good.

Psalms 14:1

1 The foolish bodyes saye in their hertes: Tush, there is no God. They are corrupte, ad become abhominable in their doynges, there is not one yt doth good.

1 Corinthians 2:14

14 Howbeit the naturall man perceaueth nothinge of ye sprete of God. It is foolishnes vnto him, and he can not perceaue it: for it must be spiritually discerned.

James 1:26

26 Yf eny man amonge you seme deuoute, & refrayne not his toge: but deceaue his awne herte, this mannes deuocion is in vayne.

Proverbs 1:7

7 The feare of the LORDE is the begynnynge of wysdome. But fooles despyse wysdome and nurtoure.

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