Bible verses about "excuses" | Coverdale

Exodus 4:1

1 Moses answered, & sayde: Beholde, they shall not beleue me, ner heare my voyce, but shal saye: The LORDE hath not appeared vnto the.

2 Kings 5:10-14

10 Then sent Eliseus a messaunger vnto him, sayenge: Go thy waye, and wa?she the seuen tymes in Iordane, so shal thy flesh be restored the agayne, & be clensed. 11 Then was Naaman wroth, & wente his waye, & sayde: I thoughte he shulde haue come forth vnto me, & to haue stode here & to haue called vpo the name of the LORDE his God, & to haue touched the place with his hande, & so to haue put awaye the leprosy. 12 Are not ye waters of Amana and Pharphar at Damascon better then all the waters in Israel, yt I might wa?she me therin & be clesed? and he turned him, and wete his waye in displeasure. 13 Then his seruauntes gat the to him, and sayde: Father, yf the prophet had comaunded the eny greate thinge, shuldest thou not haue done it? moch more the yf he saye vnto the: Wasshe the, & thou shalt be cleane. 14 Then wete he downe, & wa?shed him selfe in Iordane seue tymes (as the man of God sayde) & his flesh was restored him agayne, euen as the flesh of a yonge childe and he was clensed.

Jeremiah 1:7-8

7 And the LORDE answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to yonge: For thou shalt go to all that I shall sende the vnto, and what so euer I comaunde the, that shalt thou speake. 8 Be not afrayed of their faces, for I wilbe with the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE.

2 Peter 3:9

9 The LORDE is not slacke to fulfyll his promes (as some me counte slacknesse) but is paciet to vs warde, and wyl not that eny ma shulde be lost, but that euery man shulde amende himselfe.

Genesis 3:12

12 Then sayde Adam: The woman which thou gauest me (to beare me company) gaue me of the tre, and I ate.

Judges 6:12-17

12 Then appeared vnto him the angell of ye LORDE, and sayde vnto him: The LORDE with ye thou mightie giaunte. 13 But Gedeon sayde vnto him: Syr, yf the LORDE be wt vs, wherfore is all this then happened vnto vs? And where are all the wonders, which oure fathers tolde vs, & sayde: The LORDE brought vs out of Egipte? But now hath the LORDE forsaken vs, and delyuered vs in to the hande of the Madianites. 14 The LORDE turned him vnto him, & sayde: Go thy waye in this thy strength, thou shalt delyuer Israel out of the hande of ye Madianites. I haue sent the. 15 But he sayde: My LORDE, wherwithall shal I delyuer Israel? Beholde, my kynred is the smallest in Manasse, & I am the leest in my fathers house? 16 The LORDE sayde vnto him: I will be wt the, so yt thou shalt smyte the Madianites, euen as though they were but one man. 17 He sayde vnto him: Yf I haue foude grace in thy sighte, then make me a token, that it is thou, which speakest with me:

Matthew 8:21

21 Another that was one of his disciples, sayde vnto hym: Syr, geue me leue fyrst, to go & burye my father.

Romans 2:1-29

1 Therfore canst thou not excuse thyselfe (O ma) who soeuer thou be that iudgest: for loke wherin thou iudgest another, thou condemnest thy selfe, in so moch as thou that iudgest, doest euen the same. 2 For we are sure that the iudgment of God is (acordinge to the trueth) ouer them that do soch. 3 But thinkest thou this O thou man, that iudgest them which do soch thinges, and doest euen the very same thy selfe, that thou shalt escape ye iudgmet of God? 4 Or despysest thou the riches of his goodnesse, pacience, and loge sufferinge? Knowest thou not, that ye louynge kyndnesse of God leadeth the to repentaunce? 5 But thou after thine harde and impenitent hert, heapest vnto thy selfe a treasure of wrath, agaynst the daye of wrath and of the openynge of the righteous iudgment of God, 6 which shal rewarde euery man acordinge to his dedes: 7 namely, prayse & honoure, and vncorrupcion, vnto them that with pacience in doinge good, seke euerlastinge life: 8 But vnto them that are contencious & not obedient vnto the trueth, but obeye vnrighteousnes, shal come indignacion and wrath, 9 trouble and anguysh vpo all the soules of me that do euell, of the Iewe first and also of the Greke: 10 But vnto all the that do good (shal come) prayse and honoure, and peace, vnto the Iewe first, and also to the Greke. 11 For there is no respecte of personnes before God: Who so euer haue synned without lawe, 12 shal perish also without lawe: and whosoeuer haue synned in the lawe, shalbe iudged by the lawe. 13 For before God, they are not righteous, which heare ye lawe: but they that do the lawe, shalbe iustified. 14 For yf the Gentyles which haue not the lawe, do of nature the thinges conteyned in the lawe, then they hauynge not the lawe, are a lawe vnto them selues, 15 in that they shewe, that the worke of ye lawe is wrytte in their hertes: whyle their conscience beareth witnesse vnto the, and also the thoughtes which accuse or excuse them amonge them selues, 16 in the daye whan God shal iudge the secretes of men by Iesus Christ, acordinge to my Gospell. 17 But take hede, thou art called a Iewe, and trustest in the lawe, & makest thy boost of God, 18 and knowest his will: & for so moch as thou art enfourmed out of ye lawe, 19 thou prouest what is best to do, and presumest to be a leader of the blynde: a lighte of them yt are in darcknes: 20 an enformer of ye vnwyse: a teacher of ye symple: which hast the ensample of knowlege & of the trueth in the lawe. 21 Now teachest thou other, and teachest not thy selfe. Thou preachest that a man shulde not steale, and thou stealest. 22 Thou sayest, that a man shulde not breake wedlocke, and thou breakest wedlocke. Thou abhorrest ymages, and robbest God of his honoure. 23 Thou makest thy boost of the lawe, and thorow breakynge of the lawe thou dishonorest God. 24 For thorow you is the name of God euell spoken of amonge the Gentyles, as it is wrytten. 25 The circucision verely avayleth, yf thou kepe the lawe: but yf thou breake the lawe, then is thy circumcision become vncircumcision. 26 Therfore yf the vncircumcision kepe the righte thinges conteyned in the lawe, shal not his vncircumcision be counted for circumcision? 27 And so it that of nature is vncircumcision, and fulfilleth the lawe shal iudge the, which vnder the letter and circumcision trasgressest the lawe. 28 For he is not a Iew which is a Iewe outwarde: nether is that circucision which is done outwardly in ye flesh: 29 But he is a Iewe, which is hydd within. And the circumcision of ye hert is the circumcision, which is done in the sprete and not in the letter: Whoseprayse is not of men, but of God.

Romans 1:20

20 that the inuisible thinges of God (that is, his euerlastinge power and Godheade) mighte be sene whyle they are considered by the workes from the creacion of the worlde: so that they are without excuse,

Romans 2:1

1 Therfore canst thou not excuse thyselfe (O ma) who soeuer thou be that iudgest: for loke wherin thou iudgest another, thou condemnest thy selfe, in so moch as thou that iudgest, doest euen the same.

Genesis 3:13

13 And the LORDE God sayde vnto the woman: wherfore hast thou done this? The woman sayde: the serpent disceaued me so, that I ate.

Jeremiah 1:4-10

4 The worde of the LORDE spake thus vnto me: 5 Before I fasshioned the in thy mothers wobe, I dyd knowe the: And or euer thou wast borne, I sanctified the, & ordened the, to be a prophet vnto the people. 6 The sayde I: Oh LORDE God, I am vnmete, for I am yet but yonge. 7 And the LORDE answered me thus: Saye not so, I am to yonge: For thou shalt go to all that I shall sende the vnto, and what so euer I comaunde the, that shalt thou speake. 8 Be not afrayed of their faces, for I wilbe with the, to delyuer the, saieth the LORDE. 9 And with that, the LORDE stretched out his honde, and touched my mouth, and sayde morouer vnto me: Beholde I put my wordes in thy mouth, 10 and this daye do I set the ouer the people and kingdomes: that thou mayest rote out, breake of, destroye, and make waist: and that thou mayest buylde vp, and plate.

Luke 9:59-62

59 And he sayde vnto another: Folowe me. He sayde: Syr, geue me leue first to go, and burye my father. 60 But Iesus sayde vnto him: Let the deed burye their deed. But go thou thy waye, and preach the kyngdome of God. 61 And another sayde: Syr, I will folowe the, but geue me leue first, to go byd them farwele, which are at home in my house. 62 Iesus sayde vnto him: Who so putteth his hade to the plowe, and loketh backe, is not mete for the kingdome of God.

Exodus 4:10-14

10 But Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Oh my LORDE, I am a man yt is not eloquet, from yesterdaye & yeryesterdaye, & sence the tyme yt thou hast spoken vnto thy seruaunt: for I haue a slowe speach, & a slowe tunge. 11 The LORDE sayde vnto him: Who hath made the mouth of man? Or who hath made the domme, or the deaf, or the seynge or ye blynde? Haue not I the LORDE done it? 12 Go now thy waye therfore, I wil be wt thy mouth, & teach the what thou shalt saye. 13 But Moses sayde: My LORDE, sende whom thou wilt sende. 14 Then was the LORDE very angrie at Moses, and saide: Do not I knowe then, yt thy brother Aaron the Leuite is well spoken? And beholde, he shal go forth to mete ye: & whan he seyth the, he shal reioyse from his hert.

Luke 14:18-20

18 And they begane all together to excuse the selues one after another: The first saide vnto hi: I haue bought a ferme, and I must nedes go forth and se it, I praye ye haue me excused. 19 And ye seconde sayde: I haue bought fyue yoke of oxen, and now I go to proue them, I praye the haue me excused. 20 And the thirde sayde: I haue maried a wife, therfore can I not come.

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