Bible verses about "drugs" | Coverdale

Hosea 4:11

11 Whordome, wyne and dronckennesse take the herte awaye.

Galatians 5:19-21

19 The dedes of ye flesh are manifest, which are these: Aduoutrye, whordome, vnclenes, wantanes, 20 Idolatrye, witchcraft, hatred, variaunce, zele, wrath, stryfe, sedicion, sectes, 21 envyenge, murthur, dronkennes, glotony, and soch like: of the which I tell you before, as I haue tolde you in tyme past, that they which commytte soch, shal not inheret the kyngdome of God.

1 Corinthians 6:10

10 ner theues, nether the couetous, ner drokardes, ner cursed speakers, ner extorcioners shal inheret the kyngdome of God.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

16 Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the sprete of God dwelleth in you? 17 Yf eny man defyle the teple of God, him shal God destroye. For the temple of God is holy, which ye are.

Romans 13:13

13 Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge:

2 Timothy 4:5

5 But watch thou in all thinges, suffre aduersite, do the worke of a preacher of the Gospell, fulfyll thine office vnto the vttemost.

Proverbs 20:1

1 Wyne is a voluptuous thinge, & drockennes causeth sedicion: who so delyteth therin, shal neuer be wyse.

1 Corinthians 3:17

17 Yf eny man defyle the teple of God, him shal God destroye. For the temple of God is holy, which ye are.

1 Peter 4:1-6

1 For as moch then as Christ hath suffred for vs in ye flesh, arme youre selues likewyse with the same mynde. For he which suffreth in the flesh, ceasseth fro synne, 2 yt hece forth (as moch tyme as yet remayneth in ye flesh) he shulde not lyue after the lustes of me, but after the wil of God. 3 For it is ynough, yt we haue spent ye tyme past of the life, after the will of ye Heythen, wha we walked in wantannesse, lustes, dronkenes, glotony, ryotous drynkynge, & i abhominable Idolatrye. 4 And it semeth to the a straunge thinge, yt ye runne not also wt them vnto the same excesse of ryote, & speake euell of you. 5 (Which shal geue acoptes vnto hi yt is ready to iudge ye quycke & ye deed.) 6 For vnto this purpose also was ye Gospell preached vnto the deed, yt they shulde be iudged like other me i ye flesh, but shulde lyue vnto God in ye sprete. 7 The ende of all thiges is at hade.Be ye therfore sober & watch vnto prayers:

Romans 13:13-14

13 Let vs walke honestly as in the daye, not in excesse off eatinge aud in dronkennesse, not in chamburynge and wantonnesse, not in stryfe and enuyenge: 14 but put ye on the LORDE Iesus Christ, and make not prouysion for ye flesh, to fulfill the lustes of it.

Ephesians 5:18

18 and be not dronken with wyne, wherin is excesse: but be full of the sprete

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Or knowe ye not that youre body is the temple of the holy goost? Whom ye haue of God, and are not youre awne? 20 For ye are dearly boughte. Prayse ye God therfore in yor body & in yor sprete, which are Gods.

Titus 2:1-8

1 Bvt speake thou that which becommeth wholsome learnynge. 2 That ye elder men be sober, honest, discrete, sounde in the faith, in loue, in pacience. 3 And the elder wemen likewyse that they shewe them selues as it becommeth holynes, that they be no false accusers, not geuen to moch wyne, that they teach honest thinges, 4 that they enfourme the yonge wemen to be sober mynded, to loue their hussbandes, to loue their childre, 5 to be discrete, chaste, husswyfly, good, obedient vnto their awne hussbandes, that the worde of God be not euell spoken of. 6 Exhorte the yonge men likewyse, that they be sober mynded. 7 Aboue all thinge shewe thy selfe an ensample off good workes, with vncorrupte doctryne, with honestye, with the wholsome 8 worde which can not be rebuked: that he which withstodeth maye be ashamed, hauynge nothinge in you that he maye disprayse.

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for yor aduersary ye deuell, walketh aboute as a roaringe lyon, sekynge whom he maye deuoure,

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