Bible verses about "army" | Coverdale

Judges 5:8

8 God hath chosen a new thinge. He hath ouercome ye portes in battayll: and yet was there sene nether shylde ner speare amonge fortye thousande in Israel.

Matthew 4:1-25

1 Then was Iesus ledd awaye of the spirite in to wildernes, to be tempted of the deuyll. 2 And when he had fasted fourtye dayes and fourtye nightes, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And the tepter came to him and sayde: yf thou be the sonne of God, commaunde, that these stones be made breed. 4 He answered & sayde: yt is wrytte: Man shall not lyue by bred onlye, but by euery worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God. 5 Then the deuyll toke hym vp into the holy cite, and set hym on a pynacle of the temple, 6 and sayde vnto hym: yf thou be ye sonne of God, cast thy sylfe downe. For it is wrytten: he shall geue his angels charge ouer the and with their handes they shal holde the vp, that thou dashe not thy fote agaynst a stone. 7 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: it ys wrytten also: Thou shalt not tempte thy LORDE God. 8 Agayne, the deuyll toke hym vp and led hym into an excedynge hye mountayne, and shewed hym all the kyngdomes of the worlde, and all the glorie of them, 9 and sayde vnto hym: all these wil I geue the, yf thou wilt fall downe and worship me. 10 Then sayde Iesus vnto hym: Auoyde Sata. For it ys wrytte: thou shalt worshyp the LORDE thy God and hym onely shalt thou serue. 11 Then the deuell left hym, and beholde, the angels came and ministred vnto hym. 12 When Iesus had herde that Ihon was taken, he departed into Galile 13 and left Nazareth, and went and dwelt in Capernaum, which is a cite apon the see, in the coostes of zabulon and Neptalim, 14 yt the thinge might be fulfilled whiche was spoken by Esay the Prophet, sayinge: 15 The londe of zabulon and Neptalim, the waye of the see beyonde Iordan, and Galile of the Gentyls, 16 the people which sat in darknes, sawe a greate lyght, & to them which sat in the region & shadowe of deeth, lyght is begone to shyne. 17 From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to preach, and to saye: Amende youre selues, ye kingdome of heauen is at honde. 18 As Iesus walked by the see of Galile, he sawe two brethren: Simon which was called Peter, & Andrew his brother, castynge a net into ye see, for they were fisshers, 19 and he sayde vnto them: folowe me, & I will make you fisshers of me. 20 And they strayght waye lefte their nettes, and folowed hym. 21 And whan he wet forth from thence, he sawe other two brethren, Iames the sonne of zebede, and Ihon his brother, in the ship with zebede their father, mendynge their nettes, and called them. 22 And they without tarynge lefte ye shyp and their father, and folowed hym. 23 And Iesus went aboute all Galile, teachyng in their synagoges, and preachynge the gospel of the kyngdome, and healed all maner of siknes, & all maner dyseases amonge the people. 24 And his fame spred abrode through out all Siria. And they brought vnto hym all sick people, that were taken with diuers diseases and gripinges, and the yt were possessed with deuils, & those which were lunatyke, and those that had the palsie: & he healed the. 25 And ther folowed hym a greate nombre of people, from Galile, & from the ten cities, and from Ierusalem, and from the regions that lye beyonde Iordan.

1 Timothy 5:8

8 But yf there be eny man that prouydeth not for his awne, and specially for them of his houssholde, the same hath denyed the faith, and is worse then an infydele.

2 Chronicles 17:1-19

1 And Iosaphat his sonne was kynge in his steade, & waxed mightie against Israel. 2 And he put men of warre in all the stronge cities of Iuda, and set officers in the londe of Iuda, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had wonne. 3 And the LORDE was wt Iosaphat: for he walked in the olde wayes of his father Dauid, & soughte not Baalim, 4 but the God of his father, & walked in his commaundementes, & not after the workes of Israel: 5 therfore dyd the LORDE stablyshe the kyngdome in his hade. And all Iuda gaue presentes vnto Iosaphat, & he had greate riches & worshippe. 6 And whan his hert was coraged in the wayes of the LORDE, he put downe styll the hye places and groues out of Iuda. 7 In the thirde yeare of his reigne sent he his prynces, Benhail, Obadia, Zacharias, Nethaneel & Michaia, to teach in the cities of Iuda: 8 & with them the Leuites: Semaia, Nethania, Sebadia, Asahel, Semiramoth, Ionathan, Adonia, Tobia & Tob Adonia, & with them ye prestes Elisama & Ioram. 9 And they taughte in Iuda, & had the boke of the lawe of ye LORDE wt them, & wente aboute in all ye cities of Iuda, & taughte the people. 10 And the feare of the LORDE came vpon all ye kyngdomes in the countrees that laye aboute Iuda, so yt they foughte not agaynst Iosaphat. 11 And the Philistynes broughte presentes and trybute of syluer vnto Iosaphat. And the Arabians broughte him seuen thousande and seuen hundreth rammes, and seuen thousande and seuen hundreth he goates. 12 Thus increased Iosaphat, & grewe euer greater. And he buylded castels and corne cities in Iuda. 13 And dyd moch in the cities of Iuda, and had valeaunt and mightie men at Ierusalem. 14 And this was ye ordinaunce thorow out the house of their fathers, which were rulers ouer the thousandes in Iuda. Adna a captayne, & wt him were thre hudreth thousande mightie men. 15 Nexte vnto him was Iohanan ye chefe, and with him were two hundreth and foure score thousande. 16 Nexte him was Amasia the sonne of Sichri the fre wyllinge of ye LORDE, and with him were two hundreth thousande valeaunt men. 17 Of the children of Ben Iamin was Eliada a mightie man, and with him were two hundreth thousande ready with bowes and shyldes. 18 Nexte vnto him was Iosabad, and with him were an hundreth and foure score thousande harnessed men of warre. 19 All these wayted vpon the kynge, besydes those that the kynge had layed in the stroge cities thorow out all Iuda.

Proverbs 25:26

26 A righteous man fallynge downe before the vngodly, is like a troubled well and a sprynge yt is destroyed.

Romans 13:4

4 for he is the minister off God for thy wealth. But yff thou do euell, then feare, for he beareth not the swerde for naughte. For he is the mynister of God, a taker of vengeaunce, to punyshe him that doth euell.

Matthew 26:52-54

52 Then sayde Iesus vnto him: Put vp yi swerde in to his place. For all that take the swerde, shal perish with the swerde. 53 Or thinkest thou that I can not praye my father now, to sende me more then twolue legions of angels? 54 But how the shulde the scriptures be fulfylled? For thus must it be.

Psalms 144:1

1 Blessed be the LORDE my refuge, which teacheth my hades to warre, & my fyngers to fight.

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen.

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