Bible verses about "affliction" | Coverdale

Psalms 34:1-22

1 I wil allwaye geue thankes vnto the LORDE, his prayse shal euer be in my mouth. 2 My soule shall make hir boast in the LORDE: the poore oppressed shal heare therof, and be glad. 3 O prayse ye LORDE with me, and let vs magnifie his name together. 4 I sought the LORDE, and he herde me, yee he delyuered me out of all my feare. 5 They that haue an eye vnto him, shalbe lightened, & their faces shall not be ashamed. 6 This poore man cried vnto the LORDE, and he herde him, yee and delyuered him out of all his troubles. 7 The angell of the LORDE pitcheth his tente rounde aboute them that feare him, and delyuereth them. 8 O taist and se how frendly the LORDE is, blessed is the man yt trusteth in him. 9 O feare the LORDE, ye yt be his sayntes: for they that feare him, lacke nothinge. 10 The rich shal want and suffre hunger, but they which seke the LORDE, shal wat no maner of thinge, that is good. 11 Come hither (o ye children) herken vnto me, I wil teach you the feare of the LORDE. 12 Who so listeth to lyue, & wolde fayne se good dayes. 13 Let him refrayne his tonge from euell, and his lippes that they speake no gyle. 14 Let him eschue euell, and do good: Let him seke peace & ensue it. 15 For the eyes of the LORDE are ouer the rightuous, and his eares are open vnto their prayers. 16 But the face of the LORDE beholdeth them that do euel, to destroye the remembraunce of them out of the earth. 17 When the rightuous crie, the LORDE heareth them, and delyuereth the out of all their troubles. 18 The LORDE is nye vnto them yt are contrite in hert, & wil helpe soch as be of an huble sprete. 19 Greate are ye troubles of the rightuous, but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all. 20 He kepeth all their bones, so yt not one of them is broken. 21 But mi?fortune shal slaye the vngodly, and they that hate ye rightuous shal be giltie. 22 The LORDE delyuereth the soules of his seruautes, and all they that put their trust in him, shal not offende.

Psalms 22:26

26 The poore shal eate ad be satisfied: they yt seke after ye LORDE shal prayse him: youre herte shal lyue for euer.

Psalms 22:24

24 For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the myserable estate of the poore: he hath not hyd his face fro me, but whe I called vnto him, he herde me.

Psalms 10:17-18

17 LORDE, thou hearest the desyrous longinge off the poore: their herte is sure, that thine eare herkeneth therto. 18 Helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto their right, that the vngodly be nomore exalted vpon earth.

John 16:33

33 These thinges haue I spoken vnto you, that in me ye might haue peace. In ye worlde haue ye trouble, but be of good comforte, I haue ouercome the worlde.

Romans 8:28

28 But sure we are, that all thinges serue for the best vnto them that loue of God, which are called of purpose.

2 Corinthians 4:17

17 For oure trouble, which is but temporall and lighte, worketh an exceadinge and an eternall weighte of glorye

James 1:2-4

2 My brethren, counte it exceadynge ioye whe ye fall in to diuers temptacions, 3 for as moche as ye knowe, how yt the tryinge of youre faith bringeth pacience: 4 and let pacience haue her parfect worke, yt ye maye be parfecte aud sounde, lakinge nothinge.

Hebrews 12:1

1 Wherfore seynge we haue so greate a multitude of witnesses aboute vs let vs also laye awaye all yt presseth downe, and the synne that hangeth on, and let vs runne with pacience vnto the batayl that is set before vs,

Psalms 119:71

71 It is good for me that I haue bene in trouble, that I maye lerne thy statutes.

2 Corinthians 4:16

16 Therfore are we not weery, but though or outwarde man be corrupte, yet the inwarde is renewed daye by daye.

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all thinges thorow Christ, which stregtheth me.

Philippians 4:6

6 Be not carefull, but in all thinges let yor peticions in prayer and supplicacion, with geuynge of thankes be knowne before God.

James 5:11

11 Beholde we counte them happy which endure. Ye haue hearde of ye paciece of Iob, and haue knowen what ende the LORDE made. For the LORDE is very pitifull and mercifull.

Psalms 34:19

19 Greate are ye troubles of the rightuous, but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all.

Romans 8:18

18 For I suppose, that the affliccions off this tyme, are not worthy of ye glorye, which shalbe shewed vpon vs.

Romans 5:3-4

3 Not onely yt, but we reioyse also i troubles, for so moch as we knowe, yt trouble bryngeth paciece, 4 paciece bryngeth experiece, experiece bryngeth hope:

2 Corinthians 12:9

9 And he sayde vnto me: My grace is sufficiet for the. For my strength is made perfecte thorow weaknes. Very glad therfore wil I reioyse in my weaknesses, that the strength of Christ maye dwell in me.

1 Corinthians 10:13

13 There hath yet no teptacion ouertaken you, but soch as foloweth the nature of man. Neuertheles God is faithfull, which shal not suffre you to be tempted aboue youre strength, but shal in the myddes of ye temptacion make a waye to come out, that ye maye beare it.

Psalms 34:17-20

17 When the rightuous crie, the LORDE heareth them, and delyuereth the out of all their troubles. 18 The LORDE is nye vnto them yt are contrite in hert, & wil helpe soch as be of an huble sprete. 19 Greate are ye troubles of the rightuous, but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all. 20 He kepeth all their bones, so yt not one of them is broken.

Topical data is from, retrieved November 11, 2013, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.