Bible verses about "peacemakers" | Bishops

Numbers 25:12

12 Wherfore say: beholde, I geue vnto hym my couenaunt of peace

Proverbs 19:17

17 He that hath pitie vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lord: and looke what he layeth out, it shalbe payde hym agayne

Jeremiah 8:11

11 Neuerthelesse, they heale the hurt of my people very slenderly, saying, peace, peace: where there is no peace at all

Matthew 5:3-12

3 Blessed (are) the poore in spirite: for theirs is the kyngdome of heauen 4 Blessed (are) they that mourne: for they shalbe comforted 5 Blessed (are) the meke: for they shall inherite the earth 6 Blessed (are) they, which do hunger and thirste (after) righteousnes: for they shalbe satisfied 7 Blessed (are) the mercyfull: for they shall obteyne mercy 8 Blessed (are) the pure in heart: for they shall see God 9 Blessed (are) the peace makers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God 10 Blessed (are) they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake: for theirs is the kyngdome of heauen 11 Blessed are ye, whe (men) reuyle you, and persecute (you) and, lying, shall say all maner of euyll saying agaynst you, for my sake 12 Reioyce, and be glad: for great is your rewarde in heauen. For so persecuted they the prophetes, whiche were before you

Matthew 5:24

24 Leaue there thy gyft, before the aulter, and go thy way, first and be reconciled to thy brother: and then, come and offer thy gyft

Matthew 6:9-13

9 After this maner therfore pray ye. O our father, which art in heauen, halowed be thy name 10 Let thy kyngdome come. Thy wyll be done, as well in earth, as it is in heauen 11 Geue vs this day our dayly breade 12 And forgeue vs our dettes, as we forgeue our detters 13 And leade vs not into temptation, but delyuer vs from euyll. For thyne is the kyngdome, and the power, and the glory, for euer. Amen

Mark 11:25

25 And when ye stande & pray, forgeue, yf ye haue ought agaynst any man: that your father also which is in heauen, may forgeue you your trespasses

Matthew 22:37-40

37 Iesus sayde vnto hym: Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soule, and with all thy mynde 38 This is the first and great commaundement 39 And the seconde is lyke vnto this. Thou shalt loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe 40 In these two commaundementes, hang all the lawe and the prophetes

Colossians 3:15

15 And let the peace of God haue the victorie in your heartes, to the which also we are called in one body: And see that ye be thankefull

James 3:17-18

17 But the wisdome that is from aboue, is first pure, then peaseable, gentle, and easie to be entreated, full of mercie and good fruites, without iudgyng, without simulation 18 Yea, and the fruite of ryghteousnes is sowen in peace, of the that make peace

Hebrews 12:14

14 Folowe peace with all men, and holynesse, without the which, no man shall see the Lorde

Matthew 5:22

22 But I say vnto you, that who so euer is angry with his brother, vnaduisedly, shalbe in daunger of iudgement. And who so euer shall say vnto his brother, racha, shalbe in daunger of a councell: But, whosoeuer shall saye (thou) foole, shalbe in daunger of hell fire

Luke 6:31

31 And as ye woulde that men shoulde do to you, do ye also to them lykewyse

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be carefull for nothyng: but in all thynges, let your petition be manifest vnto God, in prayer and supplication with geuyng of thankes 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all vnderstandyng, shall kepe your heartes and myndes through Christe Iesus

1 Thessalonians 5:13

13 That ye haue them in hye reputation, in loue for their worke, and be at peace among your selues

Ephesians 4:1-32

1 I therfore, a prisoner in the Lorde, exhorte you, that ye walke worthy of the vocatio wherewith ye are called 2 With all lowlynesse & mekenesse, with long sufferyng, forbearyng one another in loue 3 Endeuoryng to kepe the vnitie of the spirite in the bonde of peace 4 One body and one spirite, euen as ye are called in one hope of your calling 5 One Lorde, one fayth, one baptisme 6 One God, and father of all, whiche is aboue all, and through all, and in you all 7 But vnto euery one of vs, is geuen grace, accordyng to the measure of the gyft of Christe 8 Wherfore he saith: When he went vp an hye, he ledde captiuitie captiue, and gaue gyftes vnto men 9 (But that he ascended, what is it? but that he also descended first into the lower partes of the earth 10 He that descended, is euen the same also that ascended vp farre aboue all heauens, to fulfyll all thynges. 11 And he gaue some apostles, and some prophetes, and some euangelistes, and some shepheardes and teachers 12 To the gatheryng together of the saintes, into the worke of ministration, into the edifiyng of the body of Christe 13 Tyll we all meete together into the vnitie of fayth, and knowledge of the sonne of God, vnto a perfect man, vnto the measure of the age of the fulnesse of Christe 14 That we hencefoorth be no more children, wauering and caryed about with euery wynde of doctrine, in the wylynesse of men, in craftynesse, to the laying wayte of deceyte 15 But folowyng trueth in loue, let vs growe vp into him in all thynges whiche is the head, Christ 16 In whom all the body beyng coupled and knit together by euery ioynt of subministration, accordyng to the effectuall power in ye measure of euery part, maketh increase of the body, vnto the edifiyng of it selfe in loue 17 This I say therfore, and testifie in the Lorde, that ye hencefoorth walke not as other gentiles walke, in vanitie of their mynde 18 Darkened in cogitation, being alienated from the lyfe of God by the ignoraunce that is in them, by the blindnesse of their heartes 19 Whiche beyng past feelyng, haue geuen the selues ouer vnto wantonnesse, to worke al vncleanenesse with greedynesse 20 But ye haue not so learned Christe 21 Yf so be that ye haue hearde hym, and haue ben taught in hym, as the trueth is in Iesus 22 To lay downe, accordyng to the former conuersation, ye olde man, which is corrupt, accordyng to the lustes of error 23 To be renued in the spirite of your mynde 24 And to put on that newe man, which after God is shapen, in righteousnesse & holynesse of trueth 25 Wherfore, puttyng away lying, speake euery man trueth vnto his neyghbour, forasmuch as we are members one of another 26 Be ye angry, and sinne not, let not the sunne go downe vpon your wrath 27 Neither geue place to the deuyll 28 Let hym that stole, steale no more: but let hym rather labour, workyng with his handes the thyng whiche is good, that he may geue vnto hym that needeth 29 Let no fylthy communication procede out of your mouth, but that whiche is good to edifie withal, as oft as neede is, that it may minister grace vnto the hearers 30 And greeue not the holy spirite of God, by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption 31 Let all bytternesse, and fiercenesse, & wrath, and crying, and euyll speakyng, be put away from you, with all maliciousnesse 32 Be ye curteous one to another, merciful, forgeuing one another, euen as God for Christes sake hath forgeuen you

Matthew 7:12

12 Therfore all thynges, whatsoeuer ye woulde that men shoulde do to you, do ye euen so to them: For this is the lawe, and the prophetes

Romans 12:18

18 If it be possible, as much as lyeth in you, lyue peaceably with all men

Matthew 5:9

9 Blessed (are) the peace makers: for they shalbe called the chyldren of God

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