Bible verses about "nutrition" | Bishops

Leviticus 7:23-24

23 Speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and say: Ye shall eate no maner fat of beeues, of sheepe, and of goates 24 Neuerthelater, the fat of the beast that dyeth alone, and the fat of that which is torne with wilde beastes, shalbe occupied in any maner of vse: but ye shall in no wyse eate of it

Leviticus 11:1-47

1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron, and sayde vnto them 2 Speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and say: These are the beastes whiche ye shall eate, among all the beastes that are on the earth 3 Whatsoeuer parteth the hoofe, and is clouen footed, and chaweth cud among the beastes, that shall ye eate 4 Neuerthelesse, these shall ye not eate, of them that chawe cud, and deuideth the hoofe: [onlye] as is the Camell, whiche chaweth cud, but he deuideth not the hoofe, therefore is he vncleane vnto you 5 Euen so the Connie whiche chaweth the cud, but deuideth not the hoofe, he is vncleane to you 6 And the Hare, though he chaweth the cud, yet because he deuideth not ye hoofe, he is therefore vncleane to you 7 And agayne the Swyne, though he deuide the hoofe, and is clouen footed, yet he chaweth not the cud, he is vncleane to you 8 Of their fleshe shall ye not eate, and their carkasses shall ye not touche: but let them be vncleane to you 9 These shall ye eate, of all that are in the waters: whatsoeuer hath finnes and skales in the waters, seas, and riuers, that shall ye eate 10 And all that haue not finnes nor skales in the sea and riuers, of all that moue and liue in the waters, let them be abhomination vnto you 11 They I say, shalbe an abhomination vnto you: ye shall not eate of their flesh, but abhorre their carkasses 12 Let all that haue no finnes nor skales in the waters, be abhominable vnto you 13 These are they whiche ye shall abhorre among the foules, and that ought not to be eaten, for they are an abhomination: The Egle, the Goshauke, and the Ospray 14 The Uultur, and the Kyte after his kinde 15 And all Rauens after their kinde 16 The Estrich, the nyght Crowe, the Coockowe, and the Hauke after his kynde 17 The Falcon, the Cormorant, the great Owle 18 The Backe, the Pellicane, the Pye 19 The Storke, the Iay after his kinde, the Lapwyng, and the Swalowe 20 Let all foules that creepe and go vpon all foure, be an abhomination vnto you 21 Yet these may ye eate, of euery creepyng thyng that hath wynges, and go vpon foure [feete]: euen those that haue not bowynges aboue vpon their feete, to leape withall vpon the earth 22 Euen these of them ye may eate: the Arbe after his kinde, the Selaam after his kinde, the Hargol after his kinde, and the Hagab after his kinde 23 All [other] foules that creepe and haue foure feete, shalbe abhomination vnto you 24 In such ye be vncleane: and whosoeuer toucheth the carkasse of them, shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen 25 And whosoeuer beareth the carkasse of them, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen 26 And euery beast that hath hoofe, and is not clouen footed, nor chaweth cud, such are vncleane vnto you: euery one that toucheth them, shalbe vncleane 27 And whatsoeuer goeth vppon his pawes, among all maner beastes that go on all foure [feete] such are vncleane vnto you: and who so doth touche their carkasse shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen 28 And he that beareth the carkasse of them, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen: for such are vncleane vnto you 29 And let these also be vncleane to you, among the thynges that creepe vpon the earth: the Weasel, and the Mouse, and the Toade after ther kinde 30 The Hedhogge, the Stellio, the Lacert, the Snayle, and the Moole 31 These are vncleane to you among all that creepe: whosoeuer doth touche them when they be dead, shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen 32 And whatsoeuer any of the dead carkasses of them doth fall vpon, shalbe vncleane, whether it be vessell of wood, or rayment, or skinne, or sacke, or whatsoeuer vessell it be that any worke is wrought in: and it must be plunged in the water, and it shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen, and so shall it be cleansed 33 All maner of earthen vessell wherinto any of them falleth, shalbe vncleane, with all that therein is, and it shalbe broken 34 All maner meate also that is vsed to be eaten, yf any such water come vpo it, shalbe vncleane: And all maner drynke that is vsed to be drunke in all maner such vessels, shalbe vncleane 35 And euery thyng that their carkasse falleth vpon, shalbe vncleane, whether it be ouen or kettle, let it be broken: For they are vncleane, and shalbe vncleane vnto you 36 Neuerthelater, yet the fountaynes, and welles, and collection of waters, shalbe cleane styll: but that which toucheth their carkasses, shalbe vncleane 37 If the dead carkasse of any such fall vpon any seede vsed to sowe, it shall yet be cleane styll 38 But and yf any water be powred vpon the seede, and a dead carkasse fall theron, it shalbe vncleane vnto you 39 If any beast of which ye may eate, dye, and any man touche the dead carkasse thereof, he shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen 40 He that eateth of the dead carkasse of it, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen: And he also that beareth the carkasse of it, shall washe his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen 41 Let euery creepyng thyng that creepeth vpon the earth be an abhomination, and not be eaten 42 Whatsoeuer goeth vpon the brest, and whatsoeuer goeth vpon foure, or that hath mo feete among all creepyng thynges that creepe vpon the earth: of that see ye eate not, for they are abhominable 43 Ye shall not make your soules abhominable with nothyng that creepeth, neither make your selues vncleane with them, that ye shoulde be defyled therby 44 For I am the Lorde your God: Be sanctified therfore, and ye shalbe holy, for I am holy: and ye shall not defyle your soules with any maner of creeping thyng that creepeth vpon the earth 45 For I am the Lorde that brought you out of the lande of Egypt, to be your God: ye shalbe holy therfore, for I am holy 46 This is the lawe of beastes & foules, and of euery lyuyng creature that moueth in the waters, and of euery creature that creepeth vpon the earth 47 That there may be a difference betweene the vncleane and cleane, and betweene the beast that may be eaten, and the beast that ought not to be eaten

Leviticus 7:23

23 Speake vnto the chyldren of Israel, and say: Ye shall eate no maner fat of beeues, of sheepe, and of goates

Deuteronomy 8:3

3 He humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, & fed thee with Manna, which neither thou nor thy fathers knewe of, to make thee knowe that a man doth not lyue by bread only: but by euery [worde] that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lorde, doth a man lyue

Proverbs 30:8-9

8 Remoue farre fro me vanitie and lyes, geue me neither pouertie nor riches, only graunt me a necessary lyuyng 9 Lest peraduenture I beyng full, shoulde denie thee, and say, who is the Lorde? or beyng oppressed with pouertie fall to stealyng, and forswere the name of my God

Isaiah 25:6

6 And in this mountaine shal the Lord of hoastes make vnto all people a feast of plenteous and delicate thinges, euen of most plesaunt and daintie disshes

Daniel 1:11-16

11 Then Daniel sayde vnto Melassar, whom the chiefe chamberlayne had set ouer Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias 12 O proue but ten dayes with thy seruauntes, and let vs haue pulse to eate, and water to drinke 13 Then let our countenaunces be loked vpon before thee, and the countenaunces of the children that eate of the portion of the kinges meate: and as thou seest, deale with thy seruauntes 14 So he consented to them in this matter, and proued them ten dayes 15 And at the end of ten dayes, their countenaunces appeared fairer and fatter in fleshe then all the childrens which did eate the portion of the kinges meate 16 Thus Melassar toke away the portion of their meate, and the wyne that they shoulde drinke, and gaue them pulse

Daniel 1:1-21

1 In the third yere of the raigne of Iehoachim king of Iuda, came Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon vnto Hierusalem, & besieged it 2 And the Lord deliuered Iehoachim the king of Iuda into his hande, with part of the vessels of the house of God, which he caried away into the lande of Sennar to the house of his God, and he brought the vessels into his gods treasurie 3 And the king spake vnto Asphenaz the chiefe chamberlaine, that he should bring him certaine of the children of Israel, of the kinges seede, and of the princes 4 Springaldes without any blemishe, but well fauoured, studious in al wisdome, skilfull for knowledge, able to vtter knowledge, & such as haue liuelinesse in the that they may stand in the kinges palace: & whom they might teache the learning & the toung of the Chaldeans 5 Unto these the king appoynted a dayly prouision euery day, of a portion of the kinges meate, and of the wine which he dranke, so to norishe them three yeres, that afterwarde they might stande before the king 6 Among these nowe were certayne of the children of Iuda: [namely] Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias 7 Unto these the chiefe chamberlayne gaue other names, and called Daniel, Baltassar: Ananias, Sidrach: Misael, Misach: and Azarias, Abednego 8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he woulde not defile hym selfe with the portion of the kinges meate, nor with the wyne which he dranke: therefore he required the chiefe chamberlayne that he might not defile him selfe 9 (And God brought Daniel into fauour and tender loue with the chiefe chamberlayne. 10 And the chiefe chamberlayne sayde vnto Daniel, I am afrayde of my lord the king whiche hath appoynted you your meate and your drinke: wherfore should he see your faces worse liking then the springalds of your age, & so ye shal make me indaunger my head vnto the king 11 Then Daniel sayde vnto Melassar, whom the chiefe chamberlayne had set ouer Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias 12 O proue but ten dayes with thy seruauntes, and let vs haue pulse to eate, and water to drinke 13 Then let our countenaunces be loked vpon before thee, and the countenaunces of the children that eate of the portion of the kinges meate: and as thou seest, deale with thy seruauntes 14 So he consented to them in this matter, and proued them ten dayes 15 And at the end of ten dayes, their countenaunces appeared fairer and fatter in fleshe then all the childrens which did eate the portion of the kinges meate 16 Thus Melassar toke away the portion of their meate, and the wyne that they shoulde drinke, and gaue them pulse 17 As for these foure children, God gaue them knowledge and vnderstanding in all learning & wysdome: also he gaue Daniel vnderstanding of all visions and dreames 18 Nowe when the time was expired, that the king had appoynted to bring them in, the chiefe chamberlayne brought them before Nabuchodonozor 19 And the king communed with them: but among them all were founde none such as Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias: therfore stoode they before the king 20 In all matters of wysdome and vnderstanding that the king enquired of them, he founde them ten times better then all the wyse men and soothsayers that were in all his realme 21 And Daniel abode still vnto the first yere of king Cyrus

1 Corinthians 10:25

25 Whatsoeuer is solde in the market, that eate, and aske no question for conscience sake

Ephesians 5:18

18 And be not drunke with wine, wherin is excesse: but be fylled with the spirite

Ezekiel 4:9

9 Wherfore take vnto thee wheate, barlye, beanes, lintils, millot, and fetches, and put these together in a vessell, and make thee loaues of bread thereof, according to the number of the dayes that thou must lye vpon thy side, that thou mayest haue bread to eate for three hundred and ninetie dayes

Matthew 4:4

4 But he aunswered, and sayde, it is written: Man shall not lyue by breade only, but by euery worde that proceadeth out of the mouth of God

John 6:35

35 And Iesus sayde vnto them, I am the bread of lyfe: He that cometh to me, shall not hunger: and he that beleueth on me, shall neuer thirst

Proverbs 23:20-21

20 Kepe not company with wine bibbers, and riotous eaters of fleshe 21 For suche as be drunkardes and riotours shall come to pouertie: and he that is geuen to muche sleepe, shall go with a ragged coate

Genesis 9:3

3 Euery thyng that moueth it selfe, and that liueth, shall be meate for you, euen as the greene hearbe haue I geue you all thinges

Genesis 1:29

29 And God sayde: beholde, I haue geuen you euery hearbe bearing seede, which is in the vpper face of all ye earth, and euery tree in the which is the fruite of a tree bearing seede, [that] they may be meate vnto you

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Knowe ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost [whiche is] in you, whom ye haue of God, and ye are not your owne 20 For ye are dearely bought: therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirite, which are Gods

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