Bible verses about "beggars" | Bishops

Matthew 25:40

40 And the kyng shall aunswere, and say vnto them: Ueryly I say vnto you, in as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done [it] vnto me

John 10:1-42

1 Veryly, veryly, I say vnto you: He that entreth not in by ye doore into the sheepfolde, but clymeth vp some other way, the same is a thiefe, and a robber 2 But he that entreth in by the doore, is the sheephearde of the sheepe 3 To hym the porter openeth, and the sheepe heare his voyce, and he calleth his owne sheepe by name, and leadeth them out 4 And when he hath sent foorth his owne sheepe, he goeth before them, and the sheepe folowe hym: for they knowe his voyce 5 A straunger wyll they not folowe, but wyll flee from hym: for they knowe not the voyce of straungers 6 This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them: But they vnderstoode not what thynges they were, which he spake vnto them 7 Then sayde Iesus vnto them againe. Ueryly, veryly, I say vnto you: I am the doore of the sheepe 8 All, euen as many as came before me, are thieues and robbers: but the sheepe dyd not heare them 9 I am the doore: by me yf any man enter in, he shalbe safe, and shall go in and out, and fynde pasture 10 A thiefe commeth not, but for to steale, kyll, & to destroy: I am come, that they myght haue lyfe, and that they myght haue it more aboundauntly 11 I am the good sheephearde. A good sheephearde, geueth his lyfe for the sheepe 12 An hyrelyng, and he which is not the sheephearde, neither the sheepe are his owne, seeth the wolfe commyng, and leaueth the sheepe, and fleeth, and the wolfe catcheth, & scattereth the sheepe 13 The hyrelyng fleeth, because he is an hyrelyng, and careth not for the sheepe 14 I am the good sheepheard, & knowe my sheepe, and am knowen of myne 15 As the father knoweth me, euen so, knowe I also the father: And I geue my lyfe for the sheepe 16 And other sheepe I haue, which are not of this folde: them also must I bryng, & they shall heare my voyce, and there shalbe one folde, and one sheepehearde 17 Therfore doth my father loue me, because I put my lyfe [from me,] that I myght take it agayne 18 No man taketh it from me: but I put it away of my selfe. I haue power to put it from me, and I haue power to take it agayne. This commaundement haue I receaued of my father 19 There was a discention therefore agayne among the Iewes, for these sayinges 20 And many of them sayde: He hath the deuyll, & is mad, why heare ye him 21 Other sayd: These are not ye wordes of hym that hath the deuyll. Can the deuyll open the eyes of the blynde 22 And it was at Hierusalem, the feast of the dedication, and it was wynter 23 And Iesus walked in the temple, euen in Solomons porche 24 Then came the Iewes rounde about hym, and sayde vnto hym: Howe long doest thou make vs doubt? Yf thou be Christe, tell vs playnely 25 Iesus aunswered them: I tolde you, and ye beleue not. The workes that I do in my fathers name, they beare witnesse of me 26 But ye beleue not, because ye are not of my sheepe, as I sayde vnto you 27 My sheepe heare my voyce, and I knowe them, and they folowe me 28 And I geue vnto them eternall lyfe, and they shal neuer perishe, neither shal any man plucke them out of my hande 29 My father which gaue them me, is greater then all: and no man is able to take them out of my fathers hande 30 I and my father are one 31 Then the Iewes agayne toke vp stones, to stone hym [withall. 32 Iesus aunswered them, Many good workes haue I shewed you from my father: for which of the do ye stone me 33 The Iewes aunswered hym, saying: For thy good workes [sake] we stone thee not, but for thy blasphemie, and because that thou beyng a man, makest thy selfe God 34 Iesus aunswered them: Is it not written in your lawe, I sayde, ye are Gods 35 If he called them Gods, vnto whom the worde of God was spoken, and the scripture can not be broken 36 Say ye of hym whom the father hath sanctified and sent into the worlde, thou blasphemest, because I saide I am the sonne of God 37 Yf I do not the workes of my father, beleue me not 38 But yf I do, and yf ye beleue not me, beleue the workes: that ye may knowe and beleue, that the father is in me, and I in hym 39 Agayne they went about to take hym: and he escaped out of their hande 40 And went away againe beyonde Iordane, into the place where Iohn before had baptized, and there he abode 41 And many resorted vnto hym, and sayde: Iohn dyd no miracle, but all thynges that Iohn spake of this man were true 42 And many beleued on hym there

Ephesians 2:8-9

8 For by grace are ye made safe through fayth, and that not of your selues, it is the gyft of God 9 Not of workes, lest any man shoulde boast hym selfe

Proverbs 31:6-7

6 Geue strong drynke vnto such as are redy to perishe, and wine vnto those that mourne 7 That they may drynke it, and forget their miserie and aduersitie

Acts 3:1-6

1 Nowe Peter and Iohn went vp together into the temple at the nynth houre of prayer 2 And a certayne man, that was lame from his mothers wombe, was brought, whom they layde dayly at the gate of the temple which is called beawtifull, to aske almes of them that entred into the temple 3 When he sawe Peter and Iohn that they woulde go into the temple, he desired to receaue an almes 4 And Peter fastenyng his eyes vpon hym with Iohn, sayde: Loke on vs 5 And he gaue heede vnto the, trustyng to receaue somethyng of them 6 Then sayde Peter: Syluer and golde haue I none, but such as I haue, geue I thee: In the name of Iesus Christe of Nazareth, ryse vp, and walke

Mark 10:46-52

46 And they came to Hierico: And as he went out of ye citie of Hierico with his disciples, and a great number of people, blynde Bartimeus the sonne of Timeus, sate by the hye wayes syde beggyng 47 And when he hearde that it was Iesus of Nazareth, he beganne to cry, and say: Iesus, thou sonne of Dauid, haue mercy on me 48 And many rebuked hym, that he shoulde holde his peace: But he cryed the more a great deale, thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on me 49 And Iesus stoode styll, and commaunded hym to be called. And they called the blynde, saying vnto hym: Be of good comfort, ryse, he calleth the 50 And he threwe away his cloke, & rose, and came to Iesus 51 And Iesus aunswered, and sayde vnto hym: what wylt thou that I do vnto thee? The blynde sayde vnto hym: Maister, that I myght see 52 Iesus sayde vnto hym: Go thy way, thy fayth hath saued thee. And immediatly he receaued his sight, & folowed Iesus in the way

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