Zechariah 10:11 Cross References - Matthew

11 He shall go vpon the sea of trouble, & smyte the sea waues: so that al the depe floudes shalbe dried vp. The proud boastinge of Assur shalbe cast doun, & the scepter of Egipte shalbe taken away.

Exodus 14:21-22

21 When now Moses stretched forth hys hande ouer the sea, the Lorde caryed awaye the sea wt a stronge east wynde that blewe all nyghte, & made the sea drye land and the water deuyded it selfe. 22 And the chyldren of Israel went in thorow the myddest of the sea vpon the drye ground. And the water was a walle vnto them, both on their ryghthand & on their lefte hande.

Exodus 14:27-28

27 Than stretched forth Moses hys hande ouer the sea, & it came agayne to hys course early in the mornyng, & the Egypcians fledd agaynste it. Thus the Lorde ouerthrewe the Egypcians in the myddest of the sea, 28 & the water returned and couered the charettes and the horssemen: so that of all the hoste of Pharao that came in to the sea after them, there remayned not one.

Joshua 3:15-17

15 as sone as they that bare the arcke came vnto Iordan, and the fete of the Pryestes that bare the arcke were dypped in the brym of the water Iordan beyng full ouer all hys banckes all the tyme of harueste: 16 the water that came doune from aboue dyd stoppe and stode vpon an heape, a great waye from Adam, a cytye besyde Zarthan. And the water that wente doune vanyshed into the sea of the wyldernes called the salte sea as sone as it was deuyded: & the people went ryght ouer agaynst Ierycho. 17 And the priestes that bare the arcke of the appoyntemente of the Lorde stode styll vpon drye lande, vntyl all the people were cleane ouer Iordan.

2 Kings 2:8

8 And then Eliah toke hys mantell & wrapte it together and smote the water, and it deuided it selfe, parte the one waye and parte the other, and they two went ouer on the drie land.

2 Kings 2:14

14 and toke the mantel of Eliah, that fel from him, and smote the water and sayde: where is the Lorde God of Eliah, where is he? And when he had smyten the water, it deuyded parte this waye and parte that waye. And Elizeus went ouer.

Ezra 6:22

22 and helde the feast of vnleuended bread seuen dayes with ioye: for the Lord had made them glad, and turned the herte of the king of Assur vnto them, so that the handes were strengthed in the worcke of the house of God, whiche is the God of Israel.

Psalms 66:10-12

10 For thou, O God, hast proued vs, thou hast tryed vs lyke as syluer is tryed. 11 Thou hast broughht vs into captyuyty, & layed trouble vpon oure loynes. 12 Thou haste suffred men to ryde ouer oure heades, we went thorow fyre and water, but thou hast broughte vs out, and refreshed vs.

Psalms 77:16-20

16 The waters saw the, O God, the waters sawe the, & were afrayed, the deapthes were moued. 17 The thicke cloudes poured out water, the cloudes thondered, and thyne arowes went abroade. 18 The thonder was hearde rounde aboute, the lyghtenynges shone vpon the grounde, the earth was moued and shoke wyth al. 19 Thy waye was in the sea, and thy pathes in the greate waters, yet coulde noman know thy fotesteppes. 20 Thou leddeste thy people lyke a flocke of shepe, by the hande of Moyses and Aaron.

Psalms 114:3

3 The sea saw that & fled, Iordan turned backe.

Psalms 114:5

5 What ayled the, O thou sea, that thou fleddest so thou Iordan, that thou turnedest backe?

Isaiah 11:15-16

15 The Lorde also shall cleaue the tunges of the Egypcyans sea, and with a mighty wind shal he lift vp his hande ouer Nilus, & shall smyte hys seuen streames and make men go ouer drye shod. 16 And thus shall he make a waye for his people, that remayneth from the Assirians, lyke as it happened to the Israelytes, what tyme they departed oute of the lande of Egypt.

Isaiah 14:25

25 The Assyryans shalbe destroyed in my lande, and vpon my mountaynes wyll I treade them vnder fote. Where thorow hys yock shall come from you, & hys burthen shalbe taken from youre shoulders.

Isaiah 19:5-7

5 The water of the sea shalbe drawen out, Nilus shal sinck away, & be droncken vp. 6 The riuers also shalbe drawen out, the welles shal decreace and drye away. Rede & rush shal faile, 7 the grasse by the water syde or vpon the riuers banck, yea & whatsoeuer is sowen by the waters, shalbe withered, destroyed, & brought to naught.

Isaiah 42:15-16

15 I wyll make waste both mountayne & hyll, & drye vp euery grene thynge that groweth theron. I wyll drye vp the floudes of water, and drincke vp the ryuers. 16 I will brynge the blynde into a strete, that they knowe not: & lede them into a fote path, that they are ignoraunt in. I shall make darckenesse light before them, and the thinge that is croked to be streyght. These thinges wyll I do, & not forget them.

Isaiah 43:2

2 When thou wentest in the water, I was by the, that the stronge floudes shuld not pluck the awaye. When thou walkest in the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kindle vpon the.

Isaiah 51:10

10 Arte not thou he, that haste wounded that proude lucyfer, & hewen the dragon in peces? Arte not thou euen he, whiche haste dryed vp the depe of the sea, whiche haste made playne the sea grounde, that the delyuered myght go thorow?

Ezekiel 29:14-16

14 and wyll brynge the presoners of Egypte agayne into the lande of Pathures theyr owne natyue countre, that they maye be there a lowlye small kyngdome: 15 yea they shalbe the smallest amonge other kyngedomes, leste they exalte them selues aboue the Heathen, for I wyll so monyshe them 16 that they shal no more rule the Heathen. They shall no more be an hope vnto the house of Israel, neyther prouoke them anye more wyckednesse, to cause them turne backe, & to folowe them: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde God.

Ezekiel 30:13

13 And thus sayth the Lorde God: I wyll destroye the Idols, and bryng the ymages of Noph to an ende. There shal no more be a Prince of Egypte, and a fearfulnes wyl I sende into the Egypcyans lande.

Micah 5:5-6

5 Then shall there be peace, so that the Assirian maye come in to oure lande, and treade in oure houses. We shall brynge vp seuen shepherdes and .viij. prynces vpon them: 6 these shall subdue the lande of Assur wyth the swerde, and the lande of Nymrod wyth their naked weapens. Thus shall he delyuer vs from the Assirian, when he commeth within oure lande, & setteth hys fote wythin oure borders.

Zephaniah 2:13

13 yea, he shall stretche oute his hande ouer the north, and destroye Assur. As for Niniue, he shall make it desolate, drye and waste.

Revelation 16:12

12 And the .vi. aungel poured out hys vyall vpon the great riuer Euphrates, & the water dried vp that the wayes of the kynges of the este should be prepared.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.