Matthew 1:1 Cross References - Matthew

1 Thys is the boke of the generation of Iesus Christ the sonne of dauyd, the sonne also of Abraham.

Genesis 2:4

4 These are the generacions of heauen and erth when they were created, in the tyme when the Lord God created heauen & erth

Genesis 5:1

1 This is the boke of the generacion of man. In the daye when God created man & made hym after the similitude of God.

Genesis 12:3

3 And I wyl blesse them that blesse the and cursse them that cursse the. And in the shal be blessed al the generations of the earth.

Genesis 22:18

18 And in thy seed shal al the nacions of the erth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voyce.

Genesis 26:3-5

3 soiourne in thys lande, and I wyll be wyth the, and wyll blesse the: for vnto the, and vnto thy seed, I wil giue al these contryes. And I wyl perfourme the oth which I sware vnto Abraham thy father, 4 & wyl multiply thy sede as the stars of heauen, & will gyue vnto thy sede al these contries. And thorow thi sede shal all the nacions of the earth be blessed, 5 because that Abraham herkened vnto my voyce, & kepe myne ordinaunces, commaundementes, statutes and lawes.

Genesis 28:13-14

13 yea, & the Lord stod vpon it, and sayed. I am the Lorde God of Abraham thy father, & the God of Isaac. The land whiche thou sleapest vpon wyl I gyue the & thy sede. 14 And thy sede shal be as the dust of the earth: and thou shalt spreade abrode: weste, easte, north, and south. And thorowe the and thy sede shal al the kynreds of the earth be blessed.

2 Samuel 7:12-16

12 And when thy dayes be fulfilled and thou layde to rest wyth thy fathers, then I wyll set vp thy sede after the, which shall proceade out of thy bodye, and will stablysh his kingdome. 13 And he shal buylde an house for my name, & I wyll stablyshe the seate of hys kyngdome for euer: 14 I wylbe hys father & he shalbe my sonne: in so muche that yf he synne, I wyl but rebuke hym wyth such a rodde as men be rebuked wyth, and wyth suche plages as the chyldren of men be plaged with. 15 But my mercye wyll I not take awaye from hym, as I toke it from Saule, whome I put doune before the. 16 And thyne house and thy kyngdome shall endure wythoute ende after the, and thy seate shalbe stablyshed for euer.

Psalms 89:36

36 Hys sede shall endure for euer, and hys seate also lyke as the sunne before me.

Psalms 132:11

11 The Lord hath made a faythful ooth vnto Dauyd, and he shall not shrynke from it Of the frute of thy body shal I set vpon thy seate.

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a chylde shalbe borne, and vnto vs a sonne shalbe geuen. Vpon his shoulder shall the kyngedome lye, and he shalbe called with hys owne name. The wonderous geuer of councel, the myghty God, the euerlastinge father, the prynce of peace, 7 he shall make no ende to encrease the kyngedome and peace, and shall sytte vpon the seate of Dauid, and in his kyngedome, to set vp the same, to stablyshe it wyth equyte and ryghteousnesse, from thence forth for euermore. This shall the gelousy of the Lorde of hostes brynge to paste.

Isaiah 11:1

1 After this there shall come a road forth of the kynrede of Iesse, & a blossome oute of his rote.

Isaiah 53:8

8 He shall be had awaye, hys cause not hearde, & wythout any iudgement: Whose generacion yet no man maye nombre, when he shalbe cut of from the grounde of the lyuyng: Which punishment shall go vpon him, for the transgression of my people.

Jeremiah 23:5

5 Beholde, the tyme commeth, sayeth the Lorde, that I will rayse vp the ryghtuous braunche of Dauid, which shall beare rule, and discusse matters wyth wysdome, & shall sett vp equyte & rightuousnes agayne in the earth.

Jeremiah 33:15-17

15 In those dayes and at the same tyme, I wil bringe forthe vnto Dauid, the braunche of righteousnes, and he shal do equite and ryghteousnesse in the lande. 16 In those dayes shal Iuda be helped, and Ierusalem shall dwel safe, and he that shal cal her, is euen God our ryghteous maker. 17 For thus the Lorde promyseth: Dauid shal neuer want one, to syt vpon the stole of the house of Israell:

Jeremiah 33:26

26 then will I also cast awaye the sede of Dauid my seruaunt: so that I will take no prynce oute of his sede, to rule the posterite of Abraham, Isaac and Iacob. But yet I will turne again their captiuite, and be mercyfull vnto them.

Amos 9:11

11 At that tyme wyll I buylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid, that is fallen downe and hedge vp hys gappes: and loke what is broken, I shall repayre it: Yee I shall buylde it agayne, as it was a fore tyme,

Zechariah 12:8

8 In that day shal the Lord defende the citesins of Ierusalem: so that the weakest then amonge them shalbe as Dauid: & the house of Dauid shalbe lyke as Gods house, and as the Angel of the Lorde before them.

Matthew 1:18

18 The byrth of Iesus Christe was ou thys wise. When hys mother Mary was betrouthed to Ioseph, before they came to dwell together, she was founde with chylde by the holye Ghost.

Matthew 2:1-2

1 When Iesus was born at Bethleem in Iurye, in the time of Herode the kinge: Beholde there came wise men from the east to Ierusalem 2 sayinge. Where is he that is borne kinge of Iewes? We haue sene his star in the east, and are come to worshyppe hym.

Matthew 3:16

16 And Iesus as sone as he was baptysed came straight out of the water. And lo heauen was open ouer him: and Ihon sawe the spirite of God descende like a doue, and light vpon him.

Matthew 9:27

27 And as Iesus departed thence, two blinde men folowed hym cryinge and sayinge: O thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on vs.

Matthew 15:22

22 And beholde a woman whych was a Cananite came out of the same costes, and cryed vnto hym sayinge: haue mercy on me Lord the sonne of Dauid, my doughter is piteously vexed with a deuel.

Matthew 22:42-45

42 saying: what thynke ye of Christ? Whose sonne is he? They sayed vnto him: the sonne of Dauid. 43 He sayed vnto them: how then doeth Dauid in sprite, call him Lorde, sayenge: 44 The Lorde sayed to my Lord sit on my righthande: tyl I make thyne enemyes thy fotestole. 45 If Dauid call hym Lorde, how is he than hys sonne?

Luke 1:31-32

31 Lo: thou shalt conceyue in thy wombe & shalt beare a sonne, and shalt call his name Iesus. 32 He shalbe greate, and shalbe called the sonne of the hiest. And the Lorde God shal geue to hym the seat of his father Dauid,

Luke 1:69-70

69 And hath reysed vp an horne of saluacion vnto vs in the house of his seruaunt Dauid. 70 Euen as he promised by the mouthe of his holye prophetes which were sence the worlde began.

Luke 3:23-38

23 And Iesus him selfe was entring the thirthy yeare of his age as men supposed hym to be the sonne of Ioseph. which was the sonne of Hely, 24 which was the sonne of Mathat, which was the sonne of Leui, which was the sonne of Melchi. which was the sonne of Ianna, which was the sonne of Ioseph, 25 which was the sonne of Mattathias, which was the sonne of Amos, which was the sonne of Nasum, which was the sonne of Esli, which was the sonne of Nagge, 26 which was the sonne of Maath, which was the sonne of Matathias, which was the sonne of Semei, which was the sonne of Iosech, which was the sonne of Iuda, 27 which was the sonne of Ioanna, which was the sonne of Rhesia, which was the sonne of Zorobabel, which was the sonne of Salathiel, which was the sonne of Neri, 28 which was the sonne of Melchi, which was the sonne of Addi, which was the sonne of Cosan, which was the sonne of Helmadam, which was the sonne of Hir, 29 which was the sonne of Ieso, which was the sonne of Heliasar, which was the sonne of Ioram, which was the sonne of Mattha, which was the sonne of Leuy, 30 which was the sonne of Simeon, which was the sonne of Iuda, which was the sonne of Ioseph, which was the sonne of Ionam, which was the sonne of Heliachim, 31 which was the sonne of Melca, which was the sonne of Menam, which was the sonne of Mathathan, which was the sonne of Nathan, which was the sonne of Dauid, 32 which was the sonne of Iesse, which was the sonne of Obed, which was the sonne of Boos, which was the sonne of Salmon, which was the sonne of Naason, 33 which was the sonne of Aminadab, which was the sonne of Aram, which was the sonne of Esrom, which was the sonne of Phares, which was the sonne of Iuda, 34 which was the sonne of Iacob, which was the sonne of Isaac, which was the sonne of Abraham, which was the sonne of Tharra, which was the sonne of Nachor, 35 which was the sonne of Saruch, which was the sonne of Ragan, which was the sonne of Phalec, which was the sonne of Heber, which was the sonne of Sala, 36 which was the sonne of Cainan, which was the sonne of Arphaxat, which was the sonne of Sem, which was the sonne of Noe, which was the sonne of Lameth, 37 which was the sonne of Mathusalem, which was the sonne of Enoch, which was the sonne of Iareth, which was the sonne of Malalehel, which was the sonne of Cainan, 38 which was the sonne of Enos, which was the sonne of Seth, which was the sonne of Adam, which was the sonne of God,

John 7:42

42 Saieth not the scriptuture that Christ shal come of the sede of Dauid, & out of the toune of Bethleem wher Dauid was?

Acts 2:30

30 Therfore seiyng he was a Prophet, and knew that God had sworne wyth an othe to hym, that the fruyte of hys loynes shoulde sit on hys seat (in that Christ shoulde ryse agayne in the flesh)

Acts 13:22-23

22 And after he had put him doune, he set vp Dauid to be theyr kynge of whom he reported sayinge: I haue founde Dauid the sonne of Iesse, a man after myne owne hert, he shall fulfyll all my wyll. 23 Of thys mans seed hath God (accordynge to hys promes) brought forth to the people of Israell a sauyour, one Iesus,

Romans 1:3

3 that make mention of hys sonne, the whyche was begotten of the sede of Dauid (as perteininge to the fleshe)

Romans 4:13

13 For the promes that he shoulde be the heyre of the worlde, was not geuen to Abraham or to hys sede thorowe the lawe: but thorow the ryghtuousnesse which commeth of fayth.

Romans 9:5

5 whose also are the fathers & they of whom (as concerninge the flesh) Christe came, whiche is God ouer al thynges blessed for euer. Amen.

Galatians 3:16

16 To Abraham and hys seede were the promyses made. He sayth not in the sedes as in manye: but in thy sede as in one, whiche is Christe.

Revelation 22:16

16 I Iesus sent myne angell, to testifye vnto you these thinges in the congregacyons. I am the rote and the generacion of Dauid and the bryghte mornyng starre.

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