Joshua 9:3 Cross References - Matthew

3 But when the Enhabitoures of Gabaon heard what Iosua had done vnto Iericho, & Ai,

Joshua 6:1-27

1 And Iericho shut in her people, & was shut for feare of the chyldren of Israel, so that no man went out or in. 2 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: beholde, I haue geuen into thyne hand Iericho & her kynge & the men of warre. 3 And ye shall compasse the citie, al that be men of warre, & go rounde about it once: & so shall you do syxe dayes. 4 And seuen priestes shall beare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke. And the seuenth daye ye shall compasse the cytye seuen tymes, & the Priestes shall blowe wyth theyr trompettes. 5 And when there is a longe blaste blowen wyth the rammes horne, assone as ye heare the sounde of the horne, let all the people showte a myghtye showte. And then shal the walles of the cyty falle doune, and the people shall ascende vp, euerye man strayght before hym. 6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun, called vnto the priestes, and sayde vnto them: take vp the arcke of the appoyntement, and let seuen Priestes beare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lorde. 7 And he sayd vnto the people, go and compasse the citie: and let the men of armes go before the arcke of the Lorde. 8 And when Iosua had spoken vnto the people, the seuen Priestes that bare the seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lorde, wente forthe and blew wyth the hornes, and the arcke of the Testament of the Lorde folowed after them. 9 And the men of armes wente before the priestes that blewe wyth the hornes, and the common people came after the arcke: & as they went, they blew with the hornes. 10 And Iosua commaunded the people, sayinge: showt not nor let your voyce be hearde, or any worde proceade out of your mouthes, vntyll the daye I byd you showt: & then showte. 11 And so the arcke of the Lorde compased the cytye and went aboute it once: and then they returned into the hoste and lodged there. 12 And Iosua rose erly in the mornynge, and the preastes toke vp the arcke of the Lorde, 13 & seuen priestes bare seuen trompettes of rammes hornes before the arcke of the Lord, & as they went blew with the hornes. And the men of armes went before them, & the common people came after the arcke of the Lorde, & as they wente, they blewe wyth the hornes. 14 And the seconde day they compased the citie once, & returned agayne into the hoste, & so they dyd .vi. dayes longe. 15 And the seuenth daye they rose erlye: euen with the dawnynge of the day, and compased the cytye after the same maner seuen tymes: onlye that they compased the cyty seuen times. 16 And at the seuenthe tyme, the priestes blew wyth the hornes, & Iosua sayde vnto the people, showte for the Lorde hath geuen you the cytye. 17 But the cytye shalbe excommunicate, bothe it and all that is therein, vnto the Lord: onelye Rahab the harlot shall lyue, bothe she and all that is wyth her in the house, because she hydde the messengers that we sent. 18 And in any wyse beware of the excommunicate thynges, leaste ye make your selues excommunicate. For yf you take of the excommunicate thynges, so shall you make the hoste of Israel excommunicate and shall trouble it. 19 But of the syluer, golde, vesselles of brasse, & yron shalbe holye vnto the Lorde, and shall go in to hys treasurye. 20 And the people cryed, and blewe with hornes: for when the people hearde the sounde of the hornes, they showted a great showte: and the walles fell doune, and the people wente vp into the cytye, euerye man strayght before hym, 21 and toke the cytye. And they vtterlye destroyed al that was in the cytye, bothe man and woman, younge & olde, oxe, shepe, & Asse, wyth the edge of the swerde. 22 Then Iosua sayde vnto the two men that went to spye oute the countreye: go into the harlottes house, and bryng out thence, bothe the woman & all that pertayneth to her, as ye sware to her. 23 And the younge men that were spyes wente in, and brought oute Rahab, and her father, and mother, and all her brethren and all that she had. And they brought oute al her housholde, and put them wythout the hoste of Israel. 24 And they burnt the cytye with fyre, and al that was therein. Only the syluer, the golde, & the thynges of brasse, and yeron they put vnto the treasure of the house of the Lorde. 25 And Iosua saued Rahab the harlotte, & her fathers housholde and all that pertayned vnto her, & she dwelte in Israel, euen vnto thys daye, because she hydde the messengers whiche Iosua sent to spye out Iericho. 26 And Iosua cursed at that tyme, saying, cursed be the man before the Lorde, that ryseth vp and buyldeth thys citie Iericho: so that he laye the foundacyon wyth the death of hys eldest sonne, & with the death, of hys youngest set vp the gates. 27 And the Lorde was wyth Iosua, and hys fame was hearde, thorowout all landes.

Joshua 8:1-35

1 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: feare not, nor dread? but take al the men of warre wyth the, and vp and get the to Ai. Beholde I haue geuen into thy hande, the kynge of Ai, and hys people, hys cytye and hys lande. 2 And thou shalt do to Ai and her kynge, as thou dydest vnto Ierico and her kyng. Neuerthelesse the spoyle & catell therof, ye shall take vnto youre selues. But laye a watche vnto the toune on the backsyde therof. 3 And then Iosua arose, and al the men of warre, to go vp vnto Ai. And Iosua chose out thyrty thousand men of warre, and sent them by nyght. 4 And he commaunded them saiyng: Se that ye lye awayte vnto the toune on the backsyde therof. Go not very farre from the cytye, and se that ye be al readye. 5 And I and al the people that are wyth me, wil approche vnto the cytye. And when they come oute agaynst vs, as at the fyrste tyme, then will we flee before them. 6 And they wyll come out after vs, vntyl we haue plucked them awaye from the cytye. For they wyll saye, they flee vs, as at the fyrste tyme, 7 for we wyll flee before them. Then shall ye ryse vp from lying awayte & destroye the cyty: For the Lorde youre God wyll delyuer it into youre handes. 8 Assone therfore as ye haue taken the cytye, se that ye set it on fyre. Accordinge to the commaundement of the Lord se that ye do, behold, I haue charged you. 9 And Iosua sent them forth, and they went to lye awayte, and laye betwene Bethel and Ai, on the west syde of Ai. But Iosua lodged that nyght amonge the people. 10 And he rose vp erlye in the mornynge and nombred the people and went vp, both he and the elders of Israel before the people, vnto Ai. 11 And all the men of warre that were wyth hym, went vp and drue nye, and came before the cytye, and pytched on the north syde of Ai, a valeye beynge betwene them and Ai. 12 And he toke vpon a fyue thousande men and put them to lye a wayte, betwene Bethel, and Ai, on the westsyde of the cytye. 13 And he put the people euen al the hoste, on the northsyde of the cytye, and the lyers awayte on the weste. And Iosua went the same nyght into the myddesof the valeye. 14 And when the kyng of Ai sawe that they hasted & rose vp erlye, then the people of the cytye went out agaynst Israel, to battel, both the Kynge & all hys people, at a tyme apointed, euen before the playne, and wyst not that there were lyers awayte on the backsyde of the cytye. 15 And Iosua and Israell were put to the worsse before them, and flede towarde the wyldernesse. 16 And al the people of the toune cryed to folow after them. And they folowed after Iosua tyll they were drawen awaye from the cytye: 17 So that there was not a man leaft in Ai, or in Bethel, that went not out after Israel. And they leaft the cytye open and folowed after Israel. 18 Then the Lorde sayd vnto Iosua, stretche out the bouckelar that is in thine hande towarde Ai, for I haue geuen the it. And Iosua stretched out the bouckelar that was in hys hande, toward the cyty. 19 And the lyers awaite rose quycklye out of theyr places, and ranne, assone as Iosua had stretched out his hande, and they entred into the cyty, and toke it, and hasted and set it on fyre. 20 And when the men of Ai loked backe after them and sawe, Beholde, the smoke of the cytye ascended vp to heauen. And they had no place to flee either this waye or that, for the people that fleed to the wyldernesse turned backe againe vpon the folowers. 21 And when Iosua and al Israel sawe that the lyars awayte had taken the cyty and that the smoke of it ascended, They turned agayne and layed on the men of Ai. 22 And the other yssued out of the cytye agaynst them. And so were they in the myddes of Israell, these beinge on the one syde of them, and the reste on the other. And they layed vpon them, so that they let none eyther remayne or skape. 23 And the Kinge of Ai they toke a lyue and brought hym to Iosua. 24 And when Israel had made an ende of slaying all the inhabyters of Ai in the feldes, and in the wyldernesse, by whych they chased them, and when they were all fallen on the Edge of the swerde, vntyll they were wasted. Then all Israel returned vnto Ai and smote it wyth the edge of the swerd. 25 And al that fell that daye, both of men and women, were twelue thousand, euen all the men of Ai. 26 For Iosua plucked not hys hande backe agayne, whyche he stretched out wyth the bouckelar, vntyll they had vtterlye destroeyd all the inhabitoures of Ai. 27 Onelye the catell and the spoyle of the sayde cytye, Israell toke vnto them selues accordynge vnto the worde of the Lorde, whyche he commaunded Iosua. 28 And Iosua set Ai on fyre and made it an heape for euer and a wyldernesse, euen vnto this daye. 29 And the kynge of Ai he hanged on tree, vntill euen. And assone as the sonne was doune, Iosua commaunded and they toke the carkas doune of the tree, and caste it in the enteringe of the gate of the cytye, and cast theron a great heape of stones, that remayneth vnto thys daye. 30 Then Iosua buylt an altare vnto the Lorde God of Israel, in mount Ebal, 31 as Moses the seruaunt of the Lorde commaunded the chyldren of Israell, accordinge as it is wrytten in the boke of the law of Moses, an altare of rough stone, ouer whiche no tole of yeron was lyft. And they sacryfyced theron burntsacryfyce, and offered peace offringe 32 And he wrote there vpon the stones the Seconde lawe of Moses, which he wrote in the presence of the chyldren of Israel. 33 And al Israel and the elders therof, and their officers, and Iudges stode, parte on this syde the arke, and parte on that syde, before the priestes: that were Leuites, which bare the arcke of the appointment of the Lord, as wel the straunger, as they that were borne amonge them, halfe on them on the forefronte of the Mount of Garizim, and halfe of them on the forefronte of mount Eball, as Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde commaunded, fyrste to blesse the people Israell. 34 And after that he reade al the wordes of the lawe, both the blessinge and cursynge, accordinge to all that is wrytten in the boke of the lawe, 35 so that there was not one worde of all that Moses commaunded, whyche Iosua reade not, before all the congregacyon of Israell, wyth women and chyldren, and the straungers that were amonge them.

Joshua 9:17

17 For the children of Israel toke their Iourney, and came vnto their cities the thirde daye, and their cities were Gabaon, Caphira, Beeroth, and Kariath Iarim.

Joshua 10:2

2 for Gabaon was a great cyty, as any cytye of the kyngdome, and therto greater then Ai, and al her men were myghty.

2 Samuel 21:1-2

1 Then there fell an hongre in the daies of Dauid thre yeares, year by yeare. And Dauid enquyred of the Lorde. And the Lorde answered it is for Sauls sake and the house of bloude, because he slue the Gabaonites. 2 And the kyng called the Gabaonites, and sayde vnto them: Nowe these Gabaonites are not of the chyldren of Israell, but a remnaunt of the Ammorites, and the chyldren of Israel sware vnto them. And yet Saul sought to sley them, for a zele that he had to the children of Israel and of Iuda.

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