Genesis 9:10 Cross References - Matthew

10 & wyth all lyuynge thynge that is wyth you: both foule & cattel, & al maner beastes of the earth that is with you, of al that commeth out of the arcke, whatsoeuer beast of the earth it be.

Genesis 8:1

1 And God remembred Noe & al the beastes & al the catel that were with him in the arck. And God made a wynde to blowe vpon the erth, & the waters ceased:

Genesis 9:15-16

15 And then wyll I thinke vpon my testament whych I haue made betwene me and you, and all that lyueth whatsoeuer fleshe it be. So that henceforth there shall be no more waters to make a floude to destroy all fleshe. 16 The bowe shal be in the cloudes, & I wil loke vpon it, to remembre the euerlastynge testament betwene God & all that lyueth vpon the earth, whatsoeuer fleshe it be.

Job 38:1-41

1 Then spake the Lorde vnto Iob oute of the storme, and sayd: 2 what is he that hideth his mynde with folysh wordes? 3 Gyrde vp thy loynes lyke a man, for I wyl question the, se thou geue me a dyrecte aunswere. 4 Where wast thou, when I layde the foundacyons of the earth? Tel planely yf thou hast vnderstandyng. 5 Who hath measured it, knoweste thou? Or, who hath spreade the lyne vpon it? 6 Wherevpon stande the pylers of it? Or who layed the corner stone? 7 Where wast thou when the mornyng starres praysed me together & all the chyldren of God reioysed triumphantly? 8 Who shut the sea with dores, when it brake forth as a chyld oute of his mothers wombe? 9 When I made the cloudes to be a coueryng for it, & swadled it wyth the darcke? 10 when I gaue it my commaundement, makynge dores & barres for it, 11 saying: Hytherto shalt thou come, but no forther, & here shalte thou laye doune thy proude & hye waues. 12 Haste thou geuen the mornyng his charge (as sone as thou wast borne) and shewed the daye sprynge his place, 13 that it might take holde of the corners of the earthe, & that the vngodlye myght be shaken out? 14 Theyr tokens & weapons haste thou turned lyke claye & set them vp agayne as the chaunginge of a garment. 15 Yea thou hast spoyled the vngodly of theyr lyght, & broken the arme of the proude. 16 Camest thou euer into the grounde of the sea: or haste thou walked in the lowe corners of the depe? 17 Haue the gates of death ben opened vnto the, or haste thou sene the dore of euerlasting treasure? 18 Hast thou also perceiued, how broad the earth is? Nowe yf thou haste knowledge of all, 19 then shewe me where lyght dwelleth, & where darcknes is: 20 that thou mayest brynge vs vnto theyr quarters, yf thou canste tell the waye to theyr houses. 21 Knewest thou (when thou wast borne) how olde thou shuldest be? 22 Wentest thou euer into the threasuryes of the snowe, or haste thou sene the secrete places of the hayle, 23 whiche I haue prepared agaynst the tyme of trouble, agaynste the tyme of battell and warre? 24 By what waye is the lyghte parted, and the heate dealte oute vpon the earth? 25 Who deuydeth the aboundaunce of waters into ryuers, or who maketh a waye for the stormye wether, 26 that it watereth & moystureth the drye and baren grounde, 27 to make the grasse growe in places where no body dwelleth, and in the wyldernes where no man remayneth? 28 Who is the father of rayne? Or who hath begotten the droppes of dewe? 29 Oute of whose wombe came the yse? Who hath gendred the coldnes of the ayre? 30 that the waters are as harde as stones, and lye congeled aboue the depe. 31 Haste thou brought the .vij. starres together? Or art thou able to breake the circle of heauen? 32 Canst thou brynge forth the mornynge starre or the euenyng starre at conuenyente tyme, & conueye them home agayne? 33 Knowest thou the course of heauen, that thou mayest set vp the ordynaunce thereof vpon the earth? 34 Moreouer canst thou lyfte vp thy voyce to the cloudes, that they maye powre doune a greate rayne vpon the? 35 Canste thou thondre also that they maye go theyr waye, & be obedient vnto the, saying: Lo here are we. 36 Who geueth sure wysdome or stedfast vnderstandyng? 37 who numbreth the cloudes in wysdome? who stylleth the vehement waters of heauen? 38 who turneth the clottes to duste, & then to be clottes agayne? 39 Hunteste thou the praye from the lyon, or fedest thou hys welpes 40 lying in theyr dennes, & lurkyng in theyr couches? 41 who prouydeth meate for the rauen, when his younge ones crye vnto God, and fle aboute for wante of meate?

Job 41:1-34

1 Darrest thou drawe out Leuyathan wt an angle, or bynde hys tonge with a snare? 2 Canste thou put a rynge in the nose of hym, or bore hys chaftes thorow wt a naule. 3 Wil he make many fayre wordes wyth the (thinckest thou) or flattre the? 4 Wyll he make a couenaunt wyth the? Or art thou able for to compel him to do the contynuall seruyce? 5 Wylt thou take thy pastyme wyth hym as with a byrd, or geue him vnto thy maydens, 6 that thy companyons maye hewe hym in peces, to be parted amonge the marchaunt men? 7 Canste thou fyl the net with his skinne, or the fyshe pannyer with hys heade? 8 Darrest thou laye hande vpon him? It is better for the to consydre what harme might happen the there thorow & not to touche hym. 9 For when thou thinkest to haue hold vpon hym, he shall begyle the: Euery man also that seyth hym, shal go backe. And why? 10 there darre none be so bolde as to rayse hym vp. Who is able to stande before me? 11 Or, who hath geuen me anye thynge afore hande, that I am bound to reward hym againe? All thynges vnder heauen are myne. 12 I feare hym not, whether he threaten or speake fayre. 13 Who lyfteth hym vp, & strypeth hym out of hys clothes, or who taketh him by the byt of hys brydle? 14 Who openeth the dore of hys face? for he hath horryble tethe rounde aboute. 15 Hys body is couered with scales as it were wyth shyldes, lockt in, kepte, & wel compacte together. 16 One is so ioyned to another, that no ayre can come in 17 Yea one hangeth so vpon another, & stycketh so together, that they can not be sundered. 18 His nesynge is lyke a glysteryng fyre, & his eyes lyke the morning shyne. 19 Oute of hys mouthe go torches & fyre brandes 20 oute of hys nostrels there goeth a smoke, like as oute of an hote sethinge pot. 21 His breth maketh the cotes burne, the flamme goeth out of hys mouth. 22 In his necke remayneth strength & before hys face sorow is turned to gladnes. 23 The membres of his body are ioyned so strait one to another, and cleue so fast together, that he can not be moued. 24 His hert is as herde as a stone, & as faste as the stithye that the hammer man smyteth vpon. 25 When he goeth, the myghtiest of al are afrayed, & the waues heauy. 26 If he drawe out the swearde, there maye neyther speare nor brest plate, abyde hym 27 He setteth as much by a strawe as by yron, and as muche by a rotten stocke as by metall. 28 He starteth not away for hym that bendeth the bowe: & as for slynge stones, he careth as muche for stubble as for them. 29 He counteth the hammer no better then a strawe, he laugheth hym to scorne that shaketh the speare. 30 He treadeth the golde in the myre lyke the sharpe potsherdes. 31 He maketh the depe to seethe and boyle lyke a pot, & stereth the sea together lyke an oyntment. 32 The waye is lyght after hym, the depe is hys walkynge place. 33 Vpon earth is there no power lyke vnto hys, for he is so made that he feareth not. 34 If a man wyll consydre all hye thinges, thys same is a kynge ouer all the chyldren of pryde.

Psalms 36:5-6

5 Thy mercy, O Lorde, reacheth vnto the heauen, and thy faythfulnesse vnto the cloudes. 6 Thy righteousnesse standeth lyke the strong mountaynes, and thy iudgemente lyke the great depe. Thou Lord preseruest both men and beastes.

Psalms 145:9

9 The Lorde is louynge vnto euery man, & hys mercy is ouer all hys workes.

Jonah 4:11

11 And shulde not I then haue compassion vpon Niniue that greate cytye, wherin there are aboue an .C. & .xx. thousand persones, that knowe not their right hand from the lefte, besyde moch catell?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.