Zechariah 3:1 Cross References - Great

1 And he shewed me Iesua the hye prest standyng before the angel of the lord and Satan stode at his ryght hand to resyst hym.

Genesis 3:15

15 I will also put enemytie betwene the & the woman, betwene thy sede and hyr sede: The same shall treade downe thy head, and thou shalt treade vpon hys hele.

Genesis 48:16

16 And the angell whych hath delyuered me from all euyll, blesse these laddes: & let my name be named in them, & the name of my fathers Abraham & Isahac, & that they maye growe into a multitude in the myddes of the erth.

Exodus 3:2-6

2 And the angell of the Lorde appeared vnto him in a flame of fyre out of the myddes of a bush. And he loked, & beholde, the bush burned wt fyre, and the bush was not consumed. 3 Therfore Moses sayde: I wyll goo nowe, and see thys greate syght, howe it cometh that the bushe burneth not. 4 And when the Lorde sawe that he came for to see, God called vnto him out of the myddes of the bushe, and sayde: Moses, Moses. He answered: here am I. 5 And he sayde: come not hyther, put thy shooes of thy fete: for the place where on thou stondest is holy grounde. 6 And he sayde I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isahac & the God of Iacob And Moses hyd his face, for he was afrayed to loke vpon God.

Exodus 23:20-21

20 Beholde, I sende an Angell before the, to kepe the in the waye, and to brynge the into the place which I haue prepared. 21 Beware of hym, and heare his voyce, and resyst hym not: for he wyll not spare youre mysdedes & my name is in hym.

Deuteronomy 10:8

8 The same ceason the Lorde separated the trybe of Leui to beare the arcke of the appoyntment of the Lorde, & to stande before the Lorde, & to ministre vnto hym & to blesse in his name vnto thys daye.

Deuteronomy 18:15

15 The Lorde thy God wyll styr vp vnto the a Prophete amonge you: euen of thy brethren, lyke vnto me vnto hym ye shall herken,

1 Samuel 6:20

20 Wherfore the men of Bethsames sayde: who is able to stande before the Lord so holy a God: and to whom shall he go from vs?

1 Chronicles 21:1

1 And Satan stode vp agaynst Israel, & prouoked Dauid to nombre Israel.

2 Chronicles 29:11

11 Nowe therfore my sonnes, be not neclygent: for the Lorde hath chosen you to stande before him, and for to ministre and serue hym, and to burne incense.

Ezra 5:2

2 Then gat vp Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel, and Iesua the sonne of Iosedec, and beganne to buylde the house of God at Ierusalem, and with them were the prophetes of God, which helped them.

Job 1:6-12

6 And vpon a daye when the children of God cam & stode before the Lord, it fortuned that Sathan cam also among them. 7 And the Lorde sayde vnto Sathan. From whence commest thou? Sathan answered the Lord, and sayde: I haue gone about the lande, and walcked thorow it. 8 And the Lorde sayde vnto Sathan: hast thou not considered my seruaunt Iob, how that there is none lyke him in the land? a perfect & a iust man: soch a one as feareth God, and exchueth euell? 9 Sathan answered, and sayde vnto the Lord. Doth Iob feare God for naught? 10 hast thou not preserued him, & his house, and all that he hath on euery syde? Thou hast blessed the worckes of hys handes, and hys possessyon is encreased in the lande. 11 But laye thyne hand now vpon hym and touch all that he hath, and he shal curse the to thy face. 12 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: lo, all that he hath, be in thy power: onely vpon hym selfe se that thou laye not thyne hande. And Satan went forth from the presence of the Lorde.

Job 2:1-8

1 And the children of God came and stode before the Lorde, and Satan came also amonge them, and stode before the Lorde. 2 And the Lord sayde vnto Satan: From whence commest thou? Satan answered the Lorde, and sayde: I haue gone about the land, and walcked thorow it. 3 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: hast thou not consydered my seruaunt Iob? for there is none lyke him in the land. For he is a perfect and iust man, soch a one as feareth God, and exchueth euell, & contynueth styll in hys godlynesse. And thou mouedest me agaynst him, that I shulde punysh him for naught. 4 And Satan answered the Lord, & sayde: Skyn for skynne? yee, a man wyll geue all that euer he hath, for his lyfe. 5 But laye thyne hand now vpon him, and touch once his bone and flesh, and he shall curse the to thy face. 6 And the Lorde sayde vnto Satan: lo, there hast thou hym in thy power, but spare hys lyfe. 7 So went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord, and smote Iob with maruelous sore byles, from the sole of hys fote vnto hys crowne: 8 so that he sat vpon the ground in the asshes, and scraped of the fylth of hys sores with a potsherde.

Psalms 106:23

23 So he sayd he wolde haue destroyed them, had not Moses his chosen stande before hym in that gappe: to turne awaye his wrathful indignacion, lest he shulde destroye them.

Psalms 109:6

6 When sentence is geuen vpon him, let him be condemned, and let his prayer be turned into synne.

Jeremiah 15:19

19 Upon these wordes, thus sayde the Lorde vnto me. If thou wilt turne agayne, I shall sett the in my seruice: and yf thou wilt take out the thynges that is precious from the vile, thou shalt be euen as myne awne mouth. They shall conuerte vnto the, but turne not thou vnto them:

Ezekiel 44:11

11 Shulde they be set and ordeined to ministre vnder the dores of the house of my sanctuary? And to do seruyce in the house: to slaye burntofferynges and sacrifyces for the people: to stande before them, and to serue them,

Ezekiel 44:15

15 But the prestes, the leuites, the sonne of Sadoch, that kepte the holy ordynaunces of my sanctuary, when the chyldren of Israel were gone fro me, shall come to me, to do me seruyce, to stande before me, and to offre me the fat and the bloude, sayth the Lorde God.

Hosea 12:4-5

4 He strowe with the angell, and gatt the victorye: so that he prayde & desyred hym. He founde him at Bethell, and there he talketh with vs. 5 Yee, the Lorde God of Hoostes, euen the Lorde him selfe remembred him.

Haggai 1:1

1 In the seconde yeare of kyng Darius, in the .vi. moneth the fyrst daye of the moneth, came the worde of the Lord (by the Prophete Aggeus) vnto Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel the prynce of Iuda, & to Iosua the sonne of Iosedech the hye prest, sayinge.

Haggai 1:12

12 Now when Zorobabel the sonne of Salathiel, & Iesua the sonne of Iosedech the hye preste wt the remnaunt of the people, herde the voyce of the Lorde theyr God, and the wordes of the Prophete Aggeus (lyke as the Lorde theyr God had sent him) the people dyd feare the Lorde.

Haggai 2:4

4 Who is left among you, that sawe thys house in her fyrst bewtye? But what thyncke ye now by it? Is it not in youre eyes, euen as though it were nothinge?

Zechariah 1:9

9 Then sayde I, O my Lorde, what are these? And the aungel that talked wyth me, sayde vnto me. I wyll shewe the what these be.

Zechariah 1:13

13 So the Lorde gaue a louynge and a confortable answere vnto the aungel that talked wyth me.

Zechariah 1:19

19 And I sayde vnto the aungel, that talked wt me what be these? he answered me. These are the hornes which haue scatered Iuda, Israel & Ierusalem abroade.

Zechariah 2:3

3 And behold the aungell that talked wyth me, went hys waye forth. Then went there oute another angel to mete him,

Zechariah 3:8

8 Heare (O Iesua) thou hye preste, thou and thy frends that dwell before the, for they are wonderous people. Behold, I wyl bring forth the braunches of my seruaunt:

Zechariah 6:11

11 Then take golde & syluer, & make crownes therof, and set them vpon the head of Iesua, the sonne of Iosedeh, the hye preste,

Malachi 3:1

1 Beholde, I will sende my messaunger, whiche shall prepare the waye before me: and the Lorde whom ye wolde haue, shal soone come to his temple, yee, euen the messaunger of the couenaunt whom ye longe for. Beholde, he commeth, saieth the Lorde of hostes.

Luke 21:36

36 Watch ye therfore contynually, and praye, that ye maye escape all these thynges that shall come, and that ye maye stande before the sonne of man.

Luke 22:31

31 And the Lord sayde: Symon, Simon, beholde, Satan hath desyred to syfte you, as it were wheate:

Acts 7:30-38

30 And whan fourty yeares were expired, there appeared to hym in the wildernesse of mount Sina an angell of the Lord in a flamme of fyre in a busshe. 31 When Moses sawe it, he wondred at the syght. And as he drue neare to beholde, the voyce of the Lord came vnto hym. 32 I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob. Moses trembled, and durst not beholde. 33 Then sayd the Lorde to him: Put of thy shoes from thy fete, for the place where thou standest, is holy grounde. 34 I haue perfectlye sene the affliccyon of my people, which is in Egypte, and I haue heard theyr gronyng, and am come downe to delyuer them. And nowe come, and I wyll sende the into Egypte. 35 This Moses whom they forsoke (saying: who made the a ruler and a iudge?) the same dyd God sende to be a ruler and a delyuerer, by the handes of the aungell which appeared to hym in the busshe. 36 And the same brought them out, shewynge wondres and signes in Egypt, and in the red see, and in the wyldernes fourty yeres. 37 Thys is that Moses, which sayde vnto the children of Israel: A prophete shall the Lord your God rayse vp vnto you of your brethren, like vnto me, him shall ye heare. 38 This is he that was in the congregacion, in the wildernes with the angel (which spake to hym in the mount Sina) and with our fathers. This man receaued the word of life to geue vnto vs,

1 Peter 5:8

8 Be sober and watch, for youre aduersary the deuyll as a roaring lyon walketh about, sekyng whom he maye deuoure:

Revelation 12:9-10

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuyll & Sathanas, was cast out. Which deceaueth all the worlde. And he was cast into the erth & his angelles were cast out also 10 And I hearde a lowde voyce sayinge: in heauen is now made saluacyon and strength & the kyngdome of oure God, & the power of hys Chryst. For is cast doune, which accused them before God daye and nyght.

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