Joshua 1:5 Cross References - Great

5 There shall not a man be able to withstande that all the dayes of thy lyfe. For as I was with Moses, so will I be with the and will not fayll the, nor forsake the.

Exodus 3:12

12 And he answered: I wyll be wyth the. And thys shalbe a token vnto the that I haue sent the: after that thou hast brought the people out of Egypte, ye shall serue God vpon thys mountayne.

Deuteronomy 7:24

24 And he shall delyuer theyr kynges in to thyne hande, and thou shalt destroye their name from vnder heauen. There shall no man be able to stande before the, vntyll thou haue destroyed them.

Deuteronomy 20:4

4 For the Lord youre God goeth wt you, to fighte for you agaynste youre enemyes, & to saue you.

Deuteronomy 31:6-8

6 Plucke vp youre hartes therfore, and be stronge, dreade not, nor be aferde of them: for the Lord thy God him selfe doth go wyth the. He shall not fayle the, nor forsake the. 7 And Moses called vnto Iosua, and sayde vnto hym in the syghte of all Israel: Be stronge & bolde, for thou must go with thys people vnto the lande, which the Lorde hath sworne vnto their fathers, to geue them, & thou shalt geue it them to enheret. 8 And the Lorde he doth go before the: He shall not fayle the, neyther forsake the: feare not therfore, nor be discomforted.

Deuteronomy 31:23

23 And he gaue Iosua the sonne of Nun a charge, and sayd: be bolde, & stronge, for thou shalt bryng the chyldren of Israel into the lande, whych I sware vnto them, and I wyll be with the.

Joshua 1:9

9 Haue not I commaunded the, that thou shuldest be stronge & hardye & not feare ner be faynt harted? For I the Lord thy God am with the, whether soeuer thou goest.

Joshua 1:17

17 According as we obeyed Moses in all thinges, so wyll we obeye the: onlye the Lorde thy God be with the as he was with Moses.

Joshua 3:7

7 And the Lorde sayde vnto Iosua: this daye will I begynne to magnifie the, in the syght of all Israel, that they maye knowe how that as I was with Moses so wyll I be with the.

Joshua 6:27

27 And so the Lord was wt Iosua, and his fame was noysed thorowe out all landes.

Psalms 46:11

11 The Lorde of Hostes is wyth vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Sela.

Isaiah 41:10-14

10 be not afrayed, for I am wt the. Melt not away as waxe, for I am thy God, to strength the, helpe the, & to kepe the wt this ryght hande of myne. 11 Beholde, all they that resyst the shall come to confusyon & shame: and thyne aduersaries shalbe destroyed & brought to naught. 12 So that whoso seketh after them, shall not fynde them. Thy destroyers shall perysh, and so shall they that vndertake to make batayll agaynst the be as that is not, & as a thinge of naught. 13 For I thy Lorde and God will strengthen thy ryght hand. Euen I that saye vnto the. Feare not. I wyll helpe the 14 Be not afrayde thou lytle worme Iacob, & thou despysed Israel: for I wyll helpe the, sayeth the Lorde, and the holy one of Israel thyne auenger.

Isaiah 43:2-5

2 Yf thou goest thorow the water, I wilbe with the, that the stronge floudes shulde not pluck the awaye. And yf thou walckest thorowe the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kyndle vpon the. 3 For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel, thy Sauioure. I gaue Egypte for thy deliueraunce, the Morians & the Sabees for the: 4 because thou wast deare in my syght, and because I set by the, and loued the. I wyll geue ouer all men for the, and delyuer vp all people for thy sake, 5 feare not: for I am with the. I wyll bringe thy sede from the East, and gather the together from the west.

Matthew 28:20

20 Teachinge them to obserue all thinges, whatsoeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo I am wyth you allwaye, euen vntyll the ende of the worlde.

Acts 18:9-10

9 Then spake the Lorde to Paul in the nyght by a visyon: be not afrayde, but speake, and holde not thy peace: 10 for I am with the, & noman shall inuade the that shall hurte the. For I haue moch people in this cytie.

Romans 8:31

31 What shall we then saye to these thinges? yf God be on oure syde, who can be agaynst vs?

Romans 8:37

37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thynges we ouercome thorowe hym that loued vs.

2 Timothy 4:17

17 Not wythstandynge the Lorde, assysted me, and strengthed me, that by me the preachynge shulde be fulfylled to the vtmost, and that all the Gentyls shulde heare. And I was delyuered out of the mouth of the lyon.

Hebrews 13:5

5 Let your conuersacyon be without coueteousnes and be content with soch thynges as ye haue all ready. For he hath sayd: I will not fayle the, nether forsake the:

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