Isaiah 36:17 Cross References - Great

17 vnto the tyme that I come my self, and bringe you into a lande that is lyke your awne: wherin is wheate and wyne, which is both sowen with seede, and planted with vyneyardes.

Exodus 3:8

8 and am come downe to delyuer them out of the hande of the Egyptians, and to brynge them out of that lande vnto a good lande and a large: and vnto a lande that floweth wyth mylcke and hony: euen vnto the place of the Cananites and Hethites, and Amorites, and Pherezites, and Heuites, and of the Iebusites.

Deuteronomy 8:7-9

7 For the Lord thy God bryngeth the into a good lande, a lande in the whych are ryuers of water, and fountayns and sprynges that springe out of valeyes and hylles: 8 a lande wherin is wheat & barly, vyneyardes, fygtrees and pomgranates: a lande wherin is oyle olyue and honie: 9 a lande, wherin thou shalt eate bread wythout skarcenesse, neither shalt thou lacke anye thynge: a lande whose stones are yron, & out of whose hylles thou shalt dygge brasse.

Deuteronomy 11:12

12 Thys lande doth the Lorde thy God care for, & the eyes of the Lorde thy God are alwayes vpon it, from the begynnynge of the yeare, vnto the ende of the yeare.

2 Kings 17:6-23

6 In the nynth yeare of Hosea, the kynge of Assyria toke Samaria, and caryed Israel awaye vnto Assyria, and put them in Hala, in Habor by the ryuer of Goza, and in the cyties of the Medes. 7 For it came to passe, that the chyldren of Israel synned agaynst the Lorde theyr God, which had brought them out of the lande of Egypt, from vnder the hande of Pharao kynge of Egypte: and feared other Gods. 8 And they walked in the ceremonyes of the hethen, whom the Lorde cast out before the chyldren of Israel, & in the ceremonies which the kynges of Israel had made. 9 And the children of Israel went about to hyde those thinges that were not well, from the Lorde theyr God. And they buylt them Hyllaulters in all theyr cyties, bothe in the towres where they kept watch, and also in the stronge townes. 10 And they made them ymages and groues in euery hye hyll, and vnder euery thyck tre. 11 And there they burnt incense in all the Hyllaulters, as dyd the hethen (whom the Lorde caryed awaye before them) and wrought wycked thynges to angre the Lorde withall: 12 For they serued most vyle Idoles, wherof the Lorde had sayde vnto them. Ye shall do no soche thynge. 13 And the Lorde testifyed in Israel, and in Iuda by all the prophetes and by all the sears, sayinge. Turne from youre wycked wayes and kepe my commaundementes and my statutes, accordinge to all the lawe which I commaunded youre fathers, and which I sent to you by my seruauntes the prophetes. 14 Notwithstandynge they wolde not heare but rather hardened theyr neckes, lyke to the stubburnesse of their fathers that dyd not beleue in the Lorde their God. 15 For they refused hys statutes, and hys appoyntment that he made with theyr fathers, & the witnesses (wherwith he witnessed vnto them) & they folowed vanyte, and became vayne, and went after the hethen that were rounde aboute them: concernynge whom, the Lorde had charged them, that they shuld not do lyke them. 16 But they left the commaundementes of the Lord theyr God and made them Images of metall euen two calues: and made Idole groues, & worshypped all the Hoste of heauen, and serued Baall. 17 And they sacrifyced theyr sonnes & theyr daughters in fyre, and vsed witchcraft and enchauntementes euen sellynge them selues to worke wyckednesse in the syght of the Lorde, and to angre hym. 18 And the Lorde was exceadinge wroth wt Israel and put them out of hys syght that there was lefte but the trybe of Iuda onely. 19 Neuertheles, Iuda also kept not the commaundementes of the Lorde theyr God, but walked in the ceremonies of Israel, which they made 20 And the Lorde cast vp all the seed of Israel, and vexed them, and delyuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntyll he had cast them out of hys syght. 21 For Israel deuyded them selues from the house of Dauid, & made them a kinge, euen Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat. And Ieroboam drewe Israel awaye (that they shulde not folowe the Lorde) and made them synne a greate synne: 22 For the chyldren of Israel walcked in all the synnes of Ieroboam which he dyd, and departed not therfrom, 23 vntyll the Lorde put Israel awaye out of hys syght, as he had sayde by all hys seruauntes the prophetes. And so was Israel caryed awaye out of theyr awne lande to Assyria euen vnto thys daye.

2 Kings 18:9-12

9 And in the fourth yeare of kynge Hezekia, (which was the seuenth yeare of Hosea sonne of Ela kynge of Israell) it fortuned, that Salmanazar kyng of Assyria came vp agaynst Samaria, & beseged it. 10 And after thre yeres they toke it euen in the syxte yere of Hezekia: that is to saye, the nynth yere of Hosea kynge of Israel. And Samaria was wonne. 11 And the kynge of Assyria, dyd carye awaye Israel vnto Assyria, and put them in Halah and in Habor by the ryuer of Gozan, and in the cyties of the Medes: 12 because they wolde not herken vnto the voyce of the Lorde theyr God: but transgressed hys appoyntment, and all that Moses the seruaunt of the Lord commaunded, & wolde nether heare them nor do them.

2 Kings 18:32

32 tyll I come, and fett you to as good a lande as youres is: a lande of corne and wyne, a lande of bread and vyneyardes, a lande of oyle, of olyue trees, and of hony: that ye maye lyue, and not dye. And herken not vnto Hezekia, for he begyleth you, sayinge: the Lorde shall delyuer vs.

2 Kings 24:11

11 And Nabuchadnezar the king of Babylon came agaynst the citye: & his seruauntes dyd besege it.

Job 20:17

17 so that he shall nomore se the ryuers and brokes of hony and butter.

Proverbs 12:10

10 A ryghteous man regardeth the lyfe of hys catell, but the vngodly haue cruel hertes.

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