Isaiah 13:5 Cross References - Great

5 They come out of a farre countree, from the ende of heauen: Euen the Lord hym selfe wt the ministers of his wrath, to destroye the whole lande.

Isaiah 5:26

26 And he shall gyue a token vnto a straunge people: and call vnto them in a farre countre: and beholde, they shall come hastely with spede.

Isaiah 13:17

17 For lo, I shall brynge vp the Medes agaynst them, which shall not regarde siluer, nor be desirous of gold.

Isaiah 24:1

1 Beholde the lord maketh the earth wayst and emptye: he turneth it vp syde downe, & scatreth abrode the inhabitours therof:

Jeremiah 50:3

3 For out of the north there doth come a people agaynst her: which make her lande so waste, that no body dwell therin, nether man nor beast: for they flye and departe from thence.

Jeremiah 50:9

9 For loo, I wyll wake vp an hooste of people from the northren lande, and bringe them vpon Babylon: these shall laye sege to it, and wynne it. Theyr arowes shall not mysse, lyke as a connynge archer shuteth not wronge.

Jeremiah 51:11

11 Make sharpe the arowes, and multiplye youre shyldes: for the Lorde shall rayse vp the sprete of the kinge of the Medees, which hath allready a desyre to destroye Babilon. This shalbe the vengeaunce of the Lord, and the vengeaunce of his temple.

Jeremiah 51:20-46

20 Thou hast bene myne hammer and weapens for warre: for with the haue I broken the people in peces: and with the haue I destroied kingdomes. 21 Thorow the I haue beaten to poulder horse and horseman: yee, the charettes & soch as sat vpon them. 22 Thorowe the I haue broken man & woman, olde & yonge, bacheler & mayden. 23 Thorowe the I haue destroyed the sheperde and his flocke, the husbandeman and his catell, the princes and the rulers. 24 Therfore wyll I reward the citye of Babilon & all her citesins, the Chaldees wt all the euyll which they haue done vnto Sion: yee, that ye your selues shall se it, sayth the Lorde: 25 Beholde, I come vpon the, thou noysome hill, sayth the Lorde: thou that destroyest all landes: I wyll stretche oute my hande ouer the, and cast the downe from the stony rockes: and will make the a brent hill: 26 so that nether corner stones, ner pinacles, ner foundatyons of stones shalbe taken eny more out of the, but wast and desolate shalt thou lye for euermore, sayth the Lorde. 27 Set vp a token in the laude: blowe the trompettes amonge the Heythen: prouoke the nations agaynst her, call the kyngdomes of Ararat, Menni and Ascanes agaynst her. Set the prince agaynst her: bring as great a sorte of terrible horses against her: as yf they were gresshoppers. 28 Prepare agaynst them the people of the Meedes wt their kynges, prynces and all their chefe rulers: yee, & the whole lande that is vnder hym. 29 The lande also shall shake and be afrayed when the deuice of the Lorde shall come forth agaynst Babylon: to make the lande of Babylon so waste, that no man shall dwell eny more therin. 30 The worthyes of Babylon shall leaue the batayll, and kepe them selues in stronge holdes, their strength hath fayled them, they shalbe lyke wemen. Theyr dwellynge places shalbe brent vp, theyr barres shalbe broken. 31 One purseuaunt shall mete another: yee, one poste shall come by another, to bring the kynge of Babylon tydinges: that his cytie is taken in on euery syde, 32 the foordes occupied, the fennes brent vp, and the soudiers sore afrayed. 33 For thus sayeth the Lorde of hoostes the God of Israel: the daughter of Babylon hath bene in her tyme lyke as a thresshyng floore, but shortly shal her haruest come. 34 Nabuchodonosor the kynge of Babylon hath deuoured & destroyed me, he hath made me an empty vessell. He swalowed me vp lyke a dragon, and fylled his bely with my delycates: he hath cast me oute, 35 he hath taken my substaunce awaye, and the thinge that was left me hath he caried vnto Babylon, sayeth the daughter that dwelleth in Syon: yee, & my bloude also vnto the Caldees, sayeth Ierusalem. 36 Therfore thus sayeth the Lorde: Beholde, I wyll defende thy cause, and auenge the: I wyll drincke vp her see, and drye vp her water sprynges. 37 Babylon shall become an hepe of stones a dwellinge place for dragons, a fearfulnes and wondrynge, because no man dwelleth there. 38 They shall roare together lyke lyons, and as the yonge lyons when they be angrye, so shall they bende them selues. 39 In theyr heate I shall gyue them a dyner and they shalbe droncken for ioye. Then shall they slepe an euerlastynge slepe, and neuer wake, sayeth the Lorde. 40 I shall carye them downe to be slayne lyke shepe, lyke wethers and goates. 41 O, how was Sesach wonne? O, how was the glory of the whole lande taken? how happeneth it, that Babilon is so wondred at among the Heathen? 42 The see is rysen ouer Babylon, and hath couered her wt his greate waues. 43 Her cyties are layed waste the lande lyeth vnbuylded and voyde: it is a lande where no man dwelleth, and where no man trauaylleth thorowe. 44 Moreouer, I wyll viset Bel at Babylon: and the thynge that he hath swalowed vp, that same shall I plucke out of hys mouth. The Gentyls also shall runne nomore vnto hym, yee, and the walles of Babylon shall fall. 45 O my people, come out of Babylon, that euery man maye saue his lyfe, from the fearfull wrath of the Lorde. 46 Be not faynte herted, and feare not at euery rumoure that shalbe herde in the lande: for euery yeare bringeth new tydinges, & in the yere folowynge newe tydinges, & robbynge in the lande and Lorde vpon Lorde.

Matthew 24:31

31 And he shall sende his Angels wt the greate voyce of a trompett, & they shall gather to gether his chosen, from the foure wyndes: euen from the hyghest partes of heauen, vntyll the endes ther of.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.