Matthew 21:5 Cross References - Geneva

5 Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee, meeke and sitting vpon an asse, and a colte, the foale of an asse vsed to the yoke.

Genesis 49:10

10 The scepter shall not depart from Iudah, nor a Lawegiuer from betweene his feete, vntill Shiloh come, and the people shall be gathered vnto him.

Numbers 24:19

19 He also that shall haue dominion shall bee of Iaakob, and shall destroy the remnant of the citie.

Deuteronomy 17:16

16 In any wise he shall not prepare him many horses, nor bring the people againe to Egypt, for to encrease the number of horses, seeing the Lord hath sayd vnto you, Ye shall henceforth goe no more againe that way.

Judges 5:10

10 Speake ye that ride on white asses, yee that dwel by Middin, and that walke by the way.

Judges 12:14

14 And he had fourty sonnes and thirtie nephewes that rode on seuentie assecoltes: and he iudged Israel eight yeeres.

2 Samuel 16:2

2 And the King said vnto Ziba, What meanest thou by these? And Ziba said, They be asses for the kings housholde to ride on, and bread and dryed figges for the yong men to eate, and wine, that the faint may drinke in the wildernesse.

1 Kings 1:33

33 Then the King said vnto them, Take with you the seruants of your lorde, and cause Salomon my sonne to ride vpon mine owne mule, and carie him downe to Gihon.

1 Kings 10:26

26 Then Salomon gathered together charrets and horsemen: and he had a thousand and foure hundreth charets, and twelue thousande horsemen, whome hee placed in the charet cities, and with the King at Ierusalem.

Psalms 2:6-12

6 Euen I haue set my King vpon Zion mine holy mountaine. 7 I will declare the decree: that is, the Lord hath said vnto me, Thou art my Sonne: this day haue I begotten thee. 8 Aske of me, and I shall giue thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the endes of the earth for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt krush them with a scepter of yron, and breake them in pieces like a potters vessell. 10 Be wise nowe therefore, ye Kings: be learned ye Iudges of the earth. 11 Serue the Lord in feare, and reioyce in trembling. 12 Kisse the sonne, least he be angry, and ye perish in the way, when his wrath shall suddenly burne. blessed are all that trust in him.

Psalms 9:14

14 That I may shewe all thy praises within the gates of the daughter of Zion, and reioyce in thy saluation.

Psalms 45:1-17

1 To him that excelleth on Shoshannim a song of love to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah. Mine heart will vtter forth a good matter: I wil intreat in my workes of the King: my tongue is as the pen of a swift writer. 2 Thou art fayrer then the children of men: grace is powred in thy lips, because God hath blessed thee for euer. 3 Gird thy sword vpon thy thigh, O most mightie, to wit, thy worship and thy glory, 4 And prosper with thy glory: ride vpon the worde of trueth and of meekenes and of righteousnes: so thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. 5 Thine arrowes are sharpe to pearce the heart of the Kings enemies: therefore the people shall fall vnder thee. 6 Thy throne, O God, is for euer and euer: the scepter of thy kingdome is a scepter of righteousnesse. 7 Thou louest righteousnes, and hatest wickednesse, because God, euen thy God hath anoynted thee with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy fellowes. 8 All thy garments smelll of myrrhe and aloes, and cassia, when thou commest out of the yuorie palaces, where they haue made thee glad. 9 Kings daugthers were among thine honorable wiues: vpon thy right hand did stand the Queene in a vesture of golde of Ophir. 10 Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine eare: forget also thine owne people and thy fathers house. 11 So shall the King haue pleasure in thy beautie: for he is thy Lord, and reuerence thou him. 12 And the daughter of Tyrus with the rich of the people shall doe homage before thy face with presents. 13 The Kings daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of broydred golde. 14 She shalbe brought vnto the King in raiment of needle worke: the virgins that follow after her, and her companions shall be brought vnto thee. 15 With ioy and gladnes shall they be brought, and shall enter into the Kings palace. 16 In steade of thy fathers shall thy children be: thou shalt make them princes through all the earth. 17 I will make thy Name to be remembred through all generations: therefore shall the people giue thanks vnto thee world without ende.

Psalms 72:1-20

1 A Psalme of Salomon. Give thy iudgements to the King, O God, and thy righteousnesse to the Kings sonne. 2 Then shall he iudge thy people in righteousnesse, and thy poore with equitie. 3 The mountaines and the hilles shall bring peace to the people by iustice. 4 He shall iudge the poore of the people: he shall saue the children of the needie, and shall subdue the oppressor. 5 They shall feare thee as long as the sunne and moone endureth, from generatio to generation. 6 He shall come downe like the rayne vpon the mowen grasse, and as the showres that water the earth. 7 In his dayes shall the righteous florish, and abundance of peace shalbe so long as the moone endureth. 8 His dominion shall be also from sea to sea, and from the Riuer vnto the endes of the land. 9 They that dwell in ye wildernes, shall kneele before him, and his enemies shall licke the dust. 10 The Kings of Tarshish and of the yles shall bring presents: the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall bring giftes. 11 Yea, all Kings shall worship him: all nations shall serue him. 12 For he shall deliuer the poore when he cryeth: the needie also, and him that hath no helper. 13 He shalbe mercifull to the poore and needie, and shall preserue the soules of the poore. 14 He shall redeeme their soules from deceite and violence, and deare shall their blood be in his sight. 15 Yea, he shall liue, and vnto him shall they giue of the golde of Sheba: they shall also pray for him continually, and dayly blesse him. 16 An handfull of corne shall be sowen in the earth, euen in the toppe of the mountaines, and the fruite thereof shall shake like the trees of Lebanon: and the children shall florish out of the citie like the grasse of the earth. 17 His name shall be for euer: his name shall indure as long as the sunne: all nations shall blesse him, and be blessed in him. 18 Blessed be the Lord God, euen the God of Israel, which onely doeth wonderous things. 19 And blessed be his glorious Name for euer: and let all the earth be filled with his glorie. So be it, euen so be it. HERE END THE prayers of Dauid, the sonne of Ishai. 20

Psalms 110:1-4

1 A Psalme of David. The Lord said vnto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole. 2 The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Zion: be thou ruler in the middes of thine enemies. 3 Thy people shall come willingly at the time of assembling thine armie in holy beautie: the youth of thy wombe shalbe as the morning dewe. 4 The Lord sware and wil not repent, Thou art a Priest for euer after ye order of Melchi-zedek.

Isaiah 9:6-7

6 For vnto vs a childe is borne, and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen: and the gouernement is vpon his shoulder, and he shall call his name Wonderfull, Counseller, The mightie God, The euerlasting Father, The prince of peace, 7 The increase of his gouernement and peace shall haue none end: he shall sit vpon the throne of Dauid, and vpon his kingdome, to order it, and to stablish it with iudgement and with iustice, from hencefoorth, euen for euer: the zeale of the Lord of hostes will performe this.

Isaiah 12:6

6 Cry out, and shoute, O inhabitant of Zion: for great is ye holy one of Israel in the middes of thee.

Isaiah 40:9

9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee vp into the hie mountaine: O Ierusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift vp thy voyce with strength: lift it vp, be not afraide: say vnto the cities of Iudah, Beholde your God.

Isaiah 62:11

11 Beholde, the Lord hath proclaimed vnto the endes of the world: tell the daughter Zion, Beholde, thy Sauiour commeth: beholde, his wages is with him, and his worke is before him.

Jeremiah 23:5-6

5 Behold, The dayes come, saith the Lord, that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branche, and a King shall reigne, and prosper, and shall execute iudgement, and iustice in the earth. 6 In his dayes Iudah shalbe saued, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is the Name wherby they shall call him, The Lord our righteousnesse.

Ezekiel 34:24

24 And I the Lord will be their God, and my seruant Dauid shalbe the prince amog them. I the Lord haue spoken it.

Ezekiel 37:24

24 And Dauid my seruant shalbe king ouer them, and they all shall haue one shepheard: they shall also walke in my iudgements, and obserue my statutes, and doe them.

Daniel 2:44-45

44 And in the dayes of these Kings, shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed: and this kingdome shall not be giuen to another people, but it shall breake, and destroy al these kingdomes, and it shall stand for euer. 45 Where as thou sawest, that the stone was cut of the mountaine without handes, and that it brake in pieces the yron, the brasse, the clay, the siluer, and the golde: so the great God hath shewed the King, what shall come to passe hereafter, and the dreame is true, and the interpretation thereof is sure.

Daniel 7:13-14

13 As I behelde in visions by night, behold, one like the sonne of man came in the cloudes of heauen, and approched vnto the Ancient of dayes, and they brought him before him. 14 And he gaue him dominion, and honour, and a kingdome, that all people, nations and languages should serue him: his dominion is an euerlasting dominion, which shall neuer bee taken away: and his kingdome shall neuer be destroyed.

Hosea 1:7

7 Yet I will haue mercie vpon the house of Iudah, and wil saue them by the Lord their God, and wil not saue them by bow, nor by sword nor by battell, by horses, nor by horsemen.

Micah 5:2

2 And thou Beth-leem Ephrathah art litle to bee among the thousandes of Iudah, yet out of thee shall he come forth vnto me, that shalbe the ruler in Israel: whose goings forth haue bene from the beginning and from euerlasting.

Micah 5:10-11

10 And it shall come to passe in that day, sayth the Lord, that I will cut off thine horses out of the middes of thee, and I will destroy thy charets. 11 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and ouerthrowe all thy strong holdes.

Zephaniah 3:14-15

14 Reioyce, O daughter Zion: be ye ioyfull, O Israel: be glad and reioyce with all thine heart, O daughter Ierusalem. 15 The Lord hath taken away thy iudgements: hee hath cast out thine enemie: the King of Israel, euen the Lord is in the middes of thee: thou shalt see no more euill.

Zechariah 6:12-13

12 And speake vnto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hostes, and sayth, Behold the man whose name is the Branch, and he shall growe vp out of his place, and he shall build the Temple of the Lord. 13 Euen hee shall build the Temple of the Lord, and he shall beare the glory, and shall sit and rule vpon his throne, and he shalbe a Priest vpon his throne, and the counsell of peace shall be betweene them both.

Zechariah 9:9-10

9 Reioyce greatly, O daughter Zion: shoute for ioy, O daughter Ierusalem: beholde, thy King commeth vnto thee: he is iust and saued himselfe, poore and riding vpon an asse, and vpon a colt the foale of an asse. 10 And I wil cut off the charets from Ephraim, and the horse from Ierusalem: the bowe of the battel shalbe broken, and he shall speake peace vnto the heathen, and his dominion shalbe from sea vnto sea, and from the Riuer to the end of the land.

Matthew 2:2

2 Saying, Where is that King of the Iewes that is borne? for wee haue seene his starre in the East, and are come to worship him.

Matthew 2:6

6 And thou Beth-leem in the lande of Iuda, art not the least among the Princes of Iuda: For out of thee shall come the gouernour that shall feede that my people Israel.

Matthew 11:29

29 Take my yoke on you, and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in heart: and ye shall finde rest vnto your soules.

Matthew 12:19-20

19 He shall not striue, nor crie, neither shall any man heare his voyce in the streetes. 20 A bruised reede shall he not breake, and smoking flaxe shall he not quenche, till he bring forth iudgement vnto victorie.

Mark 11:4-11

4 And they went their way, and found a colt tyed by the doore without, in a place where two wayes met, and they loosed him. 5 Then certaine of them, that stoode there, sayd vnto them, What doe ye loosing the colt? 6 And they sayde vnto them, as Iesus had commanded them: So they let them goe. 7 And they brought the colte to Iesus, and cast their garments on him, and he sate vpon him. 8 And many spred their garments in the way: other cut downe branches off the trees, and strawed them in the way. 9 And they that went before, and they that folowed, cryed, saying, Hosanna: blessed be hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord. 10 Blessed be the kingdome that commeth in the Name of the Lord of our father Dauid: Hosanna, O thou which art in the highest heauens. 11 So Iesus entred into Hierusalem, and into the Temple: and when he had looked about on all things, and now it was euening, he went forth vnto Bethania with the twelue.

John 1:49

49 Nathanael answered, and saide vnto him, Rabbi, thou art that Sonne of God: thou art that King of Israel.

John 19:15-22

15 But they cried, Away with him, away with him, crucifie him. Pilate sayde vnto them, Shall I crucifie your King? The high Priestes answered, We haue no King but Cesar. 16 Then deliuered he him vnto them, to be crucified. And they tooke Iesus, and led him away. 17 And he bare his owne crosse, and came into a place named of dead mens Skulles, which is called in Hebrewe, Golgotha: 18 Where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either side one, and Iesus in the middes. 19 And Pilate wrote also a title, and put it on the crosse, and it was written, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWES. 20 This title then read many of the Iewes: for the place where Iesus was crucified, was neere to the citie: and it was written in Hebrewe, Greeke and Latine. 21 Then saide the hie Priests of the Iewes to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Iewes, but that he sayd, I am King of the Iewes. 22 Pilate answered, What I haue written, I haue written.

2 Corinthians 10:1

1 Nowe I Paul my selfe beseech you by the meekenes, and gentlenes of Christ, which when I am present among you am base, but am bolde toward you being absent:

Philippians 2:3-5

3 That nothing be done through contention or vaine glory, but that in meekenesse of minde euery man esteeme other better then himselfe. 4 Looke not euery man on his owne things, but euery man also on the things of other men. 5 Let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus,

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