2 Samuel 15 Cross References - Geneva

1 After this, Absalom prepared him charets and horses, and fiftie men to runne before him. 2 And Absalom rose vp early, and stoode hard by the entring in of the gate: and euery man that had any matter, and came to the King for iudgement, him did Absalom call vnto him, and sayde, Of what citie art thou? And he answered, Thy seruant is of one of the tribes of Israel. 3 Then Absalom said vnto him, See, thy matters are good and righteous, but there is no man deputed of the King to heare thee. 4 Absalom sayd moreouer, Oh that I were made Iudge in the lande, that euery man which hath any matter of controuersie, might come to me, that I might do him iustice. 5 And when any man came neere to him, and did him obeisance, he put forth his hand, and tooke him, and kissed him. 6 And on this maner did Absalom to al Israel, that came to the King for iudgement: so Absalom stale the hearts of the men of Israel. 7 And after fourtie yeeres, Absalom sayd vnto the King, I pray thee, let me go to Hebron, and render my vowe which I haue vowed vnto the Lord. 8 For thy seruant vowed a vowe when I remayned at Geshur, in Aram, saying, If the Lord shall bring me againe in deede to Ierusalem, I will serue the Lord. 9 And the King sayd vnto him, Go in peace. So he arose, and went to Hebron. 10 Then Absalom sent spyes throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, When yee heare the sound of the trumpet, Ye shall say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron. 11 And with Absalom went two hundreth men out of Ierusalem, that were called: and they went in their simplicitie, knowing nothing. 12 Also Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, from his citie Giloh, while he offred sacrifices: and the treason was great: for the people encreased still with Absalom. 13 Then came a messenger to Dauid, saying, The hearts of the men of Israel are turned after Absalom. 14 Then Dauid sayd vnto all his seruants that were with him at Ierusalem, Vp, and let vs flee: for we shall not escape from Absalom: make speede to depart, lest he come suddenly and take vs, and bring euill vpon vs, and smite the citie with the edge of the sworde. 15 And the Kings seruants sayd vnto him, Behold, thy seruants are ready to do according to all that my lord the King shall appoynt. 16 So the King departed and all his houshold after him, and the King left ten concubines to keepe the house. 17 And the King went forth and all the people after him, and taried in a place farre off. 18 And all his seruants went about him, and all the Cherethites and all the Pelethites and all the Gittites, euen sixe hudreth men which were come after him from Gath, went before the King. 19 Then sayde the King to Ittai the Gittite, Wherefore commest thou also with vs? Returne aud abide with the King, for thou art a stranger: depart thou therefore to thy place. 20 Thou camest yesterday, and should I cause thee to wander to day and go with vs? I will goe whither I can: therefore returne thou and cary againe thy brethren: mercy and trueth be with thee. 21 And Ittai answered the King, and sayde, As the Lord liueth, and as my lord the King liueth, in what place my lord the King shalbe, whether in death or life, euen there surely will thy seruant bee. 22 Then Dauid sayd to Ittai, Come, and go forward. And Ittai the Gittite went, and all his men, and all the children that were with him. 23 And all the countrey wept with a loude voyce, and all the people went forward, but the King passed ouer the brooke Kidron: and all the people went ouer toward the way of ye wildernes. 24 And lo, Zadok also was there, and all the Leuites with him, bearing the Arke of the couenant of God: and they set downe the Arke of God, and Abiathar went vp vntill the people were all come out of the citie. 25 Then the King said vnto Zadok, Carie the Arke of God againe into the citie: if I shall finde fauour in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me againe, and shewe me both it, and the Tabernacle thereof. 26 But if he thus say, I haue no delite in thee, behold, here am I, let him doe to me as seemeth good in his eyes. 27 The King sayde againe vnto Zadok the Priest, Art not thou a Seer? returne into the citie in peace, and your two sonnes with you: to wit, Ahimaaz thy sonne, and Ionathan the sonne of Abiathar. 28 Behold, I wil tarie in the fieldes of the wildernesse, vntill there come some worde from you to be tolde me. 29 Zadok therefore and Abiathar caried the Arke of God againe to Ierusalem, and they taried there. 30 And Dauid went vp the mount of oliues and wept as he went vp, and had his head couered, and went barefooted: and al the people that was with him, had euery man his head couered, and as they went vp, they wept. 31 Then one tolde Dauid, saying, Ahithophel is one of them that haue cospired with Absalom: and Dauid sayde, O Lord, I pray thee, turne the counsell of Ahithophel into foolishnesse. 32 Then Dauid came to the toppe of the mount where he worshipped God: and beholde, Hushai the Archite came against him with his coate torne, and hauing earth vpon his head. 33 Vnto whom Dauid sayd, If thou goe with me, thou shalt be a burthen vnto me. 34 But if thou returne to the citie, and say vnto Absalom, I wil be thy seruant, O King, (as I haue bene in time past thy fathers seruant, so will I now be thy seruant) then thou mayest bring me the counsell of Ahithophel to nought. 35 And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the Priests? therefore what so euer thou shalt heare out of the Kings house, thou shalt shew to Zadok and Abiathar the Priests. 36 Beholde, there are with them their two sonnes: Ahimaaz Zadoks sonne, and Ionathan Abiathars sonne: by them also shall ye send me euery thing that ye can heare. 37 So Hushai Dauids friend went into the citie: and Absalom came into Ierusalem.

Genesis 20:5

5 Said not he vnto me, She is my sister? yea, and she her selfe said, He is my brother: with an vpright minde, and innocent handes haue I done this.

Genesis 28:20-21

20 Then Iaakob vowed a vowe, saying, If God will be with me, and will keepe me in this iourney which I go, and wil giue me bread to eate, and clothes to put on: 21 So that I come againe vnto my fathers house in safetie, then shall the Lord be my God.

Exodus 15:13

13 Thou wilt by thy mercie cary this people, which thou deliueredst: thou wilt bring them in thy strength vnto thine holy habitation.

Exodus 18:14

14 And when Moses father in law saw all that he did to the people, he sayde, What is this that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou thy selfe alone, and all the people stande about thee from morning vnto euen?

Exodus 18:16

16 When they haue a matter, they come vnto me, and I iudge betweene one and another, and declare the ordinances of God, and his lawes.

Exodus 18:26

26 And they iudged the people at all seasons, but they brought the hard causes vnto Moses: for they iudged all small matters themselues.

Exodus 20:12

12 Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy dayes may be prolonged vpon the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee.

Exodus 21:17

17 And hee that curseth his father or his mother, shall die the death.

Numbers 4:15

15 And when Aaron and his sonnes haue made an ende of couering the Sanctuarie, and al the instruments of the Sanctuarie, at the remouing of the host, afterward the sonnes of Kohath shall come to beare it, but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they dye. This is the charge of the sonnes of Kohath in the Tabernacle of the Congregation.

Numbers 7:9

9 But to the sonnes of Kohath he gaue none, because the charge of the Sanctuarie belonged to them, which they did beare vpon their shoulders.

Numbers 14:8

8 If the Lord loue vs, he will bring vs into this land, and giue it vs, which is a land that floweth with milke and honie.

Numbers 16:3

3 Who gathered themselues together against Moses, and against Aaron, and sayde vnto them, Ye take too much vpon you, seeing all the Congregation is holie, euery one of them, and the Lord is among them: wherfore then lift ye your selues aboue the Congregation of the Lord?

Numbers 16:13-14

13 Is it a small thing that thou hast brought vs out of a lande that floweth with milke and honie, to kill vs in the wildernesse, except thou make thy selfe lord and ruler ouer vs also? 14 Also thou hast not brought vs vnto a land that floweth with milke and honie, neither giuen vs inheritance of fieldes and vineyardes: wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? we will not come vp.

Numbers 23:1

1 And Balaam sayd vnto Balak, Builde me here seuen altars, and prepare me here seuen bullockes, and seuen rammes.

Numbers 23:14

14 And he brought him into Sede-sophim to the top of Pisgah, and built seuen altars, and offred a bullocke, and a ramme on euery altar.

Numbers 23:30

30 And Balak did as Balaam had sayd, and offred a bullocke and a ram on euery altar.

Deuteronomy 17:16

16 In any wise he shall not prepare him many horses, nor bring the people againe to Egypt, for to encrease the number of horses, seeing the Lord hath sayd vnto you, Ye shall henceforth goe no more againe that way.

Joshua 3:3

3 And commanded the people, saying, When ye see the Arke of the couenat of the Lord your God, and the Priestes of the Leuites bearing it, ye shall depart from your place, and goe after it.

Joshua 3:6

6 Also Ioshua spake vnto the Priestes, saying, Take vp the Arke of the couenant, and goe ouer before the people: so they tooke vp the Arke of the couenant, and went before the people.

Joshua 3:15-17

15 And as they that bare the Arke came vnto Iorden, and the feete of the Priestes that bare the Arke were dipped in the brinke of the water, (for Iorden vseth to fill all his bankes all the time of haruest) 16 Then the waters that came downe from aboue, stayed and rose vpon an heape and departed farre from the citie of Adam, that was beside Zaretan: but the waters that came downe towarde the Sea of the wildernes, euen the salt Sea, failed, and were cut off: so the people went right ouer against Iericho. 17 But the Priestes that bare the Arke of the couenant of the Lord, stoode drie within Iorden readie prepared, and all the Israelites went ouer dry, vntill all the people were gone cleane ouer through Iorden.

Joshua 4:16-18

16 Commande the Priests that beare ye Arke of the testimonie, to come vp out of Iorden. 17 Ioshua therefore commanded the Priests, saying, Come ye vp out of Iorden. 18 And when the Priests that bare the Arke of the couenant of ye Lord were come vp out of the middes of Iorden, and assoone as the soles of the Priests feete were set on the dry land, the waters of Iorde returned vnto their place, and flowed ouer all the bankes thereof, as they did before.

Joshua 6:4

4 And seuen Priests shall beare seuen trumpets of rams hornes before the Arke: and the seuenth day ye shall compasse the citie seuen times, and the Priests shall blow with the trumpets.

Joshua 6:6

6 Then, Ioshua the sonne of Nun called the Priests and said vnto them, Take vp the Arke of the couenant, and let seuen Priests beare seuen trumpets of rams hornes before the Arke of the Lord.

Joshua 8:2

2 And thou shalt doe to Ai and to the King thereof, as thou didst vnto Iericho and to the King thereof: neuerthelesse the spoyle thereof and the cattell thereof shall ye take vnto you for a praye: thou shalt lye in wait against the citie on the backside thereof.

Joshua 15:51

51 And Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh: eleuen cities with their villages,

Joshua 16:2

2 And goeth out from Beth-el to Luz, and runneth along vnto the borders of Archiataroth,

Joshua 24:15

15 And if it seeme euill vnto you to serue the Lord, choose you this day whome yee will serue, whether the gods which your fathers serued (that were beyond the flood) or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwel: but I and mine house will serue the Lord.

Judges 4:10

10 And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh, and he went vp on his feete with ten thousand men, and Deborah went vp with him.

Judges 9:1-5

1 Then Abimelech the sonne of Ierubbaal went to Shechem vnto his mothers brethren, and communed with them, and with all the familie, and house of his mothers father, saying, 2 Say, I pray you, in the audience of all the men of Shechem, Whether is better for you, that all the sonnes of Ierubbaal, which are seuentie persons, reigne ouer you, either that one reigne ouer you? Remember also, that I am your bone, and your flesh. 3 Then his mothers brethren spake of him in the audience of all the men of Shechem, all these wordes: and their hearts were moued to follow Abimelech: for sayd they, He is our brother.

Judges 9:3

3 Then his mothers brethren spake of him in the audience of all the men of Shechem, all these wordes: and their hearts were moued to follow Abimelech: for sayd they, He is our brother. 4 And they gaue him seuentie pieces of siluer out of the house of Baal-berith, wherewith Abimelech hired vayne and light fellowes which followed him. 5 And he went vnto his fathers house at Ophrah, and slew his brethren, the sonnes of Ierubbaal, about seuentie persons vpon one stone: yet Iotham the yongest sonne of Ierubbaal was left: for he hid himselfe.

Judges 9:29

29 Now would God this people were vnder mine hand: then would I put away Abimelech. And he said to Abimelech, Increase thine army, and come out.

Judges 10:15

15 And the children of Israel sayde vnto the Lord, We haue sinned: doe thou vnto vs whatsoeuer please thee: onely we pray thee to deliuer vs this day.

Ruth 1:11-13

11 But Naomi saide, Turne againe, my daughters: for what cause will you go with me? are there any more sonnes in my wombe, that they may bee your husbands? 12 Turne againe, my daughters: go your way: for I am too olde to haue an husband. If I should say, I haue hope, and if I had an husband this night: yea, if I had borne sonnes, 13 Would yee tarie for them, till they were of age? would ye be deferred for them from taking of husbands? nay my daughters: for it grieueth me much for your sakes that the hand of the Lord is gone out against me.

Ruth 1:16-17

16 And Ruth answered, Intreate mee not to leaue thee, nor to depart from thee: for whither thou goest, I will goe: and where thou dwellest, I will dwell: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. 17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried. the Lord do so to me and more also, if ought but death depart thee and me.

Ruth 4:1

1 Then went Boaz vp to the gate, and sate there, and beholde, the kinsman, of whome Boaz had spoken, came by: and he sayd, Ho, snch one, come, sit downe here. And he turned, and sate downe.

1 Samuel 1:11

11 Also she vowed a vowe, and sayd, O Lord of hostes, if thou wilt looke on the trouble of thine handmaide, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaide, but giue vnto thine handmaide a manchilde, then I will giue him vnto the Lord all the dayes of his life, and there shall no rasor come vpon his head.

1 Samuel 3:18

18 So Samuel tolde him euery whit, and hid nothing from him. Then hee said, It is the Lord: let him do what seemeth him good.

1 Samuel 4:3-5

3 So when the people were come into the campe, the Elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the Lord smitten vs this day before ye Philistims? let vs bring the Arke of the couenant of the Lord out of Shiloh vnto vs, that when it commeth among vs, it may saue vs out of the hande of our enemies.

1 Samuel 4:3-11

3 So when the people were come into the campe, the Elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the Lord smitten vs this day before ye Philistims? let vs bring the Arke of the couenant of the Lord out of Shiloh vnto vs, that when it commeth among vs, it may saue vs out of the hande of our enemies. 4 Then the people sent to Shiloh, and brought from thence the Arke of the couenant of the Lord of hostes, who dwelleth betweene the Cherubims: and there were the two sonnes of Eli, Hophni, and Phinehas, with the Arke of the couenant of God.

1 Samuel 4:4-11

4 Then the people sent to Shiloh, and brought from thence the Arke of the couenant of the Lord of hostes, who dwelleth betweene the Cherubims: and there were the two sonnes of Eli, Hophni, and Phinehas, with the Arke of the couenant of God. 5 And when the Arke of the couenant of the Lord came into the hoste, all Israel shouted a mightie shoute, so that the earth rang againe.

1 Samuel 4:5-11

5 And when the Arke of the couenant of the Lord came into the hoste, all Israel shouted a mightie shoute, so that the earth rang againe. 6 And when the Philistims heard the noyse of the shoute, they said, What meaneth the sound of this mightie shoute in the host of the Ebrewes? and they vnderstoode, that the Arke of the Lord was come into the hoste. 7 And the Philistims were afraide, and saide, God is come into the hoste: therefore saide they, Wo vnto vs: for it hath not bene so heretofore. 8 Wo vnto vs, who shall deliuer vs out of the hande of these mightie Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wildernes. 9 Be strong and play the men, O Philistims, that ye be not seruants vnto the Ebrewes, as they haue serued you: be valiant therefore, and fight. 10 And the Philistims fought, and Israel was smitten downe, and fled euery man into his tent: and there was an exceeding great slaughter: for there fell of Israel thirtie thousand footemen. 11 And the Arke of God was taken, and the two sonnes of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas died.

1 Samuel 4:11-11

11 And the Arke of God was taken, and the two sonnes of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas died.

1 Samuel 8:11

11 And he saide, This shall be the maner of the King that shall reigne ouer you: he will take your sonnes, and appoint them to his charets, and to be his horsemen, and some shall runne before his charet.

1 Samuel 9:9

9 (Beforetime in Israel when a man went to seeke an answere of God, thus he spake, Come, and let vs goe to the Seer: for he that is called nowe a Prophet, was in the olde time called a Seer)

1 Samuel 9:13

13 When ye shall come into the citie, ye shall finde him straightway yet he come vp to the hie place to eate: for the people will not eate vntill he come, because he will blesse the sacrifice: and then eate they that be bidden to the feast: nowe therefore goe vp: for euen now shall ye find him.

1 Samuel 16:1-2

1 The Lord then saide vnto Samuel, Howe long wilt thou mourne for Saul, seeing I haue cast him away from reigning ouer Israel? fill thine horne with oyle and come, I will sende thee to Ishai the Bethlehemite: for I haue prouided mee a King among his sonnes. 2 And Samuel sayde, Howe can I goe? for if Saul shall heare it, he will kill me. Then the Lord answered, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to doe sacrifice to the Lord.

1 Samuel 16:2

2 And Samuel sayde, Howe can I goe? for if Saul shall heare it, he will kill me. Then the Lord answered, Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to doe sacrifice to the Lord. 3 And call Ishai to the sacrifice, and I will shewe thee what thou shalt doe, and thou shalt anoynt vnto me him whom I name vnto thee. 4 So Samuel did that the Lord bade him, and came to Beth-lehem, and the Elders of the towne were astonied at his comming, and sayd, Commest thou peaceablie? 5 And he answeared, Yea: I am come to doe sacrifice vnto the Lord: sanctifie your selues, and come with me to the sacrifice. And he sanctified Ishai and his sonnes, and called them to the sacrifice.

1 Samuel 16:13

13 Then Samuel tooke the horne of oyle, and anoynted him in the middes of his brethren. And the Spirit of the Lord came vpon Dauid, from that day forwarde: then Samuel rose vp, and went to Ramah.

1 Samuel 20:3

3 And Dauid sware againe and sayd, Thy father knoweth that I haue found grace in thine eyes: therefore he thinketh, Ionathan shall not knowe it, lest he be sorie: but in deede, as the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, there is but a step betweene me and death.

1 Samuel 22:15

15 Haue I this day first begun to aske counsell of God for him? be it farre from mee, let not the King impute any thing vnto his seruant, nor to all the house of my father: for thy seruant knew nothing of all this, lesse nor more.

1 Samuel 22:20

20 But one of the sonnes of Ahimelech the sonne of Ahitub (whose name was Abiathar) escaped and fled after Dauid.

1 Samuel 23:13

13 Then Dauid and his men, which were about sixe hundreth, arose, and departed out of Keilah, and went whither they coulde. And it was tolde Saul, that Dauid was fled from Keilah, and he left off his iourney.

1 Samuel 25:26

26 Now therefore my lord, as the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth (the Lord, I say, that hath withholden thee from comming to shedde blood, and that thine hand should not saue thee) so now thine enemies shall be as Nabal, and they that intend to doe my lord euill. 27 And now, this blessing which thine handmaid hath brought vnto my lorde, let it be giuen vnto the yong men, that follow my lord.

1 Samuel 25:42

42 And Abigail hasted, and arose, and rode vpon an asse, and her fiue maides folowed her, and she went after the messengers of Dauid, and was his wife.

1 Samuel 27:3

3 And Dauid dwelt with Achish at Gath, he, and his men, euery man with his housholde,Dauid with his two wiues, Ahinoam the Izreelite, and Abigail Nabals wife the Carmelite.

1 Samuel 30:14

14 We roued vpon the South of Chereth, and vpon the coast belonging to Iudah, and vpon the South of Caleb, and we burnt Ziklag with fire.

2 Samuel 1:2

2 Behold, a man came the third day out of the host from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth vpon his head: and when hee came to Dauid, he fell to the earth, and did obeisance.

2 Samuel 2:1

1 After this, Dauid asked counsel of the Lord, saying, Shall I go vp into any of the cities of Iudah? And the Lord sayd vnto him, Goe vp. And Dauid sayd Whither shall I goe? Hee then answered, Vnto Hebron.

2 Samuel 2:6

6 Therefore now the Lord shewe mercie and trueth vnto you: and I will recompence you this benefite, because ye haue done this thing.

2 Samuel 2:11

11 (And the time which Dauid reigned in Hebron ouer the house of Iudah, was seuen yeere and sixe moneths)

2 Samuel 3:2-3

2 And vnto Dauid were children borne in Hebron: and his eldest sonne was Amnon of Ahinoam the Izreelite, 3 And his seconde, was Chileab of Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite: and the third, Absalom the sonne of Maacah the daughter of Talmai the King of Geshur,

2 Samuel 3:36

36 And all the people knewe it, and it pleased them: as whatsoeuer the King did, pleased all the people.

2 Samuel 5:5

5 In Hebron hee reigned ouer Iudah seuen yeere, and sixe moneths: and in Ierusalem hee reigned thirtie and three yeeres ouer all Israel and Iudah.

2 Samuel 6:10

10 So Dauid would not bring the Arke of the Lord vnto him into the citie of Dauid, but Dauid caried it into ye house of Obed-edom a Gittite.

2 Samuel 6:13

13 And when they that bare the Arke of the Lord had gone sixe paces, he offred an oxe, and a fatte beast.

2 Samuel 6:17

17 And when they had brought in the Arke of the Lord, they set it in his place, in the mids of the tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it: then Dauid offred burnt offrings, and peace offrings before the Lord.

2 Samuel 7:2

2 The King saide vnto Nathan the Prophet, Beholde, nowe I dwel in an house of cedar trees, and the Arke of God remayneth within the curtaines.

2 Samuel 8:15

15 Thus Dauid reigned ouer all Israel, and executed iudgement and iustice vnto all his people.

2 Samuel 8:17

17 And Zadok the sonne of Ahitub, and Ahimelech the sonne of Abiathar were the Priestes, and Seraiah the Scribe. 18 And Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and Dauids sonnes were chiefe rulers.

2 Samuel 12:10-11

10 Now therefore the sworde shall neuer depart from thine house, because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Vriah the Hittite to be thy wife. 11 Thus sayth the Lord, Behold, I will rayse vp euil against thee out of thine owne house, and will take thy wiues before thine eyes, and giue them vnto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wiues in the sight of this sunne.

2 Samuel 12:11-11

11 Thus sayth the Lord, Behold, I will rayse vp euil against thee out of thine owne house, and will take thy wiues before thine eyes, and giue them vnto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wiues in the sight of this sunne.

2 Samuel 13:19

19 And Tamar put ashes on her head and rent the garment of diuers colours which was on her, and layde her hand on her head, and went her way crying.

2 Samuel 13:24-27

24 And Absalom came to the King and sayd, Beholde now, thy seruant hath sheepesherers: I pray thee, that the King with his seruants would goe with thy seruant. 25 But the King answered Absalom, Nay my sonne, I pray thee, let vs not goe all, lest we be chargeable vnto thee. Yet Absalom lay sore vpon him: howbeit he would not go, but thanked him. 26 Then sayd Absalom, But, I pray thee, shall not my brother Amnon goe with vs? And the king answered him, Why should he go with thee? 27 But Absalom was instant vpon him, and he sent Amnon with him, and all the Kings children. 28 Now had Absalom commanded his seruants, saying, Marke now when Amnons heart is merry with wine, and when I say vnto you, Smite Amnon, kill him, feare not, for haue not I commanded you? be bold therefore, and play the men.

2 Samuel 13:37-38

37 But Absalom fled away, and went to Talmai the sonne of Ammihur King of Geshur: and Dauid mourned for his sonne euery day. 38 So Absalom fled, and went to Geshur, and was there three yeeres.

2 Samuel 13:38-38

38 So Absalom fled, and went to Geshur, and was there three yeeres.

2 Samuel 14:23

23 And Ioab arose, and went to Geshur, and brought Absalom to Ierusalem.

2 Samuel 14:30

30 Therefore he sayde vnto his seruants, Beholde, Ioab hath a fielde by my place, and hath barley therein: go, and set it on fire: and Absaloms seruants set the field on fire.

2 Samuel 14:32

32 And Absalom answered Ioab, Beholde, I sent for thee, saying, Come thou hither, and I wil send thee to the King for to say, Wherefore am I come from Geshur? It had bene better for me to haue bene there still: nowe therefore let mee see the Kings face: and if there be any trespasse in me, let him kill me. 33 Then Ioab came to the King, and told him: and he called for Absalom, who came to the King, and bowed himselfe to the grounde on his face before the King, and the King kissed Absalom.

2 Samuel 15:6

6 And on this maner did Absalom to al Israel, that came to the King for iudgement: so Absalom stale the hearts of the men of Israel.

2 Samuel 15:12

12 Also Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite Dauids counseller, from his citie Giloh, while he offred sacrifices: and the treason was great: for the people encreased still with Absalom.

2 Samuel 15:19-22

19 Then sayde the King to Ittai the Gittite, Wherefore commest thou also with vs? Returne aud abide with the King, for thou art a stranger: depart thou therefore to thy place. 20 Thou camest yesterday, and should I cause thee to wander to day and go with vs? I will goe whither I can: therefore returne thou and cary againe thy brethren: mercy and trueth be with thee.

2 Samuel 15:20

20 Thou camest yesterday, and should I cause thee to wander to day and go with vs? I will goe whither I can: therefore returne thou and cary againe thy brethren: mercy and trueth be with thee. 21 And Ittai answered the King, and sayde, As the Lord liueth, and as my lord the King liueth, in what place my lord the King shalbe, whether in death or life, euen there surely will thy seruant bee. 22 Then Dauid sayd to Ittai, Come, and go forward. And Ittai the Gittite went, and all his men, and all the children that were with him. 23 And all the countrey wept with a loude voyce, and all the people went forward, but the King passed ouer the brooke Kidron: and all the people went ouer toward the way of ye wildernes.

2 Samuel 15:27

27 The King sayde againe vnto Zadok the Priest, Art not thou a Seer? returne into the citie in peace, and your two sonnes with you: to wit, Ahimaaz thy sonne, and Ionathan the sonne of Abiathar.

2 Samuel 15:30

30 And Dauid went vp the mount of oliues and wept as he went vp, and had his head couered, and went barefooted: and al the people that was with him, had euery man his head couered, and as they went vp, they wept. 31 Then one tolde Dauid, saying, Ahithophel is one of them that haue cospired with Absalom: and Dauid sayde, O Lord, I pray thee, turne the counsell of Ahithophel into foolishnesse.

2 Samuel 15:34

34 But if thou returne to the citie, and say vnto Absalom, I wil be thy seruant, O King, (as I haue bene in time past thy fathers seruant, so will I now be thy seruant) then thou mayest bring me the counsell of Ahithophel to nought. 35 And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the Priests? therefore what so euer thou shalt heare out of the Kings house, thou shalt shew to Zadok and Abiathar the Priests. 36 Beholde, there are with them their two sonnes: Ahimaaz Zadoks sonne, and Ionathan Abiathars sonne: by them also shall ye send me euery thing that ye can heare.

2 Samuel 16:2

2 And the King said vnto Ziba, What meanest thou by these? And Ziba said, They be asses for the kings housholde to ride on, and bread and dryed figges for the yong men to eate, and wine, that the faint may drinke in the wildernesse.

2 Samuel 16:15-16

15 And Absalom, and all the people, the men of Israel, came to Ierusalem, and Ahithophel with him. 16 And when Hushai the Archite Dauids friend was come vnto Absalom, Hushai said vnto Absalom, God saue the King, God saue the King.

2 Samuel 16:16-16

16 And when Hushai the Archite Dauids friend was come vnto Absalom, Hushai said vnto Absalom, God saue the King, God saue the King. 17 Then Absalom sayd to Hushai, Is this thy kindenes to thy friend? Why wentest thou not with thy friend? 18 Hushai then answered vnto Absalom, Nay, but whome the Lord, and this people, and all the men of Israel chuse, his will I be, and with him will I dwell. 19 And moreouer vnto whome shall I doe seruice? not to his sonne? as I serued before thy father, so will I before thee. 20 Then spake Absalom to Ahithophel, Giue counsell what we shall doe. 21 And Ahithophel said vnto Absalom, Goe in to thy fathers concubines, which he hath left to keepe the house: and when all Israel shall heare, that thou art abhorred of thy father, the hands of all that are with thee, shall be strong.

2 Samuel 16:21-22

21 And Ahithophel said vnto Absalom, Goe in to thy fathers concubines, which he hath left to keepe the house: and when all Israel shall heare, that thou art abhorred of thy father, the hands of all that are with thee, shall be strong. 22 So they spread Absalom a tent vpon the top of the house, and Absalom went in to his fathers concubines in the sight of all Israel.

2 Samuel 16:22-22

22 So they spread Absalom a tent vpon the top of the house, and Absalom went in to his fathers concubines in the sight of all Israel. 23 And the counsell of Ahithophel which he counseled in those dayes, was like as one had asked counsell at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with Dauid and with Absalom.

2 Samuel 16:23

23 And the counsell of Ahithophel which he counseled in those dayes, was like as one had asked counsell at the oracle of God: so was all the counsel of Ahithophel both with Dauid and with Absalom.

2 Samuel 17:1

1 Moreouer Ahithophel said to Absalom, Let me chuse out now twelue thousand men, and I will vp and follow after Dauid this night,

2 Samuel 17:5-14

5 Then said Absalom, Call now Hushai the Archite also, and let vs heare likewise what he sayth. 6 So when Hushai came to Absalom, Absalom spake vnto him, saying, Ahithophel hath spoken thus: shall we doe after his saying, or no? tell thou. 7 Hushai then answered vnto Absalom, The counsel that Ahithophel hath giuen, is not good at this time. 8 For, said Hushai, thou knowest thy father, and his men, that they be strong men, and are chafed in minde as a beare robbed of her whelps in the fielde: also thy father is a valiant warrier, and will not lodge with the people. 9 Behold, he is hid now in some caue, or in some place: and though some of them be ouerthrowen at the first, yet the people shall heare, and say, The people that follow Absalom, be ouerthrowen. 10 Then he also that is valiant whose heart is as the heart of a lion, shall shrinke and faint: for all Israel knoweth, that thy father is valiant, and they which be with him, stout men. 11 Therefore my counsell is, that all Israel be gathered vnto thee, from Dan euen to Beer-sheba as the sand of the sea in nomber, and that thou goe to battell in thine owne person. 12 So shall we come vpon him in some place, where we shall finde him, and we will vpon him as the dewe falleth on the ground: and of all the men that are with him, wee will not leaue him one. 13 Moreouer if he be gotten into a citie, then shall all the men of Israel bring ropes to that citie, and we will draw it into the riuer, vntill there be not one small stone founde there. 14 Then Absalom and all the men of Israel sayde, The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better, then the counsell of Ahithophel: for the Lord had determined to destroy the good counsell of Ahithophel, that the Lord might bring euill vpon Absalom.

2 Samuel 17:14-14

14 Then Absalom and all the men of Israel sayde, The counsel of Hushai the Archite is better, then the counsell of Ahithophel: for the Lord had determined to destroy the good counsell of Ahithophel, that the Lord might bring euill vpon Absalom. 15 Then said Hushai vnto Zadok and to Abiathar the Priests, Of this and that maner did Ahithophel and the Elders of Israel counsell Absalom: and thus and thus haue I counseled. 16 Now therefore sende quickely, and shewe Dauid, saying, Tarie not this night in the fieldes of the wildernesse, but rather get thee ouer, lest the King be deuoured and all the people that are with him.

2 Samuel 17:16-16

16 Now therefore sende quickely, and shewe Dauid, saying, Tarie not this night in the fieldes of the wildernesse, but rather get thee ouer, lest the King be deuoured and all the people that are with him. 17 Now Ionathan and Ahimaaz abode by En-rogel: (for they might not be seene to come into the citie) and a maid went, and tolde them, and they went and shewed King Dauid.

2 Samuel 17:23

23 Nowe when Ahithophel sawe that his counsell was not followed, he sadled his asse, and arose, and he went home vnto his citie, and put his houshold in order, and hanged him selfe, and dyed, and was buryed in his fathers graue.

2 Samuel 18:2

2 And Dauid sent foorth the third part of the people vnder the hand of Ioab, and the thirde part vnder the hand of Abishai Ioabs brother the sonne of Zeruiah: and the other third part vnder the hand of Ittai the Gittite. and the King said vnto the people, I will go with you my selfe also.

2 Samuel 18:19-33

19 Then said Ahimaaz the sonne of Zadok, I pray thee, let me runne, and beare the King tidings that the Lord hath deliuered him out of the hande of his enemies. 20 And Ioab said vnto him, Thou shalt not be the messenger to day, but thou shalt beare tidings another time, but to day thou shalt beare none: for the Kings sonne is dead. 21 Then said Ioab to Cushi, Goe, tel the king, what thou hast seene. And Cushi bowed himselfe vnto Ioab, and ran. 22 Then saide Ahimaaz the sonne of Zadok againe to Ioab, What, I pray thee, if I also runne after Cushi? And Ioab said, Wherefore now wilt thou runne, my sonne, seeing that thou hast no tidings to bring? 23 Yet what if I runne? Then he saide vnto him, Runne. So Ahimaaz ranne by the way of the plaine, and ouerwent Cushi. 24 Now Dauid sate betweene the two gates. And the watchman went to the top of the gate vpon the wall, and lift vp his eyes, and sawe, and beholde, a man came running alone. 25 And the watchman cryed, and tolde ye king. And the King said, If he be alone, he bringeth tidings. And he came apace, and drew neere. 26 And the watchman saw another man running, and the watchman called vnto the porter, and said, Behold, another man runneth alone. And the King said, He also bringeth tidings. 27 And the watchman said, Me thinketh the running of the formost is like the running of Ahimaaz the sonne of Zadok. Then the King said, He is a good man, and commeth with good tidings. 28 And Ahimaaz called, and sayde vnto the King, Peace be with thee: and he fell downe to the earth vpon his face before the King, and saide, Blessed be the Lord thy God, who hath shut vp the men that lift vp their handes against my lorde the King. 29 And the King saide, Is the yong man Absalom safe? And Ahimaaz answered, When Ioab sent the Kings seruant, and me thy seruant, I sawe a great tumult, but I knewe not what. 30 And the King said vnto him, Turne aside, and stand here. so he turned aside and stoode still. 31 And beholde, Cushi came, and Cushi saide, Tidings, my lorde the King: for the Lord hath deliuered thee this day out of the hande of all that rose against thee. 32 Then the King saide vnto Cushi, Is the yong man Absalom safe? And Cushi answered, The enemies of my lorde the King, and all that rise against thee to doe thee hurt, be as that yong man is. 33 And the King was mooued, and went vp to the chamber ouer the gate, and wept: and as he went, thus he said, O my sonne Absalom, my sonne, my sonne Absalom: woulde God I had dyed for thee, O Absalom, my sonne, my sonne.

2 Samuel 19:4

4 So the King hid his face, and the King cryed with a loude voyce, My sonne Absalom, Absalom my sonne, my sonne.

2 Samuel 19:8

8 Then the King arose, and sate in the gate: and they tolde vnto all the people, saying, Beholde, the King doeth sit in the gate: and all the people came before the King: for Israel had fled euery man to his tent. 9 Then all the people were at strife thorowout all the tribes of Israel, saying, The King saued vs out of the hand of our enemies, and he deliuered vs out of the hande of the Philistims, and nowe he is fled out of the lande for Absalom. 10 And Absalom, whome we anoynted ouer vs, is dead in battel: therefore why are ye so slow to bring the King againe?

2 Samuel 19:35

35 I am this day fourescore yeere olde: and can I discerne betweene good or euill? Hath thy seruant any taste in that I eat or in that I drinke? Can I heare any more the voyce of singing men and women? wherefore then should thy seruant be anymore a burthen vnto my lord the king?

2 Samuel 20:3

3 When Dauid then came to his house to Ierusalem, the King tooke the ten women his concubines, that hee had left behinde him to keepe the house, and put them in warde, and fed them, but lay no more with them: but they were enclosed vnto the day of their death, liuing in widowhode.

2 Samuel 20:7

7 And there went out after him Ioabs men, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites, and all the mightie men: and they departed out of Ierusalem, to follow after Sheba the sonne of Bichri.

2 Samuel 20:23

23 Then Ioab was ouer all the hoste of Israel, and Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada ouer the Cherethites and ouer the Pelethies,

2 Samuel 20:25

25 And Sheia was Scribe, and Zadok and Abiathar the Priests,

2 Samuel 22:20

20 And brought me foorth into a large place: he deliuered me, because he fauoured me.

2 Samuel 23:16-17

16 The the three mightie brake into the host of the Philistims, and drew water out of the well of Beth-lehem that was by the gate, and tooke and brought it to Dauid, who woulde not drinke thereof, but powred it for an offring vnto ye Lord, 17 And said, O Lord, be it farre from me, that I should doe this. Is not this the blood of the men that went in ieopardie of their liues? therefore he woulde not drinke it. These things did these three mightie men.

2 Samuel 24:11

11 And when Dauid was vp in the morning, the worde of the Lord came vnto the Prophet Gad Dauids Seer, saying,

1 Kings 1:5

5 Then Adoniiah the sonne of Haggith exalted himselfe, saying, I will be king. And he gate him charets and horsemen, and fiftie men to run before him.

1 Kings 1:8

8 But Zadok the Priest, and Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada, and Nathan the Prophet, and Shimei, and Rei, and the men of might, which were with Dauid, were not with Adoniiah.

1 Kings 1:33

33 Then the King said vnto them, Take with you the seruants of your lorde, and cause Salomon my sonne to ride vpon mine owne mule, and carie him downe to Gihon. 34 And let Zadok the Priest and Nathan the Prophet anoint him there King ouer Israel, and blowe ye the trumpet, and say, God saue king Salomon.

1 Kings 1:38

38 So Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the Prophet, and Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites went downe and caused Salomon to ride vpon king Dauids mule, and brought him to Gihon.

1 Kings 2:35

35 And the King put Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada in his roume ouer the hoste: and the King set Zadok the Priest in the roume of Abiathar.

1 Kings 2:37

37 For that day that thou goest out, and passest ouer the riuer of Kidron, knowe assuredly, that thou shalt dye the death: thy blood shall be vpon thine owne head.

1 Kings 3:16-28

16 Then came two harlots vnto the King, and stoode before him. 17 And the one woman sayd, Oh my lorde, I and this woman dwell in one house, and I was deliuered of a childe with her in the house. 18 And the third day after that I was deliuered, this woman was deliuered also: and we were in the house together: no stranger was with vs in the house, saue we twaine. 19 And this womans sonne died in the night: for she ouerlay him. 20 And she rose at midnight, and tooke my sonne from my side, while thine handmaide slept, and layde him in her bosome, and layde her dead sonne in my bosome. 21 And when I rose in the morning to giue my sonne sucke, beholde, he was dead: and when I had well considered him in the morning, beholde, it was not my sonne, whom I had borne. 22 Then the other woman sayd, Nay, but my sonne liueth, and thy sonne is dead. Againe she sayde, No, but thy sonne is dead, and mine aliue: thus they spake before the King. 23 Then sayde the King, She sayth, This that liueth is my sonne, and the dead is thy sonne: and the other sayth, Nay, but the dead is thy sonne, and the liuing is my sonne. 24 Then the King said, Bring me a sworde: and they brought out a sworde before the King. 25 And the King sayde, Deuide ye the liuing child in twaine, and giue the one halfe to the one, and the other halfe to the other. 26 Then spake the woman, whose the liuing child was, vnto the King, for her compassion was kindled toward her sonne, and she sayde, Oh my lorde, giue her the liuing childe, and slay him not: but the other sayde, Let it be neither mine nor thine, but deuide it. 27 Then the King answered, and sayde, Giue her the liuing childe, and slay him not: this is his mother. 28 And all Israel heard the iudgement, which the King had iudged, and they feared the King: for they sawe that the wisedome of God was in him to doe iustice.

1 Kings 4:2-4

2 And these were his princes, Azariah the sonne of Zadok the Priest, 3 Elihoreph and Ahiah the sonnes of Shisha scribes, Iehoshaphat the sonne of Ahilud, the recorder, 4 And Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada was ouer the hoste, and Zadok and Abiathar Priests,

1 Kings 8:44-45

44 When thy people shall go out to battell against their enemie by the way that thou shalt sende them, and shall pray vnto the Lord towarde the way of the citie which thou hast chosen, and toward the house that I haue built for thy Name, 45 Heare thou then in heauen their prayer and their supplication, and iudge their cause.

1 Kings 10:9

9 Blessed be the Lord thy God, which loued thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel, because the Lord loued Israel for euer and made thee King to doe equitie and righteousnesse.

1 Kings 10:26-29

26 Then Salomon gathered together charrets and horsemen: and he had a thousand and foure hundreth charets, and twelue thousande horsemen, whome hee placed in the charet cities, and with the King at Ierusalem. 27 And the King gaue siluer in Ierusalem as stones, and gaue cedars as the wilde figtrees that growe abundantly in the plaine. 28 Also Salomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and fine linen: the Kings marchants receiued the linen for a price. 29 There came vp and went out of Egypt some charet, worth sixe hundreth shekels of siluer: that is, one horse, an hundreth and fiftie and thus they brought horses to all the Kings of the Hittites and to the Kings of Aram by their meanes.

1 Kings 11:7

7 Then did Salomon build an hie place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, in the mountaine that is ouer against Ierusalem, and vnto Molech the abomination of the children of Ammon.

1 Kings 15:13

13 And he put downe Maachah his mother also from her estate, because shee had made an idole in a groue: and Asa destroyed her idoles, and burnt them by the brooke Kidron.

1 Kings 21:9

9 And shee wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaime a fast, and set Naboth among the chiefe of the people,

1 Kings 21:12

12 They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth among the chiefe of the people,

2 Kings 2:2

2 Then Eliiah saide to Elisha, Tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel. But Elisha said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came downe to Beth-el.

2 Kings 2:4

4 Againe Eliiah saide vnto him, Elisha, tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Iericho: But he said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came to Iericho.

2 Kings 2:6

6 Moreouer Eliiah saide vnto him, Tarie, I pray thee, here: for the Lord hath sent me to Iorden. But he saide, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they went both together.

2 Kings 4:30

30 And the mother of the childe sayde, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. Therefore he arose, and followed her.

2 Kings 9:13

13 Then they made haste, and tooke euerie man his garment, and put it vnder him on the top of the staires, and blewe the trumpet, saying, Iehu is King.

1 Chronicles 6:8-12

8 And Ahitub begate Zadok, and Zadok begate Ahimaaz, 9 And Ahimaaz begate Azariah, and Azariah begate Iohanan, 10 And Iohanan begate Azariah (it was hee that was Priest in the house that Salomon built in Ierusalem) 11 And Azariah begate Amariah, and Amariah begate Ahitub, 12 And Ahitub begate Zadok, and Zadok begate Shallum,

1 Chronicles 11:3

3 So came all the Elders of Israel to the King to Hebron, and Dauid made a couenant with them in Hebron before the Lord. And they anoynted Dauid King ouer Israel, according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Samuel.

1 Chronicles 12:23

23 And these are the nombers of the captaines that were armed to battell, and came to Dauid to Hebron to turne the kingdome of Saul to him, according to the worde of the Lord.

1 Chronicles 12:38

38 All these men of warre that coulde leade an armie, came with vpright heart to Hebron to make Dauid King ouer all Israel: and all the rest of Israel was of one accorde to make Dauid King:

1 Chronicles 15:2

2 Then Dauid saide, None ought to carie the Arke of God, but the Leuites: for the Lord hath chosen them to beare the Arke of the Lord, and to minister vnto him for euer.

1 Chronicles 18:17

17 And Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada was ouer the Cherethites and the Pelethites: and the sonnes of Dauid were chiefe about the King.

1 Chronicles 25:5

5 All these were the sonnes of Heman, the Kings Seer in the wordes of God to lift vp the horne: and God gaue to Heman fourtene sonnes and three daughters.

1 Chronicles 27:33

33 And Ahitophel was the Kings counseller, and Hushai the Archite the Kings friend.

2 Chronicles 9:8

8 Blessed be the Lord thy God, which loued thee, to set thee on his throne as King, in the steade of the Lord thy God: because thy God loueth Israel, to establish it for euer, therefore hath he made thee King ouer them, to execute iudgement and iustice.

2 Chronicles 29:16

16 And the Priests went into the inner partes of the house of the Lord, to clense it, and brought out all the vncleannesse that they founde in the Temple of the Lord, into the court of the house of the Lord: and the Leuites tooke it, to cary it out vnto the brooke Kidron.

Esther 6:12

12 And Mordecai came againe to the Kings gate, but Haman hasted home mourning and his head couered.

Job 1:20-21

20 Then Iob arose, and rent his garment, and shaued his head, and fel downe vpon the ground, and worshipped, 21 And sayd, Naked came I out of my mothers wombe, and naked shall I returne thither: the Lord hath giuen, and the Lord hath taken it: blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Job 5:12

12 He scattereth the deuices of the craftie: so that their handes can not accomplish that which they doe enterprise.

Job 12:16-20

16 With him is strength and wisedome: hee that is deceiued, and that deceiueth, are his. 17 He causeth the counsellers to goe as spoyled, and maketh the iudges fooles. 18 He looseth the collar of Kings, and girdeth their loynes with a girdle. 19 He leadeth away the princes as a pray, and ouerthroweth the mightie. 20 He taketh away the speach from the faithfull counsellers, and taketh away the iudgement of the ancient.

Job 20:5-29

5 That the reioycing of the wicked is short, and that the ioy of hypocrites is but a moment? 6 Though his excellencie mount vp to the heauen, and his head reache vnto the cloudes, 7 Yet shall hee perish for euer, like his dung, and they which haue seene him, shall say, Where is hee? 8 He shall flee away as a dreame, and they shall not finde him, and shall passe away as a vision of the night, 9 So that the eye which had seene him, shall do so no more, and his place shall see him no more. 10 His children shall flatter the poore, and his hands shall restore his substance. 11 His bones are full of the sinne of his youth, and it shall lie downe with him in the dust. 12 When wickednesse was sweete in his mouth, and he hid it vnder his tongue, 13 And fauoured it, and would not forsake it, but kept it close in his mouth, 14 Then his meat in his bowels was turned: the gall of Aspes was in the middes of him. 15 He hath deuoured substance, and hee shall vomit it: for God shall drawe it out of his bellie. 16 He shall sucke the gall of Aspes, and the vipers tongue shall slay him. 17 He shall not see the riuers, nor the floods and streames of honie and butter. 18 He shall restore the labour, and shall deuoure no more: euen according to the substance shalbe his exchange, and he shall enioy it no more. 19 For he hath vndone many: he hath forsaken the poore, and hath spoyled houses which he builded not. 20 Surely he shall feele no quietnes in his bodie, neither shall he reserue of that which he desired. 21 There shall none of his meate bee left: therefore none shall hope for his goods. 22 When he shalbe filled with his abundance, he shalbe in paine, and the hand of all the wicked shall assaile him. 23 He shall be about to fill his belly, but God shall sende vpon him his fierce wrath, and shall cause to rayne vpon him, euen vpon his meate. 24 He shall flee from the yron weapons, and the bow of steele shall strike him through. 25 The arrowe is drawen out, and commeth forth of the body, and shineth of his gall, so feare commeth vpon him. 26 All darkenes shalbe hid in his secret places: the fire that is not blowen, shall deuoure him, and that which remaineth in his tabernacle, shalbe destroyed. 27 The heauen shall declare his wickednes, and the earth shall rise vp against him. 28 The increase of his house shall go away: it shall flow away in the day of his wrath. 29 This is the portion of the wicked man from God, and the heritage that he shall haue of God for his wordes.

Job 24:14

14 The murtherer riseth earely and killeth the poore and the needie: and in the night he is as a theefe.

Psalms 3:1-2

1 A Psalme of Dauid, when he fled from his sonne Absalom. Lord, howe are mine aduersaries increased? howe many rise against me?

Psalms 3:1-8

1 A Psalme of Dauid, when he fled from his sonne Absalom. Lord, howe are mine aduersaries increased? howe many rise against me?

Psalms 3:1

1 A Psalme of Dauid, when he fled from his sonne Absalom. Lord, howe are mine aduersaries increased? howe many rise against me? 2 Many say to my soule, There is no helpe for him in God. Selah.

Psalms 3:2-8

2 Many say to my soule, There is no helpe for him in God. Selah. 3 But thou Lord art a buckler for me: my glory, and the lifter vp of mine head.

Psalms 3:3-5

3 But thou Lord art a buckler for me: my glory, and the lifter vp of mine head. 4 I did call vnto the Lord with my voyce, and he heard me out of his holy mountaine. Selah.

Psalms 3:4-5

4 I did call vnto the Lord with my voyce, and he heard me out of his holy mountaine. Selah. 5 I layed me downe and slept, and rose vp againe: for the Lord susteined me.

Psalms 3:5-5

5 I layed me downe and slept, and rose vp againe: for the Lord susteined me. 6 I will not be afrayde for ten thousand of the people, that should beset me round about. 7 O Lord, arise: helpe me, my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies vpon the cheeke bone: thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked.

Psalms 3:7

7 O Lord, arise: helpe me, my God: for thou hast smitten all mine enemies vpon the cheeke bone: thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked. 8 Saluation belongeth vnto the Lord, and thy blessing is vpon thy people. Selah.

Psalms 4:1-3

1 To him that excelleth on Neginoth. A Psalme of Dauid. Heare me when I call, O God of my righteousnes: thou hast set me at libertie, when I was in distresse: haue mercie vpon me and hearken vnto my prayer. 2 O ye sonnes of men, howe long will yee turne my glory into shame, louing vanitie, and seeking lyes? Selah. 3 For be ye sure that the Lord hath chosen to himselfe a godly man: the Lord will heare when I call vnto him.

Psalms 10:9-10

9 He lyeth in waite secretly, euen as a lyon in his denne: he lyeth in waite to spoyle the poore: he doeth spoyle the poore, when he draweth him into his net. 10 He croucheth and boweth: therefore heaps of the poore doe fall by his might.

Psalms 12:2

2 They speake deceitfully euery one with his neighbour, flattering with their lips, and speake with a double heart.

Psalms 20:7

7 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the Name of ye Lord our God.

Psalms 25:10

10 All the pathes of the Lord are mercie and trueth vnto such as keepe his couenant and his testimonies.

Psalms 26:8

8 O Lord, I haue loued the habitation of thine house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.

Psalms 27:4-5

4 One thing haue I desired of the Lord, that I will require, euen that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life, to beholde the beautie of the Lord, and to visite his Temple. 5 For in the time of trouble hee shall hide mee in his Tabernacle: in the secrete place of his pauillion shall he hide me, and set me vp vpon a rocke.

Psalms 39:9

9 I should haue bene dumme, and not haue opened my mouth, because thou didest it.

Psalms 41:9

9 Yea, my familiar friend, whom I trusted, which did eate of my bread, hath lifted vp the heele against me.

Psalms 42:1-2

1 To him that excelleth. A Psalme to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah. As the harte brayeth for the riuers of water, so panteth my soule after thee, O God. 2 My soule thirsteth for God, euen for the liuing God: when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God? 3 My teares haue bin my meate day and night, while they dayly say vnto me, Where is thy God?

Psalms 43:1-2

1 Judge me, O God, and defend my cause against the vnmercifull people: deliuer mee from the deceitfull and wicked man. 2 For thou art the God of my strength: why hast thou put me away? why goe I so mourning, when the enemie oppresseth me? 3 Sende thy light and thy trueth: let them leade mee: let them bring mee vnto thine holy Mountaine and to thy Tabernacles. 4 Then wil I go vnto the altar of God, euen vnto the God of my ioy and gladnes: and vpon the harpe wil I giue thanks vnto thee, O God, my God. 5 Why art thou cast downe, my soule? and why art thou disquieted within mee? waite on God: for I will yet giue him thankes, he is my present helpe, and my God.

Psalms 50:15

15 And call vpon me in the day of trouble: so will I deliuer thee, and thou shalt glorifie me. 16 But vnto the wicked said God, What hast thou to doe to declare mine ordinances, that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth, 17 Seeing thou hatest to bee reformed, and hast cast my wordes behinde thee? 18 For when thou seest a thiefe, thou runnest with him, and thou art partaker with the adulterers. 19 Thou giuest thy mouth to euill, and with thy tongue thou forgest deceit. 20 Thou sittest, and speakest against thy brother, and slanderest thy mothers sonne. 21 These things hast thou done, and I held my tongue: therefore thou thoughtest that I was like thee: but I will reproue thee, and set them in order before thee.

Psalms 51:18

18 Bee fauourable vnto Zion for thy good pleasure: builde the walles of Ierusalem.

Psalms 55:3-11

3 For the voyce of the enemie, and for the vexation of ye wicked, because they haue brought iniquitie vpon me, and furiously hate me. 4 Mine heart trembleth within mee, and the terrours of death are fallen vpon me. 5 Feare and trembling are come vpon mee, and an horrible feare hath couered me. 6 And I said, Oh that I had wings like a doue: then would I flie away and rest. 7 Beholde, I woulde take my flight farre off, and lodge in the wildernes. Selah. 8 Hee would make haste for my deliuerance from the stormie winde and tempest. 9 Destroy, O Lord, and deuide their tongues: for I haue seene crueltie and strife in the citie. 10 Day and night they goe about it vpon the walles thereof: both iniquitie and mischiefe are in the middes of it. 11 Wickednes is in the middes thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streetes. 12 Surely mine enemie did not defame mee: for I could haue borne it: neither did mine aduersarie exalt himselfe against mee: for I would haue hid me from him.

Psalms 55:12

12 Surely mine enemie did not defame mee: for I could haue borne it: neither did mine aduersarie exalt himselfe against mee: for I would haue hid me from him. 13 But it was thou, O man, euen my companion, my guide and my familiar: 14 Which delited in consulting together, and went into the House of God as companions.

Psalms 55:14-15

14 Which delited in consulting together, and went into the House of God as companions. 15 Let death sense vpon them: let them goe downe quicke into the graue: for wickednes is in their dwellings, euen in the middes of them.

Psalms 55:21

21 The wordes of his mouth were softer then butter, yet warre was in his heart: his words were more gentle then oyle, yet they were swordes.

Psalms 56:8

8 Thou hast counted my wandrings: put my teares into thy bottel: are they not in thy register?

Psalms 56:12

12 Thy vowes are vpon me, O God: I will render prayses vnto thee.

Psalms 57:3

3 He will send from heauen, and saue me from the reproofe of him that would swallowe me. Selah. God wil send his mercy, and his trueth.

Psalms 59:15

15 They shall runne here and there for meate: and surely they shall not be satisfied, though they tary all night.

Psalms 61:7

7 Hee shall dwell before God for euer: prepare mercie and faithfulnes that they may preserue him.

Psalms 62:9

9 Yet the children of men are vanitie, the chiefe men are lies: to lay them vpon a balance they are altogether lighter then vanitie.

Psalms 63:1-2

1 A Psalme of David. When he was in the wildernesse of Judah. O God, thou art my God, earely will I seeke thee: my soule thirsteth for thee: my flesh longeth greatly after thee in a barren and drye land without water. 2 Thus I beholde thee as in the Sanctuarie, when I beholde thy power and thy glorie.

Psalms 66:12

12 Thou hast caused men to ryde ouer our heads: we went into fire and into water, but thou broughtest vs out into a welthie place.

Psalms 73:18-19

18 Surely thou hast set them in slipperie places, and castest them downe into desolation. 19 How suddenly are they destroyed, perished and horribly consumed,

Psalms 84:1-3

1 To him that excelleth upon Gittith. A Psalme committed to the sonnes of Korah. O Lord of hostes, howe amiable are thy Tabernacles! 2 My soule longeth, yea, and fainteth for the courtes of the Lord: for mine heart and my flesh reioyce in the liuing God. 3 Yea, the sparrowe hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest for her, where she may lay her yong: euen by thine altars, O Lord of hostes, my King and my God.

Psalms 84:10

10 For a day in thy courtes is better then a thousand other where: I had rather be a doore keeper in the House of my God, then to dwell in the Tabernacles of wickednesse.

Psalms 85:10

10 Mercie and trueth shall meete: righteousnes and peace shall kisse one another.

Psalms 89:14

14 Righteousnesse and equitie are the stablishment of thy throne: mercy and trueth goe before thy face.

Psalms 91:15

15 He shall call vpon me, and I wil heare him: I will be with him in trouble: I will deliuer him, and glorifie him.

Psalms 109:3

3 They compassed me about also with words of hatred, and fought against me without a cause.

Psalms 122:1

1 A song of degrees, or Psalme of David. I rejoiced, when they sayd to me, We wil go into the house of the Lord.

Psalms 122:9

9 Because of the House of the Lord our God, I will procure thy wealth.

Psalms 126:5-6

5 They that sowe in teares, shall reape in ioy. 6 They went weeping and caried precious seede: but they shall returne with ioye and bring their sheaues.

Psalms 137:5-6

5 If I forget thee, O Ierusalem, let my right hand forget to play. 6 If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleaue to the roofe of my mouth: yea, if I preferre not Ierusalem to my chiefe ioy.

Proverbs 4:16

16 For they can not sleepe, except they haue done euill, and their sleepe departeth except they cause some to fall.

Proverbs 11:2

2 When pride commeth, then commeth shame: but with the lowly is wisdome.

Proverbs 11:9

9 An hypocrite with his mouth hurteth his neighbour: but the righteous shall be deliuered by knowledge.

Proverbs 12:2

2 A good man getteth fauour of the Lord: but the man of wicked immaginations will hee condemne.

Proverbs 14:15

15 The foolish will beleeue euery thing: but the prudent will consider his steppes.

Proverbs 14:22

22 Doe not they erre that imagine euill? but to them that thinke on good things, shalbe mercie and trueth.

Proverbs 16:18

18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an high minde before the fall.

Proverbs 17:17

17 A friende loueth at all times: and a brother is borne for aduersitie.

Proverbs 17:19

19 He loueth transgression, that loueth strife: and he that exalteth his gate, seeketh destruction.

Proverbs 18:24

24 A man that hath friends, ought to shew him selfe friendly: for a friend is neerer then a brother.

Proverbs 21:27

27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination: how much more when he bringeth it with a wicked minde?

Proverbs 22:3

3 A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished.

Proverbs 25:6

6 Boast not thy selfe before the King, and stand not in the place of great men.

Proverbs 26:25

25 Though he speake fauourably, beleeue him not: for there are seuen abominations in his heart.

Proverbs 27:2

2 Let another man prayse thee, and not thine owne mouth: a stranger, and not thine owne lips.

Proverbs 30:11

11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doeth not blesse their mother.

Proverbs 30:17

17 The eye that mocketh his father and despiseth the instruction of his mother, let ye rauens of the valley picke it out, and the yong eagles eate it.

Ecclesiastes 5:4

4 It is better that thou shouldest not vowe, then that thou shouldest vow and not pay it.

Ecclesiastes 10:7

7 I haue seene seruants on horses, and princes walking as seruants on the ground.

Isaiah 1:10-16

10 Heare the worde of the Lord, O princes of Sodom: hearken vnto the Law of our God, O people of Gomorah. 11 What haue I to doe with the multitude of your sacrifices, sayth the Lord? I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and of the fat of fed beasts: and I desire not the blood of bullocks, nor of lambs, nor of goates. 12 When ye come to appeare before me, who required this of your hands to tread in my courts? 13 Bring no more oblations, in vaine: incense is an abomination vnto me: I can not suffer your newe moones, nor Sabbaths, nor solemne dayes (it is iniquitie) nor solemne assemblies. 14 My soule hateth your newe moones and your appointed feastes: they are a burden vnto me: I am weary to beare them. 15 And when you shall stretch out your hands, I wil hide mine eyes from you: and though ye make many prayers, I wil not heare: for your hands are full of blood. 16 Wash you, make you cleane: take away the euill of your workes from before mine eyes: cease to doe euill.

Isaiah 19:3

3 And the spirite of Egypt shall faile in the middes of her, and I will destroy their counsell, and they shall seeke at the idoles, and at the sorcerers, and at them that haue spirits of diuination, and at the southsayers.

Isaiah 19:11-25

11 Surely the princes of Zoan are fooles: the counsell of the wise counselers of Pharaoh is become foolish: how say ye vnto Pharaoh, I am the sonne of the wise? I am the sonne of the ancient Kings? 12 Where are nowe thy wise men, that they may tell thee, or may knowe what the Lord of hostes hath determined against Egypt? 13 The princes of Zoan are become fooles: the princes of Noph are deceiued, they haue deceiued Egypt, euen the corners of the tribes thereof. 14 The Lord hath mingled among them the spirite of errours: and they haue caused Egypt to erre in euery worke thereof, as a drunken man erreth in his vomite. 15 Neither shall there be any worke in Egypt, which the head may doe, nor the tayle, ye branch nor the rush. 16 In that day shall Egypt be like vnto women: for it shall be afraide and feare because of the moouing of the hand of the Lord of hostes, which he shaketh ouer it. 17 And the land of Iudah shall be a feare vnto Egypt: euery one that maketh mention of it, shalbe afraid thereat, because of ye counsell of the Lord of hostes, which he hath determined vpon it. 18 In that day shall fiue cities in the lande of Egypt speake the language of Canaan, and shall sweare by the Lord of hostes. one shall be called the citie of destruction. 19 In that day shall the altar of the Lord be in the middes of the land of Egypt, and a pillar by the border thereof vnto the Lord. 20 And it shall be for a signe and for a witnes vnto the Lord of hostes in the land of Egypt: for they shall crie vnto the Lord, because of the oppressers, and he shall send them a Sauiour and a great man, and shall deliuer them. 21 And the Lord shall be knowen of the Egyptians, and the Egyptians shall knowe the Lord in that day, and doe sacrifice and oblation, and shall vowe vowes vnto the Lord, and performe them. 22 So ye Lord shall smite Egypt, he shall smite and heale it: for he shall returne vnto ye Lord, and he shall be intreated of them and shall heale them. 23 In that day shall there be a path from Egypt to Asshur, and Asshur shall come into Egypt, and Egypt into Asshur: so the Egyptians shall worship with Asshur. 24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and Asshur, euen a blessing in the middes of the land. 25 For the Lord of hostes shall blesse it, saying, Blessed be my people Egypt and Asshur, the worke of mine hands, and Israel mine inheritance.

Isaiah 20:2-4

2 At the same time spake the Lord by ye hand of Isaiah the sonne of Amoz, saying, Goe, and loose the sackecloth from thy loynes, and put off thy shooe from thy foote. And he did so, walking naked and barefoote. 3 And the Lord said, Like as my seruant Isaiah hath walked naked, and barefoote three yeeres, as a signe and wonder vpon Egypt, and Ethiopia, 4 So shall the King of Asshur take away the captiuitie of Egypt, and the captiuitie of Ethiopia, both yong men and olde men, naked and barefoote, with their buttockes vncouered, to the shame of Egypt.

Isaiah 28:15

15 Because ye haue said, We haue made a couenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement: though a scourge runne ouer, and passe through, it shall not come at vs: for we haue made falshood our refuge, and vnder vanitie are we hid,

Isaiah 38:22

22 Also Hezekiah had said, What is ye signe, that I shall goe vp into the House of the Lord?

Isaiah 42:1

1 Behold, my seruaunt: I will stay vpon him: mine elect, in whom my soule deliteth: I haue put my Spirit vpon him: he shall bring forth iudgement to the Gentiles.

Isaiah 58:4

4 Beholde, ye fast to strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickednesse: ye shall not fast as ye doe to day, to make your voyce to be heard aboue.

Isaiah 62:4

4 It shall no more be sayd vnto thee, Forsaken, neither shall it be said any more to thy land, Desolate, but thou shalt be called Hephzi-bah, and thy land Beulah: for the Lord deliteth in thee, and thy land shall haue an husband.

Jeremiah 7:4

4 Trust not in lying woordes, saying, The Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord: this is the Temple of the Lord.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

8 Howe doe yee say, Wee are wise, and the Lawe of the Lord is with vs? Loe, certeinly in vaine made hee it, the penne of the scribes is in vaine. 9 The wise men are ashamed: they are afraid and taken. loe, they haue reiected the word of the Lord, and what wisdome is in them?

Jeremiah 9:3-5

3 And they bende their tongues like their bowes for lyes: but they haue no courage for the trueth vpon the earth: for they proceede from euill to worse, and they haue not knowen mee, sayth the Lord. 4 Let euery one take heede of his neighbour, and trust you not in any brother: for euery brother will vse deceite, and euery friend will deale deceitfully, 5 And euery one wil deceiue his friende, and wil not speake the trueth: for they haue taught their tongues to speake lies, and take great paynes to do wickedly.

Jeremiah 14:3-4

3 And their nobles haue sent their inferiours to the water, who came to the welles, and founde no water: they returned with their vessels empty: they were ashamed and confounded, and couered their heads. 4 For the grounde was destroyed, because there was no rayne in the earth: the plowmen were ashamed, and couered their heads.

Jeremiah 22:14-16

14 He saith, I will build me a wide house and large chambers: so he will make him selfe large windowes, and feeling with cedar, and paint them with vermilion. 15 Shalt thou reigne, because thou closest thy selfe in cedar? did not thy father eate and drinke and prosper, when he executed iudgement and iustice? 16 When he iudged the cause of the afflicted and the poore, he prospered: was not this because he knewe me, saith the Lord?

Jeremiah 22:28

28 Is not this man Coniah as a despised and broken idole? or as a vessell, wherein is no pleasure? wherefore are they caryed away, hee and his seede, and cast out into a lande that they knowe not?

Jeremiah 25:30

30 Therefore prophecie thou against them al these words, and say vnto them, The Lord shall roare from aboue, and thrust out his voyce from his holy habitation: he shall roare vpon his habitation, and crie aloude, as they that presse the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.

Jeremiah 32:41

41 Yea, I wil delite in them to do them good, and I wil plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart, and with all my soule.

Jeremiah 42:20

20 Surely ye dissembled in your hearts When ye sent me vnto the Lord your God, saying, Pray for vs vnto the Lord our God, and declare vnto vs euen according vnto al that the Lord our God shall say, and we will doe it.

Ezekiel 22:7

7 In thee haue they despised father and mother: in the middes of thee haue they oppressed the stranger: in thee haue they vexed the fatherlesse and the widowe.

Ezekiel 24:17

17 Cease from sighing: make no mourning for the dead, and binde the tyre of thine head vpon thee, and put on thy shooes vpon thy feete, and couer not thy lips, and eate not the bread of men.

Ezekiel 24:23

23 And your tyre shalbe vpon your heads, and your shooes vpon your feete: ye shall not mourne nor weepe, but ye shall pine away for your iniquities, and mourne one toward another.

Ezekiel 46:18

18 Moreouer the prince shall not take of the peoples inheritance, nor thrust them out of their possession: but he shall cause his sonnes to inherit of his owne possession, that my people be not scattered euery man from his possession.

Ezekiel 48:11

11 It shalbe for the Priestes that are sanctified of the sonnes of Zadok, which haue kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Leuites went astray.

Daniel 11:21

21 And in his place shall stand vp a vile person, to whom they shall not giue the honour of the kingdome: but he shall come in peaceably, and obteine the kingdome by flatteries.

Amos 8:12

12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the North euen vnto the East shall they run to and from to seeke the worde of the Lord, and shall not finde it.

Micah 7:5-6

5 Trust ye not in a friend, neither put ye confidence in a counseller: keepe the doores of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome. 6 For the sonne reuileth the father: ye daughter riseth vp against her mother: the daughter in lawe against her mother in lawe, and a mans enemies are the men of his owne house.

Zechariah 14:4

4 And his feete shall stand in that day vpon the mount of oliues, which is before Ierusalem on the Eastside, and the mount of oliues shall cleaue in the middes thereof: toward the East and toward the West there shalbe a very great valley, and halfe of ye mountaine shall remooue toward the North, and halfe of the mountaine towarde the South.

Matthew 1:10

10 And Ezekias begate Manasses. And Manasses begate Amon. And Amon begate Iosias.

Matthew 2:8

8 And sent them to Beth-leem, saying, Goe, and searche diligently for the babe: and when ye haue founde him, bring mee worde againe, that I may come also, and worship him.

Matthew 3:1

1 And in those dayes, Iohn the Baptist came and preached in the wildernes of Iudea,

Matthew 3:3

3 For this is he of whome it is spoken by the Prophet Esaias, saying, The voyce of him that crieth in the wildernes, Prepare ye the way of the Lord: make his pathes straight.

Matthew 5:4

4 Blessed are they that mourne: for they shall be comforted.

Matthew 8:19-20

19 Then came there a certaine Scribe, and said vnto him, Master, I will follow thee whithersoeuer thou goest. 20 But Iesus saide vnto him, The foxes haue holes, and the birdes of the heauen haue nestes, but the Sonne of man hath not whereon to rest his head.

Matthew 10:16

16 Behold, I send you as sheepe in the middes of the wolues: be yee therefore wise as serpents, and innocent as doues.

Matthew 11:12

12 And from the time of Iohn Baptist hitherto, the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Matthew 15:4

4 For God hath commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.

Matthew 21:9

9 Moreouer, the people that went before, and they also that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Sonne of Dauid, Blessed be hee that commeth in the Name of the Lord, Hosanna thou which art in the highest heauens.

Matthew 23:13

13 Wo therefore be vnto you, Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites, because ye shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men: for ye your selues go not in, neither suffer ye them that would enter, to come in.

Matthew 26:14-15

14 Then one of the twelue, called Iudas Iscariot, went vnto the chiefe Priestes, 15 And said, What will ye giue me, and I will deliuer him vnto you? and they appoynted vnto him thirtie pieces of siluer.

Matthew 27:1

1 When the morning was come, all the chiefe Priests, and the elders of the people tooke counsell against Iesus, to put him to death,

Matthew 27:22

22 Pilate said vnto them, What shall I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They all said to him, Let him be crucified.

Luke 1:80

80 And the childe grewe, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the wildernesse, til the day came that he should shewe him selfe vnto Israel.

Luke 10:15

15 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to hell.

Luke 14:8-11

8 When thou shalt be bidden of any man to a wedding, set not thy selfe downe in the chiefest place, lest a more honourable man then thou, be bidden of him, 9 And he that bade both him and thee, come, and say to thee, Giue this man roome, and thou then begin with shame to take the lowest roome. 10 But when thou art bidden, goe and sit downe in the lowest roome, that when he that bade thee, cometh, he may say vnto thee, Friende, sit vp hier: then shalt thou haue worship in the presence of them that sit at table with thee. 11 For whosoeuer exalteth himselfe, shall be brought lowe, and he that humbleth himselfe, shall be exalted.

Luke 19:29

29 And it came to passe, when hee was come neere to Bethphage, and Bethania, besides the mount which is called the mount of Oliues, he sent two of his disciples,

Luke 19:37

37 And when he was nowe come neere to the going downe of the mount of Oliues, the whole multitude of the disciples began to reioyce, and to prayse God with a loude voyce, for all the great workes that they had seene,

Luke 19:41

41 And when he was come neere, he behelde the Citie, and wept for it,

Luke 21:37

37 Nowe in the day time hee taught in the Temple, and at night hee went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Oliues.

Luke 22:28-29

28 And yee are they which haue continued with me in my tentations. 29 Therefore I appoint vnto you a kingdome, as my Father hath appointed vnto me,

Luke 22:39

39 And he came out, and went (as he was wont) to the mount of Oliues: and his disciples also followed him.

John 1:17

17 For the Lawe was giuen by Moses, but grace, and trueth came by Iesus Christ.

John 6:66-69

66 From that time, many of his disciples went backe, and walked no more with him. 67 Then sayde Iesus to the twelue, Will yee also goe away? 68 Then Simon Peter answered him, Master, to whome shall we goe? thou hast the wordes of eternall life: 69 And we beleeue and knowe that thou art that Christ that Sonne of the liuing God.

John 13:18

18 I speake not of you all: I know whom I haue chosen: but it is that the Scripture might be fulfilled, He that eateth bread with me, hath lift vp his heele against me.

John 15:14

14 Ye are my friendes, if ye doe whatsoeuer I commaund you.

John 18:1

1 When Iesus had spoken these things, hee went foorth with his disciples ouer the brooke Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entred, and his disciples.

Acts 1:12

12 Then returned they vnto Hierusalem from the mount that is called the mount of Oliues, which is neere to Hierusalem, being from it a Sabbath daies iourney.

Acts 11:23

23 Who when he was come and had seene the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted all, that with purpose of heart they would continue in the Lord.

Acts 21:13

13 Then Paul answered, and sayd, What doe ye weeping and breaking mine heart? For I am ready not to be bound onely, but also to die at Hierusalem for the Name of the Lord Iesus.

Acts 23:5

5 Then sayd Paul, I knewe not, brethren, that he was the hie Priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speake euill of the ruler of thy people.

Romans 12:2

2 And fashion not your selues like vnto this worlde, but bee yee changed by the renewing of your minde, that ye may prooue what that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God is.

Romans 12:15

15 Reioyce with them that reioyce, and weepe with them that weepe.

Romans 16:18

18 For they that are such, serue not the Lord Iesus Christ, but their owne bellies, and with faire speach and flattering deceiue the heartes of the simple.

Romans 16:18-19

18 For they that are such, serue not the Lord Iesus Christ, but their owne bellies, and with faire speach and flattering deceiue the heartes of the simple. 19 For your obedience is come abroade among all: I am glad therefore of you: but yet I woulde haue you wise vnto that which is good, and simple concerning euill.

1 Corinthians 1:20

20 Where is the wise? where is the Scribe? where is the disputer of this worlde? hath not God made the wisedome of this worlde foolishnesse?

1 Corinthians 3:18-20

18 Let no man deceiue himselfe: If any man among you seeme to be wise in this world, let him be a foole, that he may be wise. 19 For the wisdome of this worlde is foolishnesse with God: for it is written, He catcheth the wise in their owne craftinesse. 20 And againe, The Lord knoweth that the thoughtes of the wise be vaine.

1 Corinthians 12:26

26 Therefore if one member suffer, all suffer with it: if one member be had in honour, all the members reioyce with it.

2 Corinthians 7:3

3 I speake it not to your condemnation: for I haue said before, that ye are in our hearts, to die and liue together.

2 Timothy 1:16-18

16 The Lord giue mercie vnto the house of Onesiphorus: for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chaine, 17 But when he was at Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me. 18 The Lord graunt vnto him, that he may finde mercie with the Lord at that day, and in how many things he hath ministred vnto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.

Titus 1:16

16 They professe that they know God, but by works they deny him, and are abominable and disobedient, and vnto euery good worke reprobate.

Hebrews 11:37-38

37 They were stoned, they were hewen asunder, they were tempted, they were slaine with the sworde, they wandred vp and downe in sheepes skinnes, and in goates skinnes, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented: 38 Whom the world was not worthie of: they wandered in wildernesses and mountaines, and dennes, and caues of the earth.

James 3:15

15 This wisedome descendeth not from aboue, but is earthly, sensuall, and deuilish.

1 Peter 2:17

17 Honour all men: loue brotherly fellowship: feare God: honour the King.

2 Peter 2:3

3 And through couetousnes shall they with fained words make marchandise of you, whose condemnation long since resteth not, and their destruction slumbreth not.

2 Peter 2:10

10 And chiefly them that walke after the flesh, in the lust of vncleannesse, and despise gouernement, which are bolde, and stand in their owne conceite, and feare not to speake euill of them that are in dignitie.

2 Peter 2:19

19 Promising vnto them libertie, and are themselues the seruants of corruption: for of whomsoeuer a man is ouercome, euen vnto the same is he in bondage.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.