2 Peter 1:16 Cross References - Geneva

16 For we followed not deceiuable fables when we opened vnto you the power, and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, but with our eyes we saw his maiestie:

Malachi 3:2

2 But who may abide the day of his comming? and who shall endure, when he appeareth? for he is like a purging fire, and like fullers sope.

Malachi 4:5

5 Beholde, I will sende you Eliiah the Prophet before the comming of the great and fearefull day of the Lord.

Matthew 16:28-17:8

28 Verely I say vnto you, there bee some of them that stande here, which shall not taste of death, till they haue seene the Sonne of man come in his kingdome.

Matthew 24:3

3 And as he sate vpon the mount of Oliues, his disciples came vnto him apart, saying, Tell vs when these things shall be, and what signe shalbe of thy comming, and of the ende of the world.

Matthew 24:27

27 For as the lightning commeth out of the East, and is seene into the West, so shall also the comming of the Sonne of man be.

Matthew 28:18

18 And Iesus came, and spake vnto them, saying, All power is giuen vnto me, in heauen, and in earth.

Mark 9:1-2

1 And he saide vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, that there be some of them that stande here, which shall not taste of death till they haue seene the kingdome of God come with power. 2 And sixe dayes after, Iesus taketh vnto him Peter, and Iames, and Iohn, and carieth them vp into an hie mountaine out of the way alone, and his shape was changed before them.

Luke 9:28-32

28 And it came to passe about an eyght dayes after those wordes, that he tooke Peter and Iohn, and Iames, and went vp into a mountaine to pray. 29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was changed, and his garment was white and glistered. 30 And beholde, two men talked with him, which were Moses and Elias: 31 Which appeared in glory, and tolde of his departing, which he shoulde accomplish at Hierusalem. 32 But Peter and they that were with him, were heauie with sleepe, and when they awoke, they saw his glorie, and the two men standing with him.

John 1:14

14 And that Word was made flesh, and dwelt among vs, (and we sawe the glorie thereof, as the glorie of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father) full of grace and trueth.

John 17:2

2 As thou hast giuen him power ouer all flesh, that he shoulde giue eternall life to all them that thou hast giuen him.

Romans 1:4

4 And declared mightily to be the Sonne of God, touching the Spirit of sanctification by the resurrection from the dead)

1 Corinthians 1:7

7 So that ye are not destitute of any gift: wayting for the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 1:17

17 For CHRIST sent me not to baptize, but to preache the Gospel, not with wisdome of wordes, lest the crosse of Christ should be made of none effect.

1 Corinthians 1:23

23 But wee preach Christ crucified: vnto the Iewes, euen a stumbling blocke, and vnto the Grecians, foolishnesse:

1 Corinthians 2:1

1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellencie of woordes, or of wisedome, shewing vnto you the testimonie of God.

1 Corinthians 2:4

4 Neither stoode my woorde, and my preaching in the entising speach of mans wisdom, but in plaine euidence of the Spirite and of power,

1 Corinthians 5:4

4 When ye are gathered together, and my spirit, in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that such one, I say, by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ,

2 Corinthians 2:17

17 For wee are not as many, which make marchandise of the woorde of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God in ye sight of God speake we in Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:2

2 But haue cast from vs ye clokes of shame, and walke not in craftines, neither handle we the worde of God deceitfully: but in declaration of the trueth we approue our selues to euery mans conscience in the sight of God.

2 Corinthians 12:16-17

16 But bee it that I charged you not: yet for as much as I was craftie, I tooke you with guile. 17 Did I pill you by any of them whom I sent vnto you?

Ephesians 4:14

14 That we henceforth be no more children, wauering and caried about with euery winde of doctrine, by the deceit of men, and with craftines, whereby they lay in wait to deceiue.

Philippians 3:21

21 Who shall change our vile bodie, that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body, according to the working, whereby hee is able euen to subdue all things vnto him selfe.

1 Thessalonians 2:19

19 For what is our hope or ioye, or crowne of reioycing? are not euen you it in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his comming?

2 Thessalonians 2:9

9 Euen him whose comming is by the effectuall working of Satan, with all power, and signes, and lying wonders,

1 Timothy 1:4

4 Neither that they giue heede to fables and genealogies which are endles, which breede questions rather then godly edifying which is by fayth.

1 Timothy 4:7

7 But cast away prophane, and olde wiues fables, and exercise thy selfe vnto godlinesse.

Titus 1:14

14 And not taking heede to Iewish fables and commandements of men, that turne away from the trueth.

2 Peter 3:3-4

3 This first vnderstande, that there shall come in the last dayes, mockers, which wil walke after their lustes, 4 And say, Where is the promise of his comming? for since the fathers died, all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation.

1 John 1:1-3

1 That which was from the beginning, which wee haue heard, which wee haue seene with these our eyes, which wee haue looked vpon, and these handes of ours haue handled of that Word of life, 2 (For that life was made manifest, and wee haue seene it, and beare witnes, and shewe vnto you that eternall life, which was with the Father, and was made manifest vnto vs) 3 That, I say, which wee haue seene and heard, declare wee vnto you, that yee may also haue fellowship with vs, and that our fellowship also may be with the Father, and with his Sonne Iesvs Christ.

1 John 4:14

14 And we haue seene, and doe testifie, that the Father sent that Sonne to be ye Sauiour of the world.

Jude 1:14

14 And Enoch also the seuenth from Adam, prophecied of such, saying, Beholde, the Lord commeth with thousands of his Saints,

Revelation 1:7

7 Beholde, he commeth with cloudes, and euery eye shall see him: yea, euen they which pearced him thorowe: and all kinreds of the earth shall waile before him, Euen so, Amen.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.