2 Corinthians 2:17 Cross References - Geneva

17 For wee are not as many, which make marchandise of the woorde of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God in ye sight of God speake we in Christ.

Jeremiah 5:31

31 The Prophets prophesie lies, and ye Priests receiue giftes in their handes, and my people delite therein. What will ye then doe in the ende thereof?

Jeremiah 23:27-32

27 Thinke they to cause my people to forget my Name by their dreames, which they tell euery man to his neyghbour, as their forefathers haue forgotten my Name for Baal? 28 The prophet that hath a dreame, let him tell a dreame, and hee that hath my worde, let him speake my worde faithfully: what is the chaffe to the wheate, sayth the Lord? 29 Is not my word euen like a fire, sayeth the Lord? and like an hammer, that breaketh the stone? 30 Therefore beholde, I will come against the prophets, saieth the Lord, that steale my word euerie one from his neighbour. 31 Beholde, I will come against the prophets, saith the Lord, which haue sweete tongues, and say, He saith. 32 Beholde, I will come against them that prophecie false dreames, saith the Lord, and doe tell them, and cause my people to erre by their lies, and by their flatteries, and I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they bring no profite vnto this people, saith the Lord.

Matthew 24:24

24 For there shall arise false Christes, and false prophets, and shall shewe great signes and wonders, so that if it were possible, they should deceiue the very elect.

Acts 20:20

20 And how I kept backe nothing that was profitable, but haue shewed you, and taught you openly and throughout euery house,

Acts 20:27

27 For I haue kept nothing backe, but haue shewed you all the counsell of God.

1 Corinthians 5:8

8 Therefore let vs keepe the feast, not with olde leauen, neither in the leauen of maliciousnes and wickednesse: but with the vnleauened bread of synceritie and trueth.

2 Corinthians 1:12

12 For our reioycing is this, the testimonie of our conscience, that in simplicitie and godly purenesse, and not in fleshly wisedome, but by the grace of God wee haue had our conuersation in the worlde, and most of all to you wardes.

2 Corinthians 4:2

2 But haue cast from vs ye clokes of shame, and walke not in craftines, neither handle we the worde of God deceitfully: but in declaration of the trueth we approue our selues to euery mans conscience in the sight of God.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

13 For such false apostles are deceitfull workers, and transforme themselues into the Apostles of Christ. 14 And no marueile: for Satan himselfe is transformed into an Angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing, though his ministers transforme themselues, as though they were the ministers of righteousnes, whose end shall be according to their workes.

1 Timothy 1:19-20

19 Hauing faith and a good conscience, which some haue put away, and as concerning faith, haue made shipwracke. 20 Of whom is Hymeneus, and Alexander, whom I haue deliuered vnto Satan, that they might learne not to blaspheme.

1 Timothy 4:1-3

1 Now the Spirit speaketh euidently, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, and shall giue heede vnto spirits of errour, and doctrines of deuils, 2 Which speake lies through hypocrisie, and haue their cosciences burned with an hote yron, 3 Forbidding to marrie, and commanding to abstaine from meates which God hath created to be receiued with giuing thankes of them which beleeue and knowe the trueth.

2 Timothy 2:6-18

6 The husbandman must labour before he receiue the fruites. 7 Consider what I say: and the Lord giue thee vnderstanding in all things: 8 Remember that Iesus Christ, made of the seede of Dauid, was raysed againe from the dead according to my Gospel, 9 Wherein I suffer trouble as an euill doer, euen vnto bondes: but the worde of God is not bounde. 10 Therefore I suffer all things, for the elects sake, that they might also obtaine the saluation which is in Christ Iesus, with eternall glorie. 11 It is a true saying, For if we be dead together with him, we also shall liue together with him. 12 If we suffer, we shall also reigne together with him: if we denie him, he also will denie vs. 13 If we beleeue not, yet abideth he faithfull: he cannot denie himselfe. 14 Of these things put them in remembrance, and protest before the Lord, that they striue not about wordes, which is to no profit, but to the peruerting of the hearers. 15 Studie to shewe thy selfe approued vnto God, a workeman that needeth not to be ashamed, diuiding the worde of trueth aright. 16 Stay prophane, and vaine babblings: for they shall encrease vnto more vngodlinesse. 17 And their worde shall fret as a canker: of which sort is Hymeneus and Philetus, 18 Which as concerning ye trueth haue erred from the marke, saying that the resurrection is past alreadie, and do destroy the faith of certaine.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

3 For the time will come, when they will not suffer wholesome doctrine: but hauing their eares itching, shall after their owne lustes get them an heape of teachers, 4 And shall turne their eares from the trueth, and shalbe giuen vnto fables.

Titus 1:11

11 Whose mouthes must bee stopped, which subuert whole houses, teaching things, which they ought not, for filthie lucres sake.

Hebrews 11:27

27 By faith he forsooke Egypt, and feared not the fiercenes of the king: for he endured, as he that sawe him which is inuisible.

2 Peter 2:1-3

1 Bvt there were false prophets also among the people, euen as there shalbe false teachers among you: which priuily shall bring in damnable heresies, euen denying the Lord, that hath bought them, and bring vpon themselues swift damnation. 2 And many shall follow their destructions, by whom the way of trueth shalbe euil spoken of, 3 And through couetousnes shall they with fained words make marchandise of you, whose condemnation long since resteth not, and their destruction slumbreth not.

1 John 4:1

1 Dearely beloued, beleeue not euery spirit, but trie the spirits whether they are of God: for many false prophets are gone out into this worlde.

2 John 1:7-11

7 For many deceiuers are entred into this worlde, which confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh. He that is such one, is a deceiuer and an Antichrist. 8 Looke to your selues, that we lose not the things which we haue done, but that we may receiue full reward. 9 Whosoeuer transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Sonne. 10 If there come any vnto you, and bring not this doctrine, receiue him not to house, neither bid him, God speede: 11 For he that biddeth him, God speede, is partaker of his euill deedes. Although I had many things to write vnto you, yet I woulde not write with paper and ynke: but I trust to come vnto you, and speake mouth to mouth, that our ioy may be full.

Jude 1:4

4 For there are certaine men crept in, which were before of olde ordeined to this condemnation: vngodly men they are which turne the grace of our God into wantonnesse, and denie God the onely Lord, and our Lord Iesus Christ.

Revelation 2:14-15

14 But I haue a fewe things against thee, because thou hast there them that maintaine the doctrine of Balaam, which taught Balac to put a stumbling blocke before ye children of Israel, that they should eate of things sacrificed vnto Idoles, and commit fornication. 15 Euen so hast thou them, that maintaine the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

Revelation 2:20

20 Notwithstanding, I haue a few things against thee, that thou sufferest the woman Iezabel, which calleth her selfe a prophetesse, to teache and to deceiue my seruants to make them commit fornication, and to eate meates sacrificed vnto idoles.

Revelation 12:9

9 And the great dragon, that olde serpent, called the deuil and Satan, was cast out, which deceiueth all the world: he was euen cast into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Revelation 19:20

20 But ye beast was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought miracles before him, whereby he deceiued them that receiued ye beastes marke, and them that worshipped his image. These both were aliue cast into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.