Romans 9:22 Cross References - Coverdale

22 Therfore whan God wolde shewe wrath, and to make his power knowne, he broughte forth with greate pacience the vessels off wrath, which are ordeyned to damnacion:

Genesis 15:16

16 And after the fourth generacion they shall come hither agayne, for the wickednes of ye Amorites is not yet full.

Exodus 9:16

16 Yet haue I stered ye vp for this cause, euen to shew my power vpon ye, and that my name might be declared in all londes.

Numbers 14:11

11 & the LORDE sayde vnMoses: How longe shal this people blaspheme me? And how longe wil it be, or they beleue me, for all the tokes that I haue shewed amonge them?

Numbers 14:18

18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion.

Psalms 50:21-22

21 This thou doest, whyle I holde my tonge: and thinkest me to be eue soch one as thy self: but I wil reproue the, & set my self agaynst the. 22 O considre this, ye that forget God: lest I plucke you awaie, and there be none to delyuer you.

Psalms 90:11

11 But who regardeth the power of thy wrath, thy fearfull & terrible displeasure?

Proverbs 16:4

4 The LORDE doth all thinges for his owne sake, yee & when he kepeth ye vngodly for ye daye of wrath.

Ecclesiastes 8:11-12

11 Because now that euell workes are not haistely punyshed, the hert of man geueth him self ouer vnto wickednesse: 12 But though an euell personne offende an hundreth tymes, and haue a longe life: yet am I sure, that it shal go well with the that feare God, because they haue him before their eyes.

Lamentations 3:22

22 Namely, that the mercies of the LORDE are not clene gone, & that his louynge kyndnesse ceasseth not.

Matthew 23:31-33

31 Therfore ye be wytnesses vnto youre selues, that ye are the children of them, which slew the prophetes. 32 Go to, fulfyll ye also the measure of youre fathers. 33 O ye serpentes, O ye generacion of vypers, how wyl ye escape the damnacion of Hell?

Romans 1:18

18 As it is wrytte: The iust shal lyue by his faith. For ye wrath of God is declared from heauen vpon all vngodlynes and vnrighteousnes of me,which witholde the trueth of God in vnrighteousnes:

Romans 2:4-5

4 Or despysest thou the riches of his goodnesse, pacience, and loge sufferinge? Knowest thou not, that ye louynge kyndnesse of God leadeth the to repentaunce? 5 But thou after thine harde and impenitent hert, heapest vnto thy selfe a treasure of wrath, agaynst the daye of wrath and of the openynge of the righteous iudgment of God,

Romans 9:17

17 For the scripture sayeth vnto Pharao: For this cause haue I stered the vp, euen to shewe my power on the, that my name mighte be declared in all lodes.

Romans 9:21

21 Hath not the potter power, out of one lompe of claye to make one vessell vnto honoure, and another vnto dishonoure?

1 Thessalonians 2:16

16 forbyddinge vs to speake vnto the Heythen that they mighte be saued, to fulfill their synnes allwaye: for the wrath is come vpon them allready vnto ye vttemost.

1 Thessalonians 5:9

9 For God hath not appoynted vs vnto wrath, but to optayne saluacion by ye meanes of oure LORDE Iesu Christ,

2 Timothy 2:20

20 Not withstondynge in a greate house are not onely vessels of golde and of syluer, but also of wod and of earth: some for honoure, and some to dishonoure.

1 Peter 2:8

8 and a stone to stomble at, and a rock to be offended at, namely in the which stomble at ye worde, and beleue not that wheron they were set.

1 Peter 3:20

20 which in tyme past beleued not, whan God once a bode and suffred pacietly in the tyme of Noe, whyle the Arke was a preparynge: Wherin fewe (that is to saye eight soules) were saued by water.

2 Peter 2:3

3 and thorow cuvetousnes shal they with fayned wordes make marchaundise of you, vpo who the iudgment is not necliget in tarienge of olde, and their damnacion slepeth not.

2 Peter 2:9

9 The LORDE knoweth how to delyuer the godly out of tentacion, and how to reserue the vniust vnto the daye of iudgment for to be punyshed:

2 Peter 3:8-9

8 Dearly beloued, be not ignoraunt of this one thinge, how that one daye is with the LORDE as a thousande yeare: and a thousande yeare as one daye. 9 The LORDE is not slacke to fulfyll his promes (as some me counte slacknesse) but is paciet to vs warde, and wyl not that eny ma shulde be lost, but that euery man shulde amende himselfe.

2 Peter 3:15

15 and counte the longsufferynge of oure LORDE youre saluacion, Euen as oure dearly beloued brother Paul (acordinge to the wyssdome geue vnto him) wrote vnto you:

Jude 1:4

4 For there are certayne craftely crept in, of which it was wrytten afore tyme vnto soche iudgement. They are vngodly, and turne the grace of oure God vnto wantanes, and denye God the onely LORDE, and oure LORDE Iesus Christ.

Revelation 6:9-11

9 And when he opened the fyfte seale, I sawe vnder the aultre, the soules of them yt were kylled for the worde of God, and for ye testimony which they had, 10 and they cryed with a lowde voyce sayege: How loge tariest thou LORDE holy and true, to iudge & to auenge oure bloude on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And longe whyte garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them. And it was sayde vnto them, that they shulde reste for a lyttle season, vntyll the nomber of their felowes, and brethre, and of them that shulde be killed as they were, were fulfilled.

Revelation 6:16-17

16 and sayde to the hylles, and rockes: fall on vs, and hyde vs from the presence of him that sytteth on the seate, and from the wrath of the lambe, 17 for the grete daye of his wrath is come. And who can endure it?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.