Romans 15:31 Cross References - Coverdale

31 that I maye be delyuered from the vnbeleuers in Iewrye and that this my seruyce which I do to Ierusalem, maye be accepted of the sayntes,

Acts 21:17-31

17 Now wha we came to Ierusalem, the brethren receaued vs gladly. 18 But on the nexte daye Paul wente in with vs vnto Iames, and all the Elders came together. 19 And whan he had saluted them, he tolde by order, what God had done amoge the Heythen by his mynistracion. 20 Whan they herde that, they praysed the LORDE, and sayde vnto him: Brother, thou seyst how many thousande Iewes there are which beleue, and are all Zelous ouer ye lawe. 21 But they are enfourmed agaynst the, that thou teachest all the Iewes which are amoge the Heythe, to forsake Moses, and sayest that they oughte not to circumcyse their children, ner to walke after the same custome. 22 What is it therfore? The multitude must nedes come together, for they shal heare that thou art come. 23 Do this therfore that we saye vnto the: We haue foure men, which haue a vowe on them, 24 take them vnto ye, and purifye thyselfe with them, and do the cost on them, that they maye shaue their heades: and they shal knowe, that it is nothinge, wherof they are enfourmed agaynst the, but that thou also walkest and kepest the lawe. 25 For as touchinge them that beleue amonge the Heythen, we haue wrytten, and concluded, that they shulde obserue no soch, but onely to kepe them selues from the offeringes of Idols, from bloude, from stragled, and from whordome. 26 Then Paul toke the men vnto him, and was purified with them on the nexte daye, and entred in to the temple, declaringe that he fulfylled the dayes of purificacion, tyll there was an offeringe offred for euery one of them. 27 But whan the seuen dayes were allmost fulfylled, the Iewes of Asia sawe him in the temple, and moued all the people, layed handes vpon him, 28 and cryed: Ye men of Israel, helpe, this is the man, that teacheth all men euery where agaynst oure people, the lawe, and this place. He hath broughte Grekes also in to the temple, and hath defyled this holy place. 29 For they had sene Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the cite, him they thoughte yt Paul had broughte in to the temple. 30 And all the cite was moued, and the people ranne together. And they toke Paul, and drue him out off the temple, and forth with the dores were shut to. 31 But whan they wete aboute to kyll him, tydinges came to the chefe captayne of the company, that all Ierusalem was moued.

Acts 22:24

24 the captayne bad brynge him into the castell, and commaunded him to be beaten with roddes and to be examyned, that he mighte knowe, for what cause they cried so vpon him.

Acts 23:12-24

12 Now whan it was daye, certayne of the Iewes gathered them selues together, and made a vowe nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they had kylled Paul. 13 They were mo then fortye, which had made this conspyracion. 14 These came to the hye prestes and Elders, and sayde: We haue bounde oure selues wt a vowe, that we wil eate nothinge, tyll we haue slayne Paul. 15 Now therfore geue ye knowlege to the vpper captayne and to the councell, that he maye brynge him forth vnto you tomorow, as though ye wolde heare him yet better: As for vs, we are ready to kyll him, or euer he come nye you. 16 But whan Pauls sisters sonne herde of their layenge awayte, he came, and entred into the castell, and tolde Paul. 17 So Paul called vnto him one of ye vnder captaynes, and sayde: Brynge this yonge man to the vpper captayne, for he hath somewhat to saye to him. 18 He toke him, and broughte him to the vpper captayne, and sayde: Paul the presoner called me vnto him, and prayed me to brynge to the this yonge man, which hath somwhat to saye vnto the. 19 Then the hye captayne toke him by the hande, and wente asyde with him out of the waye, and axed him: What is it, that thou hast to saye vnto me? 20 He sayde: The Iewes are agreed together, to desyre the, to let Paul be broughte forth tomorow before the councell, as though they wolde yet heare him better. 21 But folowe not thou their myndes, for there laye wayte for him mo then fortye men off them, which haue bounde them selues with a vowe, nether to eate ner drynke, tyll they haue slayne Paul: and euen now are they redye, and loke for thy promes. 22 Then the vpper captayne let the yonge man departe, and charged him to tell noman, that he had shewed him this. 23 And he called vnto him two vndercaptaynes, and sayde: Make redye two hundreth soudyers, that they maye go to Cesarea, and thre score and ten horsmen, and two hundreth speare men at the thirde houre of the nighte, 24 and delyuer the beastes, that they maye set Paul theron, and brynge him safe vnto Felix the debyte,

Acts 24:1-9

1 After fyue dayes the hye prest Ananias came downe with the Elders, and wt the Oratour Tertullus, which appeared before the Debyte agaynst Paul. 2 Whan Paul was called forth, Tertullus begane to accuse him, and sayde: Seynge that we lyue in greate peace by the meanes of ye, and that many good thinges are done for this people thorow thy prouydence 3 (most mightie Felix)that alowe we euer and in all places with all thankes. 4 Notwithstondinge yt I be nomore tedious vnto the, I praye the, that of thy curtesy thou woldest heare vs a few wordes. 5 We haue founde this man a pestilent felowe, and a sterer vp of sedicion amonge all the Iewes thorow out all the worlde, and a manteyner of the secte of the Nazaretes, 6 and hath taken in hande also to suspende the temple, whom we toke, and wolde haue iudged him acordinge to oure lawe. 7 But Lysias the hye captayne came vpo vs, and with greate violence delyuered him out of oure handes, 8 and commaunded his accusers to come vnto the: of whom (yf thou wilt enquyre) thou mayest haue knowlege of all these thinges, wherof we accuse him. 9 The Iewes likewyse affirmed and sayde, that it was euen so.

Acts 25:2

2 Then appeared the hye prestes and the chefe of the Iewes before him agaynst Paul, and intreated him,

Acts 25:24

24 And Festus sayde: Kynge Agrippa, and all ye men which are here with vs, ye se this man, aboute whom all the multitude of the Iewes haue entreated me, both at Ierusale and here also, and cried, that he ought not to lyue eny lenger.

Romans 15:25

25 But now go I to Ierusalem, to mynister vnto the sayntes.

2 Corinthians 8:4

4 and prayed vs with greate instauce, that we wolde receaue their benefite and fellishippe of the hadreachinge that is done for the sayntes:

2 Corinthians 9:1

1 Of the handreachinge vnto ye sayntes, it is no nede for me to wryte vnto you:

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Which as they put the LORDE Iesus to death, and their awne prophetes, euen so haue they persecuted vs also, and please not God, and are cotrary to all men,

2 Thessalonians 3:2

2 and that we maye be delyuered from vnreasonable and euell me. For faith is not euery mas.

2 Timothy 3:11

11 my persecucions, my affliccions, which happened vnto me at Antioche, at Iconium, at Lystra, which persecucions I suffred paciently, and from the all the LORDE delyuered me.

2 Timothy 4:17

17 Notwitstondynge the LORDE stode by me, & stregthed me, that by me the preachinge shulde be fulfylled to the vttemost, and that all the Heythe shulde heare. And I was delyuered out of the mouth of the lyon.

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