Romans 11:21 Cross References - Coverdale

21 Be not thou hye mynded, but feare, seynge God hath not spared the naturall braunches, lest he also spare not the.

Jeremiah 25:29

29 For lo, I begynne to plage the cite, that my name is geuen vnto: thynke ye then, that I will leaue you vnpunyshed? Ye shall not go quyte. For why, I call for a swearde vpo all the inhabitours of the earth, saieth the LORDE of hoostes.

Jeremiah 49:12

12 For thus hath the LORDE spoken: Beholde, they that men thought were vnmete to drinke of the cuppe, haue dronken with the first: and thynkest thou then to be fre? No, no: thou shalt nether be quyte no fre, but thou must drynke also:

Romans 8:32

32 Which spared not his owne sonne, but hath geuen him for vs all: how shal he not with him geue vs all thinges also?

Romans 11:17

17 But though some of ye braunches now be broke, and thou, wha thou wast a wylde olyue tre,art grafte in amonge them, and made partaker of the rote and sappe of the olyue tre,

Romans 11:19

19 Thou wilt saye then: the braunches are broke of, that I mighte be grafted in.

1 Corinthians 10:1-12

1 Brethren, I wolde not that ye shulde be ignoraunt of this, that oure fathers were all vnder the cloude, and all passed thorow the see, 2 & were all baptised vnder Moses in the cloude and in the see, 3 and dyd all eate of one spirituall meate, 4 and dyd all drynke of one spirituall drynke: but they dronke of the spirituall rocke that folowed the, which rocke was Christ. 5 Neuertheles in many of them had God no delyte, for they were smytten downe in the wyldernesse. 6 These are ensamples vnto vs, yt we shulde not lust after euell thinges, as they lusted. 7 Nether be ye worshippers off ymages, as were some of them. Acordinge as it is wrytte: The people sat downe to eate and drynke, and rose vp to playe. 8 Nether let vs commytte whordome, as some of them comytted whordome, and fell in one daye thre & twenty thousande. 9 Nether let vs tempte Christ, as some of them tempted him, and were destroyed of serpetes. 10 Nether murmur ye, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed thorow the destroyer. 11 All these thinges happened vnto the for ensamples, but they are wrytte to warne vs, vpon whom the ende of ye worlde is come. 12 Therfore let him that thinketh he stondeth, take hede, lest he fall.

2 Peter 2:4-9

4 For yf God spared not the angels that synned, but cast them downe with the cheynes of darknes in to hell, and delyuered the ouer to be kepte vnto iudgment: 5 Nether spared the olde worlde, but saued Noe the preacher of righteousnes himselfe beynge ye eight, and brought the floude vpo the worlde of the vngodly: 6 And turned the cities of Sodom and Gomor into asshes, ouerthrue them, damned them, and made on them an ensample, vnto those that after shulde lyue vngodly: 7 And delyuered iust Loth which was vexed with the vngodly conuersacion of ye wicked. 8 For in so moch as he was righteous and dwelt amonge them, so that he must nedes se it and heare it, his righteous soule was greued from to daye to daye with their vnlaufull dedes. 9 The LORDE knoweth how to delyuer the godly out of tentacion, and how to reserue the vniust vnto the daye of iudgment for to be punyshed:

Jude 1:5

5 My minde is therfore to put you in remebrauce, for as moche as ye once knowe this, how that ye LORDE (after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt) destroyed them which afterwarde beleued not.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.