Revelation 19:20 Cross References - Coverdale

20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone:

Genesis 19:24

24 Then the LORDE caused brymstone and fyre to rayne downe from the LORDE out of heauen vpon Sodoma and Gomorra,

Deuteronomy 29:23

23 that he hath brent vp all their londe with brymstone and salt, so yt it cannot be sowne, ner is frutefull, nether groweth there eny grasse therin, Like as Sodom, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim are ouerthrowne, which the LORDE ouerthrewe in his wrath and anger.

Job 18:15

15 Other men shall dwel in his house (which now is none of his) and brymstone shalbe scatered vpon his habitacion.

Psalms 11:6

6 Vpon the vngodly he shal rayne snares, fyre, brymstone, storme and tempest: this rewarde shal they haue to drynke.

Isaiah 30:33

33 For he hath prepared the fyre of payne from the begynnynge, yee euen for kynges also. This hath he made depe & wyde, ye norishinge therof is fyre and wodde innumerable, which the breath ofte LORDE kyndleth, as it were a match of brymstone.

Isaiah 34:9

9 Thy floudes shalbe turned to pytch, and thine earth to brymstone, & therwith shal the londe be kyndled,

Ezekiel 38:22

22 With pestilece and bloude wil I punysh him: stormy rayne and hale stones, fyre and brymstone, wil I cause to rayne vpon him and all his heape, yee and vpon all that greate people that is with him.

Daniel 2:40-45

40 The fourth kingdome shal be as stronge as yron. For like as yron brusseth and breaketh all thinges: Yee euen as yron beateth euery thinge downe, so shal it beate downe and destroye. 41 Where as thou sawest the fete and toes, parte of earth and parte off yron: that is a deuyded kyngdome, which neuertheles shal haue some off the yron grounde mixte with it, for so moch as thou hast sene the yron mixte with the claye. 42 The toes of the fete that were parte off yron and parte off claye, signifieeh: that it shalbe a kyngdome partely stronge and partely weake. 43 And where as thou sawest yron myxte with claye: they shall myngle them selues wt ye sede off symple people, & yet not contynue one with another, like as yron wil not be souldered with a potsherde. 44 In the dayes off these kynges, shall the God of heauen set vp an euerlastinge kyngdome which shall not perish, and his kyngdome shall not be geuen ouer to another people: Yee the same shall breake and destroye all these kyngdomes, but it shall endure for euer. 45 And where as thou sawest, that without eny hondes there was cut out of the mount a stone, which brake the yron, the copper ye earth, the syluer and golde in peces: by that hath ye greate God shewed the kynge, what wyl come after this. This is a true dreame, and the interpretacion of it is sure.

Daniel 7:7-14

7 After this I sawe in a vision by night, & beholde: the fourth beest was grymme and horrible, and maruelous stronge. It had greate yron teth, it deuoured, and destroyed, and stamped the residue vnder fete. It was farre vnlike the other beestes that were before it: for it had ten hornes, wheroff I toke good hede. 8 And beholde, there came vp amonge the, another like horne, before whom there were thre of the first hornes pluckte awaye. Beholde, this horne had eyes like a ma, & a mouth speakynge presumptuous thinges. 9 I loked till the seates were prepared, ad till the olde aged sat him downe. His clothinge was as white as snowe, and the hayres of his heade like the pure woll. His trone was like the firie flame, and his wheles as the burnynge fyre. 10 There drew forth a firie streame, & wente out from him. A thousand tymes a thousande serued him, x.M. tymes ten thousande stode before him. The iudgmet was set, and the bokes opened. 11 Then toke I hede there vnto, because of the voyce of the proude wordes, which that horne spake. I behelde, till the beest was slayne, and his body destroyed, & geuen ouer to be brent in the fyre. 12 As for the power of the other beestes also, it was taken awaye, but their lyues were prolonged for a tyme and season. 13 I sawe in a vision by night, and beholde: there came one in the cloudes of heauen like the sonne of a man, which wente vnto the olde aged, before whom they brought him: 14 Then gaue he him power ad dignite regall, that all people, trybes and tunges shulde serue him. His power is an euerlastinge power, which shal neuer be put downe: & his kyngdome endureth vncorrupte.

Daniel 7:19-21

19 After this I requyred diligently to knowe the treuth, concerninge the fourth beest, which was so farre vnlike the other beestes, and so horrible: whose teth were of yron, and his nales off brasse: which deuoured and destroied, and stamped the resydue vnder his fete. 20 I desyred also to knowe the treuth, as touchinge the ten hornes that he had vpon his heade, and this other which came vp afterwarde, before whose face there fell downe thre: which horne had eyes and a mouth that spake presumptuous thinges, and loked with a grimmer visage then his felowes. 21 I behelde, and the same horne made battail agaynst the sayntes, yee ad gat the victory off them:

Daniel 7:23-26

23 He gaue me this answere: That fourth beest shalbe the fourth kingdome vpo earth: it shalbe more then all other kyngdomes, it shall deuoure, treade downe ad destroye all other londes. 24 The ten hornes, are ten kynges that shal aryse out of that kyngdome, after who there shall stonde vp another, which shall be greater then the first. 25 He shall subdue thre kynges, and shall speake wordes agaynst the hyest off all: he shall destroye the sayntes of the most hyest and thynke, that he maye chaunge tymes and lawes. They shall be geuen vnder his power, vntill a tyme, two tymes, and halff a tyme. 26 But the iudgment shalbe kepte, so that his power shalbe taken from him, for he shalbe destroyed, and perish at the last.

Daniel 8:24

24 He shalbe mightie and stronge, but not in his owne strength. He shall destroye aboue measure, and all that he goeth aboute, shall prospere: he shall slaye the stronge and holy people.

Daniel 8:26

26 And this vision that is shewed vnto the, is as sure as the evenynge and the mornynge. Therfore wryte thou vp this sight, for it wylbe longe or it come to passe.

Daniel 11:45

45 The tentes of his palace shall he pytch betwixte the two sees, vpon the hill of the noble sanctuary, for he shal come to the ende of it, and then shal no man helpe him.

2 Thessalonians 2:8-11

8 And then shal that wicked be vttered, whom the LORDE shal cosume with ye sprete of his mouth, & shal destroye with the appearaunce of his commynge: 9 euen him, whose commynge is after the workynge of Sathan with all lyenge power, and signes and wonders, 10 and with all deceauablenes of vnrighteousnes amonge them that perishe, because they receaued not the loue of ye trueth, that they might haue bene saued. 11 Therfore shal God sende them stroge delusion, that they shulde beleue lyes,

Revelation 13:1-8

1 And I sawe a beest rise out of the see, hauinge seuen heades, and x. hornes, and vpon his hornes x. crownes, and vpo his heed, the names of blasphemy. 2 And the beest which I sawe was lyke a catt of the mountayne, and his fete were as the fete of a bear, and his mouth as the mouthe of a lyon. And ye drago gaue him his power and his seate, and greate auctorite: 3 and I sawe one of his heades as it were wounded to death, and his dedly wounde was healed. And all the worlde wodred at the beest, 4 and they worshipped the dragon which gaue power vnto the beest, and they worshipped the beest, sayenge: who is like vnto the beest? who is able to warre with him? 5 And there was geuen vnto him a mouth to speake greate thinges & blasphemies, and power was geuen vnto him, to do xlij. monethes. 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy agaynst God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen. 7 And it was geuen vnto him to make warre with the sayntes, and to ouercome them. And power was geuen him ouer all kynred, tonge, and nacion: 8 and all that dwell vpon the earth worshipt him: whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life of the lambe, which was kylled from the beginnynge of the worlde.

Revelation 13:11-18

11 And I behelde another beest commynge vp out of the earth, and he had two hornes like a lambe, and he spake as dyd the drago. 12 And he dyd all that the first beest coulde do in his presence, and he caused the earth, and them which dwell therin, to worshippe the fyrst beest, whose deedly woude was healed. 13 And he dyd greate wonders, so that he made fyre come downe from heaue in the sight of men. 14 And deceaued them that dwelt on the earth by ye meanes of those signes which he had power to do in the sight of the beest, sayenge to them that dwelt on the earth: that they shulde make an ymage vnto the beest, which had the wounde of a swearde and dyd liue. 15 And he had power to geue a sprete vnto the ymage of the beest, and that the ymage of the beest shulde speake, and shulde cause, that as many as wolde not worshippe the ymage of the beest, shulde be kylled. 16 And he made all bothe smale and greate, ryche and poore, fre and bond, to receaue a marke in their right hondes, or in their forheades. 17 And that no man might by or sell, saue he yt had ye marke, or the name of the beest, ether the nombre of his name. 18 Here is wissdome. Let him that hath wyt, count the nombre of the beest. For it is the nombre of a man, and his nombre is sixe hondred, thre score and sixe.

Revelation 14:10

10 the same shall drynke of the wyne of the wrath of God, which is powred in the cuppe of his wrath. And he shalbe punysshed in fyre and brymstone, before the holy Angels, and before the lambe.

Revelation 16:13-14

13 And I sawe thre vncleane spretes kike frogges come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out off the mouth off the beest, and out off the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spretes of deuels workynge myracles, to go out vnto the kynges of the earth and of the whole worlde, to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmighty.

Revelation 17:3-8

3 And he caryed me awaye into the wildernes in ye sprete. And I sawe a woman syt vpon a rose colored beest, full of names of blasphemie, which had seue heades & ten hornes. 4 And ye woman was arayed in purple and rose color, and decked with golde, precious stone, and pearles, and had a cupp of golde in her honde, full of abhominacions, and fylthines of her wordome. 5 And in her forhed was a name wrytte, a mistery; greate Babilon the mother of whordome, and abominacios of the earth. 6 And I sawe the wyfe dronke with the bloude of sayntes, and with the bloud of the witnesses of Iesu. And when I sawe her, I wondred with greate mervayle. 7 And the angell sayde vnto me: wherfore meruayllest thou? I wyl shewe the the mistery of the woman, and of the beest that beerith her, which hath seuen heades, and ten hornes. 8 The beest that thou seest, was, and is not, and shall ascende out of the bottomlesse pytt, and shal go in to perdicion, and they that dwell on the earth shal wondre (whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life from the begynnynge of the worlde) when they beholde the beest that was, and is not.

Revelation 17:12

12 And ye ten hornes which thou sawest, are ten kynges, which haue not yet receaued the kyngdome, but shal receaue power as kynges at one houre with ye beest.

Revelation 19:19

19 And I sawe the beeste and the kynges of ye earth, and their warriers gadred togedder, to make battayle agaynste him that sat vpon the horsse, and agaynst his sowdiers.

Revelation 20:10

10 and the deuell that disceaued them, was cast in to a lake of fyre and brymstone, where the beest and the false prophet were, and shalbe tormented daye and night for euermore.

Revelation 20:14-15

14 And deth and hell were cast in to the lake of fyre. This is that second deeth. 15 And whosoeuer was not founde wrytten in the boke off life, was cast in to the lake of fyre.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murthurers, and whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, & all lyars, shal haue their parte in the lake, that burneth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Revelation 22:15

15 For without are dogges and inchaunters and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesinges.

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