Psalms 66:3 Cross References - Coverdale

3 O yt all the worlde wolde worshipe the, synge of the and prayse thy name.

Exodus 15:1-16

1 Then sange Moses and the childre of Israel this songe vnto the LORDE, and sayde: I will synge vnto ye LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, horse & charet hath he ouerthrowne in the see. 2 The LORDE is my strength, and my songe, and is become my saluacion. This is my God, I wil magnifie him: He is my fathers God, I wil exalte him. 3 The LORDE is the right man of warre, LORDE is his name. 4 The charettes of Pharao & his power, hath he cast in to the see. His chosen captaynes are drowned in the reed see, 5 ye depe hath couered them: they fell to the grounde as a stone. 6 Thy right hande (O LORDE) is glorious in power: thy right hade (O LORDE) hath smytten the enemies. 7 And with thy greate glory thou hast destroyed thine aduersaries: thou sentest out yi wrath, & it cosumed them, euen as stobble. 8 In the breth of thy wrath the waters fell together, the floudes wente vpon a heape: The depes plomped together in ye myddest of the see. 9 The enemie thought: I will folowe vpon them, and ouertake them, and deuyde ye spoyle, and coole my mynde vpon them. I wil drawe out my swerde, and my hande shal destroye them. 10 Thou blewest with thy wynde, the see couered them, and they sancke downe as leed in the mightie waters. 11 LORDE, who is like vnto the amonge ye goddes? Who is so glorious in holynes, fearfull, laudable, and doinge wonders? 12 When thou stretchedest out yi right hande, the earth swalowed them vp. 13 Thou of yi very mercy hast led this people, whom thou hast delyuered, and with yi strength thou hast brought them vnto the dwellynge of thy Sanctuary. 14 Whan ye nacions herde this, they raged, sorowe came vpon the Philistynes. 15 Then were ye prynces of Edom afrayed, tremblynge came vpo ye mightie of Moab, all the indwellers of Canaan waxed faynte harted. 16 Let feare and drede fall vpon them thorow thy greate arme, that they maye be as styll as a stone, tyll thy people (O LORDE) be gone thorow, tyll yi people whom thou hast gotten, be gone thorow.

Exodus 15:21

21 And Miriam sange before the: O let vs synge vnto the LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, man and horse hath he ouerthrowne in the see.

Judges 5:2-4

2 Now that ye are come to rest, ye quyete men in Israel, prayse ye LORDE, amonge soch of the people as be fre wyllinge. 3 Heare ye kynges, & herken to ye prynces: I wyl, I wyl synge to the LORDE, euen vnto the LORDE ye God of Israel wil I playe. 4 LORDE, whan thou wentest out from Seir, & camest in from the felde of Edom, ye earth quaked, the heauen dropped, and the cloudes dropped with water.

Judges 5:20-22

20 From heaue were they foughte agaynst, the starres in their courses foughte with Sissera. 21 The broke Cyson ouerwhelmed them, the broke Kedumim, yee the broke Cyson. My soule treade thou vpon the mightie. 22 Then made the horse fete a russhinge together, for the greate violence of their mightie horse men.

Psalms 18:44

44 A people whom I haue not knowne, shall serue me.

Psalms 22:28-29

28 For the kyngdome is the LORDES, and he shal be the gouernoure of ye Heithen. 29 All soch as be fat vpo earth, shal eate also and worshipe:

Psalms 47:2

2 For the LORDE the most hyest is to be feared, & he is the greate kynge vpo all ye earth.

Psalms 65:5

5 Heare vs acordinge vnto thy woderfull rightuousnesse, o God oure saluacio: thou that art the hope of all the endes of ye earth, and off the brode see.

Psalms 68:30

30 Reproue the beestes amonge the redes, the heape of bulles with the calues: those that dryue for money. Oh scatre the people that delyte in batayle.

Psalms 76:12

12 Which taketh awaye the breth of prynces, & is wonderfull amoge the kynges of the earth.

Psalms 78:35-36

35 They thought then that God was their socoure, and that the hye God was their redemer. 36 Neuerthelesse, they dyd but flater him in their mouthes, and dissembled with him in their tonges.

Psalms 81:15

15 I shulde soone put downe their enemies, & turne myne hode agaynst their aduersaries.

Isaiah 2:19

19 Men shal crepe in to holes of stone, and in to caues of the earth, from the sight of the fearfull iudge, and from the glory of his magesty: what tyme as he shal make him vp to shake the earth.

Isaiah 64:3

3 That thou mightest come downe with thy wonderous straunge workes, then shulde the hilles melt at thy presence.

Jeremiah 10:10

10 But the LORDE is a true God, a lyuinge God, and an euerlastinge kinge. Yf he be wroth, the earth shaketh: all the Getiles maye not abyde his indignacion.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.