Psalms 55:9 Cross References - Coverdale

9 This goeth daye and night aboute the walles, myschefe and vyce are in the myddest of it.

Genesis 11:7-9

7 Come on, let vs go downe, & cofounde their tonge eue there, yt one vnderstonde not what another saieth. 8 Thus ye LORDE scatred the fro thece in all lodes, so yt they left of to buylde the cite. 9 Therfore is it called Babell, because the LORDE cofounded there the language of all the worlde, and from thece scatred them abrode in to all londes.

2 Samuel 15:31

31 And whan it was tolde Dauid, that Achitophel was in the cofederacy with Absalom, he sayde: LORDE turne thou Achitophels councell to foolishnes.

2 Samuel 17:1-14

1 And Achitophel sayde vnto Absalom: I wil chose out twolue thousande me, and wyl get me vp, and persue Dauid by nighte, 2 and fall vpo him whan he is feble and weery: When I vexe him the, so that all the people which is by him, flieth, I wil smite the kynge onely, 3 and brynge all the people vnto the agayne. So whan euery man is brought vnto the as thou desyrest, then shal all the people be in peace. 4 Absalom thought that good, and so dyd all the Elders in Israel. 5 But Absalom sayde: I praye you call Chusai the Arachite also, and let vs heare what he sayeth therto. 6 And wha Chusai came in to Absalom, Absalom saide vnto him: Thus hath Achitophel spoken, Saye thou now, shal we do it or not? 7 Then sayde Chusai vnto Absalom: It is no good councell yt Achitophel hath geuen at this tyme. 8 And Chusai sayde morouer: Thou knowest thy father well and his men, that they are stronge and of a wrothfull stomack, euen as a Beer that is robbed of hir yonge ones in the felde, Thy father also is a man of warre, and wyl not be necliget with the people. 9 Beholde, he hath now peraduenture hyd hymselfe in some caue or in some place. Yf it came to passe then that it chaunced euell at the first, & there shulde come a rumor and saye: There is a slaughter done in the people that folowed Absalo: 10 the shulde euery man be discoraged, which els is valeaunt, & hath a hert like a lyo: for all Israel knoweth that thy father is stronge, and that all they which be with him, are mightie men. 11 But this is my coucell, that thou gather together all Israel from Dan vnto Berseba in nombre as the sonde of the See, and go thou thine owne person amonge them, 12 then wil we fall vpon him in what place we finde him, and wyll ouerwhelme him euen as the dew falleth vpon the earth, so that we shal not leaue one of him and of all his men. 13 But yf he resorte in to a cite, then shal all Israel cast roapes aboute the same cite, and drawe it in to the riuer, so that there shal not one stone of it be founde 14 Then sayde Absalom and euery man in Israel: The councell of Chusai the Arachite is better then Achitophels councell. But the LORDE broughte it so to passe, that ye good councell of Achitophel was hyndred, that the LORDE mighte brynge euell vpon Absalom.

Jeremiah 6:7

7 Like as a codyte aboundeth in water, eue so this citie aboudeth in wickednes. Robbery and vnrightuousnesse is herde in her, sorow & woundes are euer there in my sight.

Jeremiah 23:14

14 I haue sene also amonge the Prophetes off Ierusalem foule aduoutery, and presumptuous lies. They take the most shamefull men by the hode, flatringe them, so that they canot returne from their wickednes. All these with their citesyns are vnto me, as Sodom, and as the inhabitours off Gomorre.

Matthew 23:37-38

37 O Ierusalem Ierusalem, thou that slayest the prophetes, and stonest them that are sent vnto the: How oft wolde I haue gathered thy children together, euen as the henne gathereth hir chekens vnder hir wynges, and ye wolde not? 38 Beholde, youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate.

John 7:45-53

45 The seruauntes came to the hye prestes and pharises, and they sayde vnto them: Why haue ye not brought him? 46 The seruauntes answered: Neuer ma spake as this man doth. 47 Then answered them the pharises: Are ye also disceaued? 48 Doth eny of the rulers or pharises beleue on him? 49 But the comon people which knowe not the lawe, are cursed. 50 Nicodemus sayde vnto them, he that came to him by night, which was one of them: 51 Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done? 52 They answered and sayde vnto him? Art thou a Galilean also? Searche and loke, out of Galile aryseth no prophet. 53 And so euery man wente home.

Acts 23:6-10

6 But whan Paul knewe that the one parte was Saduces, and the other parte Pharises, he cried out in ye councell: Ye men and brethren, I am a Pharise, and the sonne of a Pharise, Of hope and resurreccion of the deed am I iudged. 7 And whan he had so sayde, there arose a dissencion betwene ye Pharises and the Saduces, and the multitude was deuyded: 8 for the Saduces saye that there is no resurreccion, nether angell, ner sprete: but the Pharises graute both. 9 And there was made a greate crye. And ye Scrybes of the Pharyses secte, stode vp, and stroue, and sayde: We fynde no euell in this ma. But yf a sprete or an angell haue spoke vnto him, let vs not stryue agaynst God. 10 But whan the discension was greate, ye vpper captayne feared, that Paul shulde haue bene pluckte a sonder of them, and commaunded the soudyers to go downe, and to take him from them, and to brynge him in to the castell.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.