Psalms 41:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Blessed is he, yt considreth ye poore: ye LORDE shal delyuer him in the tyme of trouble.

Deuteronomy 15:7-11

7 Whan one of thy brethre is waxed poore in eny cite within thy londe, which ye LORDE yi God shal geue ye, thou shalt not harden thine hert, ner withdrawe thine hande from thy poore brother: 8 but shalt open thine hande vnto him, and lende him, acordinge as he hath nede. 9 Bewarre, that there be not a poynte of Belial in thine hert, that thou woldest saye: The seuenth yeare, the yeare of Fredome is at honde. For yf thou lokest not fredly vpo thy poore brother, and geuest him nothinge then shall he crye ouer the vnto the LORDE, and it shall be synne vnto the: 10 But thou shalt geue him, and let it not greue thine hert that thou geuest him. For because of it, shall the LORDE thy God blesse the in all thy workes, and in all that thou puttest thine hande vnto. 11 The londe shal neuer be without poore, therfore commaunde I the and saye, that thou open thine hande vnto thy brother, which is neady and poore in thy londe.

Job 29:12-16

12 For I delyuered ye poore whe he cried, & the fatherlesse yt wanted helpe. 13 He yt shulde haue bene lost, gaue me a good worde, & ye widdowes hert praised me. 14 And why? I put vpon me rightuousnes, which couered me as a garmet, & equite was my crowne. 15 I was an eye vnto the blynde, & a fote to the lame. 16 I was a father vnto the poore, & whe I knew not their cause, I sought it out diligetly.

Job 31:16-20

16 When the poore desyred enythinge at me, haue I denyed it them? Haue I caused ye wyddowe stonde waytinge for me in vayne? 17 Haue I eaten my porcion alone, that the fatherles hath had no parte with me? 18 (for mercy grewe vp with me fro my youth, & compassion fro my mothers wombe.) 19 Haue I sene eny man perish thorow nakednes & want of clothinge? Or, eny poore man for lack of rayment, 20 whose sydes thanked me not, because he was warmed wt ye woll of my shepe?

Psalms 34:19

19 Greate are ye troubles of the rightuous, but the LORDE delyuereth them out of all.

Psalms 37:19

19 They shal not be cofounded in ye perlous tyme, & in ye dayes of derth they shall haue ynough.

Psalms 37:26

26 The rightuous is euer mercifull, & ledeth getly, therfore shal his sede be blessed.

Psalms 37:39-40

39 As for the trasgressours, they shal perishe together, and the vngodly shal be roted out at ye last. The helpe of the rightuous commeth of the LORDE, he is their strength in the tyme of trouble. 40 The LORDE shal stode by them, and saue them: he shal delyuer them from the vngodly, and helpe the, because they put their trust in him.

Psalms 82:3-4

3 Sela. Defende the poore & fatherlesse, se that soch as be in nede & necessite haue right. 4 Delyuer the outcaste & poore, & saue hym from the hande of the vngodly.

Psalms 112:9

9 He hath sparsed abrode, & geue to the poore, his rightuousnes remayneth for euer, his horne shalbe exalted wt honor.

Proverbs 14:21

21 Who so despyseth his neghbor, doth amysse: but blessed is he that hath pyte of the poore.

Proverbs 16:14

14 The kynges displeasure is a messaunger of death, but a wyse man wyl pacifie him.

Proverbs 19:17

17 He yt hath pitie vpon the poore, ledeth vnto ye LORDE: & loke what he layeth out, it shalbe payed him agayne.

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2

1 Sende thy vytayles ouer the waters, and so shalt thou fynde the after many yeares. 2 Geue it awaye amonge seuen or eight, for thou knowest not what misery shal come vpo earth.

Ecclesiastes 12:1

1 Remembre thy maker in thy youth, or euer the dayes of aduersite come, and or the yeares drawe nye, when thou shalt saye: I haue no pleasure in them:

Isaiah 58:7-11

7 It pleaseth not me, till thou deale thy bred to the hongrie, & brynge the poore fatherlesse home in to thy house, when thou seist the naked that thou couer him, and hyde not thy face fro thine owne flesh. 8 Then shal thy light breake forth as ye mornynge, and thy health florish right shortly: thy rightuousnesse shal go before the, and ye glory of the LORDE shal embrace the. 9 Then yf thou callest, the LORDE shal answere the: yf thou criest, he shal saye: here I am. Yee yf thou layest awaye thy burthens, and holdest thy fyngers, and ceasest from blasphemous talkinge, 10 yf thou hast compassion vpon the hongrie, and refre?shest ye troubled soule: Then shal thy light springe out in the darknesse, and thy darknesse shalbe as the noone daye. 11 The LORDE shal euer be thy gyde, and satisfie the desyre of thine hert, and fyl yi bones with marry. Thou shalt be like a freshwatred garden, and like the founteyne of water, that neuer leaueth runnynge.

Matthew 25:34-39

34 Then shal the kynge saye vnto them that shalbe on his right honde: Come hither ye blessed of my father, inheret ye ye kingdome, which is prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde. 35 For I was hongrie, and ye gaue me meate: I was thirstie, and ye gaue me drynke: I was harbourlesse, and ye lodged me: 36 I was naked, & ye clothed me: I was sicke, and ye vysited me: I was in preson, and ye came vnto me. 37 Then shal the righteous answere him, & saye: LORDE, whe sawe we the hogrie, and fed the? Or thirstie, and gaue the drynke? 38 When sawe we the herbourlesse, and lodged the? Or naked, and clothed ye? 39 Or whe sawe we ye sicke or in preson, and came vnto the?

Mark 14:7

7 Ye haue allwaye the poore with you, and wha so euer ye wil, ye maye do the good: but me haue ye not allwaie.

Luke 14:13-14

13 But wha thou makest a feast, call the poore, the crepell, the lame, the blynde, 14 then art thou blessed, for they can not recompece ye. But it shalbe recompensed the in the resurreccion of the righteous.

Acts 20:35

35 I haue shewed you all thinges, how that so labouringe ye oughte to receaue the weake, and to remembre the worde of the LORDE, how that he sayde: It is more blessed to geue, then to receaue.

2 Corinthians 9:8-14

8 God is able to make you riche in all grace, yt ye in all thinges hauynge sufficiet to the vttemost, maye be riche to all maner of good workes. 9 As it is wrytte: He hath sparsed abrode & geue to ye poore, his righteousnes remayneth for euer. 10 He that geueth sede vnto the sower, shal mynistre bred also for fode, and shal multiplye youre sede, and increase the frutes of yor righteousnes, 11 that in all thinges ye maye be made riche vnto all singlenesse, which causeth thorow vs, thankesgeuynge vnto God. 12 For the hadreachinge of this colleccion not onely suppleeth the nede off the sayntes, but also is abudaunt herin, that for this laudable mynistracion many mighte geue thakes vnto God, 13 and prayse God for yor obedient professynge of the Gospell of Christ, & for yor synglenesse in distributynge vnto the, and to all men, 14 and in their prayer for you, which longe after you, for the abundaunt grace of God in you.

Galatians 2:10

10 onely that we shulde remebre the poore, which thinge also I was diligent to do.

1 Thessalonians 5:14

14 We desyre you brethre, warne them that are vnruly, coforte the feble mynded, forbeare the weake, be pacient towarde all men.

Hebrews 6:10

10 For God is not vnrighteous, that he shulde forget youre worke and laboure of loue, which ye shewed in his name, whan ye mynistred vnto the sayntes, and yet mynister.

James 2:13

13 For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy, & mercy reioiseth against iudgment.

Revelation 3:10

10 Because thou hast kept the wordes of my pacience, therfore wil I kepe the from the houre of temptacion, which will come vpon all the worlde, to tempte them that dwell vpo the earth.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.