Psalms 15:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Lorde, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? who shal rest vpo yi holy hill?

Psalms 1:1-4

1 O blessed is ye man, yt goeth not in the councell of ye vngodly: yt abydeth not in the waye off synners, & sytteth not in ye seate of the scornefull. 2 But delyteth in the lawe of ye LORDE, & exercyseth himself in his lawe both daye and night. 3 Soch a ma is like a tre plated by ye watersyde, yt brigeth forth his frute in due season. His leeues shal not fall off, ad loke what soeuer he doth, it shal prospere. 4 As for the vngodly, it is not so with them: but they are like the dust, which ye wynde scatereth awaye from of the grounde.

Psalms 2:6

6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hill of Sion.

Psalms 3:4

4 I call vpon the LORDE with my voyce, and he heareth me out of his holy hill.

Psalms 21:3-5

3 Sela. For thou hast preueted him wt liberall blessinges, & set a crowne of golde vpon his heade. 4 He asked life of the, & thou gauest him a longe life, eue for euer & euer. 5 His honoure is greate in thy sauynge health, glory and greate worshipe shalt thou laye vpon him.

Psalms 23:6

6 Oh let thy louynge kyndnes & mercy folowe me all the dayes off my life, that I maye dwell in the house off the LORDE for euer.

Psalms 24:3-5

3 Who shal go vp in to the hill off the LORDE? Or, who shal remayne in his holy place? 4 Eue he yt hath innocet hodes & a clene herte: which lifteth not vp his mynde vnto vanite, & sweareth not to disceaue. 5 He shal receaue the blessinge fro the LORDE, ad mercy fro God his sauioure.

Psalms 27:4-6

4 One thinge haue I desyred of the LORDE, which I wil requyre: namely, that I maye dwell in the house of the LORDE all the dayes of my life, to beholde the fayre beutie of the LORDE, and to vyset his temple. 5 For in the tyme of trouble he hath hyd me in his tabernacle, yee in the secrete place of his dwellinge hath he kepte and set me vp vpon a rocke of stone. 6 And now hath he lift vp my heade aboue myne enemies, that copassed me rounde aboute.

Psalms 43:3-4

3 Oh sende out yi light & thy trueth, yt they maye lede me & brynge me vnto thy holy hill and to thy dwellinge. 4 That I maye go into the aulter of God, euen vnto the God which is my ioye & pleasure, & vpon the harpe to geue thakes vnto ye, o God, my God.

Psalms 61:4

4 I will dwell in thy tabernacle for euer, that I maye be safe vnder the couerynge of thy wynges.

Psalms 84:4

4 O how blessed are they that dwell in thy house, they are allwaye praysinge ye.

Psalms 87:1-3

1 Hir foundacions are vpo the holy hilles: the LORDE loueth the gates of Sion more, the all ye dwelliges of Iacob. 2 Very excellet thiges are spoke of ye, thou cite of God. 3 Sela. I wil thinke vpo Rahab & Babilo, so that they shal knowe me:

Psalms 92:13

13 The rightuous shal florish like a palme tre, and growe like a Cedre of Libanus.

John 3:3-5

3 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a man be borne a new, he can not se the kyngdome of God. 4 Nicodemus sayde vnto him: How can a man be borne, whan he is olde? Can he entre into his mothers wombe, and be borne agayne? 5 Iesus answered: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a ma be borne of water and of the sprete, he can not come in to ye kyngdome of God.

John 14:3

3 And though I go to prepare the place for you, yet wil I come agayne, and receaue you vnto myself, yt ye maye be where I am.

John 17:24

24 Father, I wil, that they whom thou hast geuen me, be with me where I am, yt they maye se my glory, which thou hast geue me: for thou hast loued me, or euer ye worlde was made.

Hebrews 12:22

22 But ye are come to the mount Sion, and to the cite of the lyuynge God, to the celestiall Ierusalem, and to the multitude of many thousande angels,

Revelation 7:14-17

14 And I sayde vnto him: LORDE thou wotest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam out of gret tribulacion, and made their garmentes large, and made the whyte in the bloude of the lambe: 15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serue him daye and night in his temple, and he that sytteth in the seate, wyll dwell amonge them. 16 They shal honger nomore nether thyrst, nether shal the sonne lyght on them, nether eny heate: 17 For the labe which is in the myddes of the seate, shal fede them, and shal leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, and God shal wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Revelation 14:1

1 And I loked, and lo, a lambe stode on the mout Syon, and with him .C. and xliiij. thousande hauynge his fathers name wrytten in their forheades.

Revelation 21:3-4

3 And I herde a greate voyce from the seate, sayenge: beholde, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he wil dwell with them. And they shalbe his people, and God himselfe shalbe with the, and shalbe their God. 4 And God shal wipe awaye all teares from their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth, nether sorowe, nether shal there be eny more payne, for ye olde thinges are gone.

Revelation 21:23-24

23 and the cite hath no nede of the Sonne, nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God doth light it: and the lambe is the lyght of it. 24 And ye people which are saued, shal walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the earth shal brynge their glory vnto it.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.