Psalms 110:1 Cross References - Coverdale

1 The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right hande, vntill I make thine enemies thy fotestole.

Psalms 2:6-9

6 Yet haue I set my kynge vpon my holy hill of Sion. 7 As for me I will preach the lawe, wherof the LORDE hath sayde vnto me: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begotten the. 8 Desyre off me, and I shall geue the the Heithen for thine enheritaunce, Yee the vttemost partes of the worlde for thy possession. 9 Thou shalt rule them with a rodde of yron, and breake the in peces like an erthen vessell.

Psalms 8:1

1 O Lorde oure gouernoure: how wonderfull is thy name in all the worlde? how excellent is thy glory aboue the heauens?

Psalms 8:6

6 Thou hast set him aboue the workes off thy hondes: thou hast put all thinges in subieccion vnder his fete.

Psalms 45:6-7

6 Thy arowes are sharpe, the people shalbe subdued vnto the, euen in the myddest amonge the kynges enemies. 7 Thy seate (o God) endureth for euer: the cepter of thy kyngdome is a right cepter.

Matthew 22:42-46

42 and sayde: What thinke ye of Christ? Whose sonne is he? They sayde vnto him: Dauids. 43 He sayde vnto them: How then doth Dauid in sprete, call him LORDE, sayenge: 44 The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right honde, tyll I make thine enemies thy fote stole. 45 Yf Dauid now call him LORDE, how is he then his sonne? 46 And no man coude answere him one worde, nether durst eny man axe him eny mo questios, fro that daye forth.

Matthew 26:64

64 Iesus spake: Thou hast sayde it. Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you: From this tyme forth it shal come to passe, that ye shal se the sonne of man syttinge vpon the right hande of the power (of God) and commynge in the cloudes of the heauen.

Mark 12:35-37

35 And Iesus answered, and sayde, whan he taught in the temple: How saye the scrybes, yt Christ is the sonne of Dauid? 36 But Dauid himself saieth thorow the holy goost: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right honde, tyll I make thine enemies yi fotestole. 37 There Dauid calleth him his LORDE. How is he the his sonne? And many people herde him gladly.

Mark 16:19

19 And the LORDE, after that he had spoken vnto them, was taken vp in to heauen, and sytteth at the right hade of God.

Luke 20:42-43

42 And Dauid himself sayeth in the boke of the Psalmes: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my right honde, 43 tyll I make thine enemies thy fote stole.

Luke 22:41

41 And he gat him from them aboute a stones cast, and kneled downe, prayed,

Acts 2:34-35

34 For Dauid is not ascended in to heauen, but he sayde: The LORDE sayde vnto my LORDE: Syt thou on my righte hande, 35 vntyll I make thine enemies yi fote stole.

1 Corinthians 15:25

25 For he must raygne, tyll he haue put all his enemies vnder his fete.

Ephesians 1:20-22

20 which he wroughte in Christ, whan he raysed him vp fro the deed, and set him on his righte hade i heauely thinges, 21 aboue all rule, power, and mighte, and dominacio, and aboue all that maye be named, not onely in this worlde, but also in ye worlde to come. 22 And hath put all thinges vnder his fete, and hath made him aboue all thinges the heade of the cogregacion,

Colossians 3:1

1 Yf ye be rysen now with Christ, seke those thinges then which are aboue where Christ is, syttinge on the righte hande of God.

Hebrews 1:3

3 Which (sonne) beynge the brightnes of his glory, & the very ymage of his substaunce, bearinge vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath in his owne personne pourged oure synnes, and is set on the righte hande of the maiestie on hye:

Hebrews 1:13

13 Vnto which of the angels sayde he at eny tyme: Syt thou on my righte hade, tyll I make thyne enemies thy fote stole?

Hebrews 8:1

1 Of the thinges which we haue spoken, this is the pyth: We haue soch an hye prest, that is set on ye righte hande of the seate of maiestie in heaue:

Hebrews 10:12-13

12 But this man whan he had offred for synnes, one sacrifice which is of value for euer, sat him downe on the righte hande of God, 13 and from hence forth tarieth, tyll his foes be made his fote stole.

Hebrews 12:2

2 lokynge vnto Iesus ye auctor and fynissher of faith: which whan the ioye was layed before him, abode the crosse, and despysed the shame, and is set downe on ye righte hade of ye trone of God.

1 Peter 3:22

22 which is on the righte hande of God, and is gone in to heaue, angels, power and mighte subdued vnto him.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.