Proverbs 22:14 Cross References - Coverdale

14 The mouth of an harlot is a depe pytt, wherin he falleth that ye LORDE is angrie withall.

Deuteronomy 32:19

19 And whan the LORDE sawe it, he was moued vnto wrath ouer his sonnes and his doughters.

Judges 16:20-21

20 And she sayde vnto him: The Philistynes vpon the Samson. Now wha he awoke out of his slepe, he thoughte: I wil go forth as I haue done aforetyme, & ease my selfe, & knewe not yt the LORDE was departed from him. 21 But the Philistynes toke him, & put out his eyes, and broughte him downe to Gasa, & bounde him wt fetters, and made him to grynde in the preson.

Nehemiah 13:26

26 Dyd not Salomon ye kynge of Israel synne ther in? & yet amonge many Heythen was there no kynge like him, & he was deare vnto his God, and God made him kynge ouer all Israel, and the outlandish wemen.

Psalms 81:12

12 But my people wolde not heare my voyce, & Israel wolde not obeye me.

Proverbs 2:16-19

16 That thou mayest be delyuered also from the straunge woman, and from her that is not thine owne: which geueth swete wordes, 17 forsaketh the hu?bande of hir youth, and forgetteth the couenaunt of hir God. 18 For hir house is enclyned vnto death, and hir pathes vnto hell. 19 All they that go in vnto her, come not agayne, nether take they holde of the waye of life.

Proverbs 5:3-23

3 For the lippes of an harlot are a droppinge hony combe, and hir throte is softer then oyle. 4 But at ye last she is as bitter as wormwod, and as sharpe as a two edged swerde. 5 Hir fete go downe vnto death, and hir steppes pearse thorow vnto hell. 6 She regardeth not the path of life, so vnstedfast are hir wayes, that thou canst not knowe them. 7 Heare me therfore (o my sonne) and departe not fro the wordes of my mouth. 8 Kepe thy waye farre from her, and come not nye ye dores of hir house. 9 That thou geue not thine honor vnto another, and thy yeares to the cruell. 10 That other men be not fylled with thy goodes, & that thy labours come not in a straunge house. 11 Yee that thou mourne not at the last (when thou hast spent thy body and goodes) 12 and then saye: Alas, why hated I nurtoure? why dyd my hert despyse correccion? 13 Wherfore was not I obedient vnto the voyce of my teachers, & herkened not vnto them that infourmed me? 14 I am come almost in to all mysfortune, in the myddest of the multitude and congregacion. 15 Drinke of the water of thine owne well, and of the ryuers that runne out of thine owne spriges. 16 Let yi welles flowe out a brode, that there maye be ryuers of water in the stretes. 17 But let them be only thine owne, & not straungers with the. 18 Let thy well be blessed, and be glad with the wife of thy youth. 19 Louynge is the hynde, and frendly is the Roo: let her brestes alwaye satisfie the, and holde the euer content with hir loue. 20 My sonne, why wilt thou haue pleasure in an harlot, and embrace the bosome of another woma? 21 For euery mas wayes are open in the sight of the LORDE, and he podereth all their goinges. 22 The wickednesses of the vngodly shal catch himself, and with the snares of his owne synnes shal he be trapped. 23 Because he wolde not be refourmed, he shal dye: and for his greate foolishnesse he shal be destroyed.

Proverbs 6:24-29

24 that they maye kepe the fro the euell woman, & from the flaterynge tonge of the harlott: 25 yt thou lust not after her beuty in thine herte, & lest thou be take wt hir fayre lokes. 26 An harlot wil make a ma to begg his bred, but a maried woman wil hunt for ye precious life. 27 Maye a man take fyre in his bosome, and his clothes not be brent? 28 Or can one go vpon hote coales, and his fete not be hurte? 29 Euen so, who so euer goeth in to his neghbours wife, and toucheth her, can not be vngiltie.

Proverbs 7:5-27

5 that she maye kepe ye fro ye strauge woma, & fro ye harlot which geueth swete wordes. 6 For out of the wyndowe of my house I loked thorow the trelies, 7 & behelde the simple people: & amonge other yonge folkes I spyed one yonge foole 8 goinge ouer the stretes, by the corner in the waye towarde the harlottes house 9 in the twylight of of the euenynge, when it begane now to be night and darcke. 10 And beholde, there mett him a woma in an harlottes apparell 11 (a disceatfull, waton & an vnstedfast woma: whose fete coude not abyde in ye house, 12 now is she without, now i ye stretes, & lurketh i euery corner) 13 she caught ye yoge ma, kyssed him & was not ashamed, sayege: 14 I had a vowe to paye, & this daye I perfourme it. 15 Therfore came I forth to mete the, that I might seke thy face, and so I haue founde the. 16 I haue deckte my bed with coueringes & clothes of Egipte. 17 My bed haue I made to smell of Myrre, Aloes and Cynamom. 18 Come, let vs lye together, & take oure pleasure till it be daye light. 19 For the good man is not at home, he is gone farre of. 20 He hath taken the bagg of moneye with him, who can tell whe he cometh home? 21 Thus with many swete wordes she ouercame him, and with hir flateringe lippes she wanne him. 22 Immediatly he foloweth her, as it were an oxeled to the slaughter (and like as it were to the stockes, where fooles are punyshed) 23 so longe till she hath wounded his lyuer with hir darte: like as yf a byrde haisted to the snare, not knowinge that the parell of his life lyeth there vpo. 24 Heare me now therfore (o my sonne) and marcke the wordes of my mouth. 25 Let not thine herte wandre in hir wayes, & be not thou disceaued in hir pathes. 26 For many one hath she wouded and cast downe, yee many a stronge ma hath she slayne. 27 Hir house is the waye vnto hell, where men go downe to the chambers of death.

Proverbs 23:27

27 For an whore is a depe graue, and an harlot is a narow pytt.

Ecclesiastes 7:26

26 And I founde, that a woman is bytterer then death: for she is a very angle, hir hert is a nett, and hir handes are cheynes. Who so pleaseth God shal escape from her, but the synner will be taken wt her.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.