Proverbs 14:34 Cross References - Coverdale

34 Rightuousnes setteth vp the people, but wyckednesse bryngeth folke to destruccion.

Deuteronomy 4:6-8

6 Kepe them now therfore and do them: for that is youre wysdome and vnderstondinge in the sight of all nacions, which wha they haue herde all these ordinaunces, shall saye: O what a wyse and vnderstondinge folke is this? and how excellent a people? 7 For where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath goddes so nye him, as the LORDE oure God is nye vnto vs, as oft as we call vpon him? 8 And where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath so righteous ordinaunces and lawes, as all this lawe which I laye before you this daye.

Deuteronomy 28:1-68

1 And yf thou shalt herken vnto ye voyce of the LORDE thy God, to obserue and do all his commaundementes which I comaunde ye this daye, then shall the LORDE thy God set ye an hye aboue all nacions vpo earth, 2 and all these blessynges shal come vpon the, and ouertake the, because thou hast bene obedient vnto the voyce of the LORDE thy God. 3 Blessed shalt thou be in the towne, and blessed in the felde. 4 Blessed shalbe the frute of thy body, the frute of thy grounde, and the frute of thy catell, and the frute of thine oxen, and the frute of thy shepe. 5 Blessed shal be yi baskett, & thy stoare. 6 Blessed shalt thou be wha thou goest in, and blessed whan thou goest out. 7 And thine enemies that ryse vp agaynst the, shal ye LORDE cause to be smytten before thy face. They shal come out agaynst the one waye, & flye before the seuen wayes. 8 The LORDE shal commaunde the blessynge to be with ye in thy cellers, and in all that thou takest in hande, and shal blesse the in ye londe that the LORDE thy God hath geue the. 9 The LORDE shal set the vp to be an holy people vnto himselfe (as he hath sworne vnto the) yf thou kepe the commaundementes of the LORDE thy God: 10 so that all nacions vpon earth shal se, that thou art called after the name of the LORDE: & they shal be afrayed of you. 11 And ye LORDE shal make ye plenteous in goodes, in the frute of yi wombe, in the frute of thy catell, & in the frute of thy grounde, in the londe that the LORDE sware vnto thy fathers, to geue the. 12 And the LORDE shal open vnto ye his good treasure, euen the heauen, to geue rayne vnto thy londe in due season, and to prospere all the workes of thine handes. And thou shalt lede vnto many nacios, but thou shalt borowe of no man. 13 And ye LORDE shal set the before, and not behynde: & thou shalt be aboue onely, and not benethe, yf thou be obedient vnto the commaundementes of ye LORDE thy God, which I commaunde the this daye to kepe and to do them: 14 & yf thou bowe not asyde from eny of these wordes, which I commaunde ye this daye, either to the righte hande or to the lefte, yt thou woldest walke after other goddes to serue them. 15 But yf thou wylt not herken vnto the voyce of the LORDE thy God, to kepe and to do all his commaundementes and ordinaunces, which I commaunde ye this daie, then shall all these curses come vpon the, and ouertake the. 16 Cursed shalt thou be in the towne, and cursed in ye felde: 17 cursed shal thy basket be, and thy stoare. 18 Cursed shall be the frute of thy body, the frute of thy londe, the frute of thine oxen, and the frute of thy shepe. 19 Cursed shalt thou be whan thou goest in, and cursed wha thou goest out. 20 The LORDE shal sende in to the, consuminge, and complayninge, and cursynge, in all that thou takest in hande to do, tyll he haue destroyed the & shortly broughte to the naughte, because of thy wicked inuencions, in that thou hast forsaken me. 21 The LORDE shall make the pestylence to byde longe with the, tyll he haue consumed the out of the londe, into the which thou commest to possesse it. 22 The LORDE shall smyte the with swellynge, feuers, heate, burnynge, venome, drouth, and palenesse, & shall persecute the, tyll he haue destroyed the. 23 Thy heauen, that is ouer thy heade, shalbe of brasse, and the earth vnder the, of yron. 24 The LORDE shall geue thy londe dust for rayne, and asshes from heauen vpon the, vntyll thou be broughte to naught. 25 The LORDE shall cause the be smytten before thine enemyes. Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and seuen wayes shalt thou flye before them, and shalt be scatered amoge all the kyngdomes vpon earth. 26 Thy carcase shalbe meate vnto all maner foules of the ayre, and to all the beestes vpon earth, and there shalbe no man to fraye them awaye. 27 The LORDE shal smyte the with ye botches of Egipte, with the Emorodes, with scalle, and maungynesse, that thou shalt not be healed therof. 28 The LORDE shall smyte the with madnesse, blyndnesse and dasynge of hert. 29 And thou shalt grope at the noone daye, as ye blynde gropeth in darknesse, and shalt not prospere in thy waye.And thou shalt suffre vyolence and wronge all thy lifelonge, & no man shal helpe ye. 30 Thou shalt spouse a wife, but another shal lye with her. Thou shalt buylde an house, but another shall dwell therin. Thou shalt plante a vynyarde, but shalt not make it comen. 31 Thine oxe shalbe slayne before thine eyes, but thou shalt not eate therof. Thine asse shalbe violently taken awaye (euen before yi face) and shal not be restored ye againe. Thy shepe shalbe geuen vnto thine enemies, and no man shal helpe the. 32 Thy sonnes and thy doughters shalbe geuen vnto another nacion, and thine eyes shal se it, and dase vpon them all the daye longe, and thy hande shal not be able to delyuer them. 33 The frute of yi londe and all yi laboure, shall a nacion eate, which thou knowest not: and thou shalt but onely be he that shalbe oppressed and suffre wronge, all the dayes of thy life. 34 And thou shalt be cleane besyde thy selfe for the sighte, which thine eyes shal se. 35 The LORDE shal smyte the with a myscheuous botch in ye knees & legges, so that thou canst not be healed, euen from the sole of thy fote vnto the crowne of thy heade. 36 The LORDE shal brynge the and thy kynge (which thou hast set ouer the) vnto a nacion, whom thou knowest not, nether thy fathers: and there shalt thou serue other goddes, euen wodd and stone: 37 and thou shalt go to waist, and become a byworde, & a laughinge stocke amoge all nacions, whither ye LORDE hath caryed the. 38 Thou shalt cary out moch sede in to ye felde, and shalt gather but litle in: for the greshoppers shal destroye it. 39 Thou shalt plante vynyardes and dresse the, but thou shalt nether drynke of the wyne, ner gather of ye grapes: for ye wormes shal consume it. 40 Thou shalt haue Olyue trees in all yi coastes, but shalt not be anoynted with the oyle: for thyne Oliue trees shalbe roted out. 41 Thou shalt get sonnes and doughters, and yet not haue them: for they shal be caried awaye captiue. 42 All thy trees and frutes of thy londe shall be marred with blastinge. 43 The straunger that is with ye, shal clymme vp ouer the, and be allwaye aboue the: but thou shalt come downe alowe, and lye euer beneth. 44 He shal lende vnto the, but thou shalt not lende him. He shalbe before, but thou shalt be behynde. 45 And all these curses shall come vpon the, and folowe the, and ouertake ye, tyll thou be destroyed, because thou herkenest not vnto ye voyce of the LORDE yi God, to kepe his commaundemetes and ordinaunces, which he hath commaunded the. 46 Therfore shal there be tokens and wonders vpon the, & vpon thy sede for euer, 47 because thou hast not serued ye LORDE thy God with a ioyfull and good hert, whan thou haddest abundaunce of all thinges. 48 And therfore shalt thou serue thine enemye, which the LORDE shal sende vpon the, in hunger and thyrst, in nakednesse, and neade of all thinge: & he shal put a yocke of yron vpon thy necke, vntyll he haue broughte the to naughte. 49 The LORDE shal brynge a nacion vpon the from farre, euen from the ende of ye worlde, as a flyenge Aegle: a people, whose speache thou canst not vnderstonde, 50 an harde fauoured people, which regarde not the personne of the olde, ner haue compassion on the yonge. 51 And they shal eate vp ye frute of thy catell, & the frute of thy londe, tyll they haue destroyed the, and shall leaue the nothinge in corne, wyne, oyle, in the frute of ye oxen and shepe, vntyll they haue broughte the to naughte: 52 and shal laye sege vnto the wt in all thy gates, tyll they cast downe thy hye and stronge walles, wherin thou trustest thorow out all thy londe. And thou shalt be beseged within all thy portes, thorow out all thy londe which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the. 53 Thou shalt eate the frute of thine awne body, the flesh of thy sonnes and of thy doughters, which the LORDE yi God hath geue the, in that straytnesse and sege, wherwith thine enemye shall besege the: 54 so that it shal greue the man yt afore hath lyued tenderly and in voluptuousnes amonge you, to loke vpon his brother and vpon his wife yt lyeth in his bosome, and on the sonne that is left ouer of his sonnes, 55 lest he shulde geue eny of them of the flesh of his children that he eateth, in as moch as there is nothinge left him in that straytnesse and sege, wherwith thine enemye shal besege ye within all thy gates. 56 And the woman that afore hath lyued so tenderly and voluptuously amonge you, that she durste not set the sole of hir fote vpon the grounde for tendernes and voluptuousnes, shal be greued to loke vpon hir husbande that lieth in hir bosome, and on hir sonne, and on hir doughter: 57 euen because of hir doughters which she hath norished betwixte hir legges in hir lappe, and because of hir sonnes that she hath borne: For she shall eate them secretly for very scarcenesse of all thinges, in the straytnesse and sege, wherwith thine enemye shal besege ye within thy gates. 58 Yf thou wilt not be diligent to do all the wordes of this lawe which are wrytten in this boke, that thou mayest feare this glorious and fearfull name, euen the LORDE thy God, 59 then shal the LORDE entreate ye wonderously, with plages vpon ye and thy sede, yee with greate and continuall plages, 60 with euell and contynuall sicknesses, and shal brynge vpo ye all ye sicknesses of Egipte (wherof thou wast afrayed) and they shal cleue vnto the. 61 Therto all maner sicknesses and all maner plages, which are not wrytten in the boke of this lawe, shal the LORDE thy God cause to come vpon the, vntyll he haue destroyed the. 62 And there shal be left but a fewe people of you, which afore were as the starres of heauen in multitude: because thou hast not herkened vnto the voyce of the LORDE thy God. 63 And as ye LORDE reioysed ouer you afore, to do you good, and to multiplye you, eue so shall he reioyse ouer you, to destroye you, and to brynge you to naughte, and ye shalbe waysted from of the londe, whither thou goest now to possesse it. 64 For the LORDE shal scater the amonge all nacions, from the one ende of the worlde vnto another, and there shalt thou serue other goddes, whom thou knowest not, ner yet thy fathers, euen wodd and stone. 65 And amonge those same nacions shalt thou haue no quyetnesse, nether shal the sole of yi fote haue eny rest: for the LORDE shal geue the there a fearfull hert, and dasynge of eyes, and a troubled soule 66 so that thy life shal hage before the: Night and daye shalt thou feare, and shalt haue no trust in thy life. 67 In the mornynge thou shalt saye: Who shall geue me the euenynge? And at euen shalt thou saye: Who shal geue me the mornynge? For the very greate feare of thine hert, which shal make the afrayed: and for the sighte of thine eyes which thou shalt se. 68 And the LORDE shal brynge the agayne in to Egipte by shippe fulles, euen thorow the waye wherof I sayde vnto ther Thou shalt se it nomore: and there shal ye be solde vnto youre enemies for bonde seruauntes and bonde maidens, and there shalbe no man to bye you.

Deuteronomy 29:18-28

18 Lest there be amoge you man or woman, or an housholde, or a trybe, which turneth awaye his hert this daye from the LORDE oure God, to go and to serue ye goddes of these nacions: and lest there be amonge you some rote, that beareth gall & wormwodd: 19 so that though he heare the wordes of this curse, he blesse him selfe yet in his hert, and saye: Tush, it shal not be so euell. I wil walke after the meanynge of myne awne hert, that the dronken maye perishe with the thyrstie. 20 Then shall not the LORDE be mercifull vnto him, but his wrath and gelousy shall smoke ouer soch a man, and all the curses that are wrytten in this boke, shall lighte vpon him: and the LORDE shal put out his name from vnder heauen, 21 and shall separate him vnto euell out of all the trybes of Israel, acordinge vnto all the curses of the couenaunt, that is wrytten in the boke of this lawe. 22 So the posterities of youre childre which shal ryse vp after you, and the straungers that come out of farre countrees, shall saye (whan they se the plages of this londe, and the diseases wherwith the LORDE hath smytten it) 23 that he hath brent vp all their londe with brymstone and salt, so yt it cannot be sowne, ner is frutefull, nether groweth there eny grasse therin, Like as Sodom, Gomor, Adama and Zeboim are ouerthrowne, which the LORDE ouerthrewe in his wrath and anger. 24 Then shall all nacions saye: Wherfore hath the LORDE done thus vnto this londe? What greate wrothfull displeasure is this? 25 Then shalt it be sayde: Euen because they haue forsaken the couenaunt of ye LORDE God of their fathers (which he made with them whan he broughte them out of the londe of Egipte) 26 and they wete, and serued other goddes, and worshipped the, euen soch goddes as they knewe not, and whom he had not deuyded vnto them. 27 Therfore the wrath of the LORDE waxed whote ouer this londe, to brynge vpon it all the curses that are wrytten in this boke. 28 And the LORDE thrust them out of their londe wt greate wrath, indignacion & displeasoure & hath cast them into another londe, as it is come to passe this daye.

Judges 2:6-14

6 For whan Iosua had sente awaye ye people, and the childre of Israel were gone, euery one to his enheritauce, for to take possession of the londe, 7 the people serued the LORDE as longe as Iosua lyued and ye Elders, which lyued longe after Iosua, and yt sawe all the greate workes of the LORDE, which he dyd for Israel. 8 Now whan Iosua the sonne of Nun, the seruaunt of the LORDE, was deed (whan he was an hudreth and ten yeare olde) 9 they buried him in ye border of his inheritaunce at Timnath Heres vpon mount Ephraim on the north syde of mount Gaas. 10 And whan all the same generacion was gathered vnto their fathers, there came vp after them another generacion, which knew not the LORDE, ner the workes that he had done for Israel. 11 Then wroughte the children of Israel euell before the LORDE, and serued Baalim, 12 and forsoke ye LORDE the God of their fathers (which broughte them out of the londe of Egipte) and folowed other goddes & the goddes of the nacions that dwelt rounde aboute them, & worshipped them, & displeased the LORDE: 13 for they forsoke ye LORDE euer more and more, and serued Baal and Astaroth. 14 Then ye wrath of the LORDE waxed whote vpo Israel, & he delyuered the in to ye handes of those yt spoyled the, that they mighte spoyle them, & solde the in to the handes of their enemies roude aboute, & they were not able to withstonde their enemies eny more,

Psalms 107:34

34 A frutefull londe maketh he baren, for the wickednesse of them that dwell therin.

Jeremiah 2:2-25

2 Go thy waye, crie in the eares of Ierusale, & saye: Thus saieth the LORDE: I remembre the for the kyndnesse of thy youth, and because of thy stedfast loue: in that thou folowdest me thorow the wildernesse, in an vntilled londe. 3 Thou Israel wast halowed vnto te LORDE, and so was his first frutes. All they that deuoured Israel, offended: mi?fortune fell vpon them, saieth the LORDE. 4 Heare therfore the worde of the LORDE, O thou house of Iacob, and all the generacion of the house of Israel. 5 Thus saieth ye LORDE vnto you: What vnfaithfulnesse founde youre fathers in me, that they wente so farre awaye fro me, fallinge to lightnesse, and beinge so vayne? 6 They thought not in their hertes: Where haue we left the LORDE, yt brought vs out of the lode of Egipte: yt led vs thorow the wildernesse, thorow a deserte and rough londe, thorow a drie and a deedly londe, yee a londe that no man had gone thorow, and wherein no man had dwelt. 7 And when I had brought you in to a pleasaunt welbuylded londe, that ye might enioye the frutes and all the comodities of the same: ye went forth and defyled my londe, & brought myne heretage to abhominacion. 8 The prestes the selues saide not once: where is ye LORDE? They yt haue the lawe in their hondes, knowe me not: The shepherdes offende agaynst me. The prophetes do seruyce vnto Baal, & folowe soch thinges as shall bringe them no profit. 9 Wherfore I am constrayned (sayeth the LORDE) to make my complaynte vpon you, and vpon youre children. 10 Go in to the Iles of Cethim, and loke wel: sende vnto Cedar, take diligent hede: and se, whether soch thinges be done there, 11 whether the Gentiles themselues deale so falsly & vntruly with their goddes (which yet are no goddes in dede.) But my people hath geuen ouer their hie honoure, for a thinge that maye not helpe them. 12 Be astonished (o ye heauens) be afrayde, & abashed at soch a thinge, saieth the LORDE. 13 For my people hath done two euels. They haue forsake me the well of the water of life, and digged them pittes, yee vile and broken pittes, that holde no water. 14 Is Israel a bonde seruaunt, or one of the housholde? Why is he then so spoyled? 15 Why do they roare and crie then vpon him, as a lyon? They haue made his londe wayst, his cities are so brent vp, that there is no man dwellinge in them. 16 Yee the children of Noph and Taphanes haue defyled thy necke. 17 Cometh not this vnto the, because thou hast forsaken the LORDE thy God, euer sence he led the by the waye? 18 And what hast thou now to do in ye strete of Egipte? to drinke foule water? Ether, what makest thou in the waye to Assiria? To drinke water of the floude? 19 Thine owne wickednesse shal reproue the, and thy turnynge awaye shal condemne the: that thou mayest knowe and vnderstonde, how euel and hurtful a thinge it is, yt thou hast forsaken the LORDE thy God, and not feared him, saieth the LORDE God of hoostes. 20 I haue euer broken thy yock of olde, & bursten thy bondes: yet saiest thou, I wil nomore serue, but (like an harlot) thou runnest aboute vpon all hie hilles, & amonge all grene trees: 21 where as I planted the out of noble grapes and good rotes. How art thou turned then into a bytter, vnfrutefull, and straunge grape? 22 Yee and that so sore: that though thou wasshest the with Nitrus & makest thiself to sauoure with that swete smellinge herbe of Borith: yet in my sight thou art stayned with thy wickednesse, saieth the LORDE thy God. 23 Saye not now: I am not vnclene, and I haue not folowed the goddes. Loke vpo thyne owne waies in the woddes, valleis & dennes: so shalt thou knowe, what thou hast done. Thou art like a swift Dromedary, that goeth easely his waye: 24 and thy wantonnes is like a wilde Asse, that vseth the wildernesse, and that snoffeth and bloweth at his wil. Who can tame the? All they that seke the, shal not fayle, but fynde the in thyne owne vnclennes. 25 Thou kepest thy fote from nakednes, and thy throte from thurste, and thinkest thus in thy self: tush, I wil take no sorowe, I wil loue the straunge goddes, & hange vpon them.

Ezekiel 16:1-63

1 Agayne, the worde of LORDE spake vnto me, sayenge: 2 Thou sonne of man, shewe the cite of Ierusalem their abhominacions, 3 and saye: thus saieth the LORDE God vnto Ierusalem: Thy progeny and kynred came out of the londe of Canaan, thy father was an Amorite, thy mother a Cethite. 4 In ye daye of thy byrth when thou wast borne, ye stringe of thy nauel was not cut of: thou wast not bathed in water to make the clene: Thou wast nether rubbed wt salt, ner swedled in cloutes: 5 No man regarded the so moch, as to do eny of these thinges for ye, or to shewe the soch fauoure, but thou wast vtterly cast out vpon ye felde, yee despised wast thou in the daye of thy byrth. 6 Then came I by the, and sawe the troden downe in thine owne bloude, & sayde vnto the: thou shalt be pourged from thine owne bloude, fro thine owne bloude (I saye) shalt thou be clensed. 7 So I planted the, as the blossome of thy felde: thou art growen vp, & waxe greate: thou hast gotten a maruelous pleasaunt beutie, thy brestes are come vp, thy hayre is goodly growen, where as thou wast naked and bare afore. 8 Now when I wente by ye, & loked vpon the: beholde, thy tyme was come, yee eue the tyme to wowe the. Then spred I my clothes ouer the, to couer thy dishonestie: Yee I made an ooth vnto the, & maried my self with the (saieth the LORDE God) & so thou becamest myne owne. 9 Then wa?shed I the with water, & pourged thy bloude from the. I anoynted the with oyle, 10 I gaue the chaunge of raymentes, I made the shues of Taxus lether: I gyrthed ye aboute wt white sylcke, I clothed the with kerchues, 11 I decked the wt costly apparell, I put rynges vpon thy fyngers: a chayne aboute thy necke, 12 spages vpo thy foreheade, eare rynges vpon thyne eares, & set a beutifull crowne vpon thine heade. 13 Thus wast thou deckte with syluer & golde, & thy rayment was of fyne white sylke, of nedle worke & of dyuerse colours. Thou didest eate nothinge but symnels, honny & oyle: maruelous goodly wast thou & beutifull, yee euen a very Quene wast thou: 14 In so moch, that thy beuty was spoken of amonge the Heithen, for thou wast excellet in my beuty, which I put vpo the, saieth the LORDE God. 15 But thou hast put confidece in thine owne beuty, & played the harlot, when thou haddest gotten the a name. Thou hast committed whordome, with all that wente by the, & hast fulfilled their desyres: 16 Yee thou hast taken thy garmetes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thine aulters therwith, where vpon thou mightest fulfill thine whordome, of soch a fashion, as neuer was done, ner shalbe. 17 The goodly ornametes & Iewels which I gaue the of myne owne golde and syluer, hast thou take, & made the mes ymages therof, and committed whordome withall. 18 Thy garmentes of dyuerse colours hast thou taken, and deckte them therwith: myne oyle & incense hast thou set before them. 19 My meate which I gaue the, as symnels, oyle & hony: (to fede the withall) that hast thou set before them, for a swete sauoure. And this came also to passe, saieth the LORDE God: 20 Thou hast take thine owne sonnes & doughters, whom thou haddest begotten vnto me: and these hast thou offred vp vnto them, to be their meate. Is this but a small whordome of thine (thinkest thou) 21 that thou slayest my children, and geuest them ouer, to be bret vnto them? 22 And yet in all thy abhominacions and whordome, thou hast not remembred the dayes of thy youth, how naked and bare thou wast at that tyme, & troden downe in thine owne bloude. 23 After all these thy wickednesses (wo wo vnto the, saieth ye LORDE) 24 thou hast buylded thy stewes and brodel houses in euery place: yee at the heade of euery strete 25 hast thou buylded the an aulter. Thou hast made thy beuty to be abhorred: thou hast layed out thy legges to euery one that came by, and multiplied thine whordome. 26 Thou hast committed fornicacion with the Egipcians thy neghbours, which had moch flesh: & thus hast thou vsed thine whordome, to anger me. 27 Beholde, I will stretch out myne honde ouer the, and wil mynish thy stoare of fode, and delyuer the ouer in to the willes of the Philistynes thine enemies, which are ashamed of thy abhominable waye. 28 Thou hast played the whore also with the Assirians, which might not satisfie the: Yee thou hast played the harlot, & not had ynough. 29 Thus hast thou still comitted thy fornicacion from the londe of Canaan vnto the Caldees, and yet thy lust not satisfied. 30 How shulde I circumcide thine herte (saieth the LORDE God) seinge thou doest all these thinges, thou precious whore: 31 buyldinge thy stewes at the heade of euery strete, and thy brodel houses in all places? Thou hast not bene as an other whore, yt maketh booste of hir wynnynge: 32 but as a wife yt breaketh wedlocke, & taketh other in steade of hir hu?bode. 33 Giftes are geuen to all other whores, but thou geuest rewardes vnto all thy louers: & offrest them giftes, to come vnto the out of all places, & to committe fornicacio with the. 34 It is come to passe with the in thy whordomes, contrary to the vse of other women: yee there hath no soch fornicacion bene committed after the, seinge that thou profrest giftes vnto other, & no rewarde is geuen the: this is a contrary thinge. 35 Therfore heare the worde of the LORDE, o thou harlot: 36 Thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as thou hast spet thy moneye, & discouered thy shame, thorow thy whordome with all thy louers, and with all the Idols of thy abhominacions in the bloude of thy children, whom thou hast geuen them: 37 Beholde therfore, I wil gather together all thy louers, vnto whom thou hast made thy self comon: yee & all them whom thou fauourest, and euery one that thou hatest: and will discouer thy shame before the, that they all maye se thy fylthines 38 Morouer, I wil iudge the as a breaker of wedlocke and a murthurer, and recompence the thine owne bloude in wrath and gelousy. 39 I wil geue the ouer in to their power, that shal breake downe thy stewes, and destroye thy brodel houses: they shal stripe the out of thy clothes, all thy fayre & beutifull Iewels shal they take from the, and so let the syt naked & bare: 40 Yee they shal bringe the comon people vpon the, which shal stone the, & slaye the downe with their sweardes. 41 They shall burne vp thy houses, and punysh the in the sight of many wome. Thus wil I make thy whordome to ceasse, so that thou shalt geue out no mo rewardes. 42 Shulde I make my wrath to be still, take my gelousy from the, be content, and nomore to be displeased? 43 seinge thou remembrest not the dayes of thy youth, but hast prouoked me to wrath in all these thinges? Beholde therfore, I wil bringe thine owne wayes vpon thine heade, saieth the LORDE God: how be it, I neuer dyd vnto the, acordinge to thy wickednesse and all thy abhominacions. 44 Beholde, all they yt vse comon prouerbes, shall vse this prouerbe also agaynst the: Soch a mother, soch a doughter. 45 Thou art euen thy mothers owne doughter, that hath cast of hir hou?bonde and hir children: Yee thou art the sister of thy sisters, which forsoke their hu?bodes and their children. Youre mother is a Cethite, and youre father an Amorite. 46 Thine eldest sister is Samaria, she and hir doughters that dwel vpo thy left honde. But thy yongest sister that dwelleth on ye right hode, is Sodoma and hir doughters. 47 Yet hast thou not walked after their wayes, ner done after their abhominacions: But in all thy wayes thou hast bene more corrupte then they. 48 As truly as I lyue, saieth the LORDE God: Sodoma thy sister with hir doughters, hath not done so euel, as thou and thy doughters. 49 Beholde, the synnes of thy sister Sodoma were these: Pryde, fulnesse of meate, abundaunce and Idilnesse: these thinges had she and hir doughters. Besydes that, they reached not their honde to the poore and nedy, 50 but were proude, and dyd abhominable thinges before me: therfore I toke them awaye, when I had sene it. 51 Nether hath Samaria done half of thy synnes, yee thou hast exceaded them in wickednesse: In so moch that in comparison of all the abhominacions which thou hast done, thou hast made thy sisters good women. 52 Therfore beare thine owne shame, thou that in synne hast ouercome thy sisters: seinge thou hast done so abhominably, that they were better then thou. Be ashamed therfore (I saye) and beare thine owne confucion, thou that makest thy sisters good women. 53 As for their captiuyte, namely the captiuyte of Sodoma and hir dougters: the captiuyte of Samaria and hir doughters: I wil bringe them agayne, so will I also bringe agayne thy captiuyte amoge them: 54 that thou mayest take thine owne confucion vpon the, and be ashamed of all that thou hast done, and to comforte them. 55 Thus thy sisters (namely) Sodoma and hir doughters: Samaria and hir doughters with yi self & thy doughters, shalbe brought agayne to youre olde estate. 56 Whe thou wast in thy pryde, 57 and before thy wickednesse came to light: thou woldest not heare speake of thy sister Sodoma, vntill the tyme that the Sirians with all their townes, and the Philistynes with all that lye rounde aboute them, brought the to shame and confucion: 58 that thou mightest beare thine owne fylthynes and abhominacion, saieth the LORDE. 59 For thus saieth the LORDE God: I shulde (by right) deale with the, as thou hast done. Thou hast despysed the ooth, and broken the couenaunte. 60 Neuertheles, I wil remembre the couenaunt, that I made with the in thy youth, in so moch that it shall be an euerlastinge couenaunt: 61 So that thou also remembre thy wayes, and be ashamed of the: then shalt thon receaue of me thy elder and yonger sisters, whom I wil make thy doughters, and that besyde thy couenaunt. 62 And so I wil renue my couenaunt with the, yt thou mayest knowe, that I am the LORDE: 63 that thou mayest thincke vpo it, be ashamed, and excuse thine owne confucion nomore: when I haue forgeuen the, all that thou hast done, saieth the LORDE God.

Ezekiel 22:1-23

1 Morouer, the worde of ye LORDE came vnto me, & sayde: 2 Thou sonne of man, wilt thou not reproue this bloudthurstie cite? Shewe the their abhominacios, 3 & tell them: Thus saieth the LORDE God: O thou cite, yt sheddest bloude in ye myddest of the, yt thy tyme maye come also: and makest the Idols to defyle the withall. 4 Thou hast made thy self gilty, in ye bloude yt thou hast shed: & defyled ye i ye ydols, which thou hast made. Thou hast caused thy daies to drawe nye, & made the tyme of thy yeares to come. Therfore will I make ye to be confounded amoge the Heithe, & to be despised in all the lodes, 5 whether they be nye or farre fro the: they shal laugh ye to scorne, thou yt hast gotte the so foule a name, & art full off myschefe. 6 Beholde, the rulers of Israel haue brought euery man his power, to shed bloude in the. 7 In the haue they despised father & mother, in the haue they oppressed the strauger, in the haue they vexed the wyddowe & the fatherlesse. 8 Thou hast despysed my Sactuary, and vnhalowed my Sabbath. 9 Murtherers are there in the, that shed bloude, & eate vpon the hilles, and in the they vse vnhappynesse. 10 In ye haue they discouered their fathers shame, in the haue they vexed women in their sicknesse. 11 Euery ma hath dealte shamefully with his neghbours wife, & abhominably defyled his doughter in lawe. In the hath euery man forced his owne sister, euen his fathers doughter: 12 Yee giftes haue bene receaued in the, to shed bloude. Thou hast taken vsury & encreace, thou hast oppressed thy neghbours by extorcion, and forgotten me, saieth the LORDE God. 13 Beholde, I haue smytten my hondes vpo thy couetousnesse, that thou hast vsed, and vpon the bloude which hath bene shed in the. 14 Is thy herte able to endure it, or maye thy hondes defende them selues, in the tyme that I shall bringe vpon the? Euen I the LORDE that speake it, will bringe it also to passe. 15 I will scatre the amonge the Heithen, & strowe the aboute in the lodes, and wil cause thy fylthynesse to ceasse out off the: 16 yee and I will haue the in possession in the sight of the Heithen, that thou mayest knowe, that I am the LORDE, 17 And the worde off the LORDE came vnto me, sayenge: 18 Thou sonne of man, the house of Israel is turned to drosse. C All they that shulde be brasse, tynne, yro & leade, are in the fyre become drosse. 19 Therfore, thus saieth the LORDE God: For so moch as ye all are turned in to drosse, beholde: I will brynge you together vnto Ierusalem, 20 like as syluer, brasse, yron, tynne and leade are put together in the fornace, and the fyre blowen there vnder to melt them: Euen so will I gather you, put you in together, and melt you in my wrath and indignacion. 21 I will brynge you together, and kyndle the fyre of my cruell displeasure vnder you, that ye maye be melted therin. 22 Like as the syluer is melted in the fyre, so shall ye also be melted therin: that ye maye knowe, how that I the LORDE haue poured my wrath vpon you. 23 And the worde off the LORDE came vnto me, sayege:

Hosea 13:1

1 The abhominacion of Ephraim is come also in to Israel. He is gone backe to Baal, therfore must he dye.

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