Philippians 1:23 Cross References - Coverdale

23 I shal chose, for both these thinges lye harde vpon me. I desyre to be lowsed, & to be with Christ, which thinge were moch better (for me)

2 Samuel 24:14

14 Dauid sayde vnto Gad: I am in extreme trouble. Neuertheles (yf it maye be) let me rather fall in to ye handes of the LORDE (for his mercy is greate) I wyll not fall in to the handes of men.

Job 19:26-27

26 that I shal be clothed againe with this skynne, and se God in my flesh. 27 Yee I my self shal beholde him, not with other but with these same eyes. My reynes are consumed within me,

Psalms 16:10-11

10 Therfore dyd my hert reioyce, & my tunge was glad, my flesh also shall rest in hope. 11 For why? thou shalt not leaue my soule in hell, nether shalt thou suffre thy saynte to se corrupcion. Thou hast shewed me the wayes off life: thou shalt make me full of ioye wt thy countenaunce. At thy right hande there is pleasure and ioye for euermore.

Psalms 17:15

15 They haue children at their desyre, and leaue the reste of their substauce for their babes. But as for me, I will beholde thy presence in rightuousnes: and when thy glory appeareth, I shal be satisfied.

Psalms 49:15

15 But God shal deliuer my soule from the power of hell, when he receaueth me.

Psalms 73:24-26

24 Thou ledest me with thy coucel, and afterwarde receauest me vnto glory. 25 O what is there prepared for me in heauen? there is nothinge vpo earth, that I desyre in comparison of the. 26 My flesh and my herte fayleth, but God is the strength of my hert, and my porcion for euer.

Luke 2:29-30

29 LORDE, now lettest thou thy seruaut departe in peace, acordinge to thy promesse. 30 For myne eyes haue sene thy Sauioure,

Luke 8:38

38 And the man out of who the deuels were departed, besought him, yt he might be with him. But Iesus sent him awaye, and sayde:

Luke 12:50

50 Notwithstodinge I must first be baptised with a baptyme, and how am I payned tyll it be ended?

Luke 23:43

43 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the: To daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.

John 12:26

26 He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure.

John 13:1

1 Before the feast of Easter whan Iesus knewe that his tyme was come, that he shulde departe out of this worlde vnto ye father, as he loued his which were in the worlde, euen so loued he them vnto the ende.

John 14:3

3 And though I go to prepare the place for you, yet wil I come agayne, and receaue you vnto myself, yt ye maye be where I am.

John 17:24

24 Father, I wil, that they whom thou hast geuen me, be with me where I am, yt they maye se my glory, which thou hast geue me: for thou hast loued me, or euer ye worlde was made.

Acts 7:59

59 And they stoned Steuen, which cryed, & sayde: LORDE Iesu, receaue my sprete.

2 Corinthians 5:8

8 Neuertheles we are of good comforte, and had leuer to be absent from the body, & to be at home with the LORDE.

2 Corinthians 6:12

12 Ye are in no straytnesse on oure behalfe: but where as ye are in straytnesse, that do ye of youre owne hertely meanynge.

1 Thessalonians 2:1

1 For ye youre selues (brethren) knowe of oure intrauce vnto you, how that it was not in vayne,

1 Thessalonians 2:13

13 For this cause thanke we God without ceassynge, because that wha ye receaued of vs the worde of the preachinge of God, ye receaued it not as ye worde of men, but (eue as it is of a trueth) the worde of God, which worketh in you that beleue.

1 Thessalonians 4:17

17 then shal we which lyue and remayne, be caught vp wt them also in the cloudes, to mete the LORDE in the ayre, and so shal we euer be with the LORDE.

2 Timothy 4:6

6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the tyme of my departinge is at honde.

Revelation 7:14-17

14 And I sayde vnto him: LORDE thou wotest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam out of gret tribulacion, and made their garmentes large, and made the whyte in the bloude of the lambe: 15 therfore are they in the presence of the seate of God and serue him daye and night in his temple, and he that sytteth in the seate, wyll dwell amonge them. 16 They shal honger nomore nether thyrst, nether shal the sonne lyght on them, nether eny heate: 17 For the labe which is in the myddes of the seate, shal fede them, and shal leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, and God shal wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Revelation 14:13

13 And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.