Philippians 1:15 Cross References - Coverdale

15 Some (no doute) preach Christ of enuye and stryfe, but some of good wil.

Matthew 23:5

5 All their workes do they to be sene of men. They set abrode their Philateries, and make large borders vpon their garmentes,

Acts 5:42

42 And daylie in the temple and in euery house they ceassed not, to teache and to preache the Gospell of Iesus Christ.

Acts 8:5

5 The came Philippe in to a cite of Samaria, and preached Christ vnto them.

Acts 8:35

35 Philippe opened his mouth, and beganne at this scripture, and preached him the Gospell of Iesus.

Acts 9:20

20 And straight waye he preached Christ in the synagoges, how that he was ye sonne of God.

Acts 10:36

36 Ye knowe of ye preachinge that God sent vnto the children of Israel, preachinge thorow Iesus Christ (which is LORDE ouer all)

Acts 11:20

20 Neuertheles some of the were men of Cipers and Cyren, which came to Antioche, and spake also vnto the Grekes, & preached the Gospell of the LORDE Iesu.

Romans 16:17-18

17 I beseke you brethren, marke them which cause deuysion & geue occasions of euell, contrary to ye doctryne which ye haue learned, & avoyde them. 18 For they yt are soch, serue not the LORDE Iesu Christ, but their awne belly: & thorow swete preachinges & flateringe wordes, they disceaue ye hertes of ye innocentes.

1 Corinthians 1:23

23 But we preach Christ the crucified: to the Iewes an occasion off fallinge, and vnto the Grekes foolishnes.

1 Corinthians 3:3-4

3 For seynge there is enuyenge, stryfe, and discencion amonge you, are ye not fleshly, & walke after ye maner of men? 4 For whan one sayeth: I holde of Paul: another, I holde of Apollo, are ye not the fleshlye?

1 Corinthians 13:3

3 And though I bestowed all my goodes to fede ye poore, and though I gaue my body euen that I burned, and yet haue not loue, it profiteth me nothinge.

2 Corinthians 1:19

19 For Gods sonne Iesus Christ, which was preached amonge you by vs (namely, by me and Siluanus and Timotheus) was not yee and naye, but in him it was yee.

2 Corinthians 4:5

5 For we preach not or selues, but Iesus Christ to be the LORDE, and oure selues youre seruauntes for Iesus sake.

2 Corinthians 11:13

13 For soch false Apostles & disceatfull workers fashion them selues like vnto the Apostles of Christ.

2 Corinthians 12:20

20 For I feare, lest whan I come, I shal not fynde you soch as I wolde: and lest ye shal fynde me soch as ye wolde not: lest there be amonge you, debates, envyenges, wrathes, stryuynges, bacbytinges, whysperinges, swellinges, vproures:

Galatians 2:4

4 and that because of certayne incommers beynge false brethre, which came in amoge other, to spye out oure libertye, which we haue in Christ Iesus, that they mighte brynge vs in to bondage:

Philippians 1:16-18

16 The one parte preacheth Christ off stryfe and not purely, supposynge to adde more aduersite vnto my bondes. 17 The other parte of loue, for they knowe that I lye here for the defence of the Gospell. 18 What then? So that Christ be preached all maner of wayes (whether it be done by occasion or of true meaninge) I reioyce therin, and wil reioyce.

Philippians 2:3

3 that there be nothinge done thorow stryfe and vayne glory, but that thorow mekenesse of mynde euery man esteme another better then himselfe:

1 Timothy 3:16

16 and without naye, greate is that mystery of godlynes. God was shewed in the flesh: was iustified in the sprete: was sene of angels: was preached vnto the Heythen: was beleued on in the worlde: was receaued vp in glory.

James 4:5-6

5 Ether do ye thinke yt the scripture sayth in vayne. The sprete yt dwelleth in you, lusteth euen contrary to enuie: 6 but geueth more grace.

1 Peter 5:2-4

2 Fede Christes flocke which is amonge you, and take the ouersighte of the, not as though ye were copelled therto, but wyllingly: not for the desyre of filthye lucre, but of a good mynde: 3 not as though ye were lordes ouer the parishes, but that ye be an ensample to the flocke: 4 & whan the chefe shepherde shal appeare, ye shal receaue the vncorruptible crowne of glory.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.