Numbers 3:25 Cross References - Coverdale

25 And they shal waite vpon the Tabernacle of wytnesse, of the habitacion, and of the tent, and couerynges therof, and the hangynge in the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse,

Exodus 25:9

9 Like as I shal shewe ye a patrone of the Habitacion, and of all the ornamentes therof, so shall ye make it.

Exodus 26:1-14

1 The habitacion shalt thou make of ten curteynes, of whyte twyned sylke, of yalowe sylke, of scarlet and purple. Cherubyms shalt thou make theron of broderd worke. 2 And lenght of one curteyne shalbe eight and twentye cubytes ye bredth foure cubytes: and all the ten shalbe like, 3 and shalbe coupled fyue and fyue together, one vnto the other. 4 And thou shalt make loupes of yalowe sylke by the edge of euery curtayne, where they shalbe coupled together, that there maye be euer two and two fastened together vpon their edges: 5 fiftie loupes vpon euery curteyne, that one maye fasten the other together. 6 And thou shalt make fiftie buttons of golde, wherwith the curteynes maye be coupled together, one to the other, that it maye be one couerynge. 7 Thou shalt make a coueringe also of goates heyer for a tente ouer the habitacion, of eleuen curteynes. 8 The length of one curteyne shalbe thirtie cubytes, the bredth foure cubytes. And all the eleuen shalbe alike greate: 9 fyue shalt thou couple together by the selues, & sixe also by them selues, yt thou mayest dubble the sixte curteyne in the fore front of the Tabernacle. 10 And vpon euery curteyne thou shalt make fiftie loupes vpo the edges of them, that they maie be coupled together by the edges. 11 And fiftie buttons of brasse shalt thou make, and put the buttons into the loupes, that the tent maye be coupled together, and be one couerynge. 12 As for the remnaunt of the curteynes of the tente, thou shalt let the halfe parte hange ouer behynde ye tete, 13 vpon both the sydes a cubyte longe, yt the resydue maye be vpon the sydes of the Tabernacle, & couer it vpon both the sydes. 14 Besydes this couerynge thou shalt make a couerynge of reed skynnes of rammes. And aboue this a coueringe of doo skinnes.

Exodus 26:36-37

36 And in the dore of the Tabernacle thou shalt make an hanginge, of yalow sylke, purple, scarlet and whyte twyned sylke. 37 And for the same hanginge thou shalt make fyue pilers of Fyrre tre, ouerlayed with golde, with knoppes of golde. And shalt cast fyue sokettes of brasse for them.

Exodus 36:8-19

8 So all ye wyse herted men amonge the yt wrought in ye worke of the Habitacion, made ten curtaynes of whyte twyned sylke, yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, with Cherubyns of broderd worke. 9 The legth of one curtayne was eight and twentye cubites, and the bredth foure cubites, & were all of one measure: 10 & he coupled the curtaynes fyue & fyue together one to the other. 11 And made yalow loupes a longe by ye edge of euery curtayne, where they shulde be coupled together: 12 fiftie loupes vpo euery curtayne, wherby one might be coupled to another. 13 And made fiftie buttons of golde, and with the buttons he coupled the curtaynes together one to the other, that it might be one couerynge. 14 And he made xj. curtaynes of goates hayre (for the tent ouer the habitacion) 15 of thirtie cubytes longe, & foure cubytes brode, all of one measure, 16 & coupled fyue together by them selues, and sixe by them selues, 17 & made fiftie loupes a longe by ye edge of euery curtayne, wherby they might be coupled together, 18 & made fiftie buttons of brasse, to couple ye tent together withall. 19 And made ouer ye tent a couerynge of reed skynnes of rammes, and ouer that a couerynge of Doo skynnes.

Exodus 36:37-38

37 And made an hanginge in the Tabernacle dore, of yalow sylke, scarlet, purple, and whyte twyned sylke, of nedle worke, 38 and fyue pilers therto with their knoppes (& ouerlayed their knoppes and whopes with golde) and fyue sokettes of brasse there to.

Exodus 40:19

19 and spred out the tent ouer the Habitacion, and put the couerynge of the tent aboue an hye, as the LORDE commaunded him.

Exodus 40:28

28 And hanged vp the hangynge in the Tabernacle dore.

Numbers 3:7

7 & vpo the whole congregacion before ye Tabernacle of witnesse, and execute the seruyce of the habitacion,

Numbers 4:24-28

24 This shalbe the office of the kynred of the Gersonites, eue to serue & to beare. 25 They shal beare the curtaynes of the habitacion and of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and his couerynge and the coueringe of doo skynnes, that is aboue theron, and the hanginge in the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, 26 and the hanginge aboute the courte, which goeth aboute the habitacion and the altare, and their cordes, and all the instrumentes yt serue for the, and all that belongeth to their occupienge. 27 Acordinge vnto the worde of Aaron and of his sonnes, shal all the office of the children of Gerson be done, what so euer they shall beare and occupye. And ye shal se, that they wayte vpon all their charge. 28 This shal be ye office of ye kinred of ye childre of ye Gersonites in ye Tabernacle of witnes. And their waytinge shal be vnder ye hade of Ithamar, the sonne of Aaro the prest.

Numbers 7:7

7 Two charettes and foure oxen gaue he vnto ye children of Gerson acordinge to their office:

Numbers 10:17

17 And the habitacion was taken downe, and the children of Gerson and Merari bare the habitacion.

1 Chronicles 9:14-33

14 Of the Leuites of the children of Merari, Semaia the sonne of Hasub, the sonne of Asrikam, the sonne of Hasabia. 15 And Bakbakar the carpenter and Galal. And Mathania ye sonne of Micha ye sonne of Sichri, the sonne of Assaph. 16 And Obadia the sonne of Semaia, the sonne of Galal, ye sonne of Elkana, which dwelt in the vyllages of the Netophatites. 17 The porters were: Sallum, Acub, Talmon, Ahiman, with their brethren, and Sallum the chefest: 18 for hither to had the children of Leui kepte the watch at the eastsyde of the kinges gate by armies. 19 And Sallum the sonne of Core, the sonne of Abiassaph, the sonne of Corah, and his brethren of his fathers house. The Corahytes were in the worke of the seruyce, to kepe the thresholdes of the Tabernacle: and their fathers in the hoost of the LORDE, to kepe the intraunce. 20 Phineas the sonne of Eleasar was the prynce ouer them, because the LORDE had bene with him before. 21 Sacharia the sonne of Meselemia was keper at the dore of the Tabernacle of witnesse. 22 All these were chosen out to be kepers of the thresholdes euen two hundreth and twolue. These were nombred in their vyllages. And Dauid and Samuel the Seer fouded them thorow their faith, 23 that they and their children shulde kepe the house of the LORDE, namely to kepe the watch of ye house of the Tabernacle. 24 These dorekepers were appointed towarde the foure wyndes, towarde the East, towarde the West, towarde the North, towarde ye South. 25 But their brethre were in their vyllages, that they might come allwaye on the seuenth daye to be with them: 26 for vnto these foure maner of chefe dorrkepers were the Leuites committed. And they had the ouersight of the chestes and treasures in ye house of God. 27 In the nighte season also remayned they aboute the house of God: for their dewtye was to geue attendaunce to open euery mornynge. 28 And some of them had the ouersight of the mynistrynge vessell: for they bare the vessell out and in. 29 And some of the were appoynted ouer the vessell, and ouer all the holy vessell, ouer the fine wheate floure, ouer ye wyne, ouer the oile, ouer the frankencense, ouer the swete odoures: 30 but some of ye prestes children made the incense. 31 Vnto Mathithia one of the Leuites the fyrst sonne of Sallum the Corahite, were ye pannes comytted. 32 And certayne of the Kahathites their brethren were appointed ouer the shewbred, to prepare it euery Sabbath daye. 33 These are the heades of the singers amoge the fathers of the Leuites chosen out ouer the chestes: for daye and night were they in worke withall.

1 Chronicles 23:32

32 to wayte vpon the Tabernacle of witnesse and of the Sactuary, and vpon their brethre the children of Aaron, to mynister in the house of the LORDE.

1 Chronicles 26:21-22

21 Of the children of Laedan, the childre of the Gersonites. Of Laedan were these the heades of the fathers, namely ye Iehielites. 22 The children of the Iehielites were, Setha and his brother Ioel ouer the treasures of the house of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 31:2

2 But Ezechias set the prestes and Leuites in their ordinaunces, euery one after his office, both the prestes and Leuites, for the burntsacrifices and thankofferynges, to mynister, to geue thankes and prayse in the gates of the hoost of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 31:11-18

11 Then commaunded the kynge, that they shulde prepare chestes in the house of the LORDE. And they prepared them, 12 and put in the Heueofferynges, and tithes and that which was halowed, faithfully.And the ouersighte of the same had Chanania the Leuite, and Simei his brother the seconde, 13 and Iehiel, Asasia, Naglath, Asahel, Ierimoth, Iosabad, Eliel, Iesmachia, Mahath and Benaia, ordeyned of the hande off Chanania and Simei his brother, acordinge to the commaundement of kynge Ezechias. But Asaria was prynce in the house of God. 14 And Core ye sonne of Iemna the Leuite the porter of the Eastgate was ouer the frewyllinge giftes of God (which were geuen for Heueofferynges vnto the LORDE) and ouer the Most holy. 15 And vnder his hande were, Eden, Miniamin, Iesua, Semaia, Amaria, and Sachania in the cities of the prestes vpon credence, that they shulde geue vnto their brethre acordinge to their courses, to the leest as to the greatest. 16 And vnto them that were counted for men childre from thre yeare olde and aboue, amonge all the that wete in to the house of the LORDE, euery one vpo his daye to their office in their attendaunces after their courses. 17 And they that were rekened for prestes in the house of their fathers, and the Leuites from twentye yeare and aboue, in their attendaunces after their courses. 18 And they that were rekened amonge their children, wyues, sonnes and doughters amoge the whole congregacion: for that which was halowed, sanctifyed they vpon credence.

Ezra 8:28-30

28 and sayde vnto them: Ye are holy vnto the LORDE, therfore are the vessels holy also, and so is the syluer and golde that is geuen of a good wyll vnto the LORDE God of youre fathers: 29 Watch ye therfore and kepe it, tyll ye weye it downe before the chefe prestes and Leuites, and awncient fathers of Israel at Ierusalem in the chestes of the house of the LORDE. 30 Then toke the prestes and Leuites that weyed syluer and golde & vessell, to brynge it to Ierusalem vnto ye house of oure God.

Mark 13:34

34 Like as a man that wente in to a straunge countre, and left his house, and gaue his seruauntes auctorite, vnto euery one his worke, and commaunded ye porter, that he shulde watch.

Romans 12:6-8

6 and haue dyuers giftes, acordinge to the grace that is geuen vnto vs Yf eny man haue the gifte of prophecienge, let it be acordinge to the faith. 7 Let him that hath an office, wayte vpo the office: let him that teacheth, take hede to the doctryne: 8 Let him that exhorteth, geue attedaunce to the exhortacion. Yf eny ma geueth, let hi geue with synglenesse. Let him that ruleth, be diligent. Yf eny man shewe mercy, let him do it with chearfulnesse.

Colossians 4:17

17 And saye to Archippus: Take hede to the office which thou hast receaued in the LORDE, that thou fulfyll it.

1 Timothy 1:18

18 This commaundement commytte I vnto the (my sonne Timotheus) acordinge to ye prophecies which in tyme past were prophecied of the, that thou in them shuldest fighte a good fighte,

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