Numbers 18:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 As for ye, and yi sonnes with the, ye shal waite vpon youre prestes office, that ye maye ministre in all maner busynes of the altare, and within the vayle: for yor prestes office geue I vnto you for a gifte to do seruyce. Yf a straunger come nye, he shall dye.

Exodus 29:9

9 & put the albes vpon them, and gyrde both Aaron & them with gyrdles, & set the bonettes vpon their heades, that they maye haue the presthode for a perpetuall custome. And thou shalt fyll the hades of Aaron and his sonnes,

Leviticus 16:2

2 Speake vnto Aaron thy brother, yt he go not at all tymes in to ye ynnermer Sanctuary, within the vale before the Mercyseate, which is vpon the Arke, yt he dye not: for I wyll appeare in a cloude vpon ye Mercyseate.

Leviticus 16:12-14

12 And he shall take a censor full of coales from the altare that stondeth before the LORDE, and his handfull of beaten incense, and brynge them in within ye vayle, 13 and put the incense vpon the fyre before ye LORDE, that the cloude of the incense maye couer the Mercyseate, which is vpon the witnesse, that he dye not. 14 And he shall take of the bloude of the bullocke, and sprenkle it with his fynger towarde the Mercyseate on the foresyde. Seuen tymes

Numbers 1:51

51 And whan men shal go on their iourney, the Leuites shal take downe ye Tabernacle. And whan the hoost pitch their tetes, they shal set vp the Tabernacle. And yf a straunger preasse nye vnto it, he shall dye.

Numbers 3:10

10 As for Aaron & his sonnes, thou shalt appoynte them to wayte on their prestes office. Yf another preasse therto, he shal dye.

Numbers 3:38

38 But before the Habitacion and before ye Tabernacle on the East syde shal Moses & Aaron & his sonnes pytche, that they maye wayte vpon the Sanctuary, & the children of Israel. Yf eny other preasse therto, he shal dye.

Numbers 16:5-7

5 & saide vnto Corah, & to all his company: Tomorow shal ye LORDE shewe who is his, & who is holy to come vnto him. Who so euer he choseth, ye same shal come vnto him. 6 This do: Take ye censors, thou Corah & all yi copanye, 7 & do fyre therin, & put incense theron tomorow before the LORDE: then whom so euer the LORDE choseth, the same shal be holy. Ye make to moch a doo, ye children of Leui.

Numbers 16:40

40 for a remebraunce vnto ye children of Israel yt no straunger (and he that is not of ye sede of Aaron) come nye to offre incense before the LORDE, yt it happe not vnto him as vnto Corah and his companye, acordynge as the LORDE sayde vnto him by Moses.

Numbers 18:4-5

4 howbeit they shal be ioyned vnto the, to wayte vpo the mynistracion in the Tabernacle of witnesse, in all the seruice of the Tabernacle. And there shal no straunger come nye vnto you. 5 Therfore wayte now vpon the seruyce of the Sanctuary, and vpon the seruyce of the altare, that there come no more wrath vpon the children of Israel.

Numbers 18:20

20 And the LORDE sayde vnto Aaro: Thou shalt inheret nothinge in their londe, ner haue eny porcio amonge them: for I am yi porcion, and thine enheritaunce amoge the children of Israel.

1 Samuel 2:28

28 and chose him there vnto my selfe before all the trybes of Israel, for the presthode, that he shulde offer vpon myne altare, and burne incense, and weere the ouerbody cote before me, and vnto thy fathers house I gaue all the offeringes of the children of Israel.

John 3:27

27 Ihon answered and sayde: A man can receaue nothinge, excepte it be geuen him from heaue.

Romans 15:15-16

15 Neuertheles (brethre) I haue somwhat more boldly wrytten vnto you, as one that putteth you in remembraunce, for the grace that is geue me of God, 16 that I shulde be a mynister of Iesu Christ amonge the Heythen, to declare the gospell of God, that the Heythen mighte be an acceptable offerynge vnto God, sanctified by the holy goost.

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the leest of all sayntes is this grace geuen, that I shulde preach amonge the Heythe ye vnsearcheable riches of Christ,

Hebrews 5:4

4 And noma taketh ye honoure vnto himselfe, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.

Hebrews 9:3-6

3 But behynde the seconde vayle was the Tabernacle which is called Holiest of all, 4 which had the golden censor, and the Arke of the Testament ouerlayed rounde aboute with golde, wherin was the golden pot with Manna, and Aarons rodd that florished, and the tables of the Testament: 5 Aboue therin were the Cherubins off glory ouershadowynge the Mercyseate: Of which thinges it is not now to speake perticularly. 6 When these thinges were thus ordeyned, the prestes wente allwayes in to the first Tabernacle, and excuted ye seruyce of God.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.