Numbers 11:25 Cross References - Coverdale

25 Then came the LORDE downe in a cloude, & spake vnto him, & toke of the sprete yt was vpon him, & put it vpon the seuentie Elders. And whan the sprete rested vpon them, they prophecied, and ceassed not.

Exodus 34:5

5 The came the LORDE downe in a cloude. And there he stepte vnto him, & called vpo ye name of ye LORDE.

Exodus 40:38

38 for in the daye tyme was the cloude of the LORDE vpon the Habitacion, & in the night season was fyre therin, in ye sight of all ye house of Israel, in all their iourneis.

Numbers 11:17

17 then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone.

Numbers 12:5

5 Then came the LORDE downe in the cloudy piler, & stode in the dore of the Tabernacle, & called Aaron & Miriam, & they both wete out.

1 Samuel 10:5-6

5 After that shalt thou come to the hyll of God, where the Philistynes watch is: and wha thou comest there in to the cite, there shall mete the a company of prophetes commynge downe from the hye place, and before them a Psaltery, and tabret, a pype and a harpe, and they them selues prophecienge. 6 And the sprete of the LORDE shall come vpon the, and thou shalt prophecye with them, and shalt be chaunged in to another man.

1 Samuel 10:10

10 And whan they came vnto the hill, beholde, there met him a company of prophetes and the sprete of God came vpon him, so that he prophecyed amonge them.

1 Samuel 19:20-24

20 Then Saul sente messaungers to fetch Dauid. And they sawe a company of prophetes prophecienge, and Samuel had the ouersight of them. Then came the sprete of God vpon the messaungers of Saul, so that they prophecyed also. 21 Whan this was tolde Saul, he sent other messaungers, which prophecied likewyse. Then sente he messaungers the thyrde tyme, and they in like maner prophecyed. 22 Then wente he himselfe also vnto Ramath, and whan he came to the greate well which is at Secho, he axed and sayde: Where is Samuel and Dauid? Then was it tolde him: beholde, at Naioth in Ramath. 23 And he wente thither, euen vnto Naioth in Ramath. And ye sprete of God came vpon him also, and he wete & prophecied till he came vnto Naioth in Ramath. 24 And he put of his clothes, & prophecied likewise before Samuel, & fell downe naked all that daye and all that nighte. Here of came the prouerbe: Is Saul also amonge the prophetes?

2 Kings 2:15

15 And whan the prophetes children which were at Iericho ouer agynst him, sawe him, they sayde: The sprete of Elias resteth vpo Eliseus, and so they wete forth to mete him, and worshipped him to the groude,

Psalms 99:7

7 He spake vnto the out of the cloudy piler, for they kepte his testimonies, & the lawe that he gaue them.

Jeremiah 36:5-6

5 And Ieremy commaunded Baruch sayenge: I am in preson, so that I maye not come in to the house of ye LORDE: 6 therfore go thou thither, & rede the boke, that thou hast writte at my mouth: Namely, the wordes off the LORDE, & rede the in the LORDES house vpon the fastinge daye: that the people, whole Iuda, & all they that come out of the cities, maye heare.

Joel 2:28-29

28 After this, will I poure out my sprete vpon all flesh: & yor sonnes & yor doughters shal prophecy: yor olde me shal dreame dreames & youre yonge men shal se visions: 29 Yee in those dayes I will poure out my sprete vpon seruauntes and maydens.

Luke 9:34-35

34 But whyle he thus spake, there came a cloude, and ouershadowed them. And they were afrayed, whan the cloude couered them. 35 And out of the cloude there came a voyce, which sayde: This is my deare sonne, heare him.

Acts 2:17-18

17 And it shal come to passe in the last dayes, sayeth God, I will poure out of my sprete vpon all flesh, and youre sonnes and youre doughters shal prophecye, and youre yonge men shal se visions and youre olde men shall dreame dreames, 18 and on my seruauntes and on my handmaydens wyll I poure out of my sprete in those dayes, & they shal prophecye.

Acts 11:28

28 And one of them (whose name was Agabus) stode vp, and declared by the sprete a greate derth, that shulde come ouer the whole compasse of the earth: which came to passe vnder the Emperoure Claudius.

Acts 21:9-11

9 The same had foure doughters, which were virgins, and prophecied. 10 And as we taried there mo dayes, there came downe from Iewry a prophet, named Agabus. 11 Wha he was come vnto vs, he toke Pauls gerdell, and bounde his hades and fete, and sayde: Thus sayeth ye holy goost: The man whose gerdell this is, shal the Iewes bynde thus at Ierusalem, and shal delyuer him in to the handes of the Heythe.

1 Corinthians 11:4-5

4 Euery man that prayeth or prophecieth, and hath eny thinge on his heade, shameth his heade. 5 But euery woman that prayeth or prophecieth with vncouered heade, dishonesteth hir heade. For it is euen a lyke moch as yf she were shauen.

1 Corinthians 14:1-3

1 Laboure for loue. Couet spirituall giftes, but specially that ye maye prophecye. 2 For he yt speaketh with tunges, speaketh not vnto men, but vnto God: for no man heareth him. Howbeit in ye sprete he speaketh misteries. 3 But he that prophecieth, speaketh vnto men to edifienge, & to exhortacion, and to coforte.

1 Corinthians 14:32

32 And the spretes of the prophetes are subiecte vnto the prophetes.

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

2 Peter 1:21

21 For the prophecie was neuer broughte by the wyll of man, but the holy men of God spake, as they were moued of ye holy goost.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.