Numbers 11:2 Cross References - Coverdale

2 The cryed the people vnto Moses. And Moses prayed vnto the LORDE. So ye fyre quenched.

Genesis 18:23-33

23 and stepte vnto him, and sayde:Wilt thou then destroye the righteous with the vngodly? 24 Peradueture there maye be fiftie righteous within ye cite: wilt thou destroye those, and not spare the place, for fiftie righteous sake that are therin? 25 That be farre fro the, yt thou shuldest do this, and to slaye the righteous with the vngodly, and that the righteous shulde be as the vngodly. That be farre from the. Shulde not the iudge of all the worlde do acordinge to right? 26 And the LORDE sayde: Yf I fynde fiftie righteous at Sodome in the cite, I wil spare all the place for their sakes. 27 Abraham answered, and sayde: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto the LORDE, howbeit I am but dust and asshes. 28 Peraduenture there maye be fyue lesse then fiftie righteous therin: Wilt thou then destroye the whole cite because of those fyue? He sayde: yf I fynde fyue and fourtie therin, I will not destroye them? 29 And he proceded further to speake vnto him, and sayde: Peraduenture there might be fourtie founde therin. And he sayde: I wil do nothinge vnto them for those fourtyes sake. 30 Abraham sayde: Oh let not my LORDE be angrie, that I speake yet more. Peradueture there might be thirtie founde therin. And he sayde: Yf I fynde thirtie therin, I will do nothinge vnto them. 31 And he sayde: O se, I haue taken vpon me to speake vnto my LORDE.Peradueture there might be twetie founde therin. He answered: I wyll not destroye them for those twentyes sake. 32 And sayde: O let not my LORDE be angrie, that I speake yet once more. Peraduenture there might be ten founde therin. He saide: I wil not destroye them for those ten sake. 33 And the LORDE wente his waye, whan he had left talkynge with Abraham. And Abraham returned vnto his place.

Exodus 32:10-14

10 and now suffre me, that my wrath maye waxe whote ouer them, & that I maye consume them, so wil I make a greate people of the. 11 But Moses be sought the LORDE his God, & sayde: Oh LORDE, wherfore wil thy wrath waxe whote ouer thy people, whom thou hast brought out of the lode of Egipte wt greate power & a mightie hade? 12 Wherfore shulde the Egipcians speake, & saye: He hath brought the for their myschefe, to slaye them in the mountaynes, and to destroye the vtterly from the earth? O turne the from the fearcenesse of yi wrath, & be gracious ouer the wickednesse of thy people. 13 Remembre thy seruautes Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, vnto who thou swarest by thyne owne self, and saydest: I wil multiplye youre sede as the starres of heauen, and all the londe that I haue promysed you, wil I geue vnto youre sede, & they shall inheret it for euer. 14 Thus the LORDE repented of the euell, which he sayde he wolde do vnto his people.

Exodus 32:31-32

31 Now wha Moses came agayne vnto ye LORDE, he saide: Oh this people haue done a greate synne, & haue made them goddes of golde. 32 Now for geue them their synne: yf not, the wype me out of yi boke, that thou hast wrytten.

Exodus 34:9

9 and saide: LORDE, yf I haue founde grace in thy sight, the let the LORDE go with vs (for it is an hard necked people) that thou mayest haue mercy vpon oure wickednesses and synnes, and let vs be thyne inheritaunce.

Numbers 14:13-20

13 But Moses sayde vnto ye LORDE: Then shal ye Egipcians heare it (for wt thy power hast thou brought this people from amoge the) 14 so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also, which haue herde, yt thou O LORDE art amonge this people, yt thou art sene from face to face, & that thy cloude stondeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme, and in the fyrie piler on the night season. 15 Yf thou shuldest now slaye this people as one man, then the Heythen that haue herde so good reporte of the, shulde saye: 16 The LORDE was not able to brynge the people in to the londe, that he sware vnto them, therfore hath he slayne them in the wyldernes. 17 So let the power of the LORDE now be greate, acordinge as thou hast spoken and sayde: 18 The LORDE is of longe sufferaunce and of greate mercy, and forgeueth synne and trespace, and leaueth no man innocent, & vysiteth the my?dede of the fathers vpon the children in to the thirde and fourth generacion. 19 O be gracious now vnto the synne of this people acordinge to thy greate mercy, like as thou hast forborne this people also, euer from Egipte vnto this place. 20 And the LORDE sayde: I haue forgeue it, as thou hast saide.

Numbers 16:45-48

45 Get you out of this cogregacion, I wil shortly consume the. And they fell vpon their faces. 46 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: Take the ceser & put fyre therin fro of the altare, & laye incese theron, & go soone to the cogregacion, & make an attonement for them. For the wrath is gone out from the LORDE, and the plage is begone amonge the people. 47 And Aaron dyd as Moses sayde, & ranne in the myddest amonge ye congregacio. And beholde, ye plage was begone. And he burnt incese & made an attonemet for the people, 48 & stode betwene the deed & the lyuynge, and the plage ceassed.

Numbers 21:7

7 The came they vnto Moses, and sayde: We haue synned, because we haue spoken agaynst the LORDE and agaynst the. Praye thou vnto the LORDE, that he take awaye the serpentes from vs. And Moses prayed for the people.

Deuteronomy 9:19-20

19 For I was afrayed of the wrath and indignacion, wherwith the LORDE was angrie wt you, euen to haue destroyed you. And the LORDE herde me at that tyme also. 20 Morouer the LORDE was very angrie wt Aaron, so that he wolde haue destroyed him, but I made intercession for Aaron also at ye same tyme.

Psalms 78:34-35

34 When he slewe them, they sought him, and turned them early vnto God. 35 They thought then that God was their socoure, and that the hye God was their redemer.

Psalms 106:23

23 So he sayde he wolde haue destroyed them, had not Moses his chosen stonde before him in yt gappe: to turne awaie his wrothfull indignacion, lest he shulde destroye the.

Isaiah 37:4

4 The LORDE thy God (no doute) hath well considered the wordes of Rabsaches, whom his lorde ye kinge of the Assirians hath sent, to defie & blaspheme the lyuynge God: with soch wordes, as the LORDE yi God hath herde rightwell. And therfore lift vp yi prayer for the remnaunt, that yet are left.

Jeremiah 15:1

1 Then spake the LORDE vnto me, ad sayde: Though Moses and Samuel stode before me, yet haue I no herte to this people. Dryue them awaye, that they maye go out of my sight.

Jeremiah 37:3

3 Neuertheles Sedechias the kynge sent Iuchal the sonne of Selamia and Sophonias the sonne of Maasia the prest to the prophet Ieremy, sayenge: O praye thou vnto the LORDE oure God for vs.

Jeremiah 42:2

2 & sayde vnto Ieremy the prophet: O heare oure peticio, that thou mayest praye for vs vnto the LORDE yi God, and for the remnaunt, wherof there be very few left off many, as thou seist vs:

Amos 7:2-6

2 Now when they vndertoke to eate vp all the grene thinges in ye lode, I sayde: O LORDE God, be mercifull, I beseke the: who shulde els helpe vp Iacob, that is brought so lowe? 3 So the LORDE was gracious therin, and the LORDE sayde: well, it shall not be. 4 Agayne, ye LORDE shewed me this vision: beholde, the LORDE God called the fyre to punysh withall, and it deuoured the greate depe: yee it consumed a parte allredy. 5 Then sayde I: O LORDE God, holde thyne honde: for who shulde els helpe vp Iacob that is brought so lowe? 6 So the LORDE was merciful therin, and the LORDE God sayde: well, it shal not be.

Acts 8:24

24 Then answered Simon, & sayde: Praye ye vnto the LORDE for me, yt none of these thinges wherof ye haue spoken, come vpon me.

Hebrews 7:26

26 For it became vs to haue soch an hye prest as is holy, innocent, vndefyled, separate from synners, and made hyer then heauen:

James 5:16

16 Knowlege youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another, that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a righteous man auayleth moche, yf it be feruet.

1 John 2:1-2

1 My litle children, these thinges wryte I vnto you, that ye shulde not synne: and yf eny man synne, we haue an aduocate with the father, euen Iesus Christ which is righteous: 2 and he it is that optayneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes onely, but also for the synnes of all the worlde.

1 John 5:16

16 Yf eny man se his brother synne a synne not vnto death, let him axe, and he shal geue him life, for the yt synne not vnto death. There is a synne vnto death, for the which saye I not that a man shulde praye.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.