Matthew 6:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 And forgeue vs oure dettes, as we also forgeue oure detters.

Exodus 34:7

7 thou that kepest mercy in stoare for thousandes, and forgeuest wickednes, trespace and synne (before whom there is no man innocent) thou that visitest the wickednesse of the fathers vpon ye children and childers children, vnto the thirde and fourth generacion.

1 Kings 8:30

30 & heare the intercession of yi seruaunt & of thy people of Israel, which they shall make here in this place of thy habitacion in heauen: and whan thou hearest it, be gracious.

1 Kings 8:34

34 the heare thou them in heauen, and be mercifull vnto the synne of thy people of Israel, and brynge them agayne into the londe, yt thou hast geuen vnto their fathers.

1 Kings 8:39

39 Heare thou then in heauen in the seate where thou dwellest, and be mercifull, & se that thou geue euery one acordinge as he hath walked, like as thou knowest his hert (for thou onely knowest the hert of all the children of men)

1 Kings 8:50

50 and be mercifull vnto thy people that haue synned agaynst the, and vnto all their trespaces, wherwith they haue transgressed agaynst the, and graunte the mercy in the sighte of them which led them awaye presonners, that their enemyes maye be mercyfull vnto them:

Nehemiah 5:12-13

12 Then sayde they: We wyl restore them agayne, and wyl requyre nothinge of them, and wyl do as thou hast spoken. And I called the prestes, and toke an ooth of the, that they shulde do so. 13 And I shoke my lappe, and sayde: God shake out euery man after the same maner fro his house and laboure, that maynteyneth not this worde: euen thus be he shaken out, and voyde. And all ye congregacion sayde: Amen, and praysed the LORDE. And the people dyd so.

Psalms 32:1

1 Blessed are they, whose vnrightuousnesse is forgeuen, and whose synnes are couered.

Psalms 130:4

4 But there is mercy with the, that thou mayest be feared.

Isaiah 1:18

18 Now go to (saieth the LORDE) we wil talke together. Is it not so? Though youre synnes be as read as scarlet, shal they not be whyter then snowe? And though they were like purple, shall they not be like whyte woll?

Daniel 9:19

19 O LORDE, heare: O forgeue LORDE: O LORDE considre, tary not ouer longe: but for thine owne sake do it, O my God: for thy cite and thy people is called after thy name.

Matthew 6:14-15

14 For yf ye forgeue other men their treaspases, youre heauenly father shall also forgeue you. 15 But and ye wyll not forgeue me their trespases, nomore shall youre father forgeue you youre trespases.

Matthew 18:21-35

21 Then came Peter vnto him, & sayde, LORDE, how oft shal I forgeue my brother, yt trespaceth agaynst me? Seue tymes? 22 Iesus saide vnto hi: I saye not vnto ye seue tymes, but seuetie tymes seuen tymes. 23 Therfore is ye kingdome of heaue lickened vnto a kynge which wolde reken wt his seruauntes. 24 And whan he beganne to reke, one was brought vnto him, which ought him ten thousande poude. 25 Now wha he had nothinge to paye his lorde comaunded him to be solde, & his wife & his childre, & all yt he had, & payment to be made. 26 Then the seruaunt fell downe, & besought him, sayenge: Syr, haue paciece wt me, and I wil paye the all. 27 Then had the lorde pytie on that seruaunt, & discharged him, and forgaue him the dett. 28 And the same seruaunt wete out, & foude one of his felowes, which ought him an hudreth pens, and layed hande vpon him, and toke him by the throte, and sayde: paye me that thou owest. 29 The his felowe fell downe, and besought him, sayenge: haue paciece wt me, and I wil paye the all 30 Neuertheles, he wolde not, but wente and cast him in to preson, tyll he shulde paye the dett. 31 Whan his felowes sawe what was done, they were very sory, and came and tolde their lorde all that had happened. 32 Then his lorde called for him, and sayde vnto him: O thou wicked seruaut, I forgaue the all this dett, because thou praydest me: 33 shuldest not thou then haue had compassion also vpon thy felowe, euen as I had pytie vpon the? 34 And his lorde was wroth, and delyuered him vnto the iaylers, tyll he payed all that he ought. 35 So shal my heauenly father do also vnto you, yf ye euery one of you fro youre hertes, forgeue not his brother his trespaces.

Mark 11:25

25 And whan ye stonde and praye, forgeue yf ye haue ought ageynst eny man, that youre father also in heauen, maye forgeue you youre trespaces.

Luke 6:37

37 Iudge not, and ye shal not be iudged. Condepne not, and ye shal not be condempned. Forgeue, and ye shal be forgeuen.

Luke 7:40-48

40 And Iesus answered, and saide vnto him: Simo, I haue somewhat to saye vnto the. He sayde: Master saye on. 41 A certayne lender had two detters, the one ought fyue hundreth pens, the other fiftie: 42 but whan they had nothinge to paye, he forgaue the both. Tell me which of them wyl loue him most? 43 Symon answered, and sayde: He, (I suppose) to who he forgaue most. Then sayde he vnto him: Thou hast iudged right. 44 And he turned him to the woman, and sayde vnto Symo: Seist thou this woma? I am come in to thine house, thou hast geue me no water vnto my fete, but she hath watred my fete with teares, and dryed the wt the hayres of hir heade: 45 Thou hast geue me no kysse, but she (sens the tyme she came in) hath not ceassed to kysse my fete: 46 Thou hast not anointed my heade wt oyle, but she hath anoynted my heade with oyntment. 47 Therfore I saye vnto the: Many synnes are forgeuen her, for she hath loued moch. But vnto whom lesse is forgeuen, the same loueth the lesse. 48 And he sayde vnto her: Thy synnes are forgeuen the.

Luke 11:4

4 And forgeue vs oure synnes, for we also forgeue all them that are detters vnto vs. And lede vs not in to temptacion, but delyuer vs from euell.

Luke 17:3-5

3 Take hede to youre selues. Yf thy brother trespace agaynst the, rebuke him: 4 and yf he amende, forgeue him. And though he synne agaynst the seuen tymes in a daye, and come seuen tymes in a daye to ye agayne, and saye: It repenteth me, forgeue him. 5 And the Apostles sayde vnto ye LORDE: Increace oure faith.

Acts 13:38

38 Be it knowne vnto you therfore ye men and brethre, yt thorow this man is preached vnto you ye forgeuenesse of synnes,

Ephesians 1:7

7 in whom we haue redempcion thorow his bloude (namely) the forgeuenes of synnes, acordynge to ye riches of his grace,

Ephesians 4:32

32 But be ye curteous one to another, mercifull, and forgeue one another, eue as God hath forgeuen you in Christ.

Colossians 3:13

13 forbearinge one another, and forgeuynge one another, yf eny man haue a quarell agaynst another. Like as Christ hath forgeuen you, euen so do ye also.

1 John 1:7-9

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne. 8 Yf we saye that we haue no synne, we disceaue oure selues, and the trueth is not in vs. 9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

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