Matthew 5:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 Reioyce and be glad, for greate is youre rewarde in heue.For so persecuted they the Prophetes which were before youre dayes.

Genesis 15:1

1 It happened after these actes, yt the worde of ye LORDE came vnto Abra in a vysion, and sayde: Feare not Abram, I am thy shylde and thy exceadinge greate rewarde.

Ruth 2:12

12 The LORDE recompence the thy doinge, and thy rewarde be parfecte wt the LORDE God of Israel, vnto whom thou art come to put thy trust vnder his wynges.

1 Kings 18:4

4 for wha Iesabel roted out ye prophetes of ye LORDE, Abdia toke an C. prophetes, and hyd them in caues, here fiftye, & there fiftye, & prouyded for them wt bred and water.)

1 Kings 18:13

13 Hath it not bene tolde my lorde what I dyd, whan Iesabel slewe the prophetes of the LORDE, how that I hyd an hundreth of the LORDES prophetes, here fiftye, and there fiftye in the caues, and prouyded for them with bred and water?

1 Kings 19:2

2 The sent Iesabel a messaunger vnto Elias, sayenge: The goddes do this & that vnto me, yf I tomorow aboute this tyme, make not thy soule as one of these.

1 Kings 19:10-14

10 He sayde: I haue bene zelous for the LORDE God Zebaoth: for the children of Israel haue forsaken thy couenaunt, and broken downe thine altares, and slayne thy prophetes with the swerde, and I am lefte onely, & they seke to take awaye my life. 11 He sayde: Go forth, and stonde vpon the mount before the LORDE. And beholde, the LORDE wete ouer: and a greate mightie wynde, which roue the mountaynes, and brake the harde stones, came before the LORDE, but the LORDE was not in the wynde. After the wynde came there an earthquake, but the LORDE was not in the earthquake. 12 And after the earth quake there came a fyre, but the LORDE was not in the fyre. And after the fyre came there a styll softe hyssinge. 13 Whan Elias herde that, he couered his face with his cloke, and wente forth, and stode in the dore of the caue. And beholde, there came a voyce vnto him, and sayde: What hast thou here to do Elias? 14 He sayde: I haue bene zelous for the LORDE God Zebaoth: for the children of Israel haue forsake thy couenaunt, broken downe thine altares, slayne yi prophetes wt the swerde, & I onely am lefte, and they seke to take awaye my life.

1 Kings 21:20

20 And Achab sayde vnto Elias: Hast thou euer founde me thine enemye? He saide: Yee, I haue founde the, because thou art euen solde to do euell in the sighte of the LORDE.

1 Kings 22:8

8 The kinge of Israel saide vnto Iosaphat Here is yet a man, one Micheas the sonne of Iemla, at whom we maye axe of the LORDE: but I hate him, for he prophecieth me no good, but euell. Iosaphat sayde: Let not the kynge saye so.

1 Kings 22:26-27

26 The kynge of Israel sayde: Take Micheas, and let him remayne with Amon the ruler of the cite, and with Ioas the kynges sonne, 27 and saye: Thus sayeth the kynge: Put this man in preson, and fede him with bred and water of trouble, tyll I come agayne in peace.

2 Kings 1:9

9 And he sent vnto him a captaine ouer fiftye, with the same fyftye. And whan he came vnto him, beholde, he sat aboue vpon the mout. He sayde vnto him: Thou ma of God, the kynge sayeth: Thou shalt come downe

2 Chronicles 16:10

10 But Asa was wroth at ye Seer, and put him in preson: for he murmured with him ouer this thinge. And Asa oppressed certayne of the people at ye same tyme.

2 Chronicles 24:20-22

20 And the sprete of God came vpon Zachary the sonne of Ioiada the prest, which stode ouer ye people, & sayde vnto the: Thus sayeth God: Wherfore do ye transgresse the comaundementes of the LORDE, which shall not be to yor prosperite: for ye haue forsaken ye LORDE, therfore shal he forsake you. 21 Neuertheles they conspyred agaynst him, & stoned him at ye kynges comaundement in ye courte of the house of the LORDE. 22 And Ioas ye kinge thought not on the mercy yt Ioiada his father had done for him, but slewe his sonne. Notwithstondinge wha he dyed, he sayde: The LORDE shal loke vpon it, and requyre it.

2 Chronicles 36:16

16 but they laughed the messaungers of God to scorne, and despysed his wordes, and had his prophetes in derision, so loge tyll the indignacion of the LORDE increased ouer his people, and there was no remedye of healinge.

Nehemiah 9:26

26 Neuertheles they were disobedient, and rebelled agaynst the, and cast thy lawe behynde their backes, and slewe thy prophetes (which exhorted them so earnestly, that they shulde couerte vnto the) and dyd greate blasphemies.

Psalms 19:11

11 These thy seruaunt kepeth, & for kepinge of them there is greate rewarde.

Psalms 58:11

11 So that men shal saye: verely, there is a rewarde for ye rightuous: doutles, there is a God that iudgeth the earth.

Proverbs 11:18

18 The laboure of the vngodly prospereth not, but he that soweth rightuosnes, shal receaue a sure rewarde.

Isaiah 3:10

10 Then shal they saye: O happie are the godly, for they maye enioye the frutes of their studies.

Jeremiah 2:30

30 It is but lost laboure, that I smyte youre children, for they receaue not my correction. Youre owne swearde destroyeth youre prophetes, like a deuouringe lyon.

Jeremiah 26:8

8 Now when he had spoken out all the wordes, that the LORDE commaunded him to preach vnto all the people, then the prestes, the prophetes and all the people toke holde vpon him, and sayde: thou shalt dye.

Jeremiah 26:21-23

21 Now when Ioachim the kinge with all the estates & prynces had herde his wordes, the kinge went aboute to slaye him. When Vrias perceaued that, he was afrayed, & fled, & departed in to Egipte. 22 Then Ioachim the kinge sent seruauntes into the lode of Egipte, Namely: Elnatha the sonne of Achbor, & certayne men wt him into Egipte, 23 which fetched Vrias out of Egipte, & brought him vnto kinge Ioachim that slewe him with the swearde, & cast his deed body into ye como peoples graue.

Matthew 6:1-2

1 Take hede to youre almes, that ye geue it not in the syght of men, to the intent that ye wolde be sene of them: or els, ye get no rewarde of youre father which is in heauen. 2 When soeuer therfore thou geuest thine almes, thou shalt not make a trompet to be blowen before the, as the ypocrites do in the synagoges and in the stretes, for to be praysed of me. Verely I saye vnto you: they haue their rewarde.

Matthew 6:4-5

4 that thine almes maye be secrete: and thy father which seith in secrete, shall rewarde the openly. 5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as ye ypocrytes are. For they loue to stode and praye in the synagoges, and in the corners of the stretes, to be sene of men. Verely I saie vnto you: they haue their rewarde.

Matthew 6:16

16 Moreouer when ye fast, be not sad as ye ypocrytes are. For they disfigure their faces, that they myght be sene of men to fast. Verely I saye vnto you: they haue their rewarde.

Matthew 10:41-42

41 He that receaueth a prophet in the name of a prophet, shal receaue a prophetes rewarde. He yt receaueth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man, shal receane a righteous mans rewarde: 42 And who soeuer geueth vnto one of the least of these a cupp of colde water onely to drinke, in ye name of a disciple, verely I saie vnto you: he shal not lose his rewarde.

Matthew 16:27

27 For it wil come to passe, that the sonne of ma shal come in the glory of his father with his angels, and then shal he rewarde euery one acordinge to his dedes.

Matthew 21:34-38

34 Now wha the tyme of the frute drew neare, he sent his seruautes to the hussbandmen, to receaue the frutes of it. 35 Then the hussbandmen caught his seruauntes: one they bett, another they kylled, the thirde they stoned. 36 Agayne, he sent other seruauntes, moo then the first, and they dyd vnto them in like maner. 37 At the last he sent his owne sonne vnto them, and sayde: they wyl stode in awe of my sonne. 38 But whe the hussbandme sawe the sonne, they sayde amonge the selues: This is the Heyre, come, let us kyl hym, and take his inheritauce vnto oure selues.

Matthew 23:31-37

31 Therfore ye be wytnesses vnto youre selues, that ye are the children of them, which slew the prophetes. 32 Go to, fulfyll ye also the measure of youre fathers. 33 O ye serpentes, O ye generacion of vypers, how wyl ye escape the damnacion of Hell? 34 Therfore beholde, I sende vnto you prophetes and wysemen, and scrybes, and some of them shal ye kyll and crucifye, and some of them shal ye scourge in youre synagoges, and persecute them from cite to cite: 35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon ye earth, from the bloude of righteous Abel, vnto ye bloude of Zachary ye sonne of Barachias, whom ye slew betwene the temple and the altare. 36 Verely I saye vnto you: All these thinges shal light vpo this generacion. 37 O Ierusalem Ierusalem, thou that slayest the prophetes, and stonest them that are sent vnto the: How oft wolde I haue gathered thy children together, euen as the henne gathereth hir chekens vnder hir wynges, and ye wolde not?

Luke 6:23

23 Reioyse ye then, and be glad: for beholde, youre rewarde is greate in heauen. Euen thus dyd their fathers vnto the prophetes also.

Luke 6:35

35 But rather loue ye yor enemies, do good, and lende, lokynge for nothinge therof agayne: so shal yor rewarde be greate, and ye shalbe the children of the Hyest, for he is kynde, euen to the vnthankfull and to the euell.

Luke 11:47-51

47 Wo vnto you, for ye buylde the sepulcres of the prophetes, but youre fathers put them to death. 48 Doutles ye beare wytnesse, and consente vnto the dedes of yor fathers: for they slewe them, and ye buylde their sepulcres. 49 Therfore sayde the wyssdome of God: I wil sende prophetes and Apostles vnto the: and some of them shal they put to death and persecute, 50 hat the bloude of all the prophetes which hath bene shed sens the foundacion of the worlde was layed, maye be requyred of this generacion: 51 from the bloude of Abell, vnto ye bloude of Zachary, which perished betwene the altare and ye temple. Yee I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this generacion.

Luke 13:34

34 O Ierusalem Ierusale, thou that kyllest the prophetes, and stonest the that are sent vnto ye, how oft wolde I haue gathered thy children together, euen as the henne gathereth hir nest vnder hir wynges, and ye wolde not?

Acts 5:41

41 But they departed from the presence of the councell, reioysinge, that they were worthy to suffre rebuke for his names sake.

Acts 7:51-52

51 Ye styffnecked & of vncircumcysed hertes and eares, ye allwaye resiste the holy goost: Eue as yor fathers dyd, so do ye also. 52 Which of the prophetes haue not yor fathers persecuted? And they slewe the, which tolde before of the comynge of ye righteous, whose traytours and murthurers ye are now become.

Acts 16:25

25 But at mydnight prayed Paul and Sylas, and praysed God. And the presoners herde them.

Romans 5:3

3 Not onely yt, but we reioyse also i troubles, for so moch as we knowe, yt trouble bryngeth paciece,

1 Corinthians 3:8

8 As for him that planteth, and he that watreth, ye one is as the other: but yet shal euery one receaue his rewarde acordinge to his laboure.

2 Corinthians 4:17

17 For oure trouble, which is but temporall and lighte, worketh an exceadinge and an eternall weighte of glorye

Philippians 2:17

17 Yee and though I be offred vp vpo the offerynge & sacrifice of youre faith, I am glad, and reioyce with you all:

Colossians 1:24

24 Now ioye I in my sufferynges, which I suffre for you, and fulfill that which is behynde of the passions of Christ in my flesh, for his bodyes sake, which is the congregacion,

Colossians 3:24

24 And be sure, that of the LORDE ye shal receaue the rewarde of ye enheritaunce: For ye serue the LORDE Christ.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Which as they put the LORDE Iesus to death, and their awne prophetes, euen so haue they persecuted vs also, and please not God, and are cotrary to all men,

Hebrews 11:6

6 But without faith it is vnpossible to please God. For he that commeth vnto God, must beleue that God is, & yt he is a rewarder of them that seke him.

Hebrews 11:26

26 and estemed the rebuke of Christ greater riches, then the treasure of Egipte: for he had respecte vnto the rewarde.

James 1:2

2 My brethren, counte it exceadynge ioye whe ye fall in to diuers temptacions,

1 Peter 4:13

13 but reioyce, in as moch as ye are partakers of Christes passios, yt wha his glory appeareth, ye maye be mery & glad.

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