Matthew 24:6 Cross References - Coverdale

6 Ye shal heare of warres, and of ye noyse of warres: take hede, and be not ye troubled. All these thinges must first come to passe, but the ende is not yet.

Psalms 27:1-3

1 The LORDE is my light and my health: whom then shulde I feare? the LORDE is the strength of my life, for whom the shulde I be afrayed? 2 Therfore when the wicked (euen myne enemies & my foes) came vpon me, to eate vp my flesh, they stombled and fell. 3 Though an hoost of men were layed agaynst me, yet shal not my hert be afrayed: and though there rose vp warre against me, yet wil I put my trust in him.

Psalms 46:1-3

1 In oure troubles and aduersite, we haue founde, that God is oure refuge, oure strength and helpe. 2 Therfore wil we not feare, though the earth fell, and though the hilles were caried in to the myddest of the see. 3 Though the waters of the see raged & were neuer so troublous, & though the mountaynes shoke at the tepest of the same.

Psalms 112:7

7 He wil not be afrayed for eny euell tydinges, his herte stondeth fast, & beleueth in ye LORDE.

Isaiah 8:12-14

12 rounde with none of the, who so euer saye: yonder people are bounde together. Neuertheles feare them not, nether be afrayde of them, 13 but sanctifie the LORDE of hoostes, let him be youre feare and drede. 14 For he is the sanctifienge, and stone to stomble at, ye rock to fall vpon, a snare and net to both the houses: to Israel, and the inhabitours of Ierusalem.

Isaiah 12:2

2 Beholde, God is my health, in whom I trust, and am not afrayde. For the LORDE God is my strength, and my prayse, he also shalbe my refuge.

Isaiah 26:3-4

3 And thou, which art the doer and hast the matter in honde: shalt prouyde for peace, eue the peace yt me hope for in the. 4 Hope stil in the LORDE, for in the LORDE God is euerlastinge stregth.

Isaiah 26:20-21

20 So go now my people in to thy chabre, and shut the doore to the, and suffre now ye twicklinge of an eye, till the wrath be ouerpast 21 For beholde, the LORDE wil go out of his habitacion, & vyset the wickednes of the that dwell vpon earth. He wil discouer the bloude that she hath deuoured, she shal neuer hyde the, that she hath murthured.

Jeremiah 4:19-22

19 Ah my bely, ah my bely, (shalt thou crie) how is my hert so sore? my hert paunteth within me, I can not be still, for I haue herde the crienge of the trompettes, and peales of warre. 20 They crie murthur vpon murthur, the whole londe shal perish. Immediathly my tentes were destroyed, and my hanginges, in the twincklinge of an eye. 21 How longe shall I se the tokens of warre, and heare the noyse of the trompettes? 22 Neuertheles this shall come vpon them, because my people is become foolish, and hath vterly no vnderstondinge. They are the children of foolishnes, and without eny discrecio. To do euell, they haue witt ynough: but to do well, they haue no wi?dome.

Jeremiah 6:22-24

22 Morouer thus saieth ye LORDE: Beholde, there shal come a people from the North, & a greate people shal arise from ye endes of ye earth, 23 wt bowes & wt dartes shal they be weapened: It is a rough & fearce people, an vnmerciful people: their voyce roareth like the see, they ride vpo horses wel apointed to ye batell agaynst the, o doughter Sion. 24 Then shal this crie be herde: Oure armes are feble, heuynes and sorow is come vpon vs, as vpon a woman trauelinge with childe.

Jeremiah 8:15-16

15 We loked for peace, and we fayre not the better, we wayted for the tyme of health, and lo, here is nothinge but trouble. 16 Then shall the noyse of his horses be herde from Dan, the whole londe shall be afrayed at the neyege of his stronge horses: for they shal go in, and deuoure the londe, with all that is in it: the cities, and those that dwell therin.

Jeremiah 47:6

6 O thou swearde off the LORDE? Turne agayne in to ye sheeth, reste, and leaue off.

Ezekiel 7:24-26

24 Wherfore, I will bringe the most cruell tyrauntes from amonge the Heithen, to take their houses in possession. I will make the pompe off the proude to ceasse, ad they shal take in their Sanctuary. 25 When this trouble cometh, they shal seke peace, but they shal haue none. 26 One myschefe and sorowe shal folowe another, and one rumoure shal come after another: Then shall they seke visions in vayne at their prophetes. The lawe shal be gone from the prestes, and wy?dome from the elders.

Ezekiel 14:17-21

17 Or, yf I bringe a swearde in to the londe, and charge it to go thorow the londe: so that I slaye downe man and beest in it, 18 and yf these thre men were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but only be saued them selues. 19 Yf I sende a pestilence in to the londe, and poure out my sore indignacion vpon it in bloude, so that I rote out of it both man and beest, 20 and yf Noe, Daniel and Iob were therin: As truly as I lyue (saieth the LORDE God) they shal delyuer nether sonnes ner doughters, but saue their owne soules in their rightuousnesse. 21 Morouer, thus saieth the LORDE God: Though I sende my foure trublous plages vpon Ierusalem: the swearde, honger, perlous beestes and pestilence, to destroye man and beest out of it:

Ezekiel 21:9-15

9 Thou sonne of man, prophecie, and speake: Thus saieth the LORDE God: speake, the swearde is sharpened & wel scoured. 10 Sharpened is it for the slaughter, & scoured yt it maye be bright. O, the destroyenge staff of my sonne, shal bringe downe all wodde. 11 He hath put his swearde to ye dightinge, yt good holde maye be take of it. This swearde is sharpened & dight, yt it maye be geuen in to the honde of the manslayer. 12 Crie (o thou sonne of man) and howle, for this swearde shal smyte my people, & all the rulers in Israel, which with my people shall be slayne downe to the grounde thorow this swearde. 13 Smyte thou vpo thy thee, for, wherfore shulde not the plage & staff of iudgmet come? 14 Prophecy thou sonne of man, & smyte thine hodes together: make the swearde two edged, yee make it thre edged, yt manslayers swearde, that swearde of the greate slaughter, which shal smyte them, euen in their preuy chambres: 15 to make them aba?shed & faynte at the hertes, & in all gates to make some of them fall. O how bright and sharpe is it, how wel dight & mete for ye slaughter?

Ezekiel 21:28

28 And thou (o sonne of man) prophecy, & speake: Thus saieth the LORDE God to the children of Ammon, & to their blasphemy, speake thou: The swearde, the swearde, is drawen forth alredy to the slaughter, & scoured that it glistreth

Daniel 9:24-27

24 Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy cite: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the synne maye haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse, to fulfill ye visions and the prophetes, and to anoynte the most holy one. 25 Vnderstode this then, and marcke it well: that from the tyme it shalbe concluded, to go and repayre Ierusalem agayne, vnto Christ (or the anoynted) prynce: there shalbe seuen wekes. Then shall the stretes & walles be buylded agayne lxij. wekes, but with harde troublous tyme. 26 After these lxij. wekes, shal Christ be slayne, & they shal haue no pleasure in him. Then shal there come a people with the prynce, and destroye the cite and the sanctuary: and his ende shal come as the water floude. But the desolacion shall continue till the ende of the batell. 27 He shall make a stronge bonde with many, for the space of a weke: and when the weke is half gone, he shal put downe the slayne and meatoffringe. And in the temple there shalbe an abhominable desolacio, till it haue destroyed all. And it is concluded, yt this waistinge shal continue vnto the ende.

Daniel 11:1-45

1 And in the first yeare of Darius of Media, I stode by him, to conforte him, & to strength him, 2 and now wil I shewe the the treuth. Beholde, there shal stonde vp yet thre kinges in Persia, but ye fourth shal be farre richer then they all. And when he is in the chefest power of his riches, he shal prouoke euery man agaynst the realme of Grekelonde. 3 Then shal there arise yet a mightie kinge, that shal rule with greate dominion, and do what him list. 4 And as soone as his kingdome commeth vp, it shalbe destroyed, & deuyded towarde ye foure wyndes of the heauen. They yt come after him, shall not haue soch power & dominion as he: but his kingdome shalbe scatred, yee euen amonge other the those. 5 And the kynge of ye south shalbe migthier, then his other prynces. Agaynst him there shal one make himself stroge, & shal rule his dominio wt greate power. 6 But after certayne yeares they shalbe ioyned together, & the kynges doughter of the south shall come to the kynge of the north, for to make fredshipe, but she shal not optayne the power of that arme, nether shall she be able to endure thorow his might: but she, & soch as brought her (yee & he yt begat her, & conforted her for his tyme) shalbe delyuered vp. 7 Out of ye braunches of hir rote, there shal one stonde vp in his steade: which with power of armes shal go thorow the kynges londe of the north, & handle him acordinge to his strength. As for their Idols & prynces, with their costly Iewels of golde & syluer, 8 he shal cary them awaye captyues in to Egipte, and he shal preuayle agaynst the kynge of the north certayne yeares. 9 And when he is come into ye kynges realme of ye south, he shal be fayne to turne agayne in to his owne londe. 10 Wherfore his sonnes shalbe displeased, and shal gather together a mightie greate hoost of people: and one of them shal come, and go thorow like a waterfloude: then shal he returne, and go forth with defyenge and boostinge vnto his owne londe. 11 The the kinge of ye south shalbe angrie, and shal come forth to fight agaynst the kinge of the north: Yee he shall bringe a greate multitude of people together, and a greate heape shalbe geue into his honde: 12 these shal he cary awaye wt greate pryde, for so moch as he hath cast downe so many thousandes, neuertheles he shall not preuayle. 13 For ye kinge of ye north shal gather (of the new) a greater heape of people then afore, & come forth (after a certayne tyme and yeares) with a mightie hoost & exceadinge greate good. 14 At the same tyme there shall many stonde vp agaynst the kinge of the south, so that ye wicked children of thy people also shal exalte them selues (to fulfill the vision) and then fall. 15 So the kinge of the north shall come to laye sege, and to take the stroge fensed cities: And the power of the of ye south shal not be able to abyde him, & the best men of the people shall not be so stronge, as to resist him. 16 Shortly, when he commeth, he shall handle him as he list, & no man shalbe so hardy as to stonde agaynst him. He shal stode in the pleasaunt countre, which thorow him shalbe destroyed. 17 He shal set his face wt all his power to optayne his kingdome, & to be like it. Yee that shal he do, & geue him vnto the doughters amoge women, to destroye him. But he shal fayle, nether shal he optayne his purpose. 18 After this, shall he set his face vnto the Iles, & take many of the. A prynce shal stoppe him, to do him a shame, besyde the confucion that els shal come vnto him. 19 Thus shal he turne agayne to his owne londe, stomble, & fall, and be nomore founde: 20 so he that came vpon him & dyd him violence, shal stonde in his place, & haue a pleasaunt kingdome: and after few dayes he shal be destroyed, & that nether in wrath ner in batell. 21 In his steade there shal aryse a vyle person not holde worthy of a kinges dignite: this shall come in craftely, & optayne the kingdome with fayre wordes: 22 he shal fight agaynst the armes of the mightie (& destroye them,) yee & agaynst the prynce of the couenaunt. 23 So after yt he hath taken truce with him, he shal hadle disceatfully: that he maye get vp, & ouer come him with a small flocke: 24 & so with craftynesse to get him to ye fattest place of the londe, and to deale otherwise, then ether his fathers or graudfathers dyd. For he shal destroye the thinge, ye they had robbed & spoyled, yee & all their substaunce: ymagenynge thoughtes agaynst the stroge holdes, & that for a tyme. 25 His power and herte shalbe sterred vp wt a greate armye agaynst the kinge of the south: where thorow the kinge of the south shalbe moued then vnto batell, with a greate & mightie hoost also. Neuerthelesse, he shal not be able to stonde, for they shall conspyre agaynst him. 26 Yee they yt eate of his meate, shal hurte him: so that his hoost shal fall, & many be slayne downe. 27 These two kinges shalbe mynded to do myschefe, & talke of disceate at one table: but they shal not prospere: for why, the ende shal not come yet, vnto the tyme apoynted. 28 The shall he go home agayne in to his owne londe with greate good, & set his herte agaynst the holy couenaunt, he shalbe busy agaynst it, & then returne home. 29 At the tyme appoynted he shal come agayne, & go towarde the south: So shall it happen otherwise then at the first, yet ones agayne. 30 And why, the shippes of Cythim shal come vpon him, that he maye be smytten & turne agayne: yt he maye take indignacion agaynst the couenaunt of holynes, to medle agaynst it. Yee he shal turne him, & drawe soch vnto him, as leaue the holy couenaunt. 31 He shal set mightie men to vnhalowe the sanctuary of stregth, to put downe the daylie offeringe, & to set vp the abhominable desolacion. 32 And soch as breake the couenaunt, shal he flatre with fayre wordes. But ye people that wil knowe their God, shal haue the ouerhade and prospere. 33 Those also that haue vnderstondinge amonge the people, shal enfourme the multitude: & for a longe season, they shalbe persecuted with swearde, with fyre, with captyuyte & with the takynge awaye of their goodes. 34 Now whe they fall, they shalbe set vp with a litle helpe: but many shal cleue vnto them faynedly. 35 Yee some of those which haue vnderstondynge shal be persecuted also: yt they maye be tryed, purified & clesed, till the tyme be out: for there is yet another tyme appoynted. 36 The kinge shal do what him list, he shal exalte and magnifie himself agaynst all, that is God. Yee he shall speake maruelous thinges agaynst the God of all goddes, wherin he shal prospere, so longe till the wrath be fulfilled, for the conclusion is deuysed alredy. 37 He shal not regarde the God of his fathers, but his lust shall be vpon wome: Yee he shal not care for eny God, for he shal magnifie himself aboue all. 38 In his place shal he worshipe the mightie Idols: & the god whom his fathers knewe not, shal he honoure with golde and syluer, with precious stones and pleasaunt Iewels. 39 This shal he do, sekinge helpe and sucoure at the mightie Idols and straunge goddes. Soch as wil receaue him, and take him for God, he shal geue them greate worshipe and power: yee and make them lordes of the multitude, and geue them the londe with rewardes. 40 In the latter tyme, shal the kinge of the south stryue with him: and the kinge of the north in like maner shall come agaynst him with charettes, horsmen & with a greate nauy of shippes. He shal come in to the londes, destroye and go thorow: 41 he shal entre also in to the fayre pleasaunt londe. Many cities & countrees shal decaye, excepte Edom, Moab & the best of the children of Ammon, which shal escape from his honde. 42 He shall stretch forth his hodes vpon the countrees, & the londe of Egipte shal not escape him. 43 For thorow his goinge in, he shal haue dominion ouer the treasures of syluer & golde, & ouer all the precious Iewels of Egipte, Lybia and Ethiopia. 44 Neuerthelesse the tydinges out of the east and the north shall trouble him, for the which cause he shal go forth to destroye & curse a greate multitude. 45 The tentes of his palace shall he pytch betwixte the two sees, vpon the hill of the noble sanctuary, for he shal come to the ende of it, and then shal no man helpe him.

Habakkuk 3:16-18

16 Whe I heare this, my body is vexed, my lippes tremble at ye voyce therof, my bones corruppe, I am afrayed where I stonde. O that I might rest in the daye of trouble, that I might go vp vnto oure people, which are alredy prepared. 17 For the fyge trees shal not be grene, & the vynes shal beare no frute. The laboure of ye olyue shalbe but lost, and the londe shall bringe no corne: the shepe shalbe taken out of ye folde, and there shalbe no catell in ye stalles. 18 But as for me, I wil be glad in the LORDE, and will reioyce in God my Sauioure.

Matthew 24:14

14 And this gospell of the kyngdome shalbe preached in all the worlde for a wytnes vnto all people, and then shal the ende come.

Matthew 26:54

54 But how the shulde the scriptures be fulfylled? For thus must it be.

Mark 13:7-8

7 But whan ye shal heare of the noyse of warres, be not ye afrayed: for so must it be, but ye ende is not yet. 8 One people shal ryse ageynst another, and one realme ageynst another, and there shal be earth quakes here and there, and derth shal there be and troubles. These are the begynnynge of sorowes.

Luke 21:9

9 But whan ye heare of warres and insurreccions, be not ye afrayed, for soch must come to passe, but the ende is not yet there so soone.

Luke 21:19

19 Holde fast youre soules with pacience.

Luke 22:37

37 For I saye vnto you: It must yet be fulfilled on me, that is wrytte: He was counted amonge the euell doers. For loke what is wrytten of me, it hath an ende.

John 14:1

1 And he sayde vnto his disciples: Let not youre hert be afrayed. Yf ye beleue on God, the beleue also on me.

John 14:27

27 Peace I leaue vnto you, my peace I geue you: I geue not vnto you, as the worlde geueth. Let not yor hert be troubled, nether let it be afrayed.

Acts 27:24-26

24 & saide: Feare not Paul, thou must be broughte before the Emperoure. And lo, God hath geuen vnto the all the that sayle with the. 25 Wherfore syrs be of good cheare: for I beleue God, yt it shal come so to passe, as it was tolde me. 26 Howbeit we must be cast in to a certayne ylonde.

2 Thessalonians 2:2

2 that ye be not sodenly moued fro youre mynde, and be not troubled, nether by sprete, nether by wordes, ner yet by letter, which shulde seme to be sent from vs, as though ye daye of Christ were at hande.

1 Peter 3:14-15

14 Not withstodinge blessed are ye, yf ye suffre for righteousnes sake Feare not ye their threatnynge, nether be troubled, 15 but sanctifye the LORDE God in youre hertes. Be ready allwayes to geue an answere to euery ma, that axeth you a reason of the hope that is in you, and that with mekenes & feare,

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