Matthew 12:45 Cross References - Coverdale

45 Then goeth he his waye, & taketh vnto him seuen other spretes worse then him self: and whan they are entred in, they dwell there: And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge. Euen so shal it go wt this euell generacion.

Matthew 12:24

24 But whan the Pharises herde that, they sayde: He dryueth the deuyls out none other wyse, but thorow Beelzebub the chefe of the deuyls.

Matthew 21:38-44

38 But whe the hussbandme sawe the sonne, they sayde amonge the selues: This is the Heyre, come, let us kyl hym, and take his inheritauce vnto oure selues. 39 And they caught him, and thrust him out of the vynyarde, & slew him. 40 Now whe the lorde of the vynyarde commeth, what wyl he do wt those hussbandmen? 41 They sayde vnto him: He wyl cruelly destroye those euell personnes, & let out his vyniarde vnto other hussbadmen, which shal delyuer him the frute at tymes conuenyent. 42 Iesus sayde vnto the: Dyd ye neuer rede in the scriptures: The same stone which the buylders refused, is become the heade stone in the corner? This was the LORDES doynge, & it is maruelous i oure eyes 43 Therfore I saie vnto you: The kingdome of God shalbe take fro you, & shalbe geue vnto the Heithe, which shal brynge forth ye frutes of it. 44 And who so falleth vpo this stone, shalbe broke in peces: & loke vpo whom it falleth, it shal grynde him to poulder.

Matthew 23:15

15 Wo vnto you Scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrytes, which compasse see and lode to make one Proselyte: and whan he is become one, ye make of him a childe of hell, two folde more then ye youre selues are.

Matthew 23:24

24 O ye blynde gydes, which strayne out a gnat, but swalowe vp a Camell.

Matthew 23:32-39

32 Go to, fulfyll ye also the measure of youre fathers. 33 O ye serpentes, O ye generacion of vypers, how wyl ye escape the damnacion of Hell? 34 Therfore beholde, I sende vnto you prophetes and wysemen, and scrybes, and some of them shal ye kyll and crucifye, and some of them shal ye scourge in youre synagoges, and persecute them from cite to cite: 35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon ye earth, from the bloude of righteous Abel, vnto ye bloude of Zachary ye sonne of Barachias, whom ye slew betwene the temple and the altare. 36 Verely I saye vnto you: All these thinges shal light vpo this generacion. 37 O Ierusalem Ierusalem, thou that slayest the prophetes, and stonest them that are sent vnto the: How oft wolde I haue gathered thy children together, euen as the henne gathereth hir chekens vnder hir wynges, and ye wolde not? 38 Beholde, youre habitacion shalbe left vnto you desolate. 39 For I saye vnto you: Ye shal not se me hence forth, tyll ye saye: Blessed be he, that commeth in the name of the LORDE.

Mark 5:9

9 And he axed him: What is thy name? And he answered and sayde: My name is Legion, for there be many of vs.

Mark 16:9

9 But Iesus, whan he was rysen vp early vpo the first daye of the Sabbathes, he appeared first vnto Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast out seuen deuels.

Luke 11:26

26 Then goeth he, and taketh vnto him seuen other spretes, worse the himself. And whan they are entred in, they dwell there. And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge.

Luke 11:49-51

49 Therfore sayde the wyssdome of God: I wil sende prophetes and Apostles vnto the: and some of them shal they put to death and persecute, 50 hat the bloude of all the prophetes which hath bene shed sens the foundacion of the worlde was layed, maye be requyred of this generacion: 51 from the bloude of Abell, vnto ye bloude of Zachary, which perished betwene the altare and ye temple. Yee I saye vnto you: it shalbe requyred of this generacion.

Luke 19:41-44

41 And whan he was come neare, he behelde the cite, and wepte vpo it, 42 and sayde: Yf thou knewest what were for yi peace, thou shuldest remebre it euen in this present daye of thine. But now is it hyd from thine eyes. 43 For the tyme shal come vpon the, that thine enimies shal cast vp a bake aboute the, and aboute thy children with the, and besege ye, and kepe the in on euery syde, 44 and make the eauen with the grounde, and shal not leaue in the one stone vpon another, because thou hast not knowne ye tyme, wherin thou hast bene visited.

John 15:22-24

22 Yf I had not come & spoke vnto the, the shulde they haue no synne But now haue they nothinge to cloake their synne withall. 23 He yt hateth me, hateth my father also. 24 Yf I had not done amoge the the workes which no other ma dyd, they shulde haue no synne. But now haue they sene it, and yet haue they hated both me & my father.

Romans 11:8-10

8 As it is wrytten: God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnesse, eyes that they shulde not se, and eares that they shulde not heare, eue vnto this daye. 9 And Dauid sayeth: Let their table be made a snare to take the withall, & an occasion to fall, & a rewarde vnto the. 10 Let their eyes be blynded that they se not, and euer bowe downe their backes.

Ephesians 6:12

12 For we wrestle not agaynst flesh and bloude, but agaynst rule, agaynst power namely, agaynst the rulers of the worlde, of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst ye spretes of wickednes vnder the heauen.

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16

15 Which as they put the LORDE Iesus to death, and their awne prophetes, euen so haue they persecuted vs also, and please not God, and are cotrary to all men, 16 forbyddinge vs to speake vnto the Heythen that they mighte be saued, to fulfill their synnes allwaye: for the wrath is come vpon them allready vnto ye vttemost.

Hebrews 6:4-8

4 For it is not possible, that they which were once lighted, and haue taisted of the heauely gyfte, and are become partakers of the holy goost, 5 & haue taisted of ye good worde of God, and of the power of the worlde to come, 6 yf they fall awaye (and concernynge them selues crucifye the sonne of God afresshe, and make a mocke off him) that they shulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce. 7 For the earth, that drynketh in the rayne, which commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth forth herbes mete for them that dresse it, receaueth blessynge of God: 8 But yt grounde which beareth thornes and thistles, is nothinge worth, and nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be brent.

Hebrews 10:26-31

26 For yf we synne wylfully after that we haue receaued the knowlege of the trueth, there remayneth vnto vs nomore sacrifice for synnes, 27 but a fearfull lokynge for iudgment, and violente fyre, which shal deuoure ye aduersaries. 28 He yt despyseth Moses lawe, dyeth without mercy vnder two or thre witnesses: 29 Of how moch sorer punyshment (suppose ye) shal he be counted worthy, which treadeth vnder fote the sonne of God, and couteth the bloude of ye Testamet (wherby he is sanctified) an unwholy thinge, & doth dishonoure to the sprete of grace? 30 For we knowe him that hath sayde: Vengeaunce is myne, I wil recompence, sayeth the LORDE. And agayne: The LORDE shal iudge his people. 31 It is a fearfull thinge to fall in to the handes of the lyuynge God.

Hebrews 10:39

39 As for vs, we are not of those which withdrawe them selues to damnacion: but of them that beleue to the wynnynge of the soule.

2 Peter 2:14-22

14 hauynge eyes full of aduoutrye, and ca not ceasse from synne, entysinge vnstable soules: hauynge an hert exercysed wt couetousnes: they are cursed children, 15 and haue forsaken the righte waye, and are gone astraye: folowinge the waye of Balaam the sonne of Bosor, which loued the rewarde of vnrighteousnes: 16 but was rebuked of his iniquyte. The tame and domme beast spake with mas voyce, & forbad the foolishnes of ye prophet. 17 These are welles without water, & cloudes caried aboute of a tepest: to who ye myst of darknesse is reserued foreuer. 18 For they speake ye proude wordes of vanite, vnto ye vttemost, and entyse thorow wantannes vnto ye luste of the flesh, euen them that were cleane escaped, and now walke in erroure: 19 and promyse them libertye, where as they them selues are seruauntes off corrupcion. For off whom so euer a man is ouercome, vnto the same is he in bondage. 20 For yf they (after they haue escaped from the fylthynes of the worlde, thorow the knowlege of ye LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ) are yet tangled agayne therin and ouercome, then is the latter ende worse vnto them then the begynnynge. 21 For it had bene better for them, not to haue knowne the waye of righteousnes, then after they haue knowne it, to turne from the holy commaundemet, that was geuen vnto them. 22 It is happened vnto them acordynge vnto the true prouerbe: ye dogg is turned to his vomyte agayne: and ye sowe that was wasshed, vnto hir walowynge in the myre.

1 John 5:16-17

16 Yf eny man se his brother synne a synne not vnto death, let him axe, and he shal geue him life, for the yt synne not vnto death. There is a synne vnto death, for the which saye I not that a man shulde praye. 17 All vnrighteousnes is synne, and there is synne not vnto death.

Jude 1:10-13

10 But these speake euell off those thinges which they knowe not: and what thinges they knowe naturally, as beastes which are without reason, in tho thinges they corrupte them selues. 11 Wo be vnto the, for they haue folowed the waye of Cain, and are vtterly geue to the erroure of Balaam for lukers sake, and perysshe in the treason of Core. 12 These are spottes which of youre kindnes feast togedder, without feare, fedynge the selues. Cloudes they are withouten water, caried about of wyndes, and trees without frute at gadringe tyme, twyse deed and plucked vp by the rotes. 13 They are the ragynge waues of the see, fominge out their awne shame. They are wandrynge starres, to who is reserued the myst of darcknes for euer.

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