Mark 9:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 He answered and sayde vnto them: Elias shal come first in dede, and brynge all thinges to right agayne. The sonne of man also shal suffre many thinges, and be despysed, as it is wrytten.

Psalms 22:1-31

1 My God, my God: why hast thou forsaken me? ye wordes of my coplaynte are farre fro my health. 2 O my God, I crie in the daye tyme, but thou hearest not: and in the night season also I take no rest. 3 Yet dwellest thou in the Sanctuary, o thou worshipe of Israel. 4 Oure fathers hoped in the, they trusted in the, ad thou dyddest delyuer them. 5 They callled vpon the, and were helped: they put their trust in the, and were not cofounded. 6 But as for me, I am a worme and no man: a very scorne of me and the outcast of the people. 7 All they yt se me, laugh me to scorne: they shute out their lippes, and shake their heades. 8 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him: let him helpe hi, yf he wil haue him. 9 But thou art he that toke me out of my mothers wobe: thou wast my hope, when I hanged yet vpon my mothers brestes. 10 I haue bene left vnto the euer sence I was borne, thou art my God, eue fro my mothers wombe. 11 O go not fro me the, for trouble is harde at honde, and here is none to helpe me. 12 Greate bulles are come aboute me, fatt oxen close me in on euery syde. 13 They gape vpon me with their mouthes, as it were a rampinge and roaringe lyon. 14 I am poured out like water, all my bones are out of ioynt: my hert in the myddest off my body is euen like meltinge waxe. 15 My strength is dried vp like a potsherde, my tunge cleueth to my goomes, and thou hast brought me in to the dust of death. 16 For dogges are come aboute me, the coucell of ye wicked hath layed sege agaynst me. 17 They pearsed my hondes and my fete, I might haue tolde all my bones: as for them, they stode staringe and lokinge vpon me. 18 They haue parted my garmentes amonge them, ad cast lottes vpon my vesture. 19 But be not thou farre fro me, o LORDE: thou art my sucoure, haist the to helpe me. 20 Delyuer my soule from the swearde, my dearlinge from the power of the dogge. 21 Saue me from the lyons mouth, and heare me fro amonge the hornes off the vnicornes. 22 So will I declare thy name vnto my brethren, in the myddest off the congregacion will I prayse the. 23 O prayse the LORDE ye that feare him: Magnifie him all ye sede of Iacob, & let all ye sede of Israel feare hi. 24 For he hath not despysed ner abhorred the myserable estate of the poore: he hath not hyd his face fro me, but whe I called vnto him, he herde me. 25 I wil prayse the in the greate congregacion, and perfourme my vowes in the sight off all the that feare the. 26 The poore shal eate ad be satisfied: they yt seke after ye LORDE shal prayse him: youre herte shal lyue for euer. 27 All the endes of the worlde shal remembre themselues, & be turned vnto the LORDE: and all the generacions of the Heithen shal worsh pe before him. 28 For the kyngdome is the LORDES, and he shal be the gouernoure of ye Heithen. 29 All soch as be fat vpo earth, shal eate also and worshipe: 30 All they that lye in the dust, and lyue so hardly, shall fall downe before him. 31 The sede shall serue him, and preach of the LORDE for euer. They shal come, & declare his rightuousnes: vnto a people that shal be borne, who the LORDE hath made.

Psalms 69:1-36

1 Helpe me (o God) for the waters are come in eue vnto my soule. 2 I sticke fast in the depe myre, where no grounde is: I am come into depe waters, and the floudes wil drowne me. 3 I am weery of crienge, my throte is drye, my sight fayleth me, for waytinge so longe vpon my God. 4 They yt hate me without a cause, are mo then the hayres of my heade: they that are myne enemies & wolde destroye me giltlesse, are mightie: 5 I am fayne to paye the thinges yt I neuer toke. God, thou knowest my symplenesse, and my fautes are not hyd from the. 6 Let not them that trust in the (o LORDE God of hoostes) be ashamed for my cause: let not those yt seke the, be confounded thorow me, o God of Israel. 7 And why? for thy sake do I suffre reprofe, shame couereth my face. 8 I am become a straunger vnto my brethren, and an aleaunt vnto my mothers children. 9 For the zele of thine house hath euen eaten me, and the rebukes of them that rebuked the, is fallen vpon me. 10 I wepte and chastened my self wt fastinge, and that was turned to my reprofe. 11 I put on a sackecloth, and therfore they iested vpon me. 12 They that satt in the gate, spake agaynst me, and the dronckardes made songes vpon me. 13 But LORDE, I made my prayer vnto the in an acceptable tyme: 14 Heare me (o God) with thy greate mercy & sure helpe. 15 Take me out of the myre, yt I syncke not: Oh let me be delyuered fro the yt hate me, & out of ye depe waters. 16 Lest ye water floude drowne me, that the depe swalowe me not vp, & yt the pitte shut not hir mouth vpon me. 17 Heare me (o LORDE) for thy louynge kyndnesse is confortable: turne the vnto me acordinge vnto yi greate mercy. 18 Hyde not thy face from thy seruaut, for I am in trouble: O haist ye to helpe me. 19 Drawe nye vnto my soule, and saue it: Oh delyuer me because of myne enemies. 20 Thou knowest my reprofe, my shame & my dishonor: my aduersaries are all in thy sight. 21 The rebuke breaketh my hert, & maketh me heuy: I loke for some to haue pitie vpon me, but there is no man: & for some to coforte me, but I fynde none. 22 They gaue me gall to eate, & whe I was thurstie, they gaue me vyneger to drynke. 23 Let their table be made a snare to take them selues withall, an occasion to fall & a rewarde vnto them. 24 Let their eyes be blynded, that they se not: & euer bowe downe their backes. 25 Poure out thy indignacion vpon them, & let thy wrothfull displeasure take holde of them. 26 Let their habitacion be voyde, & no man to dwell in their tentes. 27 For they persecute him whom thou hast smytten, & besyde thy woundes they haue geuen him moo. 28 Let them fall fro one wickednesse to another, & not come into thy rightuousnesse. 29 Let the be wyped out of ye boke of the lyuinge, & not be written amonge the rightuous. 30 As for me, I am poore & in heuynesse, let thy helpe defende me, o God. 31 That I maye prayse ye name of God with a songe, & magnifie it with thankesgeuynge. 32 This shal please the LORDE better then a bullocke, that hath hornes & hoffes. 33 O considre this & be glad (ye that be in aduersite) seke after God, & yor soule shal lyue. 34 For the LORDE heareth the poore, & despyset not his presoners. 35 Let heauen & earth praise him, the see & all that moueth therin. 36 For God wil saue Sion, & buylde the cities of Iuda, that men maye dwell there, & haue the in possession. The sede of his seruauntes shal iheret it, & they that loue his name, shal dwell therin.

Psalms 74:22

22 O let not the symple go awaye ashamed, for the poore & nedy geue prayses vnto thy name.

Isaiah 40:3-5

3 A voyce crieth: Prepare ye waye for the LORDE in the wyldernesse, make straight ye path for oure God in the deserte. 4 Let all valleis be exalted, and euery mountayne and hill be layde lowe. What so is croked, let it be made straight, and let the rough places be made playne feldes. 5 For the glory of the LORDE shal apeare, & all flesh shal se it, for why, ye mouth of the LORDE hath spoken it.

Isaiah 49:7

7 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE the aveger and holy one of Israel, because of the abhorringe and despisinge amonge the Gentiles, concernynge the seruaunt of all them yt beare rule: Kynges and prynces shal se, and arise and worshipe, because of the LORDE that he is faithfull: and because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 50:6

6 but I offre my backe vnto ye smyters, and my chees to the nyppers. I turne not my face fro shame ad spittinge,

Isaiah 52:14

14 Like as ye multitude shal wodre vpon him, because his face shalbe so deformed & not as a mans face, & his bewtie like no man:

Isaiah 53:1-12

1 Bvt who geueth credence vnto oure preachinge? Or to who is the arme of the LORDE knowne? 2 He shal growe before the LORDE like as a brauch, & as a rote in a drie grounde. He shal haue nether bewty ner fauoure. When we loke vpon him, there shalbe no fayrnesse: we shal haue no lust vnto him. 3 He shalbe the most symple & despised of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infirmities. We shal reken him so symple & so vyle, that we shal hyde oure faces fro him. 4 Howbeit (of a treuth) he only taketh awaye oure infirmite, & beareth oure payne: Yet we shal iudge him, as though he were plaged and cast downe of God: 5 where as he (not withstodinge) shal be wouded for oure offences, & smytten for oure wickednes. For the payne of or punyshmet shalbe layde vpo him, & wt his stripes shal we be healed. 6 As for vs, we go all astraye (like shepe), euery one turneth his owne waye. But thorow him, the LORDE pardoneth all or synnes. 7 He shal be payned & troubled, ad shal not ope his mouth. He shalbe led as a shepe to be slayne, yet shal he be as still as a lambe before the shearer, & not open his mouth. 8 He shal be had awaye, his cause not herde, & wtout eny iudgment: Whose generacion yet no man maye nombre, when he shalbe cut of fro the grounde of the lyvinge: Which punyshment shal go vpon him, for the transgression of my people. 9 His graue shalbe geue him with the codemned, & his crucifienge with the theues, Where as he dyd neuer violence ner vnright, nether hath there bene eny disceatfulnesse in his mouth. 10 Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde. 11 With trauayle and laboure of his soule, shal he optayne greate riches. My rightuous seruaunt shall with his wisdome iustifie & delyuer the multitude, for he shal beare awaye their synnes. 12 Therfore wil I geue him the multitude for his parte, & he shal deuyde the stroge spoyle because he shal geue ouer his soule to death, & shalbe rekened amonge the transgressours, which neuertheles shal take awaye ye synnes of the multitude, and make intercession for the my?doers.

Daniel 9:24-26

24 Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy cite: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the synne maye haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse, to fulfill ye visions and the prophetes, and to anoynte the most holy one. 25 Vnderstode this then, and marcke it well: that from the tyme it shalbe concluded, to go and repayre Ierusalem agayne, vnto Christ (or the anoynted) prynce: there shalbe seuen wekes. Then shall the stretes & walles be buylded agayne lxij. wekes, but with harde troublous tyme. 26 After these lxij. wekes, shal Christ be slayne, & they shal haue no pleasure in him. Then shal there come a people with the prynce, and destroye the cite and the sanctuary: and his ende shal come as the water floude. But the desolacion shall continue till the ende of the batell.

Zechariah 11:13

13 And the LORDE sayde vnto me: cast it vnto the potter (a goodly pryce for me to be valued at of them) and I toke the xxx. syluers pens, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORDE.

Zechariah 13:7

7 Arise (o thou swearde) vpon my shepherde, and vpon the prynce of my people, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes: Smyte the shepherde and the shepe shalbe scatred abrode, and so will I turne myne honde to the litle ones.

Malachi 4:6

6 He shall turne the hertes of the fathers to their children and the hertes of the children to their fathers, that I come not, and smyte the earth with cursynge.

Matthew 3:1-12

1 In those dayes Ihon the Baptyst came and preached in the wildernes of Iury, 2 saynge: Amede youre selues, the kyngdome of heuen is at honde. 3 This is he, of whom it is spoke by ye Prophet Esay, which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in ye wyldernes, prepare the LORDES waye, and make his pathes straight. 4 This Ihon had his garment of camels heer, and a lethre gerdell aboute his loynes. Hys meate was locustes and wylde hony. 5 Then went out to hym Ierusalem, and all Iury, and all the region rounde aboute Iordan, 6 and were baptised of him in Iordan, cofessynge their synnes. 7 Now when he sawe many of the Pharises and of ye Saduces come to hys baptim, he sayde vnto them: ye generacio of vipers, who hath certified you, that ye shal escape ye vengeaunce to come? 8 Bewarre, brynge forth due frutes of pennaunce. 9 Thinke not now, to saye in your selues, we haue Abraham to oure father. For I saye vnto you, that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham. 10 Euen now is the axe put vnto ye rote of the trees: therfore euery tre which bringeth not forth good frute, shalbe hewe downe, and cast into the fyre. 11 I baptise you with water to repentaunce: but he that cometh after me, is myghtier the I, whose shues I am not worthy to beare. He shall baptise you with ye holy goost & wt fyre: 12 which hath also his fan in his hond, and will pourge his floore, and gadre the wheet into his garner, & will burne ye chaffe with vnquencheable fyre.

Matthew 11:2-18

2 Whan Ihon beinge in preson herde of the workes of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, 3 and sayde vnto him: Art thou he yt shal come, or shal we loke for another? 4 Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: Go youre waye and tell Ihon agayne, what ye se and heare. 5 The blynde se, and the lame go: the lepers are clensed, and ye deaf heare: the deed aryse ageyne, and the gospell is preached to the poore: 6 and blessed is he, that is not offended at me. 7 Whan they wente their waye, Iesus beganne to speake vnto the people, concernynge Ihon: What are ye gone out for to se in the wyldernes? Wolde ye se a rede shaken with the wynde? 8 Or what are ye gone out for to se? Wolde ye se a man clothed in soft rayment? Beholde, they that weare soft clothinge, are in kinges houses, 9 But what are ye gone out for to se? A prophet? Yee I saye vnto you, and more the a prophet. 10 For this is he, of who it is written: Beholde, I sende my messauger before thy face, which shal prepare thy waye before the. 11 Verely I saye vnto you: Amonge ye children of wemen arose there not a greater then Ihon the baptist. Not withstondinge he that is lesse in the kyngdome of Heauen, is greater then he. 12 From the tyme of Ihon baptist hither to, ye kyngdome of heauen suffreth violence, and the violent plucke it vnto them. 13 For all the prophetes and the lawe prophecied vnto Ihon. 14 Also yf ye wil receaue it, this is Helias, which shulde come. 15 Who so hath eares to heare, let hi heare. 16 But where vnto shal I licke this generacion? It is like vnto childre which syt in the market, and call vnto their felowes, 17 & saye: we haue pyped vnto you, and ye wolde not daunse: We haue morned vnto you, & ye wolde not wepe. 18 For Ihon came nether eatinge nor drynkinge, & they saye: he hath the deuyll.

Matthew 16:21

21 From that tyme forth beganne Iesus to shew vnto his disciples, how that he must go vnto Ierusale, and suffre many thinges of the elders, and of the hye prestes, and of the scrybes, and be put to death, and ryse againe the thirde daye.

Matthew 26:24

24 The sonne of man goeth forth, as it is wrytten of him: but wo vnto that man by who the sonne of man shalbe betrayed: It had bene better for that ma, yf he had neuer bene borne.

Mark 1:2-8

2 as it is wrytte in the prophetes. Beholde, I sende my messauger before thy face, which shal prepare thy waye before the. 3 The voyce of a cryer is in the wyldernes: Prepare the waye of the LORDE, make his pathes straight. 4 Ihon was in the wyldernes, and baptysed, and preached the baptyme of amendment, for the remyssion of synnes. 5 And there wente out vnto him the whole londe of Iewry, and they of Ierusalem, and were all baptysed of him in Iordan, and knowleged their synnes. 6 Ihon was clothed with Camels heer, and with a lethron gerdell aboute his loynes, and ate locustes and wylde hony, 7 and preached, and sayde: There commeth one after me, which is stronger then I: before whom I am not worthy to stoupe downe, and to lowse vp ye lachet of his shue. 8 I baptyse you with water, but he shal baptyse you with the holy goost.

Luke 1:16-17

16 And many of the children of Israel shal he turne vnto the LORDE their God. 17 And he shal go before him in the sprete and power of Elias, to turne the hertes of ye fathers vnto the children, and the vnfaithfull vnto the wyssdome of the righteous, to make the people ready for the LORDE.

Luke 1:76

76 And thou childe shalt be called a prophet of the Hyest: for thou shalt go before ye LORDE, to prepare his wayes.

Luke 3:2-6

2 when Hannas and Caiphas were hye prestes, the came ye worde of God vnto Ihon the sonne of Zachary in the wyldernes. 3 And he came in to all ye coastes aboute Iordan, and preached the baptyme of repetaunce for the remyssion of synnes. 4 As it is wrytte in ye boke of ye sayenges of Esaye the prophet, which sayeth: The voyce of a cryer in the wyldernes: prepare the waye of the LORDE, and make his pathes straight. 5 Euery valley shalbe fylled, and euery mountayne & hyll shalbe brought lowe. And what so is croked, shalbe made straight: and what rough is, shalbe made smooth, 6 and all flesh shal se the Sauioure of God.

Luke 23:11

11 But Herode wt his men of warre despysed him, and mocked him, put a whyte garmet vpo him, and sent him agayne vnto Pilate.

Luke 23:39

39 And one of the myssdoers that hanged there, blasphemed him, and sayde: Yf thou be Christ, then helpe thy self and vs.

John 1:6-36

6 There was sent from God a man, whose name was Ihon. 7 The same came for a witnesse, to beare wytnesse of ye light, that thorow him they all might beleue. 8 He was not that light, but that he might beare witnesse of ye light. 9 That was the true light, which lighteth all men, that come in to this worlde. 10 He was in the worlde, & the worlde was made by him, and ye worlde knewe him not. 11 He came in to his awne, and his awne receaued him not. 12 But as many as receaued him, to them gaue he power to be the children of God: euen soch as beleue in his name. 13 Which are not borne of bloude, ner of the wyl of the flesh, ner of the wyl of man, but of God. 14 And the worde became flesh, and dwelt amonge vs: and we sawe his glory, a glory as of the onely begotte sonne of the father, full of grace and trueth. 15 Ihon bare wytnesse of him, cryed, and sayde: It was this, of whom I spake: After me shal he come, that was before me, For he was or euer I: 16 and of his fulnesse haue all we receaued grace for grace. 17 For the lawe was geuen by Moses, grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ. 18 No man hath sene God at eny tyme. The onely begotte sonne which is in the bosome of the father, he hath declared the same vnto vs. 19 And this is the recorde of Ihon, whan the Iewes sent prestes and Leuites fro Ierusalem, to axe him: Who art thou? 20 And he confessed and denyed not. And he confessed, and sayde: I am not Christ. 21 And they axed him: What the? Art thou Elias? He sayde: I am not. Art thou the Prophet? And he answered: No. 22 Then sayde they vnto him: What art thou the, yt we maye geue answere vnto the that sent vs? What sayest thou of yi self? 23 He sayde: I am ye voyce of a cryer in the wyldernesse. Make straight ye waye of the LORDE. As ye prophet Esay sayde: 24 And they that were sent, were of ye Pharises. 25 And they axed him, & sayde vnto him: Why baptysest thou then, yf thou be not Christ, ner Elias, ner a prophet? 26 Ihon answered them, and sayde: I baptyse with water, but there is one come in amonge you, whom ye knowe not. 27 It is he that cometh after me, which was before me: whose shue lachet I am not worthy to vnlowse. 28 This was done at Bethabara beyonde Iordane, where Ihon dyd baptyse. 29 The nexte daye after, Ihon sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: Beholde the labe of God, which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde. 30 This is he, of whom I sayde vnto you: After me commeth a man, which was before me. For he was or euer I, 31 and I knewe him not: but that he shulde be declared in Israel, therfore am I come to baptyse with water. 32 And Ihon bare recorde, & sayde: I sawe the sprete descende from heauen like vnto a doue, and abode vpon him, 33 & I knewe him not. But he that sent me to baptyse with water, ye same sayde vnto me: Vpon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him, the same is he, that baptyseth with the holy goost. 34 And I sawe it, and bare recorde, that this is the sonne of God. 35 The nexte daye after, Ihon stode agayne, and two of his disciples. 36 And wha he sawe Iesus walkynge, he sayde: Beholde the labe of God.

John 3:27-30

27 Ihon answered and sayde: A man can receaue nothinge, excepte it be geuen him from heaue. 28 Ye youreselues are my witnesses, how that I sayde, I am not Christ, but am sent before him. 29 He that hath the bryde, is the brydegrome: but the frende of the brydegrome stondeth, and herkeneth vnto him, and reioyseth greatly ouer the voyce of the brydegrome, this same ioye of myne is now fulfilled. 30 He must increace, but I must decreace.

Philippians 2:7-8

7 but made him selfe of no reputacion, and toke vpon him the shappe of a seruaunt, became like another man, 8 and was founde in his apparell as a man: he humbled himselfe, and became obedient vnto the death, euen vnto the death of the crosse.

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