Malachi 2:12 Cross References - Coverdale

12 But the LORDE shal destroye the ma that doth this (yee both the master & the scolar) out off the tabernacle of Iacob, with him that offreth vp meatofferynge vnto the LORDE off hoostes.

Genesis 4:3-5

3 And it fortuned after certaine daies, that Cain brought of the frute of the earth, an offrynge vnto ye LORDE. 4 And Abell brought also of the firstlinges of his shepe, and of ye fat of them. And the LORDE had respecte vnto Abell and to his offerynge: 5 but vnto Cain and his offerynge he loked not. Then was Cain exceadinge wroth, and his countenaunce chaunged.

Leviticus 18:29

29 For who so euer commytte these abhominacios, the same soules shalbe roted out from amonge their people.

Leviticus 20:3

3 & I wyll set my face agaynst that man, and wyll rote him out from amoge his people, because he hath geuen of his sede vnto Moloch, and defyled my Sanctuary, & vnhalowed my holy name.

Numbers 15:30-31

30 But yf a soule do ought presumptuously, whether he be one of youre selues or a straunger, he hath despysed the LORDE: ye same soule shalbe roted out from amoge his people: 31 because he hath despysed the worde of the LORDE, and hath left his commaundement vndone: that soule shall vtterly perishe, his synne shalbe vpon him.

Numbers 24:5

5 How goodly are thy tetes O Iacob, and thy habitacions O Israel?

Joshua 23:12-13

12 But yf ye turne backe, and cleue vnto these other nacions, and make mariages with them, so that ye come amoge them, and they amonge you, 13 be ye sure then, that the LORDE youre God shall nomore dryue out all these nacions before you, but they shall be vnto you a snare and net, and prickes in youre sydes, and thornes in youre eyes, vntyll he haue destroyed you from the good lode, which the LORDE youre God hath geuen you.

1 Samuel 2:31-34

31 Beholde, the tyme shal come, that I wyll breake thyne arme in two, and the arme of thy fathers house, so that there shal no oldeman be in thy house. 32 And thou shalt se thine aduersaries in the habitacion, in all the good of Israel, and there shal neuer be olde man in thy fathers house. 33 Yet wyll I not rote out euery man of the fro myne altare, but yt thyne eyes maye be consumed, & that yi soule maye be sory: & a greate multitude of thy house shal dye, whan they are come to be men. 34 And this shalbe a token vnto the, that shal come vpon thy two sonnes Ophni and Phineas: They shall both dye in one daye.

1 Samuel 3:14

14 Therfore haue I sworne vnto ye house of Eli, yt this wickednes of ye house of Eli shall not be recocyled nether wt sacrifice ner wt meatoffringe for euer.

1 Samuel 15:22-23

22 Samuel saide: Hath the LORDE pleasure in sacrifices and burntofferynges, as in obeynge the voyce of the LORDE? Beholde, obedience is better then offerynge, and to herken is better then the fat of rammes. 23 For disobedience is as ye synne of witchcrafte, and rebellion is as the blasphemy of Idolatrye. In so moch now as thou hast refused the worde of the LORDE, he hath refused the also, that thou shuldest not be kynge.

1 Chronicles 25:8

8 And they cast the lottes ouer their offyce, for the leest as for the greatest, for the master as for the scolar.

Ezra 10:18-19

18 And amoge the childre of the prestes there were men founde yt had take straunge wyues, namely amoge the children of Iesua the sonne of Iosedec & of his brethre, Maeseia, Elieser, Iarib and Godolia. 19 And they gaue their hades there vpon, that they wolde put awaye their wyues: & for their trespace offerynge to geue a rame for their trespace.

Nehemiah 13:28-29

28 And one of the children of Ioiada the sonne of Eliasib ye hye prest, had made a cotracte wyth Saneballath the Horonite: but I chaced him fro me. 29 O my God, thynke thou vpon them that are quyte of the presthode, and haue desyled the couenaunt of the presthode and of the Leuites.

Isaiah 9:14-16

14 Therfore the LORDE shal rote out of Israel both heade and tale, braunch and twygge in one daye. 15 By the heade, is vnderstonde the Senatoure and honorable man, and by ye tale, the prophet that preacheth lyes. 16 For all they which enfourme the people that they be in a right case, soch be disceauers. Soch as men thynke also to be perfecte amonge these, are but cast awaye.

Isaiah 24:1-2

1 Beholde, ye LORDE shal waist and plage the worlde, he shal make the face of the earth desolate, & scatre abrode ye inhabitours therof. 2 Then shal the prest be as the people, the master as the seruaunt, the dame like the mayde, the seller like the byer, he that ledeth vpon vsury, like him yt boroweth vpo vsury, the creditoure, as the detter.

Isaiah 61:8

8 For I the LORDE, which loue right ad hate robbery (though it were offred me) shal make their workes ful of faithfulnes, & make an euerlastinge couenaunt with them.

Isaiah 66:3

3 For who so slayeth an oxe for me, doth me so greate dishonoure, as he yt kylleth a ma. He that kylleth a shepe for me, choketh a dogge. He that bringeth me meatoffringes, offreth swynes bloude: Who so maketh me a memoriall of Incense, prayseth the thinge yt is vnright. Yet take they soch wayes in honde, and their soule deliteth in these abhominacions.

Ezekiel 14:10

10 and they both shall be punyshed for their wickednesse. Acordinge to ye synne of him that axeth, shal the synne of the prophet be:

Ezekiel 24:21

21 Tell the house of Israel, thus saieth ye LODDE God: beholde, I wil suspende my Sanctuary: eue the glory of youre power, the pleasure of yor eyes, and the thinge that ye loue: youre sonnes and doughters whom ye haue left, shal fall thorow the swerde.

Hosea 4:4-5

4 Yet is there none, that wil chaste nor reproue another. The prestes which shulde refourme other me, are become like the people. 5 Therfore stomblest thou in ye daye tyme &, the prophet with the in the night. I wil bringe thy mother to sylence, & why?

Amos 5:22

22 And though ye offre me brentofferinges and meatofferinges, yet haue I no pleasure therin: As for youre fat thankofferynges, I wil not loke vpon them.

Zechariah 12:7

7 The LORDE shall preserue the tentes off Iuda like as afore tyme: so that the glory of the house of Dauid and the glory of the cytesyns of Ierusalem, shalbe but litle regarded, in comparison off the glory off Iuda.

Malachi 1:10

10 Yee what is he amonge you, that wil do so moch as to shut ye dores, or to kyndle ye fyre vpo myne aulter for naught? I haue no pleasure in you, sayeth the LORDE off hoostes: and as for the meatofferinge, I wil not accepte it at youre honde.

Malachi 2:10

10 Haue we not all one father? Hath not one God made vs? why doth euery one off vs then despyse his owne brother, and so breake the couenaunt of oure fathers?

Matthew 15:14

14 Let the go, they are ye blynde leaders of ye blynde. Wha one blinde leadeth another, they fall both i ye diche.

2 Timothy 3:13

13 But the euell men and disceauers shal waxe worse and worse, disceauynge and beynge disceaued.

Revelation 19:20

20 And the beeste was taken, and with him that false prophet that wrought myracles before him, with which he disceaued them that receaued the beestes marke, and them that worsshipped his ymage. These both were cast in to a ponde of fyre burnynge wt brymstone:

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