Luke 16:22 Cross References - Coverdale

22 But it fortuned, that the poore man dyed, and was caried of the angels in to Abrahams bosome. The riche man dyed also, and was buried.

2 Kings 9:34-35

34 And whan he came in, and had eaten and dronken, he sayde: Loke vpon yonder cursed woman, & burye her, for she is a kynges doughter. 35 Neuertheles whan they wente in to burye her, they founde nothinge of her, but the ?kull and the fete, and the palmes of her handes.

Job 3:13-19

13 Then shulde I now haue lyen still, I shulde haue slepte, and bene at rest: 14 like as the kynges ad lordes of ye earth, which buylde them selues speciall places: 15 As the prynces that haue greate substaunce of golde, & their houses full of syluer. 16 O that I vtterly had no beynge, or were as a thige borne out of tyme (that is put asyde) ether as yonge children, which neuer sawe the light. 17 There must the wicked ceasse from their tyranny, there soch as are ouerlaboured, be at rest: 18 there are those letten out fre, which haue bene in preson, so that they heare nomore the voyce of the oppressoure: 19 There are small and greate: the bonde man, and he that is fre fro his master.

Job 21:13

13 They spende their dayes in welthynesse: but sodenly they go downe to hell.

Job 21:30-32

30 that the wicked is kepte vnto the daye of destruccion, and that the vngodly shalbe brought forth in the daye of wrath. 31 Who darre reproue him for his wayes to his face? who rewardeth him for the vngraciousnesse that he doth? 32 Yet shal he be brought to his graue, and watch amonge the heape of the deed.

Psalms 49:6-12

6 They that put their trust in their good, & boost them selues in the multitude of their riches. 7 No man maye deliuer his brother, ner make agrement for him vnto God. 8 For it costeth more to redeme their soules, so that he must let that alone for euer. 9 Yee though he lyue loge, & se not ye graue. 10 For it shal be sene, yt soch wyse me shal dye & perishe together, as well as the ignoraunt and foolish, & leaue their goodes for other. 11 Loke what is in their houses, it cotinueth still: their dwellinge places endure from one generacion to another, & are called after their owne names vpon the earth, 12 Neuerthelesse ma abydeth not insoch honor, but is copared vnto ye brute beastes, & becometh like vnto the.

Psalms 49:16-19

16 Sela. O be not thou afrayed, whan one is made riche, & the glory of his house increased. 17 For he shal cary nothinge awaye wt him when he dyeth, nether shal his pompe folowe him. 18 Whyle he lyueth, he is counted an happie man: & so loge as he is in prosperite, me speake good of him. 19 But whe he foloweth his fathers generacion, he shal neuer se light eny more.

Psalms 73:18-20

18 Namely, how thou hast set the in a slippery place, that thou maiest cast the downe headlynges & destroye the. 19 O how sodenly do they consume, perish, & come to a fearfull ende? 20 Yee euen like as a dreame when one awaketh, so makest thou their ymage to vanish out of the cite.

Psalms 91:11-12

11 For he shall geue his angels charge ouer the, to kepe the in all thy wayes. 12 They shal beare the in their hondes, that thou hurte not thy fote agaynst a stone.

Proverbs 14:32

32 The vngodly is afrayed of euery parell, but the rightuous hath a good hope eue in death.

Ecclesiastes 8:10

10 For I haue oft sene ye vngodly brought to their graues, and fallen downe from the hye and glorious place: in so moch yt they were forgotten in the cite, where they were had in so hye & greate reputacion. This is also a vayne thinge.

Isaiah 14:18

18 How happeneth it, that the kynges of all people lie, euery one at home in his owne palace, with worshipe,

Isaiah 22:16

16 What hast thou here to do? & from whece comest thou? that thou hast made the a graue here? For he had caused a costly tombe of stone to be made for himself, and a place to lye in to be hewen out of a rock.

Isaiah 57:1-2

1 Bvt in the meane season ye righteous perisheth, & no ma regardeth it in his hert. Good godly people are taken awaye. & no ma cosidreth it. Namely: that the righteous is conuayed awaye thorow ye wicked: 2 that he himself might be in rest, lie quietly vpon his bed, & lyue after his owne pleasure.

Matthew 8:11

11 But I say vnto you: Many shall come from the east and west, and shall rest with Abraham, Isaac and Iacob in the kyngdome of heauen:

Matthew 13:38-43

38 the felde is the worlde: ye good sede are the childre of the kyngdome: The tares are the children of wickednes: 39 ye enemye that soweth the, is the deuell: ye haruest is the ende of the worlde: ye reapers are ye angels. 40 For like as ye tares are weded out, and brent in the fyre, eue so shal it go in ye ende of this worlde. 41 The sonne of man shal sende forth his angels, & they shal gather out of his kingdome all thinges yt offende, & the yt do iniquyte, 42 & shal cast the in to a fornace of fyre, there shalbe waylinge and gnasshinge of teth. 43 The shal the righteous shyne as the Sonne, in the kyngdome of their father. Who so hath eares to heare, let him heare.

Matthew 18:10

10 Take hede, yt ye despyse not one of these litle ones. For I saye vnto you: their angels do alwaye beholde the face of my father which is in heauen:

Matthew 24:31

31 And he shal sende his angels with ye greate voyce of a trompe, & they shal gather together his chosen from the foure wyndes, from one ende of the heauen to the other.

Mark 8:36

36 What helpeth it a ma though he wane the whole worlde, and yet toke harme in his soule?

Luke 12:20

20 But God sayde vnto him: Thou foole, this night shal they requyre thy soule from the, and whose shal it be that thou hast prepared?

John 13:23

23 But there was one amoge his disciples, that leaned at the table on Iesus bosome, who Iesus loued:

John 21:20

20 Peter turned him aboute, and sawe the disciple folowinge, whom Iesus loued, ( which also leaned vpo his brest at the supper, and sayde: LORDE, who is it that betrayeth the)?

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes, sent to mynister for their sakes, which shalbe heyres of saluacion?

Hebrews 2:14

14 For as moch then as the children haue flesh and bloude. he also himselfe likewyse toke parte with them, yt he thorow death, mighte take awaye ye power of him, which had lordshippe ouer death, that is to saye, ye deuell:

James 1:11

11 The Sonne ryseth wt heat and the grasse wydereth, & his floure falleth awaye, and the beautie of the fassion of it perissheth: euen so shal the ryche man perisshe with his abundaunce.

1 Peter 2:24

24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed.

Revelation 14:13

13 And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.