Luke 12:37 Cross References - Coverdale

37 Blessed are those seruauntes, whom the LORDE (whan he cometh) shal fynde wakynge. Verely I saye vnto you: He shal gyrde vp him self, and make them syt downe at the table, and shal go by them, and mynister vnto them.

Isaiah 62:5

5 And like as yonge ma taketh a doughter to mariage, so shal God mary himself vnto yi sonnes. And as a brydegrome is glad of his bryde, so shal God reioyse ouer the.

Jeremiah 32:41

41 Yee I will haue a lust and pleasure to do them good, and faithfully to plante them in this londe, with my whole herte, and with all my soule.

Zephaniah 3:17

17 for the LORDE thy God is with the, it is he that hath power to saue: he hath a special pleasure in the, and a maruelous loue towarde the: yee he reioyseth ouer the wt gladnesse.

Matthew 24:42

42 Watch therfore, for ye knowe not what houre youre LORDE wil come.

Matthew 24:45-47

45 Who is now a faithfull and wyse seruaut, whom his lorde hath made ruler ouer his houssholde, that he maye geue them meate in due season? 46 Blessed is yt seruaut, whom his lorde (whan he cometh) shal fynde so doynge. 47 Verely. I saye vnto you: he shal set him ouer all his goodes.

Matthew 25:20-23

20 Then came he that had receaued fyue talentes, and brought other fyue talentes, and sayde: Syr, thou delyuerdst vnto me fyue talentes:Beholde, with them haue I wonne fyue taletes mo. 21 Then sayde his lorde vnto hi: wel thou good & faithfull seruaunt, thou hast bene faithfull ouer litle, I wil set the ouer moch: entre thou in to the ioye of thy lorde. 22 The came he also that had receaued two talentes, and sayde: Syr, thou delyuerdst vnto me two talentes: Beholde, I haue wonne two other taletes with the. 23 His lorde sayde vnto him: Wel thou good and faithfull seruaut, thou hast bene faithfull ouer litle, I wil set the ouer moch: entre thou in to the ioye of thy lorde.

Luke 12:43

43 Blessed is that seruaunt, whom his lorde (whan he cometh) shal fynde so doynge.

Luke 17:8

8 Is it not thus? that he sayeth vnto him: Make ready, that I maye suppe, gyrde vp thyself, and serue me, tyll I haue eaten and dronken, afterwarde shalt thou eate and drynke also.

Luke 21:36

36 Watch therfore cotynually, and praye, that ye maye be worthy to escape all this that shal come, & to stode before ye sonne of man.

John 12:26

26 He that wyl serue me, let him folowe me. And where I am, there shal my seruaunt be also: and he that serueth me, him shal my father honoure.

John 13:4-5

4 he rose from supper, and layed asyde his vpper garmentes, and toke a towell, and gyrde it aboute him. 5 Afterwarde poured he water into a basen, and beganne to wash the disciples fete, and dryed them with the towell, yt he was gyrded withall.

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 but as it is wrytten: The eye hath not sene, and the eare hath not herde, nether hath it entred in to the hert of man that God hath prepared for them that loue him.

Philippians 1:21

21 For Christ is to me life, & death is to me auautage.

Philippians 1:23

23 I shal chose, for both these thinges lye harde vpon me. I desyre to be lowsed, & to be with Christ, which thinge were moch better (for me)

2 Timothy 4:7-8

7 I haue foughte a good fighte: I haue fulfylled the course: I haue kepte the faith. 8 From hence forth there is layed vp for me a crowne of righteousnes, which the LORDE the righteous iudge shal geue me in yt daye: Howbeit not vnto me onely, but vnto all them that loue his comynge.

1 Peter 5:1-4

1 The Elders which are amonge you I exhorte, which am also an Elder, and a witnes off the affliccions in Christ, and partaker of the glory that shalbe opened. 2 Fede Christes flocke which is amonge you, and take the ouersighte of the, not as though ye were copelled therto, but wyllingly: not for the desyre of filthye lucre, but of a good mynde: 3 not as though ye were lordes ouer the parishes, but that ye be an ensample to the flocke: 4 & whan the chefe shepherde shal appeare, ye shal receaue the vncorruptible crowne of glory.

2 Peter 1:11

11 and by this meanes shal there be plenteously mynistred vnto you an entrynge in vnto ye euerlastinge kyngdome of oure LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ.

2 Peter 3:14

14 Wherfore dearly beloued, seynge that ye loke for soch thinges, be diligent, yt ye maye be founde before him in peace without spot and vndefyled:

Revelation 3:21

21 To him that ouercomth, will I graute to sytt with me on my seate, eue as I ouercam and haue sytte with my father on his seate.

Revelation 7:17

17 For the labe which is in the myddes of the seate, shal fede them, and shal leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuynge water, and God shal wype awaye all teares from their eyes.

Revelation 14:3-4

3 And they songe as it were a newe songe, before the seate, & before ye foure beestes, and the elders, and no man coulde learne yt songe, but the hondred and xliiij.M. which were redemed from the earth. 4 These are they, which were not defyled with wemen, for they are virgyns. These folowe the lambe whither soeuer he goeth. These were redemed from men, beynge the fyrst frutes vnto God and to the lambe,

Revelation 14:13

13 And I herde a voyce from heauen, sayenge vnto me: wryte: Blessed are ye deed, which here after dye in the LORDE. Yee the sprete sayeth, that they rest from their laboures, for their workes folowe them.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.