Luke 11:49 Cross References - Coverdale

49 Therfore sayde the wyssdome of God: I wil sende prophetes and Apostles vnto the: and some of them shal they put to death and persecute,

Proverbs 1:2-6

2 to lerne wy?dome nurtoure, vnderstondinge, prudence, 3 rightuousnesse, iudgment and equite. 4 That the very babes might haue wyt, and that yonge men might haue knowlege and vnderstondinge. 5 By hearinge, the wyse ma shal come by more wysdome: and by experience, 6 he shal be more apte to vnderstonde a parable, and the interpretacion therof: the wordes of the wyse, and the darcke speaches of the same.

Proverbs 8:1-12

1 Doth not wysdome crie? doth not vnderstondinge put forth hir voyce? 2 Stondeth she not in the hye places in the stretes & wayes? 3 doth she not crie before the whole cite, & in the gates where men go out & in? 4 It is you, o ye men (sayeth she) whom I call. Unto you (o ye childre of me) lift I vp my voyce. 5 Take hede vnto knowlege o ye ignoraut, be wyse in herte o ye fooles. 6 Geue eare, for I wil speake of greate matters, & open my lippes to tell thinges that be right. 7 For my throte shal be talkynge of ye trueth, & my lippes abhorre vngodlynesse. 8 All the wordes of my mouth are rightuous, there is no frowardnesse ner falsede therin. 9 They are all playne to soch as wil vnderstode, & right to the that fynde knowlege. 10 Receaue my doctryne therfore and not syluer, & knowlege more then fyne golde. 11 For wysdome is more worth then precious stones, yee all the thinges that thou cast desyre, are not to be compared vnto it. 12 I wysdome haue my dwellynge wt knowlege, and prudent councell is myne owne.

Proverbs 9:1-3

1 Wysdome hath buylded herself an house, and hewen out seuen pilers: 2 she hath slaughted, poured out hir wyne, and prepared hir table. 3 She hath sent forth hir maydens to crie vpo the hyest place of the cite:

Matthew 22:6

6 As for the remnaut, they toke his seruauntes, and intreated the shamefully, and slew the.

Matthew 23:34-36

34 Therfore beholde, I sende vnto you prophetes and wysemen, and scrybes, and some of them shal ye kyll and crucifye, and some of them shal ye scourge in youre synagoges, and persecute them from cite to cite: 35 that vpon you maye come all the righteous bloude which hath bene shed vpon ye earth, from the bloude of righteous Abel, vnto ye bloude of Zachary ye sonne of Barachias, whom ye slew betwene the temple and the altare. 36 Verely I saye vnto you: All these thinges shal light vpo this generacion.

Luke 21:16-17

16 But ye shal be delyuered vp euen of youre elders, brethren, kynssfolkes and frendes, and some of you shal they put vnto death, 17 and ye shal be hated of euery man for my names sake,

Luke 24:47

47 and to let repentaunce and remyssion, of synnes be preached in his name amoge all nacions, and to begynne at Ierusale.

John 16:2

2 They shal excomunicate you. The tyme commeth, that who soeuer putteth you to death, shal thynke that he doth seruyce vnto God.

Acts 1:8

8 but ye shal receaue the power of ye holy goost, which shal come vpon you, and ye shalbe my witnesses at Ierusalem, and in all Iewrye and Samaria, and vnto the ende of the earth.

Acts 7:57-8:1

57 But they cried out with a loude voyce, & stopped their eares, and rane violently vpon him all at once,

Acts 8:3

3 But Saul made hauocke of the congregacion, entred in to euery house, and drue out men & wemen, & delyuered the to preson.

Acts 9:1-2

1 Saul was yet breathinge out threatnynges and slaughter agaynst the disciples of the LORDE. And wente vnto ye hye preste, 2 and desyred of him letters to Damascon vnto the synagoges, that yf he foude eny of this waye (whether they were men or wemen) he mighte brynge the bounde vnto Ierusalem.

Acts 12:1-2

1 At the same tyme layed kynge Herode handes vpon certayne of the congregacion, to vexe them. 2 As for Iames the brother of Ihon, him he slewe with the swerde.

Acts 22:4-5

4 and I persecuted this waye vnto the death. I bounde them and delyuered them vnto preson, both men and wemen, 5 as ye hye prest also doth beare me wytnesse, and all ye Elders: of whom I receaued letters vnto the brethren, and wente towarde Damascon, that I mighte brynge them which were there, bounde to Ierusalem, to be punyshed.

Acts 22:20

20 And wha the bloude of Steue thy witnesse was shed, I stode by also, & consented vnto his death, and kepte the clothes of them that slewe him.

Acts 26:10-11

10 which I dyd at Ierusalem, whan I shut vp many sayntes in preson, whervpon I receaued auctorite of ye hye prestes. And wha they shulde be put to death, I broughte the sentence. 11 And thorow all the synagoges I punyshed them oft, and compelled the to blaspheme, and was exceadinge mad vpon them, and persecuted them euen vnto straunge cities.

1 Corinthians 1:24

24 But vnto them that are called (both Iewes and Grekes) we preach Christ the power of God and the wyssdome off God.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 Of the same are ye also in Christ Iesu, which of God is made vnto vs wyssdome and righteousnes, and sanctifienge and redepcion,

2 Corinthians 11:24-25

24 Of the Iewes receaued I fyue tymes fortye strypes, one lesse. 25 Thryse was I beaten with roddes. I was once stoned, I suffred thryse shypwracke: nighte and daye haue I bene in the depe of the see:

Ephesians 4:11

11 And ye same hath set some to be Apostles, some to be prophetes, some to be Euangelistes, some to be shepherdes & teachers,

Colossians 2:3

3 in whom are hyd all the treasures of wyssdome and knowlege.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.