Leviticus 13 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, & sayde: 2 Whan there ryseth vp eny thinge in the skynne of a mans flesh, whether it be a scabbe or a glistrynge whyte (as though there wolde be a leprosy in ye skynne of his flesh) he shal be brought vnto Aaron the prest, or to one of his sonnes amonge ye prestes. 3 And whan the prest seyth the plage vpon the skynne of the flesh, that the hayres are turned to whyte, and it seme deper in that place then the other skynne of his flesh, then is it surely a leprosy, therfore shal the prest loke vpon him, and iudge him vncleane. 4 But whan there is eny whyte plecke in the skynne of his flesh, and yet seme no deper then the other skynne of the flesh, and the hayres be not turned to whyte, the shal the prest shut him vp seuen dayes, 5 and on ye seuenth daye loke vpon him: yf the plage seme vnto him as afore, & hath frett no deper in the skynne, then shall the prest shut him vp yet seuen dayes mo. 6 And whan he loketh on him agayne vpon the seuenth daye, and fyndeth, that the plage be darkish, and hath frett no deper in the skynne, the shal he iudge him cleane, for it is but a skyrfe, and he shal wash his clothes, & then is he cleane. 7 But whan the scabbe fretteth farther in the skynne (after that he is sene of the prest, and iudged cleane) and he be now sene of the prest agayne: 8 whan the prest seyth the, yt the scabbe hath frett farther in the skynne, he shal iudge him vncleane, for it is surely a leprosy. 9 Whan a plage of leprosy is vpo a man, he shalbe brought vnto the prest. 10 Whan he seyth and fyndeth, that there is whyte rysen vp in the skynne, and the hayre turned vnto whyte, and there be rawe flesh in the sore, 11 the is it surely an olde leprosy in ye skynne of his flesh, therfore shal the prest iudge him vncleane, and not shut him vp, for he is vncleane allready. 12 But whan the leprosy breaketh out in the skynne, and couereth the whole skynne, from the heade vnto the fote, all that the prest can se, 13 So whan the prest loketh vpon it, and fyndeth, that ye leprosy hath couered all the flesh, he shal iudge him cleane, for so moch as it is turned all in to whyte vpon him, for he is cleane. 14 Notwithstodinge yf there be rawe flesh there, in the daye whan he is loked vpon, the is he vncleane. 15 And whan the prest seyth ye rawe flesh, he shall iudge him vncleane, for he is vncleane, & it is surely a leprosye. 16 But yf the rawe flesh chaunge agayne, and be turned in to whyte, then shall he come vnto the prest. 17 And whan the prest loketh vpon him, and fyndeth, that the plage is turned to whyte, he shall iudge him cleane, for he is cleane. 18 Whan there is a byle in the skynne of eny mans flesh, and healeth agayne, 19 and afterwarde in the same place there aryse vp eny whyte thinge, or a glisterynge whyte somwhat reedish, he shal be sene of the prest. 20 So whan the prest, seyeth, that it appeareth to be lower then the other skynne, and the hayre turned to whyte, then shall he iudge him vncleane, for it is surely a plage of leprosye broken out of the byle. 21 But yf the prest se and fynde, that the hayres are not whyte, and it not lower then the other skynne, and is darkysh, he shal shut him vp seuen dayes. 22 Yf it hath frett farther in the skynne, then shal he iudge him vncleane, for it is surely a plage of leprosye. 23 But yf the glysterynge whyte abyde styll, and freate no farther, the is it but a prynte of the byle, and the prest shal iudge him cleane. 24 Whan the skynne of eny mans flesh is hurt with fyre, and the prynte of the burninge be reedysh or whyte, 25 and the prest loketh vpon him, and fyndeth the hayre turned to whyte vpon the mark of the burnynge, & it apeare deper then the other skynne, the is there surely a leprosy broke out of ye prynte of ye burnynge: therfore shal ye prest iudge hi vncleane, for it is a plage of leprosye. 26 But yf the prest se and fynde, that ye hayre vpon the prynte of the burninge is not turned vnto whyte, & is no lower then the other skynne, and is darkish also, he shall shut him vp seuen dayes. 27 And vpon the seuenth daye he shall loke vpon him: yf it hath frett farther in ye skynne, then shal he iudge him vncleane, for it is a leprosy. 28 But yf it stode styll vpo the mark of the burnynge, and frett no farther in the skynne, and is darkysh, then is it a sore in ye mark of the burnynge, & the prest shal iudge him cleane, for it is but the prynte of the burnynge. 29 Whan a man or woman is skyruye vpon the heade or beerd, and the prest seyth the mark, 30 and fyndeth that it appeareth deper then the other skynne, and the hayre be there golde and thynne, then shal he iudge him vncleane: for it is a skyrfe of leprosy of the heade or of the beerde. 31 But yf the prest se that ye skyrfe apeare no deper the the skynne, and that the hayre is not of a pale coloure, he shall shut him vp seue dayes. 32 And vpo the seuenth daye whan he loketh, and fyndeth, that the skyrfe hath frett no farther, and there be no golden hayre there, and that the skyrfe appeare no deper then the other skynne, 33 then let him be shauen: but so that he shaue not of the scabbe, and the prest shall shut him vp yet seuen dayes moo. 34 And vpon the seueth daye wha he loketh, and fyndeth that the skyrfe hath frett no farther in the skynne, and that it apeareth no deper then the other skynne, then shall the prest iudge him cleane. And he shall wash his clothes, for he is cleane. 35 But yf the scabbe freate farther in the skynne (after yt he is iudged cleane) 36 and the prest loketh, and fyndeth, that ye scabbe hath frett farther in the skynne, then shal he seke nomore for golden hayres, for he is vncleane. 37 Neuerthelesse yf he se that the scabbe stondeth styll, & that pale hayres are there rysen vp, then is ye scabbe hole, and he is cleane, therfore shall ye prest iudge him to be cleane. 38 Wha there is eny glisteringe whyte vpo ye skynne of the flesh of a man or woman, 39 and the prest seyth there that the glisterynge whyte vanysheth: then is it but a whyte scabbe rysen vp in ye skynne, & he is cleane. 40 Whan the hayres fall out of the heade of a man or a woman, so that he is balde, the same is cleane. 41 If they fall out of his fore heade, then is he fore heade balde & cleane. 42 But yf there be a whyte reedish sore in the balde heade, or balde fore heade, then is there a leprosy rysen vp in the balde heade or balde foreheade: 43 therfore shal ye prest loke vpon him. And whan he fyndeth the whyte reedysh sore rysen vp in his balde heade or balde foreheade, then shal ye skynne of the flesh be as leporous, 44 therfore is he a leporous man and vncleane. And the prest shall iudge him vncleane, because of ye same sore vpo his heade. 45 Who so now is leporous, his clothes shalbe rent, and the heade bare, & the lippes moffled, and shall in eny wyse be called vncleane. 46 And as longe as the sore is vpon him, he shal be vncleane, dwell alone, and haue his dwellinge without the hoost. 47 Whan the plage of leprosy is in a cloth, whether it be wollen or lynnen, 48 in the warpe or weft, whether it be lynnen or wollen, or in a skynne, or in eny maner thynge that is made of skynne. 49 And whan ye plage is pale or reedish in the cloth or skynne, either in the warpe or weft, or in eny maner thinge that is made of skynne, the same is surely the plage of leprosy, therfore shall the prest loke vpon it. 50 And whan he seyth the plage, he shal shut it vp seuen dayes. 51 And vpon the seueth daye whan he seyth that ye plage hath frett farther in the cloth, in the warpe or weft, in a skynne or in eny maner thinge that is made of skynne, then is it a fretinge plage of leprosye, and is vncleane 52 .And the cloth shalbe burnt, either warpe or weft, whether it be wollen or lynne, or eny thynge made of skynne, wherin is eny soch plage. For it is a plage of leprosy, and shal be burnt wt fyre. 53 But yf the prest se that the plage hath frete no farther in ye cloth, either in the warpe or weft, or eny thinge made of skynne, 54 then shal he commaunde to wash the thinge that the plage is in, and shall shut it vp other seuen dayes. 55 And whan the prest seyth (after that the plage is wasshen) yt the plage is not chauged before his eyes, and hath frett no farther also, yet is it vncleane, & shalbe burnt wt fyre: for it is depe frete inwarde, and hath made skyrfes. 56 Neuertheles whan the prest seyth that the prynte is vanyshed after the washinge of it, then shall he rente it out of the clothe, and of the skynne, out of the warpe or weft. 57 But yf it appeare eny more in the clothe (either in the warpe, or in the weft) or eny maner thinge made of skynne, then is it a waxinge plage: and with fyre shal it be burnt that eny soch plage is in. 58 As for the cloth, either warpe or weft, or eny maner thynge made of skynne that is wasshe, and the plage be departed from it, it shalbe wasshen once agayne, & then is it cleane. 59 This is the lawe ouer the plage of leprosy in clothes, whether they be wollen or lynne (ether in the warpe or in the weft) and in eny maner of thinge made of sknne, to iudge them cleane or vncleane.

Genesis 13:3

3 And he wente on forth from the south vnto Bethel, vnto the place where his tent was at ye first, betwene Bethel and Ay:

Genesis 37:29

29 Now whan Ruben came agayne vnto the pytt, & founde not Ioseph therin, he rent his clothes,

Genesis 38:26

26 Iuda knewe the, & sayde: She is more righteous the I, for I gaue hir not my sonne Sela: But he laye nomore with her.

Exodus 4:6-7

6 And the LORDE sayde furthermore vnto him: Thrust thine hade in to yi bosome. And he thrust it in to his bosome, & toke it out: beholde, the was it leper like snowe. 7 And he saide: Put it in to yi bosome agayne. And he put it agayne in to his bosome, & toke it out: beholde, the was it turned againe as his flesh.

Exodus 9:9

9 that it maye be dust in all the lande of Egipte, & that there maye be sores & blaynes vpon men & vpon catell in all the lande of Egipte.

Exodus 15:26

26 and sayde: Yf thou wylt herken vnto the voyce of ye LORDE yi God, & do that which is right in his sighte, and geue eare vnto his commaundementes, & kepe all his statutes, then wyl I laye vpon ye none of the sicknesses, that I layed vpon Egipte, for I am the LORDE thy surgione.

Leviticus 10:6

6 Then sayde Moses vnto Aaron, & to his sonnes Eleasar and Ithamar: Ye shall not vncouer youre heades, ner rente yor clothes, that ye dye not, and the wrath come vpon the whole congregacion: Let youre brethre of the whole house of Israel bewepe this burnynge, which the LORDE hath done.

Leviticus 10:10

10 yt ye maye haue knowlege to discerne, what is holy and vnholy, what is cleane & vncleane:

Leviticus 11:25

25 and who so euer beareth the carcase of eny of these, shall wash his clothes, and shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 11:28

28 And he yt beareth their carcase, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the eue: For soch are vncleane vnto you.

Leviticus 11:33

33 All maner of earthen vessell that eny soch carcase falleth in to, shal all be vncleane that therin is, & ye shal breake it.

Leviticus 11:35

35 And what so euer eny soch carcase falleth vpo, it shalbe vncleane, whether it be ouen or kettell, so shal it be broke, for it is vncleane, and shalbe vncleane vnto you:

Leviticus 11:40

40 Who so eateth of eny soch carcase, shall wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen. Likewyse he that beareth eny soch carcase, shal wash his clothes, and be vncleane vntyll the euen.

Leviticus 13:2

2 Whan there ryseth vp eny thinge in the skynne of a mans flesh, whether it be a scabbe or a glistrynge whyte (as though there wolde be a leprosy in ye skynne of his flesh) he shal be brought vnto Aaron the prest, or to one of his sonnes amonge ye prestes. 3 And whan the prest seyth the plage vpon the skynne of the flesh, that the hayres are turned to whyte, and it seme deper in that place then the other skynne of his flesh, then is it surely a leprosy, therfore shal the prest loke vpon him, and iudge him vncleane.

Leviticus 13:3-4

3 And whan the prest seyth the plage vpon the skynne of the flesh, that the hayres are turned to whyte, and it seme deper in that place then the other skynne of his flesh, then is it surely a leprosy, therfore shal the prest loke vpon him, and iudge him vncleane. 4 But whan there is eny whyte plecke in the skynne of his flesh, and yet seme no deper then the other skynne of the flesh, and the hayres be not turned to whyte, the shal the prest shut him vp seuen dayes,

Leviticus 13:4

4 But whan there is eny whyte plecke in the skynne of his flesh, and yet seme no deper then the other skynne of the flesh, and the hayres be not turned to whyte, the shal the prest shut him vp seuen dayes,

Leviticus 13:4-5

4 But whan there is eny whyte plecke in the skynne of his flesh, and yet seme no deper then the other skynne of the flesh, and the hayres be not turned to whyte, the shal the prest shut him vp seuen dayes, 5 and on ye seuenth daye loke vpon him: yf the plage seme vnto him as afore, & hath frett no deper in the skynne, then shall the prest shut him vp yet seuen dayes mo.

Leviticus 13:7

7 But whan the scabbe fretteth farther in the skynne (after that he is sene of the prest, and iudged cleane) and he be now sene of the prest agayne:

Leviticus 13:14-15

14 Notwithstodinge yf there be rawe flesh there, in the daye whan he is loked vpon, the is he vncleane. 15 And whan the prest seyth ye rawe flesh, he shall iudge him vncleane, for he is vncleane, & it is surely a leprosye.

Leviticus 13:18-20

18 Whan there is a byle in the skynne of eny mans flesh, and healeth agayne, 19 and afterwarde in the same place there aryse vp eny whyte thinge, or a glisterynge whyte somwhat reedish, he shal be sene of the prest. 20 So whan the prest, seyeth, that it appeareth to be lower then the other skynne, and the hayre turned to whyte, then shall he iudge him vncleane, for it is surely a plage of leprosye broken out of the byle.

Leviticus 13:23

23 But yf the glysterynge whyte abyde styll, and freate no farther, the is it but a prynte of the byle, and the prest shal iudge him cleane. 24 Whan the skynne of eny mans flesh is hurt with fyre, and the prynte of the burninge be reedysh or whyte,

Leviticus 13:27

27 And vpon the seuenth daye he shall loke vpon him: yf it hath frett farther in ye skynne, then shal he iudge him vncleane, for it is a leprosy.

Leviticus 13:30

30 and fyndeth that it appeareth deper then the other skynne, and the hayre be there golde and thynne, then shal he iudge him vncleane: for it is a skyrfe of leprosy of the heade or of the beerde.

Leviticus 13:34-37

34 And vpon the seueth daye wha he loketh, and fyndeth that the skyrfe hath frett no farther in the skynne, and that it apeareth no deper then the other skynne, then shall the prest iudge him cleane. And he shall wash his clothes, for he is cleane. 35 But yf the scabbe freate farther in the skynne (after yt he is iudged cleane)

Leviticus 13:35-37

35 But yf the scabbe freate farther in the skynne (after yt he is iudged cleane) 36 and the prest loketh, and fyndeth, that ye scabbe hath frett farther in the skynne, then shal he seke nomore for golden hayres, for he is vncleane.

Leviticus 13:36-37

36 and the prest loketh, and fyndeth, that ye scabbe hath frett farther in the skynne, then shal he seke nomore for golden hayres, for he is vncleane. 37 Neuerthelesse yf he se that the scabbe stondeth styll, & that pale hayres are there rysen vp, then is ye scabbe hole, and he is cleane, therfore shall ye prest iudge him to be cleane.

Leviticus 13:41

41 If they fall out of his fore heade, then is he fore heade balde & cleane.

Leviticus 13:51

51 And vpon the seueth daye whan he seyth that ye plage hath frett farther in the cloth, in the warpe or weft, in a skynne or in eny maner thinge that is made of skynne, then is it a fretinge plage of leprosye, and is vncleane

Leviticus 14:3

3 and the prest shal go out of the hoost, and loke how the plage of leprosye is healed vpon the leper.

Leviticus 14:8

8 But he that is clensed, shal wash his clothes, and shaue of all his hayre, and bathe him self with water, so is he cleane. Afterwarde let him go in to the hoost, yet shall he tarye without his tent seuen dayes.

Leviticus 14:35

35 then shal he that oweth the house, come and tell the prest, and saye: Me thynke there is as it were a plage of leprosy in my house.

Leviticus 14:44

44 the shal the prest go in: and whan he seyth that the plage hath fretten farther in the house, then is there surely a fretinge leprosy in the house, and it is vncleane:

Leviticus 14:44-45

44 the shal the prest go in: and whan he seyth that the plage hath fretten farther in the house, then is there surely a fretinge leprosy in the house, and it is vncleane: 45 therfore shal the house be broken downe, both the stones, and ye tymber and all the dust of the house, and shal be caried out of the cite in to an vncleane place.

Leviticus 14:54

54 This is the lawe ouer all maner plage of leprosye & skyrfe,

Leviticus 14:56

56 ouer sores, scabbes, and glisterynge whyte,

Leviticus 21:10

10 He that is hye prest amonge his brethren, vpo whose heade the anoyntinge oyle is poured, and his hande fylled (yt he might be arayed with the vestimentes) shal not vncouer his heade, ner cut his clothes,

Numbers 5:1-4

1 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses, and sayde: 2 Commaunde the children of Israel, yt they put out of the hoost all ye lepers, and all that haue yssues, and that are defyled vpon the deed, 3 both men and wome shall they putt out of the hoost, that they defyle not their tentes, wherin I dwell amonge them. 4 And ye children of Israel dyd so, and put them out of the hoost, as ye LORDE had sayde vnto Moses.

Numbers 12:10

10 and ye cloude also departed from the Tabernacle. And beholde, then was Miriam become leporus, as it were snowe. And Aaron turned him vnto Miriam, and sawe that she was leporous,

Numbers 12:10-12

10 and ye cloude also departed from the Tabernacle. And beholde, then was Miriam become leporus, as it were snowe. And Aaron turned him vnto Miriam, and sawe that she was leporous, 11 and sayde vnto Moses: Oh my lorde, put not the synne vpon vs, which we haue foolishly committed and synned, 12 that she be not as one that commeth deed out of his mothers wombe: It hath eaten vp half hir flesh allready.

Numbers 12:12-12

12 that she be not as one that commeth deed out of his mothers wombe: It hath eaten vp half hir flesh allready.

Numbers 12:14-15

14 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Yf hir father had spytte in hir face, shulde she not be ashamed seuen dayes? Let her be shut out of ye hoost seue dayes, after yt let her be receaued agayne. 15 So Miriam was shut out of the hoost seue dayes, & the people wente no farther, tyll Miriam was receaued againe.

Numbers 12:15-15

15 So Miriam was shut out of the hoost seue dayes, & the people wente no farther, tyll Miriam was receaued againe.

Deuteronomy 7:25-26

25 The ymages of their goddes shalt thou burne with fyre, & shalt not desyre the syluer or golde that is on them or to take it vnto the, that thou snare not thy self therin: for it is abhominacion vnto the LORDE yi God. 26 Therfore shalt thou not brynge the abhominacion in to thine house, yt thou be not damned as it is, but shalt vtterly defye it, and abhorre it, for it is damned.

Deuteronomy 8:11

11 Bewarre now therfore, that thou forget not the LORDE thy God, that thou woldest not kepe his commaundementes, and his ordinaunces, and lawes, which I commaunde the this daye:

Deuteronomy 13:14

14 Then shalt thou seke, make search, and enquere diligently. And yf it be founde of a trueth, that it is so in dede, yt soch abhominacion is wroughte amonge you,

Deuteronomy 17:8-9

8 Yf a matter be to harde for the in iudgmet betwixte bloude and bloude, betwixte plee and plee, betwixte stroke and stroke, and yf there be matters of stryfe within thy gates then shalt thou ryse, and go vp vnto ye place that ye LORDE thy God hath chosen: 9 and shalt come to the prestes the Leuites, & to the iudge which shalbe at that tyme, and shalt axe. They shal shewe the how to iudge,

Deuteronomy 24:8

8 Kepe the from the plage of leprosie, that thou obserue diligently and do acordynge vnto all that the prestes the Leuites teach the, as I haue commaunded them, yt shal ye obserue and do therafter.

Deuteronomy 28:27

27 The LORDE shal smyte the with ye botches of Egipte, with the Emorodes, with scalle, and maungynesse, that thou shalt not be healed therof.

Deuteronomy 32:5

5 The frowarde and ouerthwarte generacion hath marred them selues to himwarde and are not his children, because of their deformyte.

2 Samuel 3:29

29 but vpon the heade of Ioab fall it, and vpon all his fathers house, and in the house of Ioab there ceasse not one to haue a renninge yssue and a leprosy, and to go vpon a staffe, and fall thorow the swerde, and to haue scarnesse of bred.

2 Samuel 12:13

13 Then sayde Dauid vnto Nathan I haue synned vnto the LORDE. Nathan sayde vnto Dauid: So hath the LORDE also taken awaye thy synne, thou shalt not dye.

2 Samuel 13:19

19 Thamar strowed asshes vpon hir heade, and rente the partye garment which she had vpon her, and layed hir hande vpon hir heade, and wente on, and cryed.

1 Kings 8:38

38 who so euer then maketh his prayer and peticion, whether it be eny other men or thy people of Israel (which the are aware of their plage) euery one in his hert, and spredeth out his handes vnto this house:

1 Kings 8:45

45 heare thou then their prayer and peticion in heauen, and execute iudgment for them.

1 Kings 12:28

28 And the kynge helde a councell and made two golden calues, and sayde vnto them: It is to moch for you to go to Ierusale: beholde, there is thy God (O Israel) which broughte ye out of Egipte.

2 Kings 2:23

23 And he wete vp towarde Bethel. And as he was goynge vp by the waye, there came litle boyes out of the cite, and mocked him, & sayde: Come vp here thou balde heade, come vp here thou balde heade.

2 Kings 5:1

1 Naaman the chefe captayne of the kynge of Syria, was an excellet ma in the sighte of his lorde, and moch set by (for thorow him the LORDE gaue health vnto Syria) and he was a mightie man, but a leper.

2 Kings 5:10

10 Then sent Eliseus a messaunger vnto him, sayenge: Go thy waye, and wa?she the seuen tymes in Iordane, so shal thy flesh be restored the agayne, & be clensed.

2 Kings 5:14

14 Then wete he downe, & wa?shed him selfe in Iordane seue tymes (as the man of God sayde) & his flesh was restored him agayne, euen as the flesh of a yonge childe and he was clensed.

2 Kings 5:27

27 But the leprosy of Naaman shal cleue vnto the & to thy sede for euer. Then wete he forth from him leporous as snowe.

2 Kings 7:3

3 And there were foure leporous men at ye dore before the porte, and one sayde vnto another: Why tary we here whyle we dye?

2 Kings 15:5

5 Howbeit the LORDE smote the kynge, so that he was leper vnto his death, and dwelt in a frye house. But Iotham the kynges sonne ruled the house, and iudged the people in the londe.

2 Kings 20:7

7 And Esay sayde: Bringe hither a quantite of fygges. And whan they broughte them, they layed them vpon the sore, and it was healed.

2 Chronicles 6:29

29 who so euer the maketh his prayer or peticion amonge eny maner of men, or amonge all thy people of Israel, yf eny man fele his plage and disease, and spredeth out his handes vnto this house,

2 Chronicles 19:2-3

2 And Iehu ye sonne of Hanani the Seer wete forth to mete him, & sayde vnto kynge Iosaphat: Shuldest thou so helpe the vngodly, and loue them that hate the LORDE? And for this cause is ye wrath vpo the from the LORDE: 3 neuertheles there is some good founde in the, that thou hast put the groues out of the londe, and hast prepared thine hert to seke God.

2 Chronicles 26:19-21

19 And Osias was wroth, and had a censoure in his hande. And whyle he murmured with the prestes, the leprosy spronge out of his foreheade in the presence of the prestes in the house of the LORDE before the altare of incense.

2 Chronicles 26:19-20

19 And Osias was wroth, and had a censoure in his hande. And whyle he murmured with the prestes, the leprosy spronge out of his foreheade in the presence of the prestes in the house of the LORDE before the altare of incense. 20 And Asarias the chefe prest turned his heade towarde him, and so dyd all the prestes, and beholde, he was leper in his foreheade. And they put him out from thence. Yee he made haist himselfe to go forth, for his plage came of the LORDE.

2 Chronicles 26:20-20

20 And Asarias the chefe prest turned his heade towarde him, and so dyd all the prestes, and beholde, he was leper in his foreheade. And they put him out from thence. Yee he made haist himselfe to go forth, for his plage came of the LORDE. 21 Thus became Osias ye kynge a leper vnto his death, and dwelt full of leprosye in a fre house: for he was put out of the house of the LORDE. But Ioram his sonne had the ouersight of the kynges house, and iudged the people in the londe.

2 Chronicles 26:21

21 Thus became Osias ye kynge a leper vnto his death, and dwelt full of leprosye in a fre house: for he was put out of the house of the LORDE. But Ioram his sonne had the ouersight of the kynges house, and iudged the people in the londe.

Job 1:20

20 Then Iob stode vp, and rente his clothes shaued his heade, fell downe vpon the groude, worshipped,

Job 2:7

7 So wente Sathan forth from the LORDE, and smote Iob with maruelous sore byles, from the sole off the fote vnto his crowne:

Job 34:31-32

31 For so moch then as I haue begonne to talke of God, I wil not hyndre the. 32 Yf I haue gone amysse, enfourme me: yf I haue done wronge, I wil leaue of.

Job 36:14

14 Thus their soule perisheth in foolishnesse, and their lyfe wt ye condened.

Job 40:4

4 Beholde, I am to vyle a personne, to answere the, therfore will I laye my hande vpon my mouth.

Job 40:4-5

4 Beholde, I am to vyle a personne, to answere the, therfore will I laye my hande vpon my mouth. 5 Once or twyse haue I spoken, but I will saye nomore.

Job 42:6

6 Wherfore I geue myne owne self ye blame, and take repentaunce in the dust and asshes.

Psalms 19:12

12 Who can tell, how oft he offendeth? Oh clese thou me fro my secrete fautes.

Psalms 38:3

3 There is no whole parte in my body, because of thy displeasure: there is no rest in my bones, by reason of my synnes.

Psalms 38:3-7

3 There is no whole parte in my body, because of thy displeasure: there is no rest in my bones, by reason of my synnes. 4 For my wickednesses are gone ouer my heade, and are like a sore burthen, to heuy forme to beare. 5 My woundes styncke & are corrupte, thorow my folishnesse. 6 I am brought into so greate trouble and misery, that I go mournynge all the daye longe. 7 For my loynes are clene dried vp, and there is no whole parte in my body.

Psalms 51:2

2 Wash me well fro my wickednesse, & clense me fro my synne. 3 For I knowlege my fautes, and my synne is euer before me.

Psalms 51:5

5 Beholde, I was borne in wickednesse, and in synne hath my mother conceaued me.

Psalms 53:4

4 How ca they haue vnderstondinge, that are the workers of wickednes, eatinge vp my people as it were bred, & call not vpon God?

Proverbs 12:1

1 Who so loueth wy?dome, wil be content to be refourmed: but he that hateth to be reproued, is a foole.

Proverbs 20:9

9 Who can saye: my hert is cleane, I am innocent from synne?

Proverbs 28:13

13 He that hydeth his synnes, shall not prospere: but who so knowlegeth them and forsaketh them, shall haue mercy.

Proverbs 30:12

12 The generacion that thynke them selues cleane, shal not be clensed from their fylthynesse.

Ecclesiastes 7:20

20 for there is not one iust vpo earth, yt doth good, & sinneth not.

Song of Songs 5:11

11 his heade is the most fyne golde, the lockes of his hayre are bu?shed, browne as the euenynge:

Isaiah 1:5-6

5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy.

Isaiah 1:5

5 Wherfore shulde ye be plaged eny more? For ye are euer fallinge awaye. The whole heade is sick, and the herte is very heuy. 6 From the sole of the foote vnto the heade, there is no whole parte in all yor body: but all are woundes, botches, sores and strypes, which can nether be helped, bounde vp, molified, ner eased with eny oyntment.

Isaiah 1:6-6

6 From the sole of the foote vnto the heade, there is no whole parte in all yor body: but all are woundes, botches, sores and strypes, which can nether be helped, bounde vp, molified, ner eased with eny oyntment.

Isaiah 3:16-24

16 Morouer thus saieth ye LORDE: Seinge the doughters of Sion are become so proude, and come in with stretched out neckes, and with vayne wanton eyes: seinge they come in trippinge so nycely with their fete: 17 Therfore shal the LORDE shaue the heades of the doughters of Sion, and make their bewtie bare in that daye.

Isaiah 3:17-24

17 Therfore shal the LORDE shaue the heades of the doughters of Sion, and make their bewtie bare in that daye. 18 In that daye shal the LORDE take awaye the gorgiousnes of their apparel, and spanges, cheynes, partlettes, 19 and colares, bracelettes and hooues, 20 ye goodly floured, wyde and broderd raymet, brusshes and headbandes, 21 rynges and garlades, 22 holy daye clothes and vales, kerchues and pynnes, 23 glasses and smockes, bonettes and taches. 24 And in steade of good smell there shalbe stynck amonge them. And for their gyrdles there shalbe lowse bondes. And for wellset hayre there shalbe baldnesse. In steade of a stomacher, a sack cloth, and for their bewty wythrednesse and sonneburnynge.

Isaiah 3:24-24

24 And in steade of good smell there shalbe stynck amonge them. And for their gyrdles there shalbe lowse bondes. And for wellset hayre there shalbe baldnesse. In steade of a stomacher, a sack cloth, and for their bewty wythrednesse and sonneburnynge.

Isaiah 5:20

20 Wo vnto them that call euel good, and good euel: which make darcknesselight, & light darcknesse, yt make sower swete, and swete sower.

Isaiah 6:5

5 Then I sayde: O wo is me. For I was astonished: that I (which am a man of vnclene lippes, and dwell amonge people yt hath vnclene lippes also:) Shulde se ye Kynge and LORDE of hoostes with myne eyes.

Isaiah 9:15

15 By the heade, is vnderstonde the Senatoure and honorable man, and by ye tale, the prophet that preacheth lyes.

Isaiah 11:3-4

3 and shal make him feruent in the feare of God. For he shal not geue sentece, after the thinge yt shal be brought before his eies, nether reproue a matter at the first hearinge: 4 but with rightousnesse shal he iudge the poore, and with holynes shal he refourme the symple of the worlde. He shal smyte ye worlde with ye staff of his mouth, & with ye breath of his mouth shal he slaye the wicked.

Isaiah 15:2

2 They wete to Baith and Dibon in the hie places, for to wepe: Moab did mourne fro Nebo to Medba: All their heades were colled, and al their beardes shauen.

Isaiah 30:22

22 Morouer yf ye destroye the syluer workes of youre Idols, and cast awaye the golden coapes that ye deckt them withall (as fylthynes) and saie, get you hence:

Isaiah 33:14

14 The synners at Sion are afrayde, a sodane fearfulnesse is come vpon the ypocrytes. What is he amonge us (saye they) that will dwell by that consumynge fyre? which of vs maye abyde that euerlastinge heate?

Isaiah 38:21

21 And Esay sayde: take a playster offyges, and laye it vpon the sore, so shal it be whole.

Isaiah 42:3

3 A brussedrede shal he not breake, & the smokinge flax shal he not quench: but faithfully & truly shal he geue iudgmet.

Isaiah 52:11

11 Awaye, Awaye, get you out fro thence, & touch no vncleane thinge. Go out from amonge soch, And be cleane, ye that beare the vessell of the LORDE.

Isaiah 59:6

6 Their webbe maketh no clothe, & they maye not couer the wt their labours. Their dedes are ye dedes of wickednes, & ye worke of robbery is in their hodes.

Isaiah 64:6

6 We are all as an vnclene thinge, & all oure rightuousnesses are as the clothes stayned with the floures of a woman: we fall euerychone as the leaf, for oure synnes carie vs awaye like the wynde.

Jeremiah 3:25

25 So do we also slepe in oure confucion, and shame couereth vs: for we and oure fathers from oure youth vp vnto this daye haue synned agaynst the LORDE oure God. and hahaue not obeyed the voyce of the LORDE oure God.

Jeremiah 36:24

24 Yet no man was abashed therof, or rente his clothes: nether the kynge himselffe, ner his seruauntes, though they herde all these wordes.

Lamentations 1:1

1 Alas, how sitteth the cite so desolate, yt some tyme was full of people? how is she become like a wedowe, which was the lady of all nacions? How is she brought vnder tribute, that ruled all londes?

Lamentations 1:8

8 Ierusalem synned euer more & more, therfore is she come in decaye. All they that had her in honoure, despise her: for they haue sene hir fylthinesse. Yee she sigheth, and is a shamed of herselfe.

Lamentations 4:15

15 But they cried vnto euery ma: fle the staynynge, awaye, get you hece, touch it not. Yee (sayde they) ye must be brent, ye must dwell amonge the Gentiles, & byde no longer here.

Ezekiel 16:16

16 Yee thou hast taken thy garmetes of dyuerse colours, & deckte thine aulters therwith, where vpon thou mightest fulfill thine whordome, of soch a fashion, as neuer was done, ner shalbe.

Ezekiel 16:30

30 How shulde I circumcide thine herte (saieth the LORDE God) seinge thou doest all these thinges, thou precious whore:

Ezekiel 24:13

13 Thy filthinesse is abhominable, for I wolde haue clensed the, but thou woldest not be clensed. Thou canst not be pourged from thine vnclennesse, till I haue poured my wrothfull indignacion vpon the.

Ezekiel 24:17

17 thou mayest mourne by thy selff alone, but vse no deadly lamentacion. Holde on thy bonet, and put on thy shues vpon thy fete, couer not thy face, and eate no mourners bred.

Ezekiel 24:22

22 Like as I haue done, so shall ye do also: Ye shal not hyde youre faces, ye shal eate no mourners bred:

Ezekiel 44:10

10 No ner the Leuites that be gone backe fro me, and haue disceaued the people of Israel with erroures, goinge after their Idols: therfore shal thei beare their owne wickednes.

Ezekiel 44:23

23 They shal shewe my people the difference betwene the holy and vnholy, betwixte the clene and vnclene.

Hosea 7:9

9 straungers haue deuoured his strength, yet he regardeth it not: he waxeth ful of gray haires, yet wil he not knowe it:

Joel 2:13

13 rente youre hertes, & not youre clothes. Turne you vnto the LORDE youre God, for he is gracious & mercifull, longe sufferynge & of greate compassion: & redy to pardone wickednes.

Amos 5:10

10 but they owe him euel will, yt reproueth them openly: and who so telleth the the playne treuth, they abhorre him.

Amos 8:10

10 Youre hye feastes will I turne to sorow, and youre songes to mournynge: I wil brynge sack cloth vpo all backes, & baldnes vpo euery heade: yee soch a mournynge wil I sende them, as is made vpon an only begotten sonne, and they shall haue a miserable ende.

Micah 3:7

7 Then shall the vision seers be ashamed, & ye saythsayers confounded: yee they shalbe fayne (all the packe of the) to stoppe their mouthes, for they haue not Gods worde.

Micah 3:11

11 O ye iudges, ye geue sentence for giftes: O ye preastes, ye teach for lucre: O ye prophetes, ye prophecy for money. Yet wil they be take as those that holde vpon God, and saye: Is not the LORDE amonge vs? Tush, there can no misfortune happen vs.

Haggai 2:11

11 Thus saieth ye LORDE God of hoostes: Axe the prestes concernynge the lawe, & saye:

Malachi 2:7

7 For the prestes lippes shulde be sure knowlege, that men maye seke the lawe at his mouth, for he is a messaunger of the LORDE of hoostes.

Matthew 3:12

12 which hath also his fan in his hond, and will pourge his floore, and gadre the wheet into his garner, & will burne ye chaffe with vnquencheable fyre.

Matthew 6:23

23 But and yf thyne eye be wycked, all thy body shalbe full of darckenes: Wherfore yf the light that is in the, be darckenes, how greate then shall that darckenes be?

Matthew 8:4

4 And Iesus sayde vnto hym: Se thou tell no ma, but go and shew thy selfe to the preste, and offer the gyfte that Moses comaunded, in witnes to them.

Matthew 12:45

45 Then goeth he his waye, & taketh vnto him seuen other spretes worse then him self: and whan they are entred in, they dwell there: And the ende of that man is worse then the begynnynge. Euen so shal it go wt this euell generacion.

Matthew 13:14-15

14 And in them is fulfilled ye prophecie of Esay, which sayeth: Ye shal heare in dede, and shal not vnderstonde: and with seinge eyes shal ye se, and not perceaue. 15 For ye hert of this people is waxed grosse, & their eares are thick of hearige, & their eyes haue they closed, lest they shulde once se wt ye eyes, & heare wt the eares, & vnderstode wt the hert, & turne, that I might heale them.

Matthew 15:7-8

7 Ye ypocrites, full well hath Esaye prophecied of you, & sayde: 8 This people draweth nye vnto me wt their mouth, & honoureth me wt their lippes, howbeit, their hert is farre fro me.

Matthew 16:19

19 And the keyes of heauen wil I geue vnto the: Whatsoeuer thou shalt bynde vpon earth, shalbe bounde also in heauen: & whatsoeuer thou shalt lowse vpon earth, shalbe lowsed also in heaue.

Matthew 18:17-18

17 Yf he heare not them, tell it vnto the congregacion. Yf he heare not the cogregacion, holde him as an Heithen and Publican. 18 Verely I saye vnto you: what soeuer ye shal bynde vpon earth, shalbe boude also in heauen: & what soeuer ye lowse vpon earth, shalbe lowsed also in heaue.

Matthew 22:7

7 When the kynge herde that, he was wroth, and sent forth his warryers, and destroyed those murtherers, and set fyre vpon their cite.

Matthew 23:5

5 All their workes do they to be sene of men. They set abrode their Philateries, and make large borders vpon their garmentes,

Matthew 25:41

41 Then shal he saye also vnto them that shalbe on the left hande: Departe fro me ye cursed in to the euerlastinge fyre, which is prepared for the deuell and his angels.

Matthew 26:75

75 Then thought Peter vpon the wordes of Iesus, which sayde vnto him: before the cock crow, thou shalt denye me thryse. And he wente out, and wepte bytterly.

Mark 1:44

44 and sayde vnto him: Take hede, that thou saye nothinge to eny man, but go thy waye, and shew thy self vnto the prest, and offre for thy clensynge what Moses commaunded, for a wytnesse vnto them.

Luke 5:8

8 Whan Symon Peter sawe yt, he fell downe at Iesus knees, & sayde: LORDE, go

Luke 5:14

14 And he charged him, yt he shulde tell no ma, but go thy waye (sayde he) and shewe thyself vnto ye prest, and offre for yi clensynge, as Moses comaunded, for a witnesse vnto the.

Luke 7:6-7

6 And Iesus wente wt them.Now whan they were not farre from ye house, ye captaine sent fredes vnto hi, saiege vnto him: Oh LORDE, trouble not thy self, I am not worthy, yt thou shuldest enter vnder my rofe, 7 and therfore I thought not my self worthy to come to ye: but speake ye worde, & my seruaut shalbe whole.

Luke 17:12

12 And as he came in to a towne, there met him ten leporous men, which stode afarre of,

Luke 17:14

14 And whan he sawe them, he sayde vnto the: Go, and shewe youre selues vnto ye prestes. And it came to passe, as they wente, they were clensed.

Luke 18:9-12

9 And vnto certayne which trusted in the selues, that they were perfecte, and despysed other,he spake this symilitude: 10 There wente vp two men in to the teple, to praye: the one a Pharise, the other a publican. 11 The Pharise stode, and prayed by himself after this maner: I thanke the God, that I am not as other men, robbers, vnrighteous, aduouters, or as this publican. 12 I fast twyse in the weke, I geue the tithes of all that I haue.

John 3:19-20

19 But this is ye codempnacion, that the light is come in to the worlde, and men loued the darknesse more the ye light: for their workes were euell. 20 Whosoeuer doth euell, hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his dedes shulde not be reproued.

John 5:14

14 Afterwarde founde Iesus him in the teple, and sayde vnto him: Beholde, thou art made whole, synne no more, lest a worse thinge happen vnto the.

John 7:7

7 The worlde can not hate you, but me it hateth: because I testifye of it, that the workes of it are euell.

John 9:41

41 Iesus sayde vnto the: Yf ye were blynde, ye shulde haue no synne. But now that ye saye, we se, therfore youre sonne remayneth.

John 13:8-10

8 The sayde Peter vnto him: Thou shalt neuer wash my fete. Iesus answered him: Yf I wash ye not, thou shalt haue no parte with me. 9 Symon Peter sayde vnto him: LORDE, not the fete onely, but the handes also and the heade. 10 Iesus sayde vnto him: He that is wasshe, nedeth not, saue to washe ye fete, but is cleane euery whytt. And ye are cleane but not all.

John 16:2-3

2 They shal excomunicate you. The tyme commeth, that who soeuer putteth you to death, shal thynke that he doth seruyce vnto God. 3 And soch thinges shal they do vnto you, because they haue nether knowne ye father ner yet me.

John 16:8-9

8 And whan he commeth, he shal rebuke the worlde of synne, and of righteousnes, & of iudgment. 9 Of synne, because they beleue not on me.

John 20:23

23 Whose synnes soeuer ye remytte, they are remytted vnto the: and whose synnes so euer ye retayne, they are retayned.

Acts 8:21

21 Thou shalt haue nether parte ner felashipe in this worde, for yi hert is not righte before God.

Acts 19:19-20

19 But many of them that had vsed curious craftes, broughte the bokes together, and burnte them openly: and they counted the pryce of them, and founde it of money fiftye thousande pens. 20 So mightely grewe ye worde of the LORDE, and preuayled.

Acts 20:28

28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selues, and to all the flocke, amonge the which the holy goost hath set you to be Bishoppes, to fede the congregacion of God, which he hath purchaced thorow his owne bloude.

Acts 22:3-4

3 I am a man which am a Iewe, borne at Tharsis in Celicia, and broughte vp in this cite at the fete off Gamaliel, enfourmed diligently in the lawe of the fathers, and was feruent mynded to God warde, as ye all are also this daye, 4 and I persecuted this waye vnto the death. I bounde them and delyuered them vnto preson, both men and wemen,

Acts 26:9-10

9 I also verely thoughte by my selfe, that I oughte to do many cotrary thinges cleane agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth, 10 which I dyd at Ierusalem, whan I shut vp many sayntes in preson, whervpon I receaued auctorite of ye hye prestes. And wha they shulde be put to death, I broughte the sentence.

Romans 2:23

23 Thou makest thy boost of the lawe, and thorow breakynge of the lawe thou dishonorest God.

Romans 3:19-20

19 But we knowe, yt, what soeuer the lawe sayeth, it sayeth it vnto them which are vnder the lawe, yt euery mouthe maye be stopped, & yt all the worlde maye be detter vnto God, 20 because yt by ye dedes of the lawe no flesh maye be iustified in his sighte. For by the lawe commeth but the knowlege of synne.

Romans 6:12-14

12 Let not synne reigne therfore in youre mortall bodye, that ye shulde obeye vnto the lustes of it.

Romans 6:12

12 Let not synne reigne therfore in youre mortall bodye, that ye shulde obeye vnto the lustes of it. 13 ether geue ye ouer youre membres vnto synne to be wapens of vnrighteousnes, but geue ouer youre selues vnto God, as they that off deed are become lyuynge, and youre membres vnto God to be wapes off righteousnes. 14 For synne shal not haue power ouer you, in so moch as ye are not vnder the lawe, but vnder grace.

Romans 6:19

19 I wil speake grosly, because of the weaknes of youre flesh. Like as ye haue geuen ouer youre membres to the seruyce of vnclennesse, from one wickednesse to another: Eue so now also geue ouer youre membres to the seruyce of righteousnesse, that they maye be holy.

Romans 7:7

7 What shal we saye then? Is the lawe synne? God forbyd: Neuertheles I knewe not synne, but by ye lawe. For I had knowne nothinge of lust, yf the lawe had not sayde: Thou shalt not lust.

Romans 7:14

14 For we knowe, that the lawe is spirituall, but I am carnall, solde vnder synne:

Romans 7:14-24

14 For we knowe, that the lawe is spirituall, but I am carnall, solde vnder synne: 15 because I knowe not what I do. For I do not yt I will, but what I hate, yt do I. 16 Yf I do now that which I wil not, the graunte I, that the lawe is good. 17 So then it is not I that do it, but synne that dwelleth in me: 18 for I knowe that in me (yt is, in my flesh) there dwelleth no good thinge.To wyll is present wt me, but to perfourme yt which is good, 19 I fynde not. For ye good that I wyll, do I not: but the euell which I wil not, that do I. 20 Yf I do now that I wil not, then is it not I that do it, but synne that dwelleth in me. 21 Thus fynde I now by the lawe, yt whan I wyl do good, euell is present with me. 22 For I delite in the lawe of God after the inwarde man:

Romans 7:22-25

22 For I delite in the lawe of God after the inwarde man: 23 but I se another lawe in my membres, which stryueth agaynst ye lawe of my mynde, and taketh me presoner in ye lawe of synne, which is in my membres.

Romans 7:23-25

23 but I se another lawe in my membres, which stryueth agaynst ye lawe of my mynde, and taketh me presoner in ye lawe of synne, which is in my membres. 24 O wretched man that I am, who shal delyuer me from the body of this death?

Romans 7:24-25

24 O wretched man that I am, who shal delyuer me from the body of this death? 25 I thanke God thorow Iesus Christ oure LORDE. So then wt the mynde I serue ye lawe of God, but with the flesh the lawe of synne.

Romans 8:10

10 Neuertheles yf Christ be in you, then is the body deed because of synne. But the sprete is life for righteousnes sake.

Romans 13:12

12 the nighte is past, but the daye is come nye.) Let vs therfore cast awaye ye workes of darknesse, and put on the armoure of lighte.

Romans 14:1

1 Him that is weake in the faith, receaue vnto you, and trouble not the consciences.

1 Corinthians 4:5

5 Therfore iudge ye nothinge before ye tyme, vntyll the LORDE come, which shal brynge it to lighte that is hyd in darknesse, and ope the councels of ye hertes, and the shal euery one haue prayse of God.

1 Corinthians 5:4-6

4 in ye name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, wha ye are gathered together with my sprete, and with the power of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, 5 to delyuer him vnto Sathan for the destruccion of the flesh, that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the LORDE Iesus.

1 Corinthians 5:5

5 to delyuer him vnto Sathan for the destruccion of the flesh, that the sprete maye be saued in the daye of the LORDE Iesus. 6 Youre reioysinge is not good. Knowe ye not that a litle leuen sowereth the whole lompe of dowe.

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

9 I wrote vnto you in the Epistle, that ye shulde haue nothinge to do with whoremogers, 10 & that meant I not at all of the whoremongers of this worlde, ether of the couetous, or of extorcioners, or of the that worshippe ymages, for then must ye nedes haue gone out of the worlde. 11 But now haue I wrytte vnto you, yt ye shulde haue nothinge to do with them: (Namely,) yf there be eny man that is called a brother, and is an whoremonger, or couetous, or a worshipper of ymages, ether a raylar, or a dronkarde, or an extorcioner, with soch shal ye not eate. 12 For what haue I to do to iudge them that are without? Do ye not iudge the that are within? 13 As for them that are without, God shal iudge them. Put awaye fro you him that is euell.

2 Corinthians 2:7

7 so that from hence forth ye oughte the more to forgeue him and to comforte him, lest he be swalowed vp in ouer moch heuynesse.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4

3 Yf oure Gospell be yet hyd, it is hyd in them that are lost: 4 amonge whom the God of this worlde hath blynded ye myndes of them which beleue not, that ye lighte of the Gospell of the glory of Christ ( which is the ymage of God) shulde not shyne vnto them.

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 Seynge now that we haue soch promyses (dearly beloued) let vs clense oureselues from all fylthynes of the flesh and sprete, and growe vp to full holynes in ye feare of God.

2 Corinthians 12:8

8 for ye which I besoughte the LORDE thryse, that it mighte departe fro me.

Galatians 1:14-16

14 and preuayled in the Ieweshippe aboue many of my companyons in my nacion, & was a moch more feruent manteyner of the tradicions of the fathers. 15 But whan it pleased God which separated me fro my mothers wombe, and called me by his grace, 16 for to declare his sonne in me, that I shulde preach him thorow the Gospell amonge the Heythen, immediatly I commened not of the matter with flesh and bloude:

Galatians 4:13

13 For ye knowe how that in weaknes after ye flesh I preached ye Gospell vnto you at the first:

Galatians 6:1

1 Brethren, Yf eny ma be ouertaken of a faute, ye which are spirituall, enfourme him with a meke sprete: and considre thine owne selfe, that thou also be not tempted.

Ephesians 4:22

22 So then as concernynge the conuersacion in tyme past laye from you that olde man which marreth himselfe thorow disceauable lustes:

Philippians 3:6-8

6 as concernynge feruentnes I persecuted the cogregacion: and as touchinge the righteousnes which is in the lawe, I was vnrebukable. 7 But the thinges that were vauntage vnto me, haue I counted losse for Christes sake. 8 Yee I thynke all thinges but losse, for that excellent knowleges sake of Christ Iesu my LORDE: for whom I haue counted all thinge losse, and do iudge them but donge, that I mighte wynne Christ,

Philippians 3:18-19

18 For many walke (off whom I haue tolde you often, but now I tell you wepynge) eue enemies of the crosse of Christ, 19 whose ende is damnacion, whose God is the bely, & whose glory shalbe to their shame, which are earthly mynded.

Colossians 3:3

3 For ye are deed, and youre life is hyd with Christ in God.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

11 Therfore shal God sende them stroge delusion, that they shulde beleue lyes, 12 yt all they might be daned, which beleued not the trueth, but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes.

2 Thessalonians 3:6

6 But we requyre you brethren, in the name of oure LORDE Iesus Christ, that ye withdrawe youre selues from euery brother that walketh inordinatly, and not after the institucion which he receaued of vs.

2 Thessalonians 3:14-15

14 But yf eny man obey not oure sayenges, sende vs worde of him by a letter, and haue nothinge to do with him, yt he maye be ashamed.

2 Thessalonians 3:14

14 But yf eny man obey not oure sayenges, sende vs worde of him by a letter, and haue nothinge to do with him, yt he maye be ashamed. 15 Yet counte him not as an enemye, but warne him as a brother.

1 Timothy 1:13-15

13 wha before I was a blasphemer, & a persecuter, & a tyraunt: but I optayned mercy, because I dyd it ignorauntly in vnbeleue. 14 Neuertheles the grace of or LORDE was more abudaunt thorow ye faith & loue which is in Christ Iesu. 15 For this is a true sayenge, and by all meanes worthy to be receaued, that Christ Iesus came in to ye worlde to saue synners, of whom I am chefe.

1 Timothy 1:20

20 of whose nombre is Hymeneos and Alexander, whom I haue delyuered vnto Sathan, that they might be taught, nomore to blaspheme.

1 Timothy 5:24

24 Some mes synnes are ope, so that they maye be iudged afore hande: but some mens (synnes) shal be manifest herafter.

1 Timothy 6:5

5 vayne disputacios of soch men as haue corrupte myndes, and are robbed of the trueth, which thynke that godlynes is lucre: From soch separate thy selfe.

2 Timothy 2:16-17

16 As for vngoostly and vayne talkynges, eschue them: for they helpe moch to vngodlynes, 17 and their worde fretteth as doth a canker: Of whose nombre is Hymeneos & Philetus,

2 Timothy 3:13

13 But the euell men and disceauers shal waxe worse and worse, disceauynge and beynge disceaued.

Hebrews 6:4-8

4 For it is not possible, that they which were once lighted, and haue taisted of the heauely gyfte, and are become partakers of the holy goost, 5 & haue taisted of ye good worde of God, and of the power of the worlde to come, 6 yf they fall awaye (and concernynge them selues crucifye the sonne of God afresshe, and make a mocke off him) that they shulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce. 7 For the earth, that drynketh in the rayne, which commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth forth herbes mete for them that dresse it, receaueth blessynge of God: 8 But yt grounde which beareth thornes and thistles, is nothinge worth, and nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be brent.

Hebrews 9:10

10 onely with meates and drynkes, and dyuerse wasshinges, and iustifienges of the flesh, which were ordeyned vnto the tyme of reformacion.

Hebrews 10:22

22 let vs drawe nye with a true hert in a full faith, sprenkled in oure hertes from an euell conscience, and washed in oure bodies with pure water:

Hebrews 12:15-16

15 ad loke well, that no ma be destitute of the grace of God, lest there sprynge vp eny bytter rote, and cause disquyetnes, and therby many be defyled: 16 that there be no whoremonger, or vncleane person, as Esau, which for one meate sake solde his byrth righte.

Hebrews 13:7

7 Remembre the which haue the ouersighte of you, which haue declared vnto you the worde of God. The ende of whose couersacion se that ye loke vpon, and folowe their faith.

James 3:2

2 for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde, the same is a parfecte man, & able to tame all the body.

1 Peter 4:2-3

2 yt hece forth (as moch tyme as yet remayneth in ye flesh) he shulde not lyue after the lustes of me, but after the wil of God. 3 For it is ynough, yt we haue spent ye tyme past of the life, after the will of ye Heythen, wha we walked in wantannesse, lustes, dronkenes, glotony, ryotous drynkynge, & i abhominable Idolatrye.

2 Peter 1:9

9 But he that lacketh these thinges, is blynde, & gropeth for the waye with the hade, and hath forgotten, that he was clensed from his olde synnes.

2 Peter 2:1-2

1 Bvt there were false prophetes also amonge the people, euen as there shalbe false teachers amonge you likewyse, which preuely shal brynge in damnable sectes, euen denyenge the LORDE that hath boughte them, and shal brynge vpon them selues swift damnacion: 2 and many shal folowe their damnable wayes, by who the waye of the trueth shal be euell spoke of:

2 Peter 2:19

19 and promyse them libertye, where as they them selues are seruauntes off corrupcion. For off whom so euer a man is ouercome, vnto the same is he in bondage. 20 For yf they (after they haue escaped from the fylthynes of the worlde, thorow the knowlege of ye LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ) are yet tangled agayne therin and ouercome, then is the latter ende worse vnto them then the begynnynge.

2 Peter 2:20-22

20 For yf they (after they haue escaped from the fylthynes of the worlde, thorow the knowlege of ye LORDE and Sauioure Iesus Christ) are yet tangled agayne therin and ouercome, then is the latter ende worse vnto them then the begynnynge. 21 For it had bene better for them, not to haue knowne the waye of righteousnes, then after they haue knowne it, to turne from the holy commaundemet, that was geuen vnto them. 22 It is happened vnto them acordynge vnto the true prouerbe: ye dogg is turned to his vomyte agayne: and ye sowe that was wasshed, vnto hir walowynge in the myre.

1 John 1:7-9

7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne. 8 Yf we saye that we haue no synne, we disceaue oure selues, and the trueth is not in vs.

1 John 1:8-10

8 Yf we saye that we haue no synne, we disceaue oure selues, and the trueth is not in vs. 9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

1 John 1:9-10

9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes. 10 Yf we saye, we haue not synned, we make him a lyar, and his worde is not in vs.

1 John 4:1

1 Dearly beleued, beleue not ye euery sprete, but proue the spretes, whether they be of God. For many false prophetes are gone out in to the worlde.

2 John 1:8-10

8 Take hede to youre selues, that we lose not that which we haue wrought, but that we maye receaue a full rewarde. 9 Whoso euer transgresseth, and abydeth not in the doctryne of Christ, hath not God: he that abydeth in ye doctryne of Christ, hath both the father and the sonne. 10 Yf eny man come vnto you, and brynge not this doctryne, receaue him not in to the house, nether salute him:

Jude 1:22-23

22 And haue copassion on some, separatinge the:

Jude 1:22

22 And haue copassion on some, separatinge the: 23 and other saue with feare, pullinge them out of the fyre, and hate the fylthy vesture of the fleshe.

Jude 1:23

23 and other saue with feare, pullinge them out of the fyre, and hate the fylthy vesture of the fleshe.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnes, and first begotten of the deed: & LORDE ouer ye kinges of the earth. Vnto him that loued vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud,

Revelation 2:2

2 I knowe thy workes, and thy labour, and thy pacience, & howe thou cannest not forbeare them which are euell: and examinest them which saye they are Apostles, and are not: & hast founde the lyars

Revelation 2:23

23 And I wil kyll her childre with deeth. And all the cogregacios shal knowe, yt I am he which searcheth the reynes and hertes. And I wil geue vnto euery one of you acordynge vnto youre workes.

Revelation 3:4

4 Thou hast a fewe names in Sardis, which haue not defyled their garmentes: and they shal walke with me in whyte, for they are worthy.

Revelation 21:8

8 But the fearefull and vnbeleuynge, and the abhominable, and murthurers, and whormongers, and sorcerers, and ydolaters, & all lyars, shal haue their parte in the lake, that burneth with fyre and brymstone, which is the seconde death.

Revelation 21:27

27 And there shal entre in to it none vncleane thinge: nether what soeuer worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they which are wrytten in the lambes boke of life.

Revelation 22:15

15 For without are dogges and inchaunters and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesinges.

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