Lamentations 1:7 Cross References - Coverdale

7 Now doth Ierusalem remembre the tyme of hir misery & disobedience, yee the ioye & pleasure yt she hath had in tymes past: seynge hir people is brought downe thorow the power of their enemie, & there is no man for to helpe her: hir enemies stode lokinge at her and laugh hir Sabbath dayes to scorne.

Deuteronomy 4:7-8

7 For where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath goddes so nye him, as the LORDE oure God is nye vnto vs, as oft as we call vpon him? 8 And where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath so righteous ordinaunces and lawes, as all this lawe which I laye before you this daye.

Deuteronomy 4:34-37

34 Or whether God assaied to go & take vnto him a people out of ye myddes of a nacion, thorow tentacions, thorow tokens, thorow wonders, thorow warre, & thorow a mightie hande, & thorow a stretched out arme, and thorow greate visios, acordinge vnto all as the LORDE youre God hath done with you in Egipte before thine eyes. 35 Thou hast sene it yt thou mightest knowe that the LORDE is God, and that there is none other but he onely. 36 Out of heauen made he the to heare his voyce, that he might nurtoure the: and vpon earth he shewed the his greate feare, & out of ye fyre thou herdest his wordes: 37 because he loued yi fathers, & chose their sede after the. And he brought ye out wt his presence thorow his mightie power out of Egipte,

Deuteronomy 8:7-9

7 For the LORDE thy God bryngeth the in to a good londe: A londe where in are ryuers of water, fountaynes and sprynges, which flowe by the hilles and valleys: 8 A londe wherin is wheate, barlye, vines, fygge trees, and pomgranates: A londe wherin growe Olyue trees and honye: 9 A londe where thou shalt not eate bred in scarcenes, and where thou shalt lacke nothinge: A lode where ye stones are yron, where thou shalt dygge brasse out of hilles:

Job 29:2-30:1

2 O yt I were as I was in the monethes by past, & in the dayes whe God preserued me:

Psalms 42:4

4 Why art thou so full of heuynes (o my soule) & why art thou so vnquiete within me?

Psalms 77:3

3 When I was in heuynesse, I thought vpo God: whe my hert was vexed, then dyd I speake.

Psalms 77:5-9

5 Then remembred I the tymes of olde, & the yeares that were past. 6 I called to remembraunce my songe in the night, I commoned with myne owne herte, and sought out my sprete. 7 Wil the LORDE cast out for euer? Wil he be nomore intreated? 8 Is his mercy cleane gone? Is his promyse come vtterly to an ende for euermore? 9 Hath the LORDE forgotten to be gracious? Or, hath he shut vp his louynge kyndnesse in displeasure?

Psalms 79:4

4 We are become an open shame vnto oure enemies, a very scorne and derision vnto them that are rounde aboute vs.

Psalms 137:3-4

3 The, they that led vs awaye captyue, requyred of vs a songe and melody in or heuynes: synge vs one of the songes of Sion. 4 How shal we synge the LORDES songe in a strauge lode?

Psalms 147:19-20

19 He sheweth his worde vnto Iacob, his statutes & ordinaunces vnto Israel. 20 He hath not dealte so wt all the Heithen, nether haue they knowlege of his lawes. Halleluya.

Isaiah 5:1-4

1 Now well than, I will synge my beloued frende a songe of his vynyearde. My beloued frende hath a vyneyearde in a very frutefull plenteous grounde. 2 This he hedged, this he walled rounde aboute, and planted it with goodly grapes. In the myddest of it buylded he a towre, and made a wyne presse therin And afterwarde when he loked yt it shulde bringe him grapes, it brought forth thornes. 3 I shewe you now my cause (o ye Citysens of Ierusalem and whole Iuda:) Iudge I praye you betwixte me: and my wynegardinge. 4 What more coude haue bene done for it, that I haue not done? Wherfore then hath it geuen thornes, where I loked to haue had grapes of it?

Jeremiah 37:7

7 Thus saieth ye LORDE God of Israel, This answere shal ye geue to the kynge of Iuda, that sent you vnto me for councell: Beholde, Pharaos hooste which is come forth to helpe you, shall returne to Egipte in to his owne londe:

Lamentations 2:15-16

15 All they that go by the, clappe their hondes at the: hissinge and wagginge their heades vpon the doughter Ierusalem, and saye: is this the cite that men call so fayre, wherin the whole londe reioyseth? 16 All thine enemies gape vpon the, whisperinge and bytinge their teth, sayenge: let vs deuoure, for the tyme that we loked for, is come: we haue founde and sene it.

Lamentations 4:17

17 Wherfore yet oure eyes fayle vs, whyle we loke for vayne helpe: seynge we be euer waitynge vpon a people, that can do vs no good,

Hosea 2:7

7 and though she runne after hir louers, yet shall she not get them: she shal seke them, but not fynde them. Then shal she saye: well, I will go turne agayne to my first hu?bonde, for at yt tyme was I better at ease, then now:

Micah 4:11

11 Now also are there many people gathered together agaynst the, sayenge: what, Sion is cursed, we shall se oure lust vpon her.

Luke 15:17

17 Then came he to him self, and sayde: How many hyred seruauntes hath my father, which haue bred ynough, and I perish of honger?

Luke 16:25

25 But Abraha saide: Remebre sonne, yt thou hast receaued good in yi life, & contrary wyse Lazarus receaued euell. But now is he comforted, and thou art tormented.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.