John 19 Cross References - Coverdale

1 Then Pilate toke Iesus, and scourged him. 2 And the soudyers platted a crowne of thornes, and set it vpon his heade, and put a purple garment vpon him, 3 and sayde: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. And they smote him on the face. 4 Then wente Pilate forth agayne, and sayde vnto the: Beholde, I brynge him forth vnto you, yt ye maye knowe, yt I fynde no faute in hi. 5 So Iesus wente out, & ware a crowne of thorne and a purple robe. And he sayde vnto them: Beholde, the man. 6 Whan the hye prestes & the mynisters sawe him, they cryed, & sayde: Crucifye, crucifye. Pilate saide vnto the: Take ye him, and crucifye him, for I fynde no giltynesse in him. 7 The Iewes answered him: We haue a lawe, & after oure lawe he ought to dye, because he made him self the sonne of God. 8 Whan Pilate herde that worde, he was the more afrayed, 9 and wente agayne in to the comon hall, and sayde vnto Iesus: Whence art thou? But Iesus gaue him no answere. 10 The sayde Pilate vnto him: Speakest thou not vnto me? Knowest thou not, yt I haue power to crucifye ye, & haue power to lowse ye? 11 Iesus answered: Thou shuldest haue no power vpo me, yf it were not geue the from aboue. Therfore he that delyuered me vnto ye, hath the more synne. 12 From that tyme forth Pilate sought meanes to lowse him. But the Iewes cryed, & sayde: Yf thou let him go, thou art not the Emperours frede. For whosoeuer maketh himself kynge, is agaynst the Emperoure. 13 Whan Pilate herde yt worde, he brought Iesus forth, & sat hi downe vpo ye iugdmet seate, in the place which is called the Pauement, but in the Hebrue, Gabbatha. 14 It was the daye of preparinge of the Easter aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: Beholde yor kynge. 15 But they cryed: Awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifie him. Pilate saide vnto the: Shal I crucifye yor kynge? The hye prestes answered: We haue no kynge but ye Emperor. 16 The delyuered he him vnto them, to be crucifyed.They toke Iesus, and led him awaye. 17 And he bare his crosse, and wente out to the place called ye place of deed men skulles, which in Hebrue is named Golgatha, 18 where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either syde one, but Iesus in the myddes 19 Pilate wrote a superscripcion, and set vpon the crosse. And there was wrytten: Iesus of Nazareth, kynge of the Iewes. 20 This superscripcion red many of the Iewes. For ye place where Iesus was crucifyed, was nye vnto the cite. And it was wrytten in Hebrue, Greke & Latyn. 21 Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes vnto Pilate: Wryte not kynge of the Iewes, but yt he sayde, I am kynge of the Iewes. 22 Pilate answered: What I haue wrytten, that haue I wrytten. 23 The sondyers, whan they had crucifyed Iesus, toke his garmentes, and made foure partes, to euery soudyer one patte, and the cote also. As for the cote, it was vnsowed fro aboue, wrought thorow and thorow. 24 Then sayde they one to another: Let vs not deuyde it, but cast lottes for it, who shal haue it, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which sayeth: They haue parted my garmentes amonge them, and on my cote haue they cast lottes. This dyd the soudyers in dede. 25 There stode by the crosse of Iesus, his mother, and his mothers sister Mary, the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 Now whan Iesus sawe his mother, and the disciple stondynge by, who he loued, he sayde vnto his mother: Woman, beholde, that is thy sonne. 27 Then sayde he to the disciple: beholde, that is thy mother. And from that houre the disciple toke her vnto him. 28 After that whan Iesus knewe that all was perfourmed, that the scripture might be fulfylled, he sayde: I am a thyrst. 29 There stode a vessell full of vyneger. They fylled a sponge with vyneger and wonde it aboute with ysope, and helde it to his mouth. 30 Now whan Iesus had receaued the vyneger, he sayde: It is fynished, and bowed his heade, and gaue vp the goost. 31 The Iewes then, for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, that ye bodies shulde not remayne vpon the crosse on the Sabbath, (for ye same Sabbath daye was greate) besought Pilate, that their legges might be broken, and that they might be taken downe. 32 Then came the soudyers, and brake the legges of the first, and of the other that was crucifyed with him. 33 But whan they came to Iesus, and sawe that he was deed allready, they brake not his legges, 34 but one of the soudyers opened his syde with a speare. And immediatly there wente out bloude and water. 35 And he that sawe it, bare recorde, and his recorde is true. And he knoweth that he sayeth true, that ye might beleue also. 36 For this is done, yt the scripture might be fulfylled: Ye shal not breake a bone of him. 37 And agayne, another scripture sayeth: They shal se him, whom they haue pearsed. 38 After that, Ioseph of Arimathia, which was a disciple of Iesus (but secretly for feare of the Iewes) besought Pilate, yt he might take downe the body of Iesus. And Pilate gaue him lycence. 39 There came also Nicodemus, (which afore came vnto Iesus by night) & brought of Myrre & Aloes mingled together, aboute an hudreth poude weight. 40 The toke they the body of Iesus, & wonde it with lynnen clothes, and with the spyces, as the maner of the Iewes is to burye. 41 And by ye place where Iesus was crucified, there was a garde, and in the garden a new sepulchre, where in was neuer man layed: 42 there layed they Iesus, because of the preparinge daye of ye Iewes, for the sepulcre was nye at hande.

Genesis 3:15

15 And I wyll put enemyte betwene the and the woman, and betwene yi sede and hir sede. The same shal treade downe thy heade, and thou shalt treade him on the hele.

Genesis 43:14

14 The Allmightie God geue you mercy in the sight of ye man, that he maye let you haue youre other brother, and Ben Iamin. As for me, I must be as one, that is robbed of his children.

Genesis 45:7-8

7 But God sent me hither before you, yt he might let you remayne vpon earth, and to saue youre lyues by a greate delyueraunce. 8 And now, it was not ye then that sent me hither, but God which hath made me a father vnto Pharao, & lorde ouer all his house, and a prynce in the whole lande of Egipte.

Genesis 45:8

8 And now, it was not ye then that sent me hither, but God which hath made me a father vnto Pharao, & lorde ouer all his house, and a prynce in the whole lande of Egipte.

Genesis 47:12

12 And he made prouysion for his father and his brethren, and all his fathers house with bred, euen as yonge children.

Genesis 49:10

10 The cepter shal not be remoued fro Iuda, ner a master fro his fete, tyll the Worthye come, and vnto him shal the people fall.

Exodus 9:14-16

14 els wyll I at this tyme sende all my plages in to thine hert, & vpon thy seruautes & vpon thy people: that thou mayest knowe, yt there is none like me in all londes. 15 For I will now stretch out my hande, & smyte the & thy people wt pestilence, so yt thou shalt be roted out from the earth. 16 Yet haue I stered ye vp for this cause, euen to shew my power vpon ye, and that my name might be declared in all londes.

Exodus 12:16

16 The first daye shall be called holy amonge you, and the seuenth also. No maner of worke shall ye do therin, saue what belongeth to the meate for all maner of soules, that onely maye ye do for you.

Exodus 12:22

22 and take a bunch of ysope, and dyppe it in the bloude in the basen, and stryke it vpon the vpperposte and vpon the two syde postes, and none of you go out at the dore of his house vntyll ye mornynge,

Exodus 12:46

46 In one house shal it be eate. Ye shal cary none of his flesh out of the house, and ye shal not breake a bone of him.

Exodus 39:22-23

22 And he made the tunycle vnto the ouerbody cote, wrought all of yalow sylke, 23 & the hole therof aboue in the myddest, & a bonde folde together rounde aboute the hole, that it shulde not rente.

Leviticus 16:21-22

21 The shal Aaron laie both his hades vpo ye heade of him, & confesse ouer him all the mysdedes of ye childre of Israel, & all their trespaces in their synnes, & shal laye the vpo ye heade of the goate, & by some man yt is at hande, shal he let him runne in to the wildernes: 22 yt the goate maye so beare all their mysdedes vpon him in to ye wyldernesse, and he shal leaue him in the wyldernesse.

Leviticus 23:7-16

7 The first daie shalbe called holy amonge you, ye shal do no worke of bodage therin, 8 seue daies shal ye offre vnto ye LORDE. The seueth daie shalbe called holy likewise, wherin ye shal do no worke of bondage also. 9 And ye LORDE talked wt Moses, & sayde: 10 Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto them: Whan ye come into the lande yt I shall geue you, and reape downe youre haruest, ye shal brynge a shefe of the first frutes of youre haruest vnto the prest, 11 the shall the shefe be waued before the LORDE, that ye maye be accepted: but this shal the prest do the nexte daye after the Sabbath. 12 And ye same daie that yor shefe is waued, shal ye offre a burntofferinge vnto the LORDE, of a lambe which is without blemysh and of one yeare olde, 13 wt the meatofferynge, two tenth deales of fyne floure mengled with oyle, for an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: & the drynk offerynge also, eue the fourth parte of an Hin of wyne. 14 And ye shall eate nether bred, nor cakes, ner furmentye (of new corne) tyll the same daye that ye brynge an offerynge vnto youre God. This shalbe a lawe vnto youre posterities, where so euer ye dwell. 15 Then shal ye nombre (from the nexte daye after the Sabbath, whan ye brought ye Waueshefe) seuen whole wekes, 16 vntyll the nexte daie after ye seueth weke, namely, fiftie daies, shal ye nombre, and offre new meatofferynges vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 24:14

14 Brynge him that cursed, out of the hoost, and let all the that herde it, laye their handes vpon his heade, and let the whole congregacion stone him.

Leviticus 24:16

16 and he that blasphemeth the name of the LORDE, shal dye the death. The whole congregacio shal stone him. As the straunger, so shal he of the housholde be also. Yf he blaspheme the name, he shal dye.

Numbers 9:12

12 and shall leaue none of it vntyll the mornynge, ner breake eny bone therof, and shal kepe it acordinge to all ye maner of ye Easter.

Numbers 15:35-36

35 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: The man shall dye the death, the whole congregacion shal stone him without the hoost. 36 Then the whole cogregacion brought him out of ye hoost, and stoned him that he dyed, as ye LORDE commaunded Moses.

Numbers 19:18

18 and a cleane man shall take ysope, & dyppe it in the water, and sprenkle it vpon the tente, and vpon all the vessels, and all the soules that are therin. Likewyse also vpon him, yt hath touched a deed mans bone, or a slayne personne, or a deed body, or a graue.

Deuteronomy 18:20

20 But yf a prophete presume to speake ought in my name, which I haue not comauded him to speake: and he that speaketh in ye name of other goddes, yt same prophete shal dye.

Deuteronomy 21:22-23

22 Yf a man haue commytted a synne yt is worthy of death, and is put to death, so that he is hanged on tre, 23 then shal not his body remayne all night on tre, but thou shalt burye him the same daye ( For cursed is he of God that is hanged) that thou defyle not thy londe, which the LORDE thy God geueth the to enheritaunce.

Joshua 8:29

29 And the kynge of Hai caused he to be hanged on a tre vntyll the euen. But wha the Sonne was gone downe, he commaunded to take his body from the tre, and to cast it vnder the gate of the cite, and made vpon him a greate heape of stones, which is there yet vnto this daye.

Joshua 10:26-27

26 And Iosua smote them afterwarde, and put them to death, and hanged them vpon fyue trees. And they hanged styll vpon the trees vntyll the euenynge. 27 But whan the Sonne was gone downe, he commaunded to take them of from the trees: and they cast them in the caue, wherin they had hyd them selues, & before the hole of the caue they layed greate stones, which are there yet vnto this daye.

Judges 13:6

6 Then came ye woman and tolde hir husbande, & sayde: There came a ma of God vnto me, & his proporcion was to loke vpon as an angell of God, very terrible, so yt I axed him not whence he came, & whither he wolde: nether tolde he me his name.

1 Kings 4:33

33 And he spake of trees, from ye Ceder of Libanus vnto the Isope yt groweth out of ye wall: he talked also of catell, of foules, of wormes, of fishes.

1 Kings 21:13

13 Then came the two men of Belial, and stode before him, and testyfyed agaynst Naboth in ye presence of the people, and sayde: Naboth hath blasphemed God and the kynge. Then broughte they him out of the cite, and stoned him to death.

2 Kings 23:30

30 And his seruauntes caried him deed fro Megiddo, & brought him to Ierusale, & buryed him in his graue. And the people of the londe toke Ioahas the sonne of Iosias, and anoynted him, and made him kynge in his fathers steade.

1 Chronicles 29:11

11 vnto the belongeth worshippe and power, glory, victory & thankes: for all that is in heauen and earth, is thine: thine is ye kyngdome, and thou art exalted aboue all prynces.

2 Chronicles 16:14

14 & was buried in his awne sepulcre which he had caused to be grauen for him selfe in the cite of Dauid. And they layed him vpon his bed, which was fylled with swete odoures & all maner of spyces (made after ye Apotecaries craft) and made a very greate burnynge.

Esther 4:16

16 Go thou yi waye then, & gather together all ye Iewes yt are founde at Susan, & fast ye for me, yt ye eate not & drynke not in thre dayes, nether daye ner nighte. I & my damsels wil fast likewyse, & so wyl I go into the kynge cotrary to the comaundement: yf I perishe, I perishe.

Psalms 22:6

6 But as for me, I am a worme and no man: a very scorne of me and the outcast of the people.

Psalms 22:14

14 I am poured out like water, all my bones are out of ioynt: my hert in the myddest off my body is euen like meltinge waxe. 15 My strength is dried vp like a potsherde, my tunge cleueth to my goomes, and thou hast brought me in to the dust of death. 16 For dogges are come aboute me, the coucell of ye wicked hath layed sege agaynst me.

Psalms 22:16-17

16 For dogges are come aboute me, the coucell of ye wicked hath layed sege agaynst me. 17 They pearsed my hondes and my fete, I might haue tolde all my bones: as for them, they stode staringe and lokinge vpon me. 18 They haue parted my garmentes amonge them, ad cast lottes vpon my vesture.

Psalms 34:20

20 He kepeth all their bones, so yt not one of them is broken.

Psalms 35:10

10 All my bones shal saie: LORDE, who is like vnto the? which delyuerest ye poore from those that are to stronge for him, yee the poore and the nedy from his robbers.

Psalms 38:13-15

13 As for me, I was like a deaf ma, and herde not: and as one that were domme, not openynge his mouth. 14 I am become as a man that heareth not, and that can make no resistaunce wt his mouth. 15 For in the (O LORDE) is my trust, thou shalt heare me, O LORDE my God.

Psalms 39:9

9 Delyuer me from all myne offences, and make me not a scorne vnto the foolish.

Psalms 45:8

8 Thou hast loued rightuousnesse, & hated iniquite: wherfore God (which is thy God) hath anoynted the with the oyle of gladnes aboue thy felowes.

Psalms 51:7

7 O reconcile me with Isope, and I shal be clene: wash thou me, and I shalbe whyter then snowe.

Psalms 58:1-2

1 Yf youre myndes be vpon rightuousnesse in dede, then iudge the thinge that is right, o ye sonnes of men. 2 But ye ymagin myschefe in youre hertes, and youre hondes deale with wickednesse.

Psalms 62:11

11 God spake once a worde, twyse haue I herde the same: that power belongeth vnto God.

Psalms 65:7

7 Which stilleth ye ragige of the see, the roaringe off his wawes, and the woodnes of the people.

Psalms 69:21

21 The rebuke breaketh my hert, & maketh me heuy: I loke for some to haue pitie vpon me, but there is no man: & for some to coforte me, but I fynde none.

Psalms 76:10

10 Sela. When thou punyshest one man, he must knowlege, that thou art redy to punysh other mo.

Psalms 82:5-7

5 Neuertheles, they wil not be lerned & vnderstonde, but walke on still in darcknesse: therfore must all the foundacions of the londe be moued. 6 I haue sayde: ye are goddes, ye all are the childre of ye most hyest. 7 But ye shal dye like men, & fall like one of the tyrauntes.

Psalms 94:20-21

20 Wilt thou haue eny thinge to do with the stole of wickednesse, which ymagineth myschefe in the lawe? 21 They gather them together agaynst the soule of the rightuous, & condemne the innocent bloude.

Psalms 129:3

3 The plowers plowed vpo my backe, & made loge forowes.

Proverbs 7:17

17 My bed haue I made to smell of Myrre, Aloes and Cynamom.

Proverbs 8:29

29 Whan he shutt the see within certayne bowndes, that ye waters shulde not go ouer their marckes. When he layed the foundacions of the earth,

Proverbs 12:10

10 A righteous man regardeth the life of his catell, but the vngodly haue cruell hertes.

Proverbs 29:25

25 He that feareth men, shal haue a fall: but who so putteth his trust in the LORDE, shal come to honor.

Ecclesiastes 5:8

8 Yf thou seyst the poore to be oppressed and wrongeously dealt withall, so yt equite & the right of the lawe is wraisted in the londe: maruell not thou at soch iudgmet, for one greate ma kepeth touch with another, and the mightie helpe the selues together.

Song of Songs 4:6

6 O that I might go to the mountayne of Myrre, and to the hyll of frankynsense: till the daye breake, and till the shadowes be past awaye.

Song of Songs 4:14

14 as Cypresse, Nardus, Saffron, Calmus, and all the trees of Libanus: Myrre, Aloes, and all the best spyces.

Isaiah 7:14

14 And therfore the LORDE shal geue you a token of himself: Beholde, a virgin shal coceaue and beare a sonne, and shal call his name Emanuel.

Isaiah 10:7

7 Howbeit his meanynge is not so, nether thinketh his harte of this fashion. But he ymagineth only, how he maye ouerthrowe and destroye moch people,

Isaiah 22:16

16 What hast thou here to do? & from whece comest thou? that thou hast made the a graue here? For he had caused a costly tombe of stone to be made for himself, and a place to lye in to be hewen out of a rock.

Isaiah 40:9

9 Go vp vnto the hill (o Sion) thou that bringest good tidinges, lift vp thy voyce with power, o thou preacher Ierusalem. Lift it vp without feare, and say vnto the cities of Iuda: Beholde, youre God:

Isaiah 43:1

1 Bvt now, the LORDE that made the (o Iacob) and he that fashioned the (o Israel) saieth thus: Feare not, for I will defende ye. I haue called ye by thy name, thou art myne owne.

Isaiah 49:7

7 Morouer thus saieth the LORDE the aveger and holy one of Israel, because of the abhorringe and despisinge amonge the Gentiles, concernynge the seruaunt of all them yt beare rule: Kynges and prynces shal se, and arise and worshipe, because of the LORDE that he is faithfull: and because of the holy one of Israel, which hath chosen the.

Isaiah 50:6

6 but I offre my backe vnto ye smyters, and my chees to the nyppers. I turne not my face fro shame ad spittinge,

Isaiah 51:12-13

12 Yee I, I am eue he, that in all thiges geueth you consolacion. What art thou then, that fearest a mortall ma, ye childe of man, which goeth awaye as doeth the floure? 13 And forgettest the LORDE that made the, that spred out the heauens, and layde the foundacion of the earth. But thou art euer afrayde for the sight of thyne oppressoure, which is ready to do harme: Where is the wrath of the oppressoure?

Isaiah 53:3

3 He shalbe the most symple & despised of all, which yet hath good experience of sorowes & infirmities. We shal reken him so symple & so vyle, that we shal hyde oure faces fro him.

Isaiah 53:5

5 where as he (not withstodinge) shal be wouded for oure offences, & smytten for oure wickednes. For the payne of or punyshmet shalbe layde vpo him, & wt his stripes shal we be healed.

Isaiah 53:7

7 He shal be payned & troubled, ad shal not ope his mouth. He shalbe led as a shepe to be slayne, yet shal he be as still as a lambe before the shearer, & not open his mouth.

Isaiah 53:9

9 His graue shalbe geue him with the codemned, & his crucifienge with the theues, Where as he dyd neuer violence ner vnright, nether hath there bene eny disceatfulnesse in his mouth. 10 Yet hath it pleased ye LORDE to smyte him with infirmite, that when he had made his soule an offeringe for synne, he might se a loge lastinge sede. And this device of the LORDE shal prospere in his honde.

Isaiah 53:12

12 Therfore wil I geue him the multitude for his parte, & he shal deuyde the stroge spoyle because he shal geue ouer his soule to death, & shalbe rekened amonge the transgressours, which neuertheles shal take awaye ye synnes of the multitude, and make intercession for the my?doers.

Isaiah 57:11

11 For when wilt thou be aba?shed or feare, seinge thou hast broken thy promyse, & remembrest not me, nether hast me in thine hert? Thinkest thou, that I also will holde my peace (as afore tyme) yt thou fearest me not?

Jeremiah 27:5-8

5 I am he that made the earth, the men & ye catell that are vpon the grounde, with my greate power & outstretched arme, & haue geuen it vnto whom it pleased me. 6 And now will I delyuer all these londes in to the power of Nabuchodonosor the kinge of Babilon my seruaunt. The beestes also of the felde shal I geue him to do him seruyce. 7 And all people shal serue him, & his sonne, and his childes children, vntil the tyme of the same lode be come also: Yee many people & greate kinges shal serue him. 8 Morouer, that people & kingdome which wil not serue Nabuchodonosor, and that wil not put their neckes vnder ye yock of the kinge of Babilon: the same people will I viset with swearde, with honger, with pestilence, vntill I haue consumed them in his hondes, saieth the LORDE.

Lamentations 1:12

12 O ye all that go fore by, beholde and se, yf there be eny sorowe like vnto myne, wherwith the LORDE hath troubled me, in the daye of his fearefull wrath.

Lamentations 3:37

37 What is he then that saieth: there shulde somthinge be done without the LORDES comaundement?

Ezekiel 21:26-27

26 Thus saieth the LORDE God: take awaye the mytre, and put of the crowne, and so is it awaye: the humble is exalted, and the proude brought lowe. 27 Punysh, punysh, yee punysh them will I, and destroye them: and that shall not be fulfilled, vntill he come, to whom the iudgment belongeth, and to whom I haue geue it.

Ezekiel 36:25

25 Then will I poure cleare water vpon you, & ye shalbe clene: Yee from all youre vnclennesse and from all yor Idols shal I clense you.

Daniel 3:14-15

14 Then Nabuchodonosor spake vnto them, and sayde: what? o Sidrac Misac and Abdenago, will not ye serue my goddes? nor bowe youre selues to the golden ymage, that I haue set vp? 15 wel, be redy herafter, when ye heare the noyse of the tropettes, blowne with the harpes, shawmes, psalteries, symphonies and all ye other melodies: that ye fall downe, and worshipe the ymage which I haue made. But yff ye worshipe it not, ye shal be cast immediatly in to an hote burnynge ouen. Let se, what god is there, yt maye delyuer you out of my hondes?

Daniel 4:17

17 This erande of the watcher, is a comaundemet grounded and sought out in the councel off him, that is most holy: to lerne men for to vnderstonde, that the hyest hath power ouer the kyngdomes off men, ad geueth them, to whom it liketh him, and bryngeth the very outcastes off men ouer them.

Daniel 4:25

25 Thou shalt be cast out fro men, and thy dwellinge shalbe with the beestes of the felde: with grasse shalt thou be fed like an oxe. Thou must be wet with the dew of the heauen: yee seuen yeares shall come and go vpon the, till thou knowe, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes of men, & geueth them, to whom he lyst.

Daniel 4:32

32 thou shalt be cast out of mens company: thy dwellinge shalbe with the beestes off the felde, so that thou shalt eate grasse like as an oxe, till seuen yeares be come and gone ouer the: euen vntill thou knowest, that the hyest hath power vpon the kyngdomes off men, and that he maye geue them, vnto whom it pleaseth him.

Daniel 4:35

35 in comparyson off whom, all they that dwell vpon the earth, are to be reputed as nothinge. He handleth acordinge to his will, amoge ye powers of heauen & amonge the inhabitours of the earth: and there is none that maye resiste his honde, or saye: what doest thou?

Daniel 5:19

19 so yt all people, kynreddes & tunges stode in awe & feare of him, by reason off the hye estate, that he had lent him. For why: he slewe, whom he wolde: he smote, whom it pleased him. Agayne: whom he wolde, he set vp: and whom he list, he put downe.

Daniel 5:21

21 He was shot out from amonge men, his herte was like a beestes herte, and his dwellynge was with the wylde Asses: he was fayne to eate grasse like an oxe, and his body was wet with the dew off the heauen: till he knewe, that the hyest had power vpon the kyngdomes of men, and setteth ouer them, whom he list.

Daniel 9:24

24 Lxx. wekes are determed ouer thy people, & ouer thy holy cite: that the wickednesse maye be consumed, that the synne maye haue an ende, that the offence maye be reconciled, and to bringe in euerlastinge rightuousnesse, to fulfill ye visions and the prophetes, and to anoynte the most holy one.

Daniel 9:26

26 After these lxij. wekes, shal Christ be slayne, & they shal haue no pleasure in him. Then shal there come a people with the prynce, and destroye the cite and the sanctuary: and his ende shal come as the water floude. But the desolacion shall continue till the ende of the batell.

Amos 4:7

7 Whe there were but thre monethes vnto ye haruest, I withelde the rayne from you: yee I rayned vpo one cite, and not vpo another one pece off grounde was moystured with rayne, and the grounde that I rayned not vpon, was drye.

Micah 3:3

3 Ye eate the flesh of my people, ad flay of their skynne: ye breake their bones, ye choppe them in peces as it were in to a cauldron, ad as flesh into a pot.

Zechariah 12:10

10 Morouer, vpon the house off Dauid and vpon the citesyns off Ierusalem, will I poure out the sprete of grace and prayer: so that they shal loke vpon me, whom they haue pearsed: and they shall bewepe him, as men mourne for their only begotten sonne: Yee and be sory for him, as men are sory for their first childe.

Zechariah 13:1

1 In that tyme shall the house off Dauid and the citesyns off Ierusalem haue an open well, to wash of synne and vnclennesse.

Zechariah 13:7

7 Arise (o thou swearde) vpon my shepherde, and vpon the prynce of my people, sayeth the LORDE of hoostes: Smyte the shepherde and the shepe shalbe scatred abrode, and so will I turne myne honde to the litle ones.

Matthew 1:22

22 All this was done, yt the thinge might, be fulfilled, which was spoken of the LORDE by the Prophet, saynge:

Matthew 3:15

15 Iesus answered & sayd vnto hym: Let it be so now. For thus it be commeth vs to fulfyll all righteousnes. Then he suffred hym.

Matthew 6:13

13 And lede vs not in to teptacion: but delyuer vs from euell. For thyne is the kyngdome, and the power, and the glorye for euer. Amen.

Matthew 10:38

38 And he yt taketh not his crosse and foloweth me, is not mete for me.

Matthew 12:20

20 A brosed rede shal he not breake, and flax that beginneth to burne shal he not quench, tyll he sende forth iudgment vnto victory.

Matthew 12:40

40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nightes in the Whalles bely, so shal the sonne of ma be thre dayes and thre nightes in the hert of the earth.

Matthew 12:46

46 Whyle he yet talked vnto the people, beholde, his mother & his brethre stode without desyringe to speake wt him.

Matthew 12:48-50

48 Neuertheles he answered & sayde vnto him that tolde him: Who is my mother? & who are my brethren? 49 And he stretched forth his hande ouer his disciples, & sayde: Beholde my mother and my brethre. 50 For who soeuer doth ye wyll of my father which is in heaue, the same is my brother, sister and mother.

Matthew 16:24

24 Then sayde Iesus vnto his disciples: Yf eny man wil folowe me, let him forsake himself, & take vp his crosse, and folowe me.

Matthew 19:30

30 But many that be the first, shalbe the last: and the last shalbe the first.

Matthew 20:19

19 and shal delyuer him vnto ye Heithen, to be mocked to be scourged, and to be crucified. And the thirde daye he shal ryse agayne.

Matthew 20:28

28 Euen as the sonne of man came, not to be serued, but to do seruyce, and to geue his life to a redepcion for many.

Matthew 23:34

34 Therfore beholde, I sende vnto you prophetes and wysemen, and scrybes, and some of them shal ye kyll and crucifye, and some of them shal ye scourge in youre synagoges, and persecute them from cite to cite:

Matthew 25:40

40 And the kynge shal answer and saye vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you: Loke what ye haue done vnto one of the least of these my brethren, the same haue ye done vnto me.

Matthew 26:12

12 Where as she hath poured this oyntmet vpon my body, she dyd it to bury me.

Matthew 26:49

49 And forth withal he came to Iesus, and sayde: Hayle master, and kyssed him.

Matthew 26:63-66

63 Neuertheles Iesus helde his tonge. And the hye prest answered, and sayde vnto him: I charge the by ye lyuynge God, that thou tell us, yf thou be Christ the sonne of God.

Matthew 26:63

63 Neuertheles Iesus helde his tonge. And the hye prest answered, and sayde vnto him: I charge the by ye lyuynge God, that thou tell us, yf thou be Christ the sonne of God. 64 Iesus spake: Thou hast sayde it. Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you: From this tyme forth it shal come to passe, that ye shal se the sonne of man syttinge vpon the right hande of the power (of God) and commynge in the cloudes of the heauen. 65 Then the hye prest rente his clothes, and sayde: He hath blasphemed, what nede we eny mo wytnesses? Lo, now haue ye herde his blasphemy:

Matthew 26:65

65 Then the hye prest rente his clothes, and sayde: He hath blasphemed, what nede we eny mo wytnesses? Lo, now haue ye herde his blasphemy: 66 What thinke ye? They answered, & sayde: He is gyltie of death.

Matthew 27:2

2 and bounde him, and led him forth, and delyuered him vnto Pontius Pilate the debyte.

Matthew 27:4

4 and sayde: I haue done euell, in that I haue betrayed innocet bloude. They sayde: What haue we to do with yt? Se thou therto.

Matthew 27:12-14

12 And wha he was accused of the hye prestes and elders, he answered nothinge. 13 Then sayde Pylate vnto him: Hearest thou not, how sore they accuse the? 14 And he answered him not one worde: in so moch that the debyte marueled exceadingly.

Matthew 27:19

19 And wha he sat vpo the iudgmet seate, his wife sent vnto him, sayenge: Haue thou nothinge to do with that righteous man, for I haue suffred many thinges this daye in a dreame because of him.

Matthew 27:22

22 Pylate sayde vnto them: What shal I do then with Iesus, which is called Christ? They sayde all: let him be crucified.

Matthew 27:24

24 So whan Pilate sawe, that he coude not helpe, but that there was a greater vproure, he toke water, and wasshed his handes before the people, and sayde: I am vngiltie of ye bloude of this righteous man. Se ye therto.

Matthew 27:26-31

26 Then gaue he Barrabas lowse vnto the, but caused Iesus be scourged, and delyuered him to be crucified. 27 Then the debites soudyers toke Iesus, in to the comon hall, and gathered the whole multitude ouer him, 28 and stryped him out of his clothes, and put a purple robe vpo him, 29 and plated a crowne of thorne, & set it vpon his heade, and a rede in his hade, and kneled before him, and mocked him, and sayde: hayle kynge of the Iewes.

Matthew 27:29

29 and plated a crowne of thorne, & set it vpon his heade, and a rede in his hade, and kneled before him, and mocked him, and sayde: hayle kynge of the Iewes. 30 And spytted vpon him, and toke ye rede, & smote him vpon the heade. 31 And wha they had mocked hi, they toke the robe of him ageyne, & put his owne clothes vpon him, and led him forth, yt they might crucifie hi.

Matthew 27:31-34

31 And wha they had mocked hi, they toke the robe of him ageyne, & put his owne clothes vpon him, and led him forth, yt they might crucifie hi. 32 And as they were goinge out, they founde a man of Cyren called Symon: him they compelled to beare his crosse. 33 And when they came vnto the place called Golgatha (that is to saye by interpretacio a place of deed mens sculles) 34 they gaue him to drynke, veneger myxte wt gall. And whan he had tasted therof, he wolde not drynke.

Matthew 27:34

34 they gaue him to drynke, veneger myxte wt gall. And whan he had tasted therof, he wolde not drynke. 35 So whan they had crucified him, they parted his garmetes, and cast lottes therfore: that the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet: They haue parted my garmetes amonge the, & cast lottes vpon my vesture.

Matthew 27:35

35 So whan they had crucified him, they parted his garmetes, and cast lottes therfore: that the thinge might be fulfilled, which was spoken by the prophet: They haue parted my garmetes amonge the, & cast lottes vpon my vesture. 36 And there they sat, and watched hi. 37 And aboue ouer his heade, they put vp the cause of his death in wrytinge: namely: This is the kynge of the Iewes.

Matthew 27:37-38

37 And aboue ouer his heade, they put vp the cause of his death in wrytinge: namely: This is the kynge of the Iewes. 38 Then were there two murthurers crucified with him, the one of the right hande, and the other on the left.

Matthew 27:42-43

42 he hath helped other, and can not helpe himself: Yf he be the kynge of Israel, let him come downe now from the crosse, and we wil beleue him 43 He trusted in God, let him delyuer him now, yf he wil haue him. For he hath sayde: I am the sonne of God. 44 The murtherers also that were crucified with him, cast the same in his tethe.

Matthew 27:48

48 And immediatly one of them ranne, and toke a spoge, and fylled it with veneger, and put it vpon a rede, and gaue him to dryncke.

Matthew 27:50

50 Iesus cried agayne with a loude voyce, and gaue vp the goost.

Matthew 27:54

54 But the captayne and they that were with him, and kepte Iesus, when they sawe the earthquake and the thinges that were done, they were sore afrayed, and sayde: Verely this was Gods sonne. 55 And there were many wemen there lokynge to afarre of, which had folowed Iesus from Galile, and had mynistred vnto him: 56 amonge whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Iames and Ioses, and the mother of the children of Zebede. 57 At euen there came a rich man of Arimathia, called Ioseph, which was also a disciple of Iesus. 58 He wete vnto Pylate, and axed the body of Iesus. Then commaunded Pylate that the body shulde be geue him. 59 And Ioseph toke the body, and wrapped it in a cleane lynnen cloth, 60 and layed it in his owne new sepulcre, which he had hewen out in a rocke, and rolled a greate stone to the dore of the sepulcre, and wente his waye.

Matthew 27:60

60 and layed it in his owne new sepulcre, which he had hewen out in a rocke, and rolled a greate stone to the dore of the sepulcre, and wente his waye. 61 And there was Mary Magdalene and ye other Mary, syttinge ouer agaynst the sepulcre. 62 The next daye that foloweth the daye of preparynge, the hye prestes and Pharises came together vnto Pylate,

Matthew 27:64-66

64 Comaunde therfore that the sepulcre be kepte vnto the thirde daye, lest peraduenture his disciples come, and steale him awaye, and saye vnto the people: He is rysen from the deed, and so shal the last errour be worse the the first. 65 Pylate sayde vnto them: There haue ye watchme, go youre waye, and kepe it as ye can. 66 They wete and kepte the sepulcre wt watchmen, and sealed the stone.

Mark 3:34

34 And he loked rounde aboute him vpon his disciples, which sat rounde in compasse aboute him, and sayde: Beholde, my mother and my brethren.

Mark 6:16-26

16 But when Herode herde it, he sayde: It is Ihon whom I beheeded, he is rysen againe from the deed. 17 This Herode had sent forth, and taken Ihon, and put him in preson, because of Herodias his brother Philippes wife, for he had maried her. 18 Neuertheles Ihon sayde vnto Herode It is not laufull for the to haue yi brothers wife. 19 But Herodias layed wayte for him, and wolde haue slayne him, and coude not. 20 Notwithstodinge Herode feared Iho, for he knew that he was a iust and holy man: and he kepte him, and herkened vnto him in many thinges, and herde him gladly. 21 And there came a conuenient daye, that Herode on his byrth daye made a supper to the lordes, captaynes and chefe estates of Galile. 22 Then the daughter of Herodias came in, and daunsed, and pleased Herode, and them that sat at the table. Then sayde the kynge vnto ye damsel: Axe of me what thou wilt, I wil geue it the. 23 And he sware vnto her: What soeuer thou shalt axe of me, I wil geue it the, euen vnto ye one half of my kyngdome. 24 She wente forth, and sayde vnto hir mother: what shal I axe? She sayde: Ihon baptistes heade. 25 And immediatly she wete in to the kinge with haist, and sayde: I will that thou geue me straight waye in a platter the heed of Ihon the baptist. 26 Then the kynge was sory: Yet for the oothes sake and the that sat at the table, he wolde not saye her nay.

Mark 8:34

34 And he called vnto him the people with his disciples, and sayde vnto them: Who so euer wyl folowe me, let him denye himself, and take vp his crosse, and folowe me.

Mark 10:21

21 And Iesus behelde him, and loued him, & sayde vnto him: Thou wantest one thinge: Go thy waye, and sell all that thou hast, and geue it vnto ye poore: so shalt thou haue a treasure in heauen, and come & folowe me, and take the crosse vpon ye.

Mark 10:33-34

33 Beholde, we go vp to Ierusalem, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered vnto the hye prestes and scrybes, and they shal condemne him to death, and delyuer him vnto the Heythe. 34 And they shal mocke hi, and scourge him, and spyt vpon him, and put him to death, and on the thirde daye shal he ryse agayne.

Mark 14:44

44 And the traytoure had geuen them a toke, and sayde: Whom so euer I kysse, that same is he, laye handes vpon him, and lede him awaye warely.

Mark 14:61-64

61 But he helde his tunge, and answered nothinge. The the hye prest axed him agayne, and sayde vnto him: Art thou Christ the sonne of the blessed? 62 Iesus sayde: I am. And ye shal se the sonne of man syt at the right hande of power, and come in the cloudes of heaue. 63 Then the hye prest rent his clothes, & sayde: What nede we eny mo wytnesses? 64 Ye haue herde the blasphemy. What thynke ye? They all codemned him, that he was giltie of death.

Mark 15:3-5

3 And the hye prestes accused him sore. 4 But Pylate axed him agayne, and sayde: Answerest thou nothinge? Beholde, how sore they laye to yi charge. 5 Neuertheles Iesus answered nomore, in so moch yt Pylate marueyled.

Mark 15:12-15

12 Pylate answered agayne, and sayde vnto them: What wil ye the that I do vnto him, whom ye accuse to be kynge of the Iewes? 13 They cried agayne: Crucifie hi. 14 Pylate sayde vnto the: What euell hath he done? But they cried yet moch more: Crucifie him. 15 So Pylate thought to satisfie the people, and gaue Barrabas lowse vnto them, and delyuered the Iesus, to be scourgd & crucified.

Mark 15:15-15

15 So Pylate thought to satisfie the people, and gaue Barrabas lowse vnto them, and delyuered the Iesus, to be scourgd & crucified. 16 And the soudyers led him in to the como hall, and called the whole multitude together, 17 and clothed him with purple, and plated a crowne of thorne, and crowned him withall, 18 and beganne to salute him: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. 19 And smote him vpon the heade with a rede, and spytted vpo him, and fell vpo the kne, & worshipped him. 20 And wha they had mocked him, they toke ye purple of him, and put his clothes vpon him, & led him out, that they might crucifye him. 21 And they compelled one that passed by, called Symon of Cyren (which came from the felde, and was the father of Alexander and Ruffus) to beare his crosse. 22 And they brought him to the place Golgatha, which is by interpretacion: a place of deed mens skulles. 23 And they gaue him wyne myxted wt myrre, to drynke, & he toke it not. 24 And whan they had crucified him, they parted his garmetes, & cast lottes therfore, what euery one shulde take.

Mark 15:24

24 And whan they had crucified him, they parted his garmetes, & cast lottes therfore, what euery one shulde take. 25 And it was aboute ye thirde houre, & they crucified him.

Mark 15:25-27

25 And it was aboute ye thirde houre, & they crucified him. 26 And the tytle of his cause was wrytte ouer aboue him (namely:) The kynge of the Iewes.

Mark 15:26-27

26 And the tytle of his cause was wrytte ouer aboue him (namely:) The kynge of the Iewes. 27 And they crucified him wt two murtherers, one at ye right hande, and one at the left.

Mark 15:32

32 Yf he be Christ and ye kynge of Israel, let him come downe now fro the crosse, yt we maye se it, & beleue. And they yt were crucified wt hi, checked hi also. 33 And wha it was aboute the sixte houre, there was a darcknesse ouer the whole lode, tyll aboute ye nyenth houre. 34 And aboute ye nyenth houre Iesus cried loude, and sayde: Eli, Eli, lamma asabthani? which is interpreted: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Mark 15:36

36 Then rane there one, & fylled a spoge wt vyneger, & stickte it vpo a rede, & gaue hi to drynke, & sayde: Holde styll, let se, whether Elias wil come, and take him downe. 37 But Iesus cried loude, and gaue vp the goost.

Mark 15:39

39 The captayne that stode thereby ouer agaynst him, wha he sawe yt he gaue vp the goost with soch a crye, he sayde: Verely this man was Gods sonne. 40 And there were wemen there also, which behelde this afarre of, amoge who was Mary Magdalene, & Mary of Iames ye litle, & the mother of Ioses, & Salome, 41 which had folowed him wha he was in Galile, and mynistred vnto hi: & many other yt wete vp wt hi to Ierusalem. 42 And at euen (for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, which is the fore Sabbath)

Mark 15:42-47

42 And at euen (for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, which is the fore Sabbath) 43 there came one Ioseph of Arimathia, a worshipfull Senatoure (which loked also for the kyngdome of God) & wete in boldely vnto Pilate, & axed ye body of Iesus. 44 But Pylate marueyled yt he was deed all ready, & called ye captayne, & axed hi, whether he had loge bene deed. 45 And wha he had gotten knowlege of the captayne, he gaue Ioseph ye body. 46 And he bought a lynne cloth, & toke him downe, & wrapped hi in ye lynne clothe, & layed him in a sepulcre, which was hewe out of a rocke, & rolled a stone before ye dore of ye sepulcre. 47 But Mary Magdalene and Mary Ioses behelde, where he was layed.

Mark 16:1

1 And whan the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, & Mary Iames, and Salome, bought spyces, yt they might come, & anoynte hi.

Mark 16:9

9 But Iesus, whan he was rysen vp early vpo the first daye of the Sabbathes, he appeared first vnto Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast out seuen deuels.

Luke 1:28

28 And the angell came in vnto her, and sayde: Hayle thou full of grace, the LORDE is with the: blessed art thou amonge wemen.

Luke 2:35

35 And the swerde shal pearse thy soule, that the thoughtes of many hertes maye be opened.

Luke 7:41-42

41 A certayne lender had two detters, the one ought fyue hundreth pens, the other fiftie: 42 but whan they had nothinge to paye, he forgaue the both. Tell me which of them wyl loue him most?

Luke 8:2

2 And certayne wemen also, who he had healed fro euell spretes and infirmities: Namely, Mary which is called Magdalene, out of whom wente seuen deuels,

Luke 9:23

23 Then sayde he vnto them all: Yf eny ma wil folowe me, let hi denie himself, & take vp his crosse daylie, & folowe me.

Luke 9:31

31 that appeared gloriously, and spake of his departynge, which he shulde fulfill at Ierusalem.

Luke 10:11-14

11 Euen the very dust which cleaueth vpon vs of youre cite, wype we of vpon you. But of this ye shal be sure, that the kyngdome of God was come nye vnto you. 12 I saye vnto you: It shalbe easyer for Sodome in that daye, then for that cite. 13 Wo vnto the Chorazin, wo vnto the Bethsaida: for yf the miracles which haue bene done amonge you had bene done at Tyre and Sidon, they had done pennaunce longe agoo, syttinge in sack cloth and in asshes. 14 Neuertheles it shalbe easyer for Tyre and Sidon at the iudgment, then for you.

Luke 12:5

5 But I wil shewe you, whom ye shal feare. Feare him, which after he hath kylled, hath power also to cast in to hell: Yee I saye vnto you: Feare him.

Luke 12:47-48

47 The seruaunt that knewe his lordes wil and prepared not himself, nether dyd acordinge to his will, shal be beaten with many strypes: 48 But he that knewe it not, and yet dyd thinges worthy of strypes, shal be beaten with few strypes. For loke vnto whom moch is geuen, of him shal moch be sought: and loke to whom moch is commytted, of him shal moch be requyred.

Luke 12:50

50 Notwithstodinge I must first be baptised with a baptyme, and how am I payned tyll it be ended?

Luke 14:27

27 And whosoeuer beareth not his crosse, and foloweth me, can not be my disciple.

Luke 18:31

31 He toke vnto him the twolue, and sayde vnto them: Beholde, we go vp to Ierusale, and it shal all be fulfilled, that is wrytten by the prophetes of the sonne of man.

Luke 18:33

33 and whan they haue scourged him, they shal put him to death, and vpon the thirde daye shal he aryse agayne.

Luke 22:21-23

21 But lo, the hande of him that betrayeth me, is with me on the table. 22 And the sonne of man trulye goeth forth, as it is appoynted. But wo vnto that man, by whom he is betrayed. 23 And they beganne to axe amonge them selues, which of them it shulde be, that shulde do that.

Luke 22:37

37 For I saye vnto you: It must yet be fulfilled on me, that is wrytte: He was counted amonge the euell doers. For loke what is wrytten of me, it hath an ende.

Luke 22:53

53 I was daylie with you in the temple, and ye layed no handes vpon me. But this is youre houre, and the power of darknesse.

Luke 23:2-5

2 and begane to accuse him, and sayde: We haue founde this felowe peruertinge the people, and forbyddinge to geue trybute vnto the Emperoure, and sayeth, that he is Christ a kynge. 3 But Pilate axed him, and sayde: Art thou the kynge of the Iewes? He answered him, and sayde: Thou sayest it. 4 Pilate sayde vnto ye hye prestes and to the people: I fynde no cause in this man.

Luke 23:4-5

4 Pilate sayde vnto ye hye prestes and to the people: I fynde no cause in this man. 5 But they were the more fearce, and sayde: He hath moued the people, in that he hath taught here & there in all the londe of Iewry, and hath begonne at Galile vnto this place.

Luke 23:11

11 But Herode wt his men of warre despysed him, and mocked him, put a whyte garmet vpo him, and sent him agayne vnto Pilate.

Luke 23:16

16 Therfore wil I chasten him, and let him lowse:

Luke 23:18

18 Then cried the whole multitude, and sayde: Awaye with him, and delyuer vnto vs Barrabas,

Luke 23:23

23 But they laye styll vpon him with greate crye, and requyred yt he might be crucified. And the voyce of the and of the hye preastes preuayled. 24 And Pilate gaue sentence, that it shulde be as they requyred, 25 and let lowse vnto the, him, that for insurreccio and murthur was cast in to preson, whom they desyred, but gaue Iesus ouer vnto their wyll. 26 And as they led him awaye, they toke one Simon of Cyren (which came from the felde) and layed ye crosse vpon him, to beare it after Iesus.

Luke 23:32-34

32 And two other (which were myssdoers) were led out also, to be put to death with him. 33 And wha they came to ye place, which is called Caluery, they crucifyed him euen there, and the two myssdoers with him, the one on the righte hande, the other on ye left.

Luke 23:33-34

33 And wha they came to ye place, which is called Caluery, they crucifyed him euen there, and the two myssdoers with him, the one on the righte hande, the other on ye left. 34 But Iesus sayde: Father, forgeue them, for they wote not what they do. And they parted his garmentes, and cast lottes therfore.

Luke 23:34

34 But Iesus sayde: Father, forgeue them, for they wote not what they do. And they parted his garmentes, and cast lottes therfore.

Luke 23:36

36 The soudyers also mocked him, wete vnto him, & brought him vyneger,

Luke 23:38

38 And aboue ouer him was this superscripcion wrytten with letters of Greke, Latyn, and Hebrue: This is the kynge of the Iewes. 39 And one of the myssdoers that hanged there, blasphemed him, and sayde: Yf thou be Christ, then helpe thy self and vs. 40 Then answered the other, rebuked him, and sayde: And thou fearest not God also, which art yet in like danacion. 41 And truly we are therin be right, for we receaue acordinge to oure dedes. As for this man, he hath done nothinge amysse.

Luke 23:41-43

41 And truly we are therin be right, for we receaue acordinge to oure dedes. As for this man, he hath done nothinge amysse. 42 And he sayde vnto Iesus: LORDE, remembre me, whan thou commest in to thy kyngdome. 43 And Iesus sayde vnto him: Verely I saye vnto the: To daye shalt thou be with me in Paradyse.

Luke 23:46

46 And Iesus cryed loude, & sayde: Father, in to thy handes I commende my sprete. And whan he had so sayde, he gaue vp the goost. 47 But whan the Captayne sawe what had happened, he praysed God, and sayde: Verely this was a iust ma.

Luke 23:49

49 But all his acquantaunce, and the wemen that had folowed him out of Galile, stode a farre of, and behelde all these thinges. 50 And beholde, a ma named Ioseph, a Senatour, which was a good iust man, 51 the same had not consented vnto their councell, and dede, which was of Arimathia a cite of the Iewes, which same also wayted for the kyngdome of God: 52 he wete vnto Pilate, and axed the body of Iesus. 53 And the toke him downe, wrapped him in a lynnen cloth, and layed him in a hewen sepulcre, wherin neuer man was layed.

Luke 23:53

53 And the toke him downe, wrapped him in a lynnen cloth, and layed him in a hewen sepulcre, wherin neuer man was layed. 54 And it was the daye of preparinge, and the Sabbath drue on.

Luke 23:54-56

54 And it was the daye of preparinge, and the Sabbath drue on. 55 The wemen that were come with him out of Galile, folowed him, and behelde the Sepulcre, & how his body was layed. 56 But they returned, and made ready the spyces & anontmetes. And vpon the Sabbath they rested, acordinge to the lawe.

Luke 24:12

12 But Peter arose, and ranne to the sepulcre, and stouped in, and sawe the lynnen clothes layed by them selues, and departed. And he wondred within himself at that which had happened.

Luke 24:18

18 Then answered the one, whose name was Cleophas, and sayde vnto him: Art thou onely a straunger at Ierusale, not knowinge what is come to passe there in these dayes?

John 1:11

11 He came in to his awne, and his awne receaued him not.

John 1:29

29 The nexte daye after, Ihon sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: Beholde the labe of God, which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.

John 1:45-46

45 Philippe founde Nathanael, and sayde vnto him: We haue founde him, of who Moses in the lawe, and ye prophetes haue wrytten, euen Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth. 46 And Nathanaell sayde vnto him: What good can come out of Nazareth? Philippe sayde vnto him: Come, and se.

John 1:49

49 Nathanaell answered, and sayde vnto hi: Rabbi, thou art ye sonne of God, thou art ye kynge of Israel.

John 2:4

4 Iesus sayde vnto her: Woma, what haue I to do wt the? Myne houre is not yet come.

John 3:1-21

1 There was a man of the Pharises, named Nicodemus a ruler amoge the Iewes. 2 The same came vnto Iesus by night, & sayde vnto hi: Master, we knowe yt thou art come a teacher fro God: for no ma can do these tokes yt thou doest, excepte God be with him. 3 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a man be borne a new, he can not se the kyngdome of God. 4 Nicodemus sayde vnto him: How can a man be borne, whan he is olde? Can he entre into his mothers wombe, and be borne agayne? 5 Iesus answered: Verely verely I saye vnto the: Excepte a ma be borne of water and of the sprete, he can not come in to ye kyngdome of God. 6 That which is borne of flesh, is flesh: & that which is borne of the sprete, is sprete. 7 Maruell not, that I sayde vnto ye: Ye must be borne of new. 8 The wynde bloweth where he wyl, and thou hearest his sounde: but thou canst not tell whece he commeth, and whither he goeth. So is euery one, that is borne of the sprete. 9 Nicodemus answered, and sayde vnto him: How maye these be? 10 Iesus answered, & sayde vnto hi: Art thou a Master in Israel, & knowest not these? 11 Verely I saye vnto ye: We speake that we knowe, and testifie that we haue sene, and ye receaue not oure wytnesse. 12 Yf ye beleue not whan I tell you of earthly thinges, how shulde ye beleue, wha I speake vnto you of heauenly thinges? 13 And no man ascendeth vp in to heauen, but he that is come downe from heaue, (namely) the sonne of man which is in heauen. 14 And like as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wyldernes, euen so must the sonne of man be lift vp, 15 that who so euer beleueth in him, shulde not perish, but haue euerlastinge life. 16 For God so loued the worlde, that he gaue his onely sonne, that who so euer beleueth in hi, shulde not perishe, but haue euerlastinge life. 17 For God sent not his sonne in to ye worlde to condempne the worlde, but that the worlde might be saued by him. 18 He that beleueth on him, shal not be codemned. But he that beleueth not, is codemned allready: because he beleueth not on the name of the onely sonne of God. 19 But this is ye codempnacion, that the light is come in to the worlde, and men loued the darknesse more the ye light: for their workes were euell. 20 Whosoeuer doth euell, hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, that his dedes shulde not be reproued. 21 But he that doth the trueth, commeth to the light, that his workes maye be knowne: for they are done in God.

John 3:27

27 Ihon answered and sayde: A man can receaue nothinge, excepte it be geuen him from heaue.

John 4:34

34 Iesus sayde vnto the: My meate is this, that I do the wyll of him that sent me, and to fynish his worke.

John 5:2

2 There is at Ierusalem by the slaughter house a pole, which in Hebrue is called Bethseda, & hath fyue porches,

John 5:18

18 Therfore sought the Iewes the more to slaye hi: because he brake not onely ye Sabbath, but saide also, that God was his father, and made him self equall with God.

John 7:13

13 Howbeit no man spake frely of him, for feare of the Iewes.

John 7:30

30 Then sought they to take him, but no mam layed handes vpon him, for his houre was not yet come.

John 7:50-52

50 Nicodemus sayde vnto them, he that came to him by night, which was one of them: 51 Doth oure lawe iudge eny man, before it heare him, and knowe what he hath done? 52 They answered and sayde vnto him? Art thou a Galilean also? Searche and loke, out of Galile aryseth no prophet.

John 8:14

14 Iesus answered, and sayde vnto them: Though I beare recorde of my self, yet my recorde is true: for I knowe whence I came, and whither I go: but ye can not tell whence I come, and whither I go.

John 8:58-59

58 Iesus sayde vnto the: Verely verely I saye vnto you: Or euer Abraham was, I am. 59 Then toke they vp stones, to cast at him. But Iesus hyd himself, and wente out of the temple.

John 9:22

22 This sayde his elders, because they feared the Iewes. For the Iewes had conspyred allready, that yf eny man dyd confesse that he was Christ, the same shulde be excomunicate.

John 9:29-30

29 We are sure that God spake wt Moses: As for this felowe, we know not whece he is. 30 The man answered, and sayde vnto the: This is a maruelous thinge, that ye wote not whence he is, and he hath opened mine eyes.

John 9:41

41 Iesus sayde vnto the: Yf ye were blynde, ye shulde haue no synne. But now that ye saye, we se, therfore youre sonne remayneth.

John 10:11

11 I am a good shepherde. A good shepherde geueth his life for the shepe.

John 10:18

18 Noma taketh it fro me, but I leaue it of myself. I haue power to leaue it, and haue power to take it agayne. This commaundement haue I receaued of my father.

John 10:30-33

30 I and the father are one. 31 Then the Iewes toke vp stones agayne, to stone him. 32 Iesus answered the: Many good workes haue I shewed you fro my father, for which of the stone ye me? 33 The Iewes answered hi, and sayde: For the good worke sake we stone the not, but for the blasphemy: and because yt thou beynge a man, makest thyself God.

John 10:35

35 Yf he call them Goddes, vnto whom the worde of God came (& the scripture can not be broke) 36 saye ye the vnto hi, who ye father hath sanctified & sent in to ye worlde: thou blasphemest God, because I sayde: I am ye sonne of God? 37 Yf I do not ye workes of my father, beleue me not: 38 but yf I do the, the (yf ye beleue not me) yet beleue ye workes, yt ye maye knowe & beleue, yt the father is in me, & I in ye father.

John 11:15

15 & I am glad for yor sakes, yt I was not there, that ye maye beleue. Neuertheles let vs go vnto hi.

John 11:42

42 Howbeit I knowe, that thou hearest me allwaye: but because of ye people that stonde by, I sayde it, that they maye beleue, that thou hast sent me.

John 11:44

44 And ye deed came forth bounde hande & fote wt graue clothes, & his face bounde wt a napkyn. Iesus sayde vnto the: Lowse him, & let him go.

John 11:49-50

49 But one of them, named Caiphas, which was hye prest that same yeare, sayde vnto them: Ye knowe nothinge nether considre ye eny thinge at all. 50 It is better for us that one ma dye for the people, then that all the people shulde perishe.

John 12:7

7 Then sayde Iesus: Let her alone, this hath she kepte agaynst the daye of my buryenge.

John 12:38-39

38 that the sayenge of Esay the prophet might be fulfylled, which he spake: LORDE, who beleueth oure preachinge? Or to whom is the arme of the LORDE opened? 39 Therfore coulde they not beleue, for Esay saide agayne:

John 12:42

42 Neuertheles many of the chefe rulers beleued on him, but because of the Pharises they wolde not be aknowne of it, lest they shulde be excommunicate,

John 13:1

1 Before the feast of Easter whan Iesus knewe that his tyme was come, that he shulde departe out of this worlde vnto ye father, as he loued his which were in the worlde, euen so loued he them vnto the ende.

John 13:8-10

8 The sayde Peter vnto him: Thou shalt neuer wash my fete. Iesus answered him: Yf I wash ye not, thou shalt haue no parte with me. 9 Symon Peter sayde vnto him: LORDE, not the fete onely, but the handes also and the heade. 10 Iesus sayde vnto him: He that is wasshe, nedeth not, saue to washe ye fete, but is cleane euery whytt. And ye are cleane but not all.

John 13:23

23 But there was one amoge his disciples, that leaned at the table on Iesus bosome, who Iesus loued:

John 14:29

29 And now haue I tolde you, before it come, that whan it is come to passe, ye maye beleue:

John 15:22-24

22 Yf I had not come & spoke vnto the, the shulde they haue no synne But now haue they nothinge to cloake their synne withall. 23 He yt hateth me, hateth my father also. 24 Yf I had not done amoge the the workes which no other ma dyd, they shulde haue no synne. But now haue they sene it, and yet haue they hated both me & my father.

John 15:27

27 and ye shal beare wytnesse also: for ye haue bene with me from the begynnynge.

John 16:32

32 Beholde, the houre draweth nye, and is come allready, that ye shalbe scatred, euery man in to his awne, and shal leaue me alone: and yet am I not alone, for the father is with me.

John 17:4

4 I haue glorified ye vpo earth, & fynished ye worke, yt thou gauest me to do.

John 17:20-21

20 Neuertheles I praye not for them onely, but also for those, which thorow their worde shal beleue on me, 21 that they all maye be one, like as thou father art in me, and I in ye that they also maye be one in vs: that the worlde maye beleue, that thou hast sent me.

John 18:3

3 Now whan Iudas had take vnto him the copany, & mynisters of the hye prestes and Pharises, he came thither with creshettes, wt lanternes, and with weapens. 4 Iesus now knowinge all yt shulde come vpon him, wete forth, and sayde vnto the: Whom seke ye?

John 18:22

22 But whan he had thus spoke, one of the officers that stode by, smote Iesus on the face, and sayde: Answerest thou the hye prest so?

John 18:28-32

28 Then led they Iesus from Caiphas in to the comon hall. And it was early in the mornynge. And they them selues wete not in to the como hall, lest they shulde be defyled, but yt they might eate ye Pascall lambe. 29 Then wente Pilate out vnto the, and sayde: What accusacion brynge ye agaynst this man? 30 They answered, and sayde vnto him: Yf he were not an euell doer, we had not delyuered him vnto the. 31 Then sayde Pilate vnto the: Take ye him, and iudge him after yor lawe. Then sayde ye Iewes vnto him: It is not laufull for vs to put eny ma to death.

John 18:31-32

31 Then sayde Pilate vnto the: Take ye him, and iudge him after yor lawe. Then sayde ye Iewes vnto him: It is not laufull for vs to put eny ma to death. 32 That ye worde of Iesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, whan he signified, what death he shulde dye.

John 18:32

32 That ye worde of Iesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, whan he signified, what death he shulde dye. 33 Then entred Pilate in to the comon hall agayne, and called Iesus, & sayde vnto him: Art thou the kynge of the Iewes?

John 18:33-36

33 Then entred Pilate in to the comon hall agayne, and called Iesus, & sayde vnto him: Art thou the kynge of the Iewes? 34 Iesus answered: Sayest thou that of thy self, or haue other tolde it the of me? 35 Pilate answered: Am I a Iewe? Thy people and the hye prestes haue delyuered the vnto me. What hast thou done? 36 Iesus answered: My kyugdome is not of this worlde. Yf my kyngdome were of this worlde, my mynisters wolde fight therfore, yt I shulde not be delyuered vnto the Iewes. But now is my kyngdome not from hence. 37 The sayde Pilate vnto hi: Art thou a kynge the? Iesus answered: Thou sayest it, for I am a kynge. For this cause was I borne, and came in to the worlde, that I shulde testifye the trueth. Who so euer is of the trueth, heareth my voyce. 38 Pilate sayde vnto hi: What is the trueth? And whan he had sayde that he wete out agayne to the Iewes, and sayde vnto them: I fynde no gyltinesse in him: 39 But ye haue a custome, that I shulde geue one vnto you lowse at Easter. Wyl ye now yt I lowse vnto you the kynge of ye Iewes?

John 19:1

1 Then Pilate toke Iesus, and scourged him. 2 And the soudyers platted a crowne of thornes, and set it vpon his heade, and put a purple garment vpon him, 3 and sayde: Hayle kynge of the Iewes. And they smote him on the face. 4 Then wente Pilate forth agayne, and sayde vnto the: Beholde, I brynge him forth vnto you, yt ye maye knowe, yt I fynde no faute in hi. 5 So Iesus wente out, & ware a crowne of thorne and a purple robe. And he sayde vnto them: Beholde, the man. 6 Whan the hye prestes & the mynisters sawe him, they cryed, & sayde: Crucifye, crucifye. Pilate saide vnto the: Take ye him, and crucifye him, for I fynde no giltynesse in him.

John 19:8

8 Whan Pilate herde that worde, he was the more afrayed,

John 19:12

12 From that tyme forth Pilate sought meanes to lowse him. But the Iewes cryed, & sayde: Yf thou let him go, thou art not the Emperours frede. For whosoeuer maketh himself kynge, is agaynst the Emperoure. 13 Whan Pilate herde yt worde, he brought Iesus forth, & sat hi downe vpo ye iugdmet seate, in the place which is called the Pauement, but in the Hebrue, Gabbatha. 14 It was the daye of preparinge of the Easter aboute the sixte houre. And he sayde vnto the Iewes: Beholde yor kynge. 15 But they cryed: Awaye wt him, awaye wt him, crucifie him. Pilate saide vnto the: Shal I crucifye yor kynge? The hye prestes answered: We haue no kynge but ye Emperor.

John 19:18

18 where they crucified him, and two other with him, on either syde one, but Iesus in the myddes 19 Pilate wrote a superscripcion, and set vpon the crosse. And there was wrytten: Iesus of Nazareth, kynge of the Iewes.

John 19:19

19 Pilate wrote a superscripcion, and set vpon the crosse. And there was wrytten: Iesus of Nazareth, kynge of the Iewes. 20 This superscripcion red many of the Iewes. For ye place where Iesus was crucifyed, was nye vnto the cite. And it was wrytten in Hebrue, Greke & Latyn.

John 19:20

20 This superscripcion red many of the Iewes. For ye place where Iesus was crucifyed, was nye vnto the cite. And it was wrytten in Hebrue, Greke & Latyn. 21 Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes vnto Pilate: Wryte not kynge of the Iewes, but yt he sayde, I am kynge of the Iewes.

John 19:21

21 Then sayde the hye prestes of the Iewes vnto Pilate: Wryte not kynge of the Iewes, but yt he sayde, I am kynge of the Iewes. 22 Pilate answered: What I haue wrytten, that haue I wrytten.

John 19:24

24 Then sayde they one to another: Let vs not deuyde it, but cast lottes for it, who shal haue it, that the scripture might be fulfilled, which sayeth: They haue parted my garmentes amonge them, and on my cote haue they cast lottes. This dyd the soudyers in dede.

John 19:26

26 Now whan Iesus sawe his mother, and the disciple stondynge by, who he loued, he sayde vnto his mother: Woman, beholde, that is thy sonne.

John 19:28

28 After that whan Iesus knewe that all was perfourmed, that the scripture might be fulfylled, he sayde: I am a thyrst.

John 19:30

30 Now whan Iesus had receaued the vyneger, he sayde: It is fynished, and bowed his heade, and gaue vp the goost. 31 The Iewes then, for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, that ye bodies shulde not remayne vpon the crosse on the Sabbath, (for ye same Sabbath daye was greate) besought Pilate, that their legges might be broken, and that they might be taken downe.

John 19:31

31 The Iewes then, for so moch as it was the daye of preparinge, that ye bodies shulde not remayne vpon the crosse on the Sabbath, (for ye same Sabbath daye was greate) besought Pilate, that their legges might be broken, and that they might be taken downe. 32 Then came the soudyers, and brake the legges of the first, and of the other that was crucifyed with him.

John 19:36-37

36 For this is done, yt the scripture might be fulfylled: Ye shal not breake a bone of him. 37 And agayne, another scripture sayeth: They shal se him, whom they haue pearsed.

John 19:41

41 And by ye place where Iesus was crucified, there was a garde, and in the garden a new sepulchre, where in was neuer man layed: 42 there layed they Iesus, because of the preparinge daye of ye Iewes, for the sepulcre was nye at hande.

John 20:1

1 Vpon one daye of the Sabbath, came Mary Magdalene early (whe it was yet darcke) vnto the sepulcre, & sawe that the stone was take from the sepulcre. 2 Then ranne she, & came to Symon Peter, and to ye other disciple, whom Iesus loued, and sayde vnto them: They haue take awaye the LORDE out of the sepulcre, & we can not tell where they haue layed him.

John 20:5-7

5 and loked in, and sawe the lynnen clothes layed. But he wete not in. 6 The came Symon Peter after him, and wente in to the sepulcre, & sawe the lynne clothes lye, 7 and the napkyn that was bounde aboute Iesus heade, not layed with the lynnen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by it self.

John 20:11-18

11 As for Mary, she stode before ye sepulcre & wepte without. Now as she wepte she loked in to the sepulcre, 12 and sawe two angels in whyte garmentes syttinge, ye one at the heade, & the other at ye fete, where they had layed the body of Iesus. 13 And they sayde vnto her: Woma, why wepest thou? She saide vnto the: They haue taken awaye my LORDE, & I wote not where they haue layed hi. 14 And whan she had sayde yt, she turned her self backe, & sawe Iesus stondinge, & knewe not yt it was Iesus. 15 Iesus sayde vnto her: Woman, why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She thought yt it had bene ye gardener, & sayde vnto him: Syr, yf thou hast borne him hence: then tell me where thou hast layed him? and I wil fetch hi.

John 20:15

15 Iesus sayde vnto her: Woman, why wepest thou? Whom sekest thou? She thought yt it had bene ye gardener, & sayde vnto him: Syr, yf thou hast borne him hence: then tell me where thou hast layed him? and I wil fetch hi. 16 Iesus sayde vnto her: Mary. Then turned she her aboute, & sayde vnto him: Rabboni, yt is to saye: Master. 17 Iesus sayde vnto her: Touche me not, for I am not yet ascended vnto my father. But go thou yi waye vnto my brethre & saye vnto the: I ascede vp vnto my father and yor father: to my God, & yor God. 18 Mary Magdalene came, & tolde ye disciples: I haue sene the LORDE, & soch thinges hath he spoken vnto me.

John 20:31

31 But these are wrytte, yt ye shulde beleue, yt Iesus is Christ the sonne of God, & that ye thorow beleue might haue life in his name.

John 21:7

7 The sayde ye disciple who Iesus loued, vnto Peter: It is the LORDE.Whan Simon Peter herde that is was the LORDE, he gyrde his mantell aboute him (for he was naked) and sprange in to ye see.

John 21:20

20 Peter turned him aboute, and sawe the disciple folowinge, whom Iesus loued, ( which also leaned vpo his brest at the supper, and sayde: LORDE, who is it that betrayeth the)?

John 21:24

24 This is the same disciple, which testifyeth of these thinges, and wrote these thinges, and we knowe that his testimony is true.

Acts 2:23

23 him (after that he was delyuered by the determinate councell and foreknowlege of God) haue ye taken by the handes of vnrighteous personnes, and crucifyed him, & slayne him,

Acts 3:6

6 Howbeit Peter saide: Syluer and golde haue I none: but soch as I haue geue I the. In the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth ryse vp & walke.

Acts 3:13-15

13 The God of Abraham and of Isaac, and of Iacob, ye God of oure fathers hath glorifyed his childe Iesus, whom ye delyuered and denyed in the presence of Pilate, whan he had iudged him to be lowsed.

Acts 3:13

13 The God of Abraham and of Isaac, and of Iacob, ye God of oure fathers hath glorifyed his childe Iesus, whom ye delyuered and denyed in the presence of Pilate, whan he had iudged him to be lowsed. 14 But ye denyed the holy and iust, and desyred the murthurer to be geuen you, 15 but ye slewe the prynce of life, whom God hath raysed from the deed, of the which we are witnesses.

Acts 4:19

19 But Peter & Ihon answered, and sayde vnto the: Iudge ye youre selues, whether it be right before God, that we shulde be more obedient vnto you, then vnto God.

Acts 4:28

28 to do what soeuer thy hande and thy councell determyned before to be done.

Acts 5:6

6 The yonge men rose vp, and put him asyde, and caried him out, and buried him.

Acts 7:52

52 Which of the prophetes haue not yor fathers persecuted? And they slewe the, which tolde before of the comynge of ye righteous, whose traytours and murthurers ye are now become.

Acts 7:58

58 and thrust him out of the cite, and stoned him. And ye witnesses layed downe their clothes at the fete of a yonge man, which was called Saul.

Acts 8:32-33

32 The tenoure of the scripture which he red, was this: He was led as a shepe to be slayne, and as a lambe voycelesse before his sherer, so opened he not his mouth. 33 In his humblenesse is his iudgment exalted. Who shal declare his generacion? for his life is taken awaye from the earth.

Acts 10:39

39 And we are witnesses of all that he dyd in the londe of the Iewes, & at Ierusalem. Whom they slewe, and hanged on tre.

Acts 13:27-29

27 For the inhabiters of Ierusalem, and their rulers, for somoch as they knewe him not, ner yet the voyces of the prophetes (which are red euery Sabbath) haue fulfylled them in condemnynge him.

Acts 13:27

27 For the inhabiters of Ierusalem, and their rulers, for somoch as they knewe him not, ner yet the voyces of the prophetes (which are red euery Sabbath) haue fulfylled them in condemnynge him. 28 And though they founde no cause of death in him, yet desyred they Pilate to kyll him. 29 And whan they had fulfylled all that was wrytten of him, they toke him downe from the tre, and layed him in a sepulcre.

Acts 13:29

29 And whan they had fulfylled all that was wrytten of him, they toke him downe from the tre, and layed him in a sepulcre.

Acts 14:11-19

11 But whan the people sawe what Paul had done, they lifte vp their voyce, and sayde in ye speache of Lycaonia: The goddes are become like vnto men, and are come downe vnto vs. 12 And they called Barnabas Iupiter, and Paul Mercurius, because he was the preacher. 13 But Iupiters prest which dwelt before their cite, broughte oxen and garlandes before the gate, and wolde haue done sacrifice with the people. 14 Whan ye Apostles Barnabas and Paul herde that, they rent their clothes, and ranne in amonge the people, cryenge 15 and sayenge: Ye me, Why do ye this? We are mortall me also like vnto you, & preach vnto you ye Gospell, that ye shulde turne from these vayne thinges vnto ye lyuynge God, which made heaue and earth, and the see, and all that therin is, 16 which in tymes past suffred all ye Heythen to walke after their awne wayes. 17 Neuertheles he hath not left hi selfe without wytnesse, in yt he hath shewed his benefites, and geuen vs rayne from heauen, and frutefull seasons, fyllynge oure hertes with fode and gladnesse. 18 And whan they sayde this, they scarse refrayned the people, that they dyd not sacrifice vnto them. 19 But there came thither certayne Iewes from Antioche and Iconiu, and persuaded the people, and stoned Paul, and drue him out of the cite, supposinge he had bene deed.

Acts 16:22-23

22 And the people rane on them, and the officers rente their clothes, and comaunded them to be beaten with roddes. 23 And whan they had beaten them sore, they cast the in preson, and commaunded the iayler, to kepe them diligetly.

Acts 17:6-7

6 But whan they founde them not, they drue Iason, and certayne brethren vnto the rulers of the cite, and cryed: These that trouble all the worlde, are come hither also, 7 whom Iason hath receaued preuely. And these all do contrary to the decrees of the Emperoure, sayenge, that there is another kynge, one Iesus.

Acts 21:36

36 For the multitude off the people folowed after, and cryed: Awaye with him. 37 Whan Paul was now to be caried in to the castell, he sayde vnto ye captayne: Maye I speake vnto the? He sayde: Canst thou Greke?

Acts 21:40

40 Whan he had geuen him lycence, Paul stode on the steppes, and beckened with the hande vnto the people. Now whan there was made a greate sylece, he spake vnto them in Hebrue, and sayde:

Acts 22:2

2 Whan they herde that he spake vnto them in the Hebrue, they kepte the more sylence. And he sayde:

Acts 22:16

16 And now why tariest thou? Aryse, and be baptysed, and wasse awaye thy synnes, and call vpon the name of the LORDE.

Acts 22:22

22 They gaue him audience vnto this worde, and lifte vp their voyce, & sayde: Awaye with soch a felowe from the earth, for it is not reason that he shulde lyue.

Acts 22:24-25

24 the captayne bad brynge him into the castell, and commaunded him to be beaten with roddes and to be examyned, that he mighte knowe, for what cause they cried so vpon him. 25 And whan he bounde him with thonges, Paul sayde vnto the vndercaptayne that stode by: Is it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romayne, and vncondemned?

Acts 24:24-27

24 But after certayne dayes came Felix wt his wife Drusilla, which was a Iewesse, and called for Paul, and herde him of the faith in Christ. 25 Howbeit whan Paul spake off righteousnesse, and off chastite and off the iudgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered: Go thy waye for this tyme. Whan I haue a conuenyent tyme, I wil sende for the. 26 He hoped also, that money shulde haue bene geuen him of Paul, therfore called he oft for him, and commened with him. 27 But after two yeares came Portius Festus in to felix rowme. Yet Felix wyllinge to shewe the Iewes a pleasure, left Paul bounde.

Acts 26:9

9 I also verely thoughte by my selfe, that I oughte to do many cotrary thinges cleane agaynst the name off Iesus off Nazareth,

Acts 26:14

14 But whan we were all fallen downe to the earth, I herde a voyce speakynge vnto me, and sayege in Hebrue: Saul Saul, why persecutest thou me? It shalbe harde for the to kycke agaynst the prycke.

Romans 1:4

4 and mightely declared to be the sonne of God after the sprete which sanctifieth, sence the tyme that he rose agayne from the deed, namely, Iesus Christ oure LORDE,

Romans 3:25

25 whom God hath set forth for a Mercyseate thorow faith in his bloude, to shewe the righteousnes which avayleth before him, in that he forgeueth the synnes, which were done before vnder the sufferaunce of God, which he suffred,

Romans 10:4

4 For Christ is the ende of the lawe, vnto righteousnes for euery one yt beleueth.

Romans 11:36

36 For of him, and thorow him, and in him are all thinges. To him be prayse for euer, Amen.

Romans 13:1

1 Let euery soule submytte himselfe to the auctorite off the hyer powers. For there is no power but of God.

Romans 15:4

4 What so euer thinges are wrytte afore tyme, are wrytten for oure learnynge, that we thorow pacience and comforte off the scriptures, might haue hope.

1 Corinthians 1:30

30 Of the same are ye also in Christ Iesu, which of God is made vnto vs wyssdome and righteousnes, and sanctifienge and redepcion,

1 Corinthians 5:7

7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs.

1 Corinthians 6:11

11 And soch haue some of you bene, but ye are wasshed, ye are sanctified, ye are made righteous by the name of the LORDE Iesus, and by the sprete of oure God.

1 Corinthians 15:4

4 and that he was buried, and that he rose agayne ye thirde daye acordinge to the scriptures,

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he hath made him which knewe no synne, to be synne for vs, yt we by his meanes shulde be that righteousnes, which before God is alowed.

2 Corinthians 11:24

24 Of the Iewes receaued I fyue tymes fortye strypes, one lesse.

Galatians 3:13

13 But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wrytte: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre)

Ephesians 5:26

26 to sanctifye it, and clensed it in the fountayne of water by the worde,

Philippians 1:14

14 In so moch that many brethren in the LORDE, are boldened thorow my bodes, and darre more largely speake the worde without feare.

Philippians 1:28

28 and in nothinge fearinge youre aduersaries, which is to them a token off perdicion, but vnto you of saluacion, and that of God.

Philippians 2:8

8 and was founde in his apparell as a man: he humbled himselfe, and became obedient vnto the death, euen vnto the death of the crosse.

Colossians 2:12

12 in that ye are buried with him thorow baptyme: in whom ye are also rysen agayne thorow faith, that is wrought by the operacion of God, which raysed him vp from the deed.

Colossians 2:14-17

14 and put out the handwrytinge that was agaynst vs (cotayned in the lawe wrytten) and that hath he taken out of the waye, and fastened it to the crosse: 15 And hath spoyled rule and power, and hath made a shewe of them openly, and triumphed ouer them in his awne persone. 16 Let no man therfore trouble youre consciences aboute meate or drynke, or for a pece of an holy daye, as the holy daye of ye newe Mone, or of the Sabbath dayes, 17 which are the shadowe of the thinges that were for to come: but the body selfe is in Christ.

1 Timothy 5:2-4

2 the elder wemen as mothers: the yonger as sisters with all purenes. 3 Honor wedowes, which are true wedowes. 4 Yf eny wedowe haue children or neves, let them lerne first to rule their awne houses godly, and to recompence their elders. For yt is good & acceptable before God.

Titus 2:14

14 which gaue him selfe for vs, to redeme vs fro all vnrighteousnes, and to pourge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe, to be feruently geuen vnto good workes.

Titus 3:5-7

5 not for ye dedes of righteousnes which we wroughte, but after his mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth, and renuynge of the holy goost, 6 which he shed on vs abundauntly, thorow Iesus Christ oure Sauioure: 7 yt we beynge made righteous by his grace, shulde be heyres of eternall life acordynge to hope.

Hebrews 2:3-4

3 how shal we escape, yf we despyse so greate a saluacion: which after that it beganne to be preached by the LORDE himselfe, was confirmed vpon vs, by them that herde it, 4 God bearynge witnesse therto, with tokens, wonders and dyuerse powers, and giftes of the holy goost acordinge to his awne wyll.

Hebrews 2:14-15

14 For as moch then as the children haue flesh and bloude. he also himselfe likewyse toke parte with them, yt he thorow death, mighte take awaye ye power of him, which had lordshippe ouer death, that is to saye, ye deuell: 15 & that he mighte delyuer the which thorow feare of death were all their life tyme in dauger of bodage.

Hebrews 6:4-8

4 For it is not possible, that they which were once lighted, and haue taisted of the heauely gyfte, and are become partakers of the holy goost, 5 & haue taisted of ye good worde of God, and of the power of the worlde to come, 6 yf they fall awaye (and concernynge them selues crucifye the sonne of God afresshe, and make a mocke off him) that they shulde be renued agayne vnto repentaunce. 7 For the earth, that drynketh in the rayne, which commeth oft vpon it, and bringeth forth herbes mete for them that dresse it, receaueth blessynge of God: 8 But yt grounde which beareth thornes and thistles, is nothinge worth, and nye vnto cursynge: whose ende is to be brent.

Hebrews 7:26

26 For it became vs to haue soch an hye prest as is holy, innocent, vndefyled, separate from synners, and made hyer then heauen:

Hebrews 9:11-14

11 But Christ beynge an hye prest of good thinges to come, came by a greater and a more perfecte Tabernacle, not made with handes, that is to saye, not of this maner buyldynge: 12 nether by the bloude of goates or calues: but by his owne bloude entred he once for all in to the holy place, and hath founde eternall redempcion. 13 For yff the bloude off oxen and off goates, and the asshes off the cowe whan it is sprenkled, haloweth the vncleane as touchynge the purificacion of the flesh,

Hebrews 9:13

13 For yff the bloude off oxen and off goates, and the asshes off the cowe whan it is sprenkled, haloweth the vncleane as touchynge the purificacion of the flesh, 14 How moch more shal the bloude of Christ (which thorow the eternall sprete offred him selfe without spot vnto God) pourge oure conscience from deed workes, for to serue the lyuynge God?

Hebrews 9:22-10:14

22 And allmost all thinges are pourged with bloude after the lawe: and without sheddynge of bloude is no remyssion.

Hebrews 9:22

22 And allmost all thinges are pourged with bloude after the lawe: and without sheddynge of bloude is no remyssion.

Hebrews 10:19-22

19 Seynge now brethre, that we haue a fre sure intraunce in to that Holy place, 20 by the bloude of Iesu (which he hath prepared vnto vs for a new and lyuynge waye, thorow the vayle, that is to saye, by his flesh) 21 and seynge also that we haue an hye prest ouer the house of God, 22 let vs drawe nye with a true hert in a full faith, sprenkled in oure hertes from an euell conscience, and washed in oure bodies with pure water:

Hebrews 11:36

36 Other taisted of mockinges and scourginges, of bondes also and presonment:

Hebrews 12:2

2 lokynge vnto Iesus ye auctor and fynissher of faith: which whan the ioye was layed before him, abode the crosse, and despysed the shame, and is set downe on ye righte hade of ye trone of God.

Hebrews 13:11-13

11 For the bodies of those beestes whose bloude is broughte in to the holy place by ye hye prest to pourge synne, are brent without the tetes. 12 Therfore Iesus also, to sanctifye ye people by his awne bloude, suffred without ye gate.

Hebrews 13:12

12 Therfore Iesus also, to sanctifye ye people by his awne bloude, suffred without ye gate. 13 Let vs go forth therfore out of the tentes, and suffre rebuke with him:

James 1:17

17 Euery good gifte, & euery parfait gift, is from aboue, and cometh downe from ye father of light, with whom is no variablenes, nether is he chaunged vnto darcknes.

James 4:17

17 Therfore to him that knoweth how to do good, and doth it not, to him it is synne.

1 Peter 1:19

19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe,

1 Peter 2:22

22 which dyd no synne, nether was there gyle founde in his mouth:

1 Peter 2:24

24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as moch as Christ hath once suffred for oure synnes, ye iust for the vniust, for to brynge vs to God: & was slayne after the flesh, but quyckened after the sprete.

1 Peter 3:21

21 Which signifieth baptyme yt now saueth vs: not ye puttinge awaye of the fylth of the flesh, but in yt a good cosciece cosenteth vnto God by ye resurreccion of Iesus Christ,

1 Peter 5:1

1 The Elders which are amonge you I exhorte, which am also an Elder, and a witnes off the affliccions in Christ, and partaker of the glory that shalbe opened.

1 John 1:1-3

1 That which was from ye begynnynge, which we haue herde, which we haue sene with or eyes, which we haue loked vpon, and or handes haue handled of the worde of life: 2 and the life hath appeared, and we haue sene, and beare wytnes, and shewe vnto you ye life that is euerlastinge, which was with the father, and hath apeared vnto vs. 3 That which we haue sene & herde, declare we vnto you, that ye also maye haue fellishippe with vs, and that oure fellishippe maye be with the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ.

1 John 1:6-9

6 Yf we saye that we haue fellishippe with him, and yet walke in darknes, we lye, and do not the trueth. 7 But yf we walke in lighte, euen as he is in lighte, then haue we fellishippe together, and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne clenseth vs from all synne. 8 Yf we saye that we haue no synne, we disceaue oure selues, and the trueth is not in vs. 9 But yf we knowlege oure synnes, he is faithfull and iust to forgeue vs oure synnes, & to clense vs from all vnrighteousnes.

1 John 3:5

5 And ye knowe that he appeared to take awaye oure synnes: and in him is no synne.

1 John 3:18-19

18 My litle children, let vs not loue with worde nether with tonge, but with ye dede, and with the trueth. 19 Hereby knowe we, that we are of the verite, and can quyete oure hertes before him.

1 John 5:6

6 This is he that cometh with water and bloude, euen Iesus Christ: not with water onely, but with water and bloude. And it is the sprete that beareth wytnes: for the sprete is the trueth.

1 John 5:8

8 And there are thre which beare recorde in earth: the sprete, water and bloude, and these thre are one.

1 John 5:13

13 These thinges haue I wrytte vnto you, which beleue on the name of the sonne of God, that ye maye knowe, how that ye haue eternall life, and that ye maye beleue on ye name of the sonne of God.

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Iesus Christ which is a faithfull witnes, and first begotten of the deed: & LORDE ouer ye kinges of the earth. Vnto him that loued vs and wesshed vs fro synnes in his awne bloud,

Revelation 1:7

7 Beholde, he commeth with cloudes, and all eyes shall se him: & they also which peersed him. And all kinredes of the earth shal wayle. Euen so. Amen.

Revelation 7:14

14 And I sayde vnto him: LORDE thou wotest. And he sayde vnto me: these are they which cam out of gret tribulacion, and made their garmentes large, and made the whyte in the bloude of the lambe:

Revelation 9:11

11 And they had a kinge ouer them, which is the angel of the bottomlesse pyt, whose name in the hebrew tonge, is Abadon: but in the greke tonge, Apollion.

Revelation 16:16

16 And he gaddered them togedder in to a place, called in the hebrue tonge, Armagedon.

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